931 resultados para electric network design
Background: The MASS IV-DM Trial is a large project from a single institution, the Heart Institute (InCor), University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Brazil to study ventricular function and coronary arteries in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods/Design: The study will enroll 600 patients with type 2 diabetes who have angiographically normal ventricular function and coronary arteries. The goal of the MASS IV-DM Trial is to achieve a long-term evaluation of the development of coronary atherosclerosis by using angiograms and coronary-artery calcium scan by electron-beam computed tomography at baseline and after 5 years of follow-up. In addition, the incidence of major cardiovascular events, the dysfunction of various organs involved in this disease, particularly microalbuminuria and renal function, will be analyzed through clinical evaluation. In addition, an effort will be made to investigate in depth the presence of major cardiovascular risk factors, especially the biochemical profile, metabolic syndrome inflammatory activity, oxidative stress, endothelial function, prothrombotic factors, and profibrinolytic and platelet activity. An evaluation will be made of the polymorphism as a determinant of disease and its possible role in the genesis of micro- and macrovascular damage. Discussion: The MASS IV-DM trial is designed to include diabetic patients with clinically suspected myocardial ischemia in whom conventional angiography shows angiographically normal coronary arteries. The result of extensive investigation including angiographic follow-up by several methods, vascular reactivity, pro-thrombotic mechanisms, genetic and biochemical studies may facilitate the understanding of so-called micro- and macrovascular disease of DM.
In the last decades there was an increase in stress at work and its effects on workers' health. These issues are still little studied in the electric utility sector. This study aims to evaluate factors associated with stress at work and to verify its associations with health status among workers of an electric company in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 474 subjects (87.5% of the eligible workers). Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires. A descriptive analysis, a multiple linear hierarchical regression analysis and a correlation analysis were performed. The majority of participants were males (91.1%) and the mean age was 37.5 yr. The mean score of stress level was 2.3 points (scale ranging from 1.0 to 5.0). Hierarchical multiple analyses showed that: regular practice of physical activities (p=0.025) and individual monthly income (p=0.002) were inversely associated with stress level; BMI was marginally associated with the stress level (p=0.074). The demographic characteristics were not associated with stress. Stress at work was significantly associated with physical and mental health status (p<0.001). To improve health of electric utility workers, actions are suggested to decrease stress by remuneration and an appropriate practice of physical activity aiming reduction of BMI.
In many real situations, randomness is considered to be uncertainty or even confusion which impedes human beings from making a correct decision. Here we study the combined role of randomness and determinism in particle dynamics for complex network community detection. In the proposed model, particles walk in the network and compete with each other in such a way that each of them tries to possess as many nodes as possible. Moreover, we introduce a rule to adjust the level of randomness of particle walking in the network, and we have found that a portion of randomness can largely improve the community detection rate. Computer simulations show that the model has good community detection performance and at the same time presents low computational complexity. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
This article focuses on the identification of the number of paths with different lengths between pairs of nodes in complex networks and how these paths can be used for characterization of topological properties of theoretical and real-world complex networks. This analysis revealed that the number of paths can provide a better discrimination of network models than traditional network measurements. In addition, the analysis of real-world networks suggests that the long-range connectivity tends to be limited in these networks and may be strongly related to network growth and organization.
We have modeled, fabricated, and characterized superhydrophobic surfaces with a morphology formed of periodic microstructures which are cavities. This surface morphology is the inverse of that generally reported in the literature when the surface is formed of pillars or protrusions, and has the advantage that when immersed in water the confined air inside the cavities tends to expel the invading water. This differs from the case of a surface morphology formed of pillars or protrusions, for which water can penetrate irreversibly among the microstructures, necessitating complete drying of the surface in order to again recover its superhydrophobic character. We have developed a theoretical model that allows calculation of the microcavity dimensions needed to obtain superhydrophobic surfaces composed of patterns of such microcavities, and that provides estimates of the advancing and receding contact angle as a function of microcavity parameters. The model predicts that the cavity aspect ratio (depth-to-diameter ratio) can be much less than unity, indicating that the microcavities do not need to be deep in order to obtain a surface with enhanced superhydrophobic character. Specific microcavity patterns have been fabricated in polydimethylsiloxane and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and contact angle measurements. The measured advancing and receding contact angles are in good agreement with the predictions of the model. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3466979]
We have developed a theoretical model for superhydrophobic surfaces that are formed from an extended array of microcavities, and have fabricated specific microcavity patterns to form superhydrophobic surfaces of the kind modeled. The model shows that the cavity aspect ratio can be significantly less than unity, indicating that the microcavities do not need to be deep in order to enhance the superhydrophobic character of the surface. We have fabricated surfaces of this kind and measured advancing contact angle as high as 153 degrees, in agreement with predictions of the model.
Recurrences are close returns of a given state in a time series, and can be used to identify different dynamical regimes and other related phenomena, being particularly suited for analyzing experimental data. In this work, we use recurrence quantification analysis to investigate dynamical patterns in scalar data series obtained from measurements of floating potential and ion saturation current at the plasma edge of the Tokamak Chauffage Alfveacuten Breacutesilien [R. M. O. Galva approximate to o , Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)]. We consider plasma discharges with and without the application of radial electric bias, and also with two different regimes of current ramp. Our results indicate that biasing improves confinement through destroying highly recurrent regions within the plasma column that enhance particle and heat transport.
This work clarifies the relation between network circuit (topology) and behaviour (information transmission and synchronization) in active networks, e.g. neural networks. As an application, we show how one can find network topologies that are able to transmit a large amount of information, possess a large number of communication channels, and are robust under large variations of the network coupling configuration. This theoretical approach is general and does not depend on the particular dynamic of the elements forming the network, since the network topology can be determined by finding a Laplacian matrix (the matrix that describes the connections and the coupling strengths among the elements) whose eigenvalues satisfy some special conditions. To illustrate our ideas and theoretical approaches, we use neural networks of electrically connected chaotic Hindmarsh-Rose neurons.
Quantum field theory with an external background can be considered as a consistent model only if backreaction is relatively small with respect to the background. To find the corresponding consistency restrictions on an external electric field and its duration in QED and QCD, we analyze the mean-energy density of quantized fields for an arbitrary constant electric field E, acting during a large but finite time T. Using the corresponding asymptotics with respect to the dimensionless parameter eET(2), one can see that the leading contributions to the energy are due to the creation of particles by the electric field. Assuming that these contributions are small in comparison with the energy density of the electric background, we establish the above-mentioned restrictions, which determine, in fact, the time scales from above of depletion of an electric field due to the backreaction.
We numerically study the dynamics of a discrete spring-block model introduced by Olami, Feder, and Christensen (OFC) to mimic earthquakes and investigate to what extent this simple model is able to reproduce the observed spatiotemporal clustering of seismicity. Following a recently proposed method to characterize such clustering by networks of recurrent events [J. Davidsen, P. Grassberger, and M. Paczuski, Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L11304 (2006)], we find that for synthetic catalogs generated by the OFC model these networks have many nontrivial statistical properties. This includes characteristic degree distributions, very similar to what has been observed for real seismicity. There are, however, also significant differences between the OFC model and earthquake catalogs, indicating that this simple model is insufficient to account for certain aspects of the spatiotemporal clustering of seismicity.
Complex networks have been characterised by their specific connectivity patterns (network motifs), but their building blocks can also be identified and described by node-motifs-a combination of local network features. One technique to identify single node-motifs has been presented by Costa et al. (L. D. F. Costa, F. A. Rodrigues, C. C. Hilgetag, and M. Kaiser, Europhys. Lett., 87, 1, 2009). Here, we first suggest improvements to the method including how its parameters can be determined automatically. Such automatic routines make high-throughput studies of many networks feasible. Second, the new routines are validated in different network-series. Third, we provide an example of how the method can be used to analyse network time-series. In conclusion, we provide a robust method for systematically discovering and classifying characteristic nodes of a network. In contrast to classical motif analysis, our approach can identify individual components (here: nodes) that are specific to a network. Such special nodes, as hubs before, might be found to play critical roles in real-world networks.
We report a comprehensive discussion of quantum interference effects due to the finite structure of neutral excitons in quantum rings and their first experimental corroboration observed in the optical recombinations. The signatures of built-in electric fields and temperature on quantum interference are demonstrated by theoretical models that describe the modulation of the interference pattern and confirmed by complementary experimental procedures.
In this work, we study the role of the ac Stark effects on the excitation of nS(1/2) cold Rydberg atoms produced in a rubidium magneto-optical trap. We have observed an atomic population in the nP(3/2) state after excitation of nS(1/2) for 29 <= n <= 37. Such an observation is normally attributed to binary collisions; however, the interaction between Rb nS(1/2) atoms is repulsive. To explain our results, the dipole-dipole interaction and ac Stark shifts from the excitation laser must be considered. We find that the Rydberg-atom-pair state asymptotically correlating to nP(3/2)+(n-1)P(3/2) is excited directly.
Lead fluoroborate glasses were prepared by the melt-quenching technique and characterized in terms of (micro)structural and electrical properties. The study was conducted on as prepared as well as temperature- and/or electric field-treated glass samples. The results show that, in the as-prepared glassy-state materials, electrical conductivity improved with increasing the PbF(2) glass content. This result involves both an increase of the fluoride charge carrier density and, especially, a decrease of the activation energy from a glass structure expansion improving charge carrier mobility. Moreover, for the electric field-treated glass samples, surface crystallization was observed even below the glass transition temperature. As previously proposed in literature, and shown here, the occurrence of this phenomenon arose from an electrochemically induced redox reaction at the electrodes, followed by crystallite nucleation. Once nucleated, growth of beta-PbF(2) crystallites, with the indication of incorporating reduced lead ions (Pb(+)), was both (micro)structurally and electrically detectable and analyzed. The overall crystallization-associated features observed here adapt well with the floppy-rigid model that has been proposed to further complete the original continuous-random-network model by Zachariasen for closely addressing not only glasses' structure but also crystallization mechanism. Finally, the crystallization-modified kinetic picture of the glasses' electrical properties, through application of polarization/depolarization measurements originally combined with impedance spectroscopy, was extensively explored. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Three new bimetallic oxamato-based magnets with the proligand 4,5-dimethyl-1,2-phenylenebis-(oxamato) (dmopba) were synthesized using water or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as solvents. Single crystal X-ray diffraction provided structures for two of them: [MnCu(dmopba)(H(2)O)(3)]n center dot 4nH(2)O (1) and [MnCu(dmopba)(DMSO)(3)](n center dot)nDMSO (2). The crystalline structures for both 1 and 2 consist of linearly ordered oxamato-bridged Mn(II)Cu(II) bimetallic chains. The magnetic characterization revealed a typical behaviour of ferrimagnetic chains for 1 and 2. Least-squares fits of the experimental magnetic data performed in the 300-20 K temperature range led to J(MnCu) = -27.9 cm(-1), g(Cu) = 2.09 and g(Mn) = 1.98 for 1 and J(MnCu) = -30.5 cm(-1), g(Cu) = 2.09 and g(Mn) = 2.02 for 2 (H = -J(MnCu)Sigma S(Mn, i)(S(Cu, i) + S(Cu, i-1))). The two-dimensional ferrimagnetic system [Me(4)N](2n){Co(2)[Cu(dmopba)](3)}center dot 4nDMSO center dot nH(2)O (3) was prepared by reaction of Co(II) ions and an excess of [Cu(dmopba)](2-) in DMSO. The study of the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility as well as the temperature and field dependences of the magnetization revealed a cluster glass-like behaviour for 3.