991 resultados para emisiones NOx
A rápida evolução do mercado automotivo, em função de maiores restrições sobre as emissões, impulsionou a utilização de várias alternativas para melhorias dos motores diesel, entre elas as mudanças nos seus componentes com o auxílio de ferramentas de modelagem e a utilização de combustíveis alternativos. As características dos combustíveis afetarão a queima e, assim, alteram os resíduos do processo de combustão. Novos combustíveis podem também ser utilizados como uma alternativa para veículos de gerações anteriores com o intuito de reduzir as emissões. Este estudo mostra os efeitos da utilização do Biodiesel B20 e do Biodiesel Amyris em motores de combustão interna. Para isso, foram realizados testes de motores em salas dinamométricas, e seus resultados confrontados e discutidos. Além disso, são abordados os efeitos do combustível no processo da combustão. Esta Dissertação está concentrada, principalmente, na emissão de NOx e de material particulado, que são poluentes mais restritivos perante a Legislação brasileira de emissões CONAMA P7.
CuO/ceria-zirconia catalysts have been prepared, deeply characterised (N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms at −196 °C, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, TEM and H2-TPR) and tested for NO oxidation to NO2 in TPR conditions, and for soot combustion at mild temperature (400 °C) in a NOx/O2 stream. The behaviour has been compared to that of a reference Pt/alumina commercial catalyst. The ceria-zirconia support was prepared by the co-precipitation method, and different amounts of copper (0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 wt%) were loaded by incipient wetness impregnation. The results revealed that copper is well-dispersed onto the ceria-zirconia support for the catalysts with low copper loading and CuO particles were only identified by XRD in samples with 4 and 6% of copper. A very low loading of copper increases significantly the activity for the NO oxidation to NO2 with regard to the ceria-zirconia support and an optimum was found for a 4% CuO/ceria-zirconia composition, showing a very high activity (54% at 348 °C). The soot combustion rate at 400 °C obtained with the 2% CuO/ceria-zirconia catalyst is slightly lower to that of 1% Pt/alumina in terms of mass of catalyst but higher in terms of price of catalyst.
Valorizacion energética de residuos. Experiencia de la UA. Coincineración en cementera.
Two microporous hectorites were prepared by conventional and microwave heating, and a delaminated mesoporous hectorite by an ultrasound-assisted synthesis. These three hectorites were impregnated with copper. The characterization techniques used were XRD, N2 adsorption, TEM and H2 reduction after selective surface copper oxidation by N2O (to determine copper dispersion). The catalytic activity for soot combustion of the copper-free and the copper-containing hectorites was tested under a gas mixture of 500 ppm NOx/5% O2/N2 (and 5% O2/N2 in some cases), evaluating their stability through three consecutive soot combustion experiments. The delaminated hectorite showed the highest surface area (353 m2/g) allowing the highest dispersion of copper. This copper-containing catalyst was the most active for soot combustion among those prepared and tested in this study. We have also concluded that the Cu/hectorite-catalyzed soot combustion mechanism is based on the activation of the O2 molecule and not on the NO2-assisted soot combustion.
Los nuevos prosumidores: audiencias de la televisión social. Análisis de Operación Palace en Twitter
En esta contribución se presentan las mediciones sobre la repercusión en Twitter del programa Operación Palace: la verdadera historia del 23f’ emitido en La Sexta el pasado 23 de febrero. Se pretende conocer la actividad de varios perfiles, etiquetas y usuarios. Para realizar el seguimiento se ha utilizado la herramienta creada por la empresa Pirendo. España es uno de los países que registra mayor índice de comentarios en Twitter sobre programas de televisión durante el prime time y Salvados, programa vinculado a este ‘especial’ documental es uno de las emisiones que más impacto consigue en las redes. Así podremos conocer su estrategia, presencia e interacciones en la red Twitter.
Electrospinning of silica sub-microtubes mats with platinum nanoparticles for NO catalytic reduction
Silica sub-microtubes loaded with platinum nanoparticles have been prepared in flexible non-woven mats using co-axial electrospinning technique. A partially gelated sol made from tetraethyl orthosilicate was used as the silica precursor, and oil was used as the sacrificial template for the hollow channel generation. Platinum has been supported on the wall of the tubes just adding the metallic precursor to the sol–gel, thus obtaining the supported catalyst by one-pot method. The silica tubes have a high aspect ratio with external/internal diameters of 400/200 nm and well-dispersed platinum nanoparticles of around 2 nm. This catalyst showed a high NO conversion with very high selectivity to N2 at mild conditions in the presence of excess oxygen when using C3H6 as reducing agent. This relevant result reveals the potential of this technique to produce nanostructured catalysts onto easy to handle conformations.
Las grandes emisiones de CO2 procedentes de la combustión de combustibles fósiles están provocando un calentamiento global en nuestro planeta. Estos problemas medioambientales están obligando a los diferentes gobiernos a buscar soluciones que permitan reducir esas emisiones y mitigar sus efectos adversos. Una de las soluciones más prometedoras consiste en la captura selectiva de CO2 en efluentes industriales mediante el uso de materiales adsorbentes porosos (zeolitas, carbón activado y materiales híbridos MOFs) que combinen una elevada capacidad de adsorción y una adecuada selectividad a CO2 frente al resto de gases del proceso industrial, además de una adecuada regeneración.
H– and Na–saponite supports have been prepared by several synthesis approaches. 5% Cu/saponite catalysts have been prepared and tested for soot combustion in a NOx + O2 + N2 gas flow and with soot and catalyst mixed in loose contact mode. XRD, FT-IR, N2 adsorption and TEM characterization results revealed that the use of either surfactant or microwaves during the synthesis led to delamination of the saponite support, yielding high surface area and small crystallite size materials. The degree of delamination affected further copper oxide dispersion and soot combustion capacity of the Cu/saponite catalysts. All Cu/saponite catalysts were active for soot combustion, and the NO2-assisted mechanism seemed to prevail. The best activity was achieved with copper oxide supported on a Na–saponite prepared at pH 13 and with surfactant. This best activity was attributed to the efficient copper oxide dispersion on the high surface area delaminated saponite (603 m2 g−1) and to the presence of Na. Copper oxide reduction in H2-TPR experiments occurred at lower temperature for the Na-containing catalysts than for the H-containing counterparts, and all Cu/Na–saponite catalysts were more active for soot combustion than the corresponding Cu/H–saponite catalysts.
L'EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) è una tecnica comunemente sfruttata per la riduzione delle emissioni. In questo studio sono stati investigati i benefici, in termini di fuel economy, prodotti dall'aggiunta di un circuito EGR long route su un motore diesel per applicazioni automobilistiche dotato di sistema short route. L'indagine è stata svolta su di un modello motore su software GT-Power, adeguatamente calibrato e validato sui dati da piano quotato. Simulazioni sono state svolte al fine di valutare gli effetti del solo LP-EGR sul motore, per poi considerare un funzionamento combinato dai due sistemi di ricircolo (dual loop). Le maggiori portate che per il sistema long route interessano la turbina determinano un incremento nelle contropressioni. Ciò ha portato a considerare la possibilità di modificare il sistema turbo. Il layout originario comprendeva una turbina a geometria fissa (FGT), a cui ne sono stati affiancati due ulteriori con turbina a geometria variabile (VGT). I risultati sono stati analizzati vincolando la produzione di inquinanti ai valori registrati nei punti di calibrazione relativi al layout originale del motore. Effettivo risparmio di combustibile non è stato riscontrato nell'allestimento con turbina FGT a causa delle elevate contropressioni, mentre con turbine VGT è stata registrata una effettiva fuel economy grazie al sistema LP-EGR senza alcun deterioramento nelle emissioni di NOx e PM. I benefici riscontrati con il LP-EGR sono da attribure ad un incremento del rendimento indicato dovuto alla riduzione delle perdite per scambio termico a seguito di una minore temperatura caratterizzante i gas ricircolati.
Texas Department of Transportation, Austin
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.