986 resultados para electromagnetic band gap


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The role gap junction channels play in the normal and abnormal functioning of the vascular wall is the subject of much research. The biophysical properties of gap junctions are an essential component in understanding how gap junctions function to allow coordinated relaxation and contraction of vascular smooth muscle. This study reviews the properties thus far elucidated and relates those properties to tissue function. We ask how biophysical and structural properties such as gating, permselectivity, subconductive states and channel type (heteromeric vs homotypic vs heterotypic) might affect vascular smooth muscle tone.


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Connexin43 (Cx43) is a major gap junction protein present in the Fischer-344 rat aorta. Previous studies have identified conditions under which selective disruption of intercellular communication with heptanol caused a significant, readily reversible and time-dependent diminution in the magnitude of a1-adrenergic contractions in isolated rat aorta. These observations have indentified a significant role for gap junctions in modulating vascular smooth muscle tone. The goal of these steady-state studies was to utilize isolated rat aortic rings to further evaluate the contribution of intercellular junctions to contractions elicited by cellular activation in response to several other vascular spasmogens. The effects of heptanol were examined (0.2-2.0 mM) on equivalent submaximal (»75% of the phenylephrine maximum) aortic contractions elicited by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; 1-2 µM), prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a; 1 µM) and endothelin-1 (ET-1; 20 nM). Statistical analysis revealed that 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol diminished the maximal amplitude of the steady-state contractile responses for 5-HT from a control response of 75 ± 6% (N = 26 rings) to 57 ± 7% (N = 26 rings) and 34.9 ± 6% (N = 13 rings), respectively (P<0.05), and for PGF2a from a control response of 75 ± 10% (N = 16 rings) to 52 ± 8% (N = 19 rings) and 25.9 ± 6% (N = 18 rings), respectively (P<0.05). In contrast, 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol had no detectable effect on the magnitude of ET-1-induced contractile responses, which were 76 ± 5.0% for the control response (N = 38 rings), 59 ± 6.0% in the presence of 200 µM heptanol (N = 17 rings), and 70 ± 6.0% in the presence of 500 µM heptanol (N = 23 rings) (P<0.13). Increasing the heptanol concentration to 1 mM was associated with a significant decrease in the magnitude of the steady-state ET-1-induced contractile response to 32 ± 5% (21 rings; P<0.01); further increasing the heptanol concentration to 2 mM had no additional effect. In rat aorta then, junctional modulation of tissue contractility appears to be agonist-dependent.


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Gap junction channels are sites of cytoplasmic communication between contacting cells. In vertebrates, they consist of protein subunits denoted connexins (Cxs) which are encoded by a gene family. According to their Cx composition, gap junction channels show different gating and permeability properties that define which ions and small molecules permeate them. Differences in Cx primary sequences suggest that channels composed of different Cxs are regulated differentially by intracellular pathways under specific physiological conditions. Functional roles of gap junction channels could be defined by the relative importance of permeant substances, resulting in coordination of electrical and/or metabolic cellular responses. Cells of the native and specific immune systems establish transient homo- and heterocellular contacts at various steps of the immune response. Morphological and functional studies reported during the last three decades have revealed that many intercellular contacts between cells in the immune response present gap junctions or "gap junction-like" structures. Partial characterization of the molecular composition of some of these plasma membrane structures and regulatory mechanisms that control them have been published recently. Studies designed to elucidate their physiological roles suggest that they might permit coordination of cellular events which favor the effective and timely response of the immune system.


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Gap junctions are intercellular channels which connect adjacent cells and allow direct exchange of molecules of low molecular weight between them. Such a communication has been described as fundamental in many systems due to its importance in coordination, proliferation and differentiation. Recently, it has been shown that gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) can be modulated by several extracellular soluble factors such as classical hormones, neurotransmitters, interleukins, growth factors and some paracrine substances. Herein, we discuss some aspects of the general modulation of GJIC by extracellular messenger molecules and more particularly the regulation of such communication in the thymus gland. Additionally, we discuss recent data concerning the study of different neuropeptides and hormones in the modulation of GJIC in thymic epithelial cells. We also suggest that the thymus may be viewed as a model to study the modulation of gap junction communication by different extracellular messengers involved in non-classical circuits, since this organ is under bidirectional neuroimmunoendocrine control.


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We measured human frequency response functions for seven angular frequency filters whose test frequencies were centered at 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 or 24 cycles/360º using a supra-threshold summation method. The seven functions of 17 experimental conditions each were measured nine times for five observers. For the arbitrarily selected filter phases, the maximum summation effect occurred at test frequency for filters at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 cycles/360º. For both 16 and 24 cycles/360º test frequencies, maximum summation occurred at the lower harmonics. These results allow us to conclude that there are narrow-band angular frequency filters operating somehow in the human visual system either through summation or inhibition of specific frequency ranges. Furthermore, as a general result, it appears that addition of higher angular frequencies to lower ones disturbs low angular frequency perception (i.e., 1, 2, 3 and 4 cycles/360º), whereas addition of lower harmonics to higher ones seems to improve detection of high angular frequency harmonics (i.e., 8, 16 and 24 cycles/360º). Finally, we discuss the possible involvement of coupled radial and angular frequency filters in face perception using an example where narrow-band low angular frequency filters could have a major role.


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Eighty micrograms red blood cell (RBC) ghosts from patients who had previously exhibited the cutaneous form of loxoscelism (presenting localized dermonecrosis) and the viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism (presenting dermonecrosis, hemoglobinuria, hematuria, and jaundice) and from controls were incubated with 2.5 µg crude Loxosceles gaucho venom in 5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 37ºC. Among all membrane proteins, quantitative proteolysis of the important integral transmembrane protein 3 increased with venom dose and with incubation time from 30 to 120 min, as demonstrated by gel densitometry. Similar quantitative data were obtained for RBC ghosts from patients and from control subjects, a fact that argues against the possibility of genetic factors favoring the hemolytic viscerocutaneous form. These data suggest that the clinical forms may be different types of the same disease, with the viscerocutaneous form being the result of large amounts of intravascularly injected venom and the superficial form being the result of in situ venom action. Since protein 3 is a housekeeping integral membrane protein, whose genetic deficiency leads to hemolytic anemia, it is reasonable to relate it to the hemolysis which occurs in the viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism. The venom protease responsible for the process was not inhibited after 120-min incubation by 0.2 mM paramethylsulfonyl fluoride or by 0.2 mM N-ethylmaleimide but was inhibited by 25 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (a calcium-chelating agent) in 5 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, which suggests that the enzyme is a calcium-dependent metalloprotease.


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The ideal therapy for early stages of hemorrhoids is always debated. Some are more effective but are more painful, others are less painful but their efficacy is also lower. Thus, comfort or efficacy is a major concern. In the present randomized study, a comparison is made between infrared coagulation and rubber band ligation in terms of effectiveness and discomfort. One hundred patients with second degree bleeding piles were randomized prospectively to either rubber band ligation (N = 54) or infrared coagulation (N = 46). Parameters measured included postoperative discomfort and pain, time to return to work, relief in incidence of bleeding, and recurrence rate. The mean age was 38 years (range 19-68 years). The mean duration of disease was 17.5 months (range 12 to 34 months). The number of male patients was double that of females. Postoperative pain during the first week was more intense in the band ligation group (2-5 vs 0-3 on a visual analogue scale). Post-defecation pain was more intense with band ligation and so was rectal tenesmus (P = 0.0059). The patients in the infrared coagulation group resumed their duties earlier (2 vs 4 days, P = 0.03), but also had a higher recurrence or failure rate (P = 0.03). Thus, we conclude that band ligation, although more effective in controlling symptoms and obliterating hemorrhoids, is associated with more pain and discomfort to the patient. As infrared coagulation can be conveniently repeated in case of recurrence, it could be considered to be a suitable alternative office procedure for the treatment of early stage hemorrhoids.


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Simple manual reaction time (MRT) to a visual target (S2) is shortened when a non-informative cue (S1) is flashed at the S2 location shortly before the onset of S2 (early facilitation). Afterwards, MRT to S2 appearing at the S1 location is lengthened (inhibition of return - IOR). Similar results have been obtained for saccadic reaction time (SRT). Moreover, when there is a temporal gap between offset of the fixation point (FP) and onset of a target (gap paradigm), SRT is shorter than SRT in an overlap paradigm (FP remains on). In the present study, we determined SRT to S2 (10º) after presenting S1 at the same eccentricity (10º) or at a parafoveal position (2º) in the same or in the opposite hemifield. In addition, we employed both gap and overlap paradigms. Twelve subjects were asked not to respond to S1 (2º or 10º) to the right or to the left of FP, but to respond by making a saccadic movement in response to S2. We obtained the following results: 1) a 40-ms gap effect, 2) an interaction between gap effect and IOR, 3) a 39-ms delay (IOR) when S2 appeared at the cued (S1) position, and 4) a smaller (17 ms) but significant inhibition when S1 occurred at 2º in the ipsilateral hemifield. Thus, a parafoveal (2º) S1 elicits an inhibition of SRT towards ipsilateral peripheral targets. Since an inhibition of the ipsilateral hemifield by a 1º eccentric cue has been reported to occur when manual responses are employed, we suggest that the postulated functional link between covert and overt orienting of attention is also valid for parafoveal cues.


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Statins are indicated for preventing cardiovascular disease events. Patients with diabetes have a risk of major cardiovascular events double the risk of their peers without diabetes. Thus, clinical treatment guidelines recommend statins for the management of diabetic dyslipidemia. The evidence base for statin use in cardiovascular disease derives from the randomized controlled statin trials designed to prove statin efficacy under ideal conditions, among a homogenous study population meeting strict trial eligibility criteria. This thesis was implemented as four pharmacoepidemiological statin studies using register data on realworld statin users. The overall purpose was to evaluate the trends, patterns and effectiveness of statin use in everyday life. More specifically, nationwide secular trends in statin use in Finland were analysed, especially among patient groups which had been underrepresented in the statin trials. Furthermore, the benchmarking statin trials in diabetes, the Heart Protection Study and the Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study, were evaluated for their representativeness for real-world diabetes care with the emphasis placed on adherence to statin use. The association between good adherence and the incidence of major cardiovascular events in the real-world was further investigated in diabetes. These studies demonstrate that statin initiations increased from 1995 to 2005 in Finland. The increase was most pronounced among those aged at least 75 years and was observed already before the publication of rigorous trial data conducted in elderly subjects. Thus, statins seem to have been initiated in clinical practice also going beyond the strict trial eligibility criteria. Nonetheless, low adherence to statin use among the real-world patients with diabetes was found not only to limit the representativeness of the trials for clinical care but also to attenuate in all likelihood their benefits in the real-world. In fact, good adherence to statin use was found to associate with a decreased risk for major cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. In conclusion, these studies highlight the importance of good adherence to statin use in clinical practice in order to obtain the full therapeutic value demonstrated in the statin trials. Simply increasing the number of statin users will not alone suffice in sharing our common resources appropriately.


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When the offset of a visual stimulus (GAP condition) precedes the onset of a target, saccadic reaction times are reduced in relation to the condition with no offset (overlap condition) - the GAP effect. However, the existence of the GAP effect for manual responses is still controversial. In two experiments using both simple (Experiment 1, N = 18) and choice key-press procedures (Experiment 2, N = 12), we looked for the GAP effect in manual responses and investigated possible contextual influences on it. Participants were asked to respond to the imperative stimulus that would occur under different experimental contexts, created by varying the array of warning-stimulus intervals (0, 300 and 1000 ms) and conditions (GAP and overlap): i) intervals and conditions were randomized throughout the experiment; ii) conditions were run in different blocks and intervals were randomized; iii) intervals were run in different blocks and conditions were randomized. Our data showed that no GAP effect was obtained for any manipulation. The predictability of stimulus occurrence produced the strongest influence on response latencies. In Experiment 1, simple manual responses were shorter when the intervals were blocked (247 ms, P < 0.001) in relation to the other two contexts (274 and 279 ms). Despite the use of choice key-press procedures, Experiment 2 produced a similar pattern of results. A discussion addressing the critical conditions to obtain the GAP effect for distinct motor responses is presented. In short, our data stress the relevance of the temporal allocation of attention for behavioral performance.


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Social enterprises apply the best of business for the pursuit of social or environmental mission while also generating revenues. Globally, nearly 1,3 billion people lack access to electricity, as well as another billion having access to only low quality and infrequent electricity. Off-grid renewable energy, like solar, will increasingly have a key role in the solution of the energy access issue. The pioneer gap in off-grid renewable energy consists of financing (or funding) gaps and capacity gaps, to do with both the early stage of the enterprises in question, as well as the early stage of the whole industry. The gaps are emphasised by specific characteristics of off-grid renewable energy business models and the requirements of operating in bottom-of-the-pyramid markets. The marketing perspective to fundraising is chosen to uncover the possible role enterprises themselves have in bridging the pioneer gap. The purpose of this thesis is to study how social enterprises operating in off-grid renewable energy in Africa utilise marketing activities in their investor relations in bridging the pioneer gap. This main research question is divided into the following sub-questions:  How does the pioneer gap affect fundraising for these enterprises?  How are the funding needs for these enterprises characterised?  How do these enterprises build trust in their investor relations? The theoretic framework is built on relationship marketing and investor relations, with an emphasis on creation of trust. The research is conducted as a thematical case study. Primary data is gathered via semi-structured interviews with six solar energy companies and two accelerators. According to the findings, the main components affecting trust-creation are diminished information asymmetry and perceived risk, mission alignment as well as a personal fit or relationship with the investor. Therefore, an enterprise can utilise e.g. the following marketing activities in their investor relations to bridge the pioneer gap: ensuring investor material, the enterprise story and presenting of them is clear, concise and complete to “package” the enterprise as an investment; taking investor needs and motivations into account as well as utilising existing investors as ambassadors.


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This thesis is part of the Arctic Materials Technologies Development –project. The research of the thesis was done in cooperation with Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, Lappeenranta University of Technology and Kemppi Oy. Focus of the thesis was to study narrow gap flux-cored arc welding of two high strength steels with three different groove angles of 20°, 10° and 5°. Welding of the 25 mm thick E500 TMCP and 10 mm thick EH36 steels was mechanized and Kemppi WisePenetration and WiseFusion processes were tested with E500 TMCP steel. EH36 steel test pieces were welded without Wise processes. Shielding gases chosen were carbon dioxide and a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide. Welds were tested with non-destructive and destructive testing methods. Radiographic, visual, magnetic particle and liquid penetrant testing proved that welds were free from imperfections. After non-destructive testing, welds were tested with various destructive testing methods. Impact strength, bending, tensile strength and hardess tests proved that mechanized welding and Wise processes produced quality welds with narrower gap. More inconsistent results were achieved with test pieces welded without Wise processes. Impact test results of E500 TMCP exceeded the 50 J limit on weld, set by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. EH36 impact test results were much closer to the limiting values of 34 J on weld and 47 on HAZ. Hardness values of all test specimens were below the limiting values. Bend testing and tensile testing results fulfilled the the Register requirements. No cracking or failing occurred on bend test specimens and tensile test results exceeded the Register limits of 610 MPa for E500 TMCP and 490 MPa for EH36.


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The present study proposes to apply magnitude-squared coherence (MSC) to the somatosensory evoked potential for identifying the maximum driving response band. EEG signals, leads [Fpz'-Cz'] and [C3'-C4'], were collected from two groups of normal volunteers, stimulated at the rate of 4.91 (G1: 26 volunteers) and 5.13 Hz (G2: 18 volunteers). About 1400 stimuli were applied to the right tibial nerve at the motor threshold level. After applying the anti-aliasing filter, the signals were digitized and then further low-pass filtered (200 Hz, 6th order Butterworth and zero-phase). Based on the rejection of the null hypothesis of response absence (MSC(f) > 0.0060 with 500 epochs and the level of significance set at a = 0.05), the beta and gamma bands, 15-66 Hz, were identified as the maximum driving response band. Taking both leads together ("logical-OR detector", with a false-alarm rate of a = 0.05, and hence a = 0.0253 for each derivation), the detection exceeded 70% for all multiples of the stimulation frequency within this range. Similar performance was achieved for MSC of both leads but at 15, 25, 35, and 40 Hz. Moreover, the response was detected in [C3'-C4'] at 35.9 Hz and in [Fpz'-Cz'] at 46.2 Hz for all members of G2. Using the "logical-OR detector" procedure, the response was detected at the 7th multiple of the stimulation frequency for the series as a whole (considering both groups). Based on these findings, the MSC technique may be used for monitoring purposes.


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Electrical machine drives are the most electrical energy-consuming systems worldwide. The largest proportion of drives is found in industrial applications. There are, however many other applications that are also based on the use of electrical machines, because they have a relatively high efficiency, a low noise level, and do not produce local pollution. Electrical machines can be classified into several categories. One of the most commonly used electrical machine types (especially in the industry) is induction motors, also known as asynchronous machines. They have a mature production process and a robust rotor construction. However, in the world pursuing higher energy efficiency with reasonable investments not every application receives the advantage of using this type of motor drives. The main drawback of induction motors is the fact that they need slipcaused and thus loss-generating current in the rotor, and additional stator current for magnetic field production along with the torque-producing current. This can reduce the electric motor drive efficiency, especially in low-speed, low-power applications. Often, when high torque density is required together with low losses, it is desirable to apply permanent magnet technology, because in this case there is no need to use current to produce the basic excitation of the machine. This promotes the effectiveness of copper use in the stator, and further, there is no rotor current in these machines. Again, if permanent magnets with a high remanent flux density are used, the air gap flux density can be higher than in conventional induction motors. These advantages have raised the popularity of PMSMs in some challenging applications, such as hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), wind turbines, and home appliances. Usually, a correctly designed PMSM has a higher efficiency and consequently lower losses than its induction machine counterparts. Therefore, the use of these electrical machines reduces the energy consumption of the whole system to some extent, which can provide good motivation to apply permanent magnet technology to electrical machines. However, the cost of high performance rare earth permanent magnets in these machines may not be affordable in many industrial applications, because the tight competition between the manufacturers dictates the rules of low-cost and highly robust solutions, where asynchronous machines seem to be more feasible at the moment. Two main electromagnetic components of an electrical machine are the stator and the rotor. In the case of a conventional radial flux PMSM, the stator contains magnetic circuit lamination and stator winding, and the rotor consists of rotor steel (laminated or solid) and permanent magnets. The lamination itself does not significantly influence the total cost of the machine, even though it can considerably increase the construction complexity, as it requires a special assembly arrangement. However, thin metal sheet processing methods are very effective and economically feasible. Therefore, the cost of the machine is mainly affected by the stator winding and the permanent magnets. The work proposed in this doctoral dissertation comprises a description and analysis of two approaches of PMSM cost reduction: one on the rotor side and the other on the stator side. The first approach on the rotor side includes the use of low-cost and abundant ferrite magnets together with a tooth-coil winding topology and an outer rotor construction. The second approach on the stator side exploits the use of a modular stator structure instead of a monolithic one. PMSMs with the proposed structures were thoroughly analysed by finite element method based tools (FEM). It was found out that by implementing the described principles, some favourable characteristics of the machine (mainly concerning the machine size) will inevitable be compromised. However, the main target of the proposed approaches is not to compete with conventional rare earth PMSMs, but to reduce the price at which they can be implemented in industrial applications, keeping their dimensions at the same level or lower than those of a typical electrical machine used in the industry at the moment. The measurement results of the prototypes show that the main performance characteristics of these machines are at an acceptable level. It is shown that with certain specific actions it is possible to achieve a desirable efficiency level of the machine with the proposed cost reduction methods.