991 resultados para estimativa do risco


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The equations and extrapolation use to localities whose characteristics of soil and climate, even if partial, distinguish the town to which they were generated, still permeate in studies to estimate the rainfall erosivity (EI 30). This work has objective to propose and validate mathematical equations to estimate the rainfall erosivity of two cities of Sao Paulo State's. The adjusted to estimate obtaining and validate data of equations of erosivity (EI 30) according to values of coefficient of rain (Rc) were obtained from pluviographic and pluviometric rainfall data, respectively, using of distinct historical rainfall series. Mutiple comparisions test and confidence intervals were performed to compare absolute average of EI 30, pluviometric data (Pp), and Rc. The correlation between EI 30 and Rc was verified by of Pearson correlation coefficient. Test of the hypothesis of equality between population variance was used to compare the equations. Pluviometrics data of historical series rainfall data different than those that the models were generated were used to validate and to assess the performance of the equations, proposed of this study and compare them with another equation already consolidated in literature. The results show that for the conditions under which the study was conducted, the simple linear equations, shown to be the most appropriate to estimate the rainfall erosivity these two cities. According to the test of the hypothesis of equality variances between populations, the equations adjusted for each city differ statistically so that the rainfall erosivity of each city must be estimated by their respective equation.


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The objective of this work was to verify the application of cluster analysis to evaluate soil erosion risk for different soil classes, soil slopes and soil managements. The study was conducted in a 33 ha section of a large field located in Carmo do Rio Claro County, MG, Brazil. The field had been managed in a corn/bean rotation under conventional tillage and under coffee plantation for seven years, both under sprinkle irrigation. Soil samples were obtained at every 10 m at 0.20 m depth along a transect of 1050 m. Soil erosion risk (A), natural potential erosion (PN), and erosion expectation (EE) were determined and submitted to a cluster and principal component analysis. The application of clustering analysis showed high correlation between the clusters and soil types. With clustering analysis plus principal components analysis, it was possible to identify groups of high and low soil erosion expectation, showing that the areas with higher soil erosion expectation are correlated to the soil class, soil slope and soil management. Among the studied variables, the natural potential erosion (PN) showed to be the most important factor to identify different soil erosion groups. The cluster analysis showed that 98% of the variables were classified within each group, and that they should be managed differently due to the soil erosive potential of each group,.


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Times of in situ incubation (144 and 288h) for determination of internal markers IADF and INDF and the effects of differents procedures (wash or not the nylon bag every 72h incubation) was evaluated in samples of diet, duodenal digesta and cattle feces. The duodenal flow dry matter and fecal production utilizing the internal markers to compare with the external marker chromium oxide there was estimated. The animals were fed with sorgum silage, concentrate or urea. In this experiment, a latin square design was used, in a factorial scheme (two times of incubation × two processing nylon bag). No was observed effect of the incubation time or processing in the internal markers INDF and IADF concentration and the in situ incubation after 144h is adequate to reproduce the indigestible markers fraction in samples. For fecal production estimation, the external marker chromium oxide presented similar result (1.26 kg day-1) as the total fecal collection (1.49 kg day-1). Both the internal markers overestimate the duodenal flow dry matter when compared with the external marker chromium oxide.


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Model: Prevalence study. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of self-reported hypertension to compare with blood pressure measurements. Besides, this work investigated health information level of workers and if the job position has any influence on blood pressure (BP). Methods: This study evaluated 349 health workers (44±10 years old) from Bauru and Jau cities, who answered some questions about history of health condition, use of medicines, past surgeries as well as social, scholar and physical conditions and had their blood pressure measured. Each subject selfreported as normotensive or hypertensive. Values of systolic ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic PA ≥ 90 mmHg were considered elevated. Among the health workers evaluated, 198 were submitted to anthropometric and biochemical evaluations. Values are presented as means ± SD and frequency of distribution. It was used T-student test (p<0.05). Results: From all workers evaluated only 16% self-reported as hypertensive, which 56% presented high BP, however 91% used to take antihypertensive medicines. Among the 84% who self-reported as normotensive, 24% presented high BP and 8% used to take medicines. Although most of the employees of each section self-reported as normotensive, more than a half presented high BP and which was more common in the health's section (76.3%). Conclusion: These results suggest that besides the majority of the employees self-reported as normotensive, an elevated number of health workers presented high blood pressure and used to take medicines inappropriately, which indicates that they did not have enough knowledge about their health. Furthermore, it was observed that Health Section presented the higher blood pressure values.


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The objective of this study was to analyze effects in different depth in soil water infiltration and to verify the Horton and Kostiakov-Lewis models adequacy in infiltration rate estimate. The treatments were five doses of vinasse (0, 200, 250, 300 and 350 m3?ha1?. The vinasse application reduced the soil erosion risk increasing the possibility of runoff. The Horton model had the best adjustment on the observed data, and the Kostiakov-Lewis model overestimated the infiltration rate values.


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Introduction: Calculated indexes from laboratory measurements and the determination of plasma markers are commonly used in cardiovascular risk assessment. Objective: To use triglycerides/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio, estimate of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle size and high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels to the clinical and laboratorial assessment of coronary risk among patients with coronary disease. Material and methods: Sixty patients were chosen accordingly, 36 female (F) (65 ± 9 years of age) and 24 male (M) (55 ± 10 years of age) diagnosed with stable ischemic cardiopathy at Ana Neri Hospital, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The investigation was carried out at the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory of the College of Pharmacy at Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Blood samples were collected after a 12-hour fast to determine hs-CRP, lipid profile and risk indicators. All data were assessed through Syncron LX®20 Beckman Coulter. The inferential analysis results were considered significant when p ≤ 5%. Data analysis was carried out with GraphPad Prism® (4.03 version) software. Results: Data analysis showed a positive correlation between hs-CRP and triglycerides/HDL-C ratio only among women (r = 0.4; p = 0.0442), n = 36. The analysis of other parameters did not show any significance. Conclusion: The triglycerides/HDL-C ratio and hs-CRP may be used as indicators of increase in cardiovascular risk among women with coronary artery disease (CAD).


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Objective Determining conditions regarding possible zoonosis transmission risk based on Ilha Solteira-São Paulo citizens' habits aimed at establishing concrete recommendations for the corresponding local authorities to reduce some risk factors. Methods100 focalized interviews were held on Ilha Solteira's urban perimeter during April 2008. The people interviewed were adults who lived or worked in houses in the study area. Results This research found a significant number of cat and/or dog owners who allowed their pets to stay in internal areas of their houses. They did not define a specific place for animals to defecate and/or urinate or did not arrange appropriate final disposal of such waste. Conclusion Local authorities must make greater efforts at educating Ilha Solteira pets' owners and providing them with information and encouraging greater citizen commitment and awareness to improve habits related to caring for pets/animal sand reducing zoonosis transmission risk factors.


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Landfill is an engineering work that aims at to accommodate residues in the smallest possible space in the soil, with minimum damages to the environment and the public health. One in the constructive forms of a controlled landfill is the excavation of ditches with appropriate dimensions, for disposition of solid residues without compactation or impermeabilization. Liquid effluents generated for similar volumes of residues, disposed in ditches with ages different from closing, it should result in physical and chemical alterations you correlated at the time of residence materials. With base in this hypothesis, measures of electric resistivity were accomplished through the of Eletrical Resistivity geophysical method, on residues ditches closed annually between 12/2001 and 12/2007, localized in control landfill of the Cordeirópolis city (SP). The leachate is a liquid effluent generated by the decomposition of organic matter and characterized by high content in total dissolved solids, whose interaction with geological environment results in alterations in terms of electrical resistivity susceptible to detection for the geophysical instrumental. The results suggest a resistivity reduction for leachate percolation produced for ditches recently and increase progressive of the resistivity for older ditches. The statistical comparative analysis with reference values for the area suggests ages of the finish production and percolation leachate for soil and rock below the ditches.


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The purpose of this study was to estimate the varieties of coffee Arabic Catucáand Catuaí productivity, in Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais, through agrometeorological mathematical models, considering the spatial variability of productivity in the area. The samplings were georrefered building an irregular grid, totalizing 50 samplings per area. After that, geostatic analysis was made to quantify spatial dependence degree of the real values and the estimated productivity. According to the classification, the models superestimated the productivity for the two varieties.


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Objective: To evaluate the microbial contamination in samples of radiographic developing and fixing solutions, radiographic processing water, dental unit waterlines and dental office's external water supply. Methods: Samples of 50 private dental offices and 20 dental offices of the School of Dentistry de Araçatuba-UNESP were collected. The samples were subjected to neutralization of the residual inhibitory agents followed by pre-enrichment in peptone water and EVA broth and were inoculated in selective and non-selective culture media. The DNA of the samples was extracted and the presence of superinfectant microorganisms was evaluated by PCR. The differences in the prevalence of the microorganisms in the samples of the solutions were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance for category data, while the Chi-Square and Mann-Whitney tests were used to evaluate the existence of associations between the total number of heterotrophic microorganisms and infection control protocols. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: Samples of radiographic fixing solution presented a remarkably less frequent contamination than radiographic developing solution and radiographic processing water. The latter exhibited microorganisms typically originated from the oral microbiota and human skin as well as microorganisms frequently found in dental unit waterlines. There was less contamination of radiographic processing water in the dental offices where the x-ray film packets were disinfected before processing or were covered by a plastic film. Additionally, all samples of dental office's external water supply were drinkable. Conclusion: Covering the x-ray film packets with a plastic film protection barrier was proven the best manner to reduce the contamination of the evaluated solutions.


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single and double marker methods were compared in seven Nellore steers with average body weight 250 kg, and previously canullated in the rumen and duodenum. The animals were fitted with continuous-infusion pump that administered CoEDTA solutions intraruminally. In addition, a capsule containing Cr 2O 3, and other, containing external n-alkanes C 32, C 36 were inserted into the rumen of each steer. Internal markers indigestible neutral-detergent fiber and acid-detergent fiber (iNDF and iADF after 144 h in situ incubation) and internal n-alkanes C 31, C 33, C 35 were components of the diet. Steers were fed with palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu) in two age of regrowth, 30 and 60 days. The duodenal flow experimental design was a factorial 2×2×12 while omasal experimental design was a factorial 2×2×4. Markers iNDF, CoEDTA and the combination Co+iNDF were efficacious to estimate duodenal dry matter flow whereas iNDF, iADF and the Co+iADF combination were all efficacious to predict omasal dry matter flow. In conclusion, the double marker method for estimation of omasal and duodenal dry matter flow was the most appropriate considering the ruminal fiber digestibility.


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This paper introduces an indirect estimate for the coefficients of distribution, hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation for contaminants commonly encountered in sanitary landfills and their liners, such as Cu2+ and K+; this estimate is based on the relationship between concentration and certain physical characteristics of typical Brazilian soils. The results of previous studies investigating the migration of contaminants were used to develop mathematical expressions from multiple non-linear regressions. Using minimal squares regression, this transport was linked to various combinations of contaminant concentration and both structural and textural characteristics of the porous medium. Various combinations of characteristics and concentrations were investigated, with a mathematical expression obtained for each. The relationship between percentage of clay and the contaminant content proved to be the most closely correlated with actual transport parameters, with coefficients close to one.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential risk of moniliasis occurrence and the impacts of climate change on this disease in the coming decades, should this pathogen be introduced in Brazil. To this end, climate favorability maps were devised for the occurrence of moniliasis, both for the present and future time. The future scenarios (A2 and B2) focused on the decades of 2020, 2050 and 2080. These scenarios were obtained from six global climate models (GCMs) made available by the third assessment report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Currently, there are large areas with favorable climate conditions for moniliasis in Brazil, especially in regions at high risk of introduction of that pathogen. Considering the global warming scenarios provided by the IPCC, the potential risk of moniliasis occurrence in Brazil will be reduced. This decrease is predicted for both future scenarios, but will occur more sharply in scenario A2. However, there will still be areas with favorable climate conditions for the development of the disease, particularly in Brazil's main producing regions. Moreover, pathogen and host alike may undergo alterations due to climate change, which will affect the extent of their impacts on this pathosystem.


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The Irrigameter is aevapotranspiration measuring device used in irrigation management to optimize water. However, its use requires a prior adjustment to weather conditions where it will be used. The objective of this study was identify the corresponding height of water level inside the evaporimeterIrrigameter that estimate reference evapotranspiration in climate of the plateau of Vitoria da Conquista - BA, in different seasons. The experiment was a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. For each treatment was determined an average coefficient for the Irrigameter called K I, calculated as the ratio of estimated evapotranspiration in Irrigameter (ET I) and reference evapotranspiration (ET 0). The ET 0 was obtained by the Penman-Monteith - FAO 56. The results showed that the coefficients of Irrigameter increased exponentially with increasing water level inside the evaporimeter, and the equipment must be operated with the water level equal to 5.2 cm for better estimation of ET 0. The remaining heights observed in different seasons showed no significant difference when compared to annual average used as a reference in this study.