996 resultados para ease


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In this paper we analyze the Euler Relation generally using as a means to visualize the fundamental idea presented manipulation of concrete materials, so that there is greater ease of understanding of the content, expanding learning for secondary students and even fundamental. The study is an introduction to the topic and leads the reader to understand that the notorious Euler Relation if inadequately presented, is not sufficient to establish the existence of a polyhedron. For analyzing some examples, the text inserts the idea of doubt, showing cases where it is not fit enough numbers to validate the Euler Relation. The research also highlights a theorem certainly unfamiliar to many students and teachers to research the polyhedra, presenting some very simple inequalities relating the amounts of edges, vertices and faces of any convex polyhedron, which clearly specifies the conditions and sufficient necessary for us to see, without the need of viewing the existence of the solid screen. And so we can see various polyhedra and facilitate understanding of what we are exposed, we will use Geogebra, dynamic application that combines mathematical concepts of algebra and geometry and can be found through the link http://www.geogebra.org


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Panoramic rendering is the visualization of three-dimensional objects in a virtual environment through a wide viewing angle. This work investigated if the use of panoramas is able to promote faster searches in a virtual environment. Panoramas allow the presentation of space through less need to change the orientation of the camera, especially for the case of projections spanning 360º surrounding the user, which can benefit searching. However, the larger the angle, more distorted is the visualization of the environment, causing confusion in navigation. The distortion is even bigger when the user changes the pitch of the camera, by looking up or down. In this work we developed a technique to eliminate specifically the distortions caused by changes in pitch, which was called hemispheric projection. Experiments were done to evaluate the performance of search navigation through perspective, cylindrical and hemispherical projections. The results indicate that navigating with perspective projection is superior than navigating with panoramic projections, possibly due to factors such as (i) lack of experience of the participants in understanding the scenes displayed as panoramas, (ii) the inherent presence of distortion in panoramic projections and (iii) a lower display resolution because the objects are presented in smaller sizes in panoramic projections, making the perception of details more difficult. However, the hemispherical projection was better than the cylindrical, indicating that the developed technique provides benefits for navigation compared to current techniques of panoramic projection. The hemispheric projection also provided the least amount of changes of camera orientation, which is an indication that the hemispheric projections may be particularly useful in situations where there are restrictions on the ease to change the orientation. Future research will investigate the performance of cameras interactions on slower devices, such as using only keyboard, or brain-machine interfaces


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Orbital remote sensing has been used as a beneficial tool in improving the knowledge on oceanographic and hydrodynamic aspects in northern portion of the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte, offshore Potiguar Basin. Aspects such as geography, temporal and spatial resolution combined with a consistent methodology and provide a substantial economic advantage compared to traditional methods of in situ data collecting. Images of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard NASA's AQUA satellite were obtained to support systematic data collections related to the campaign of environmental monitoring and characterization of Potiguar Basin, held in May 2004. Images of Total Suspension Matter (TSM) and values of radiance standard were generated for the calculation of concentrations of total suspension matter (TSM), chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature (SST). These data sets were used for statistical comparisons between measures in situ and satellite estimates looking validate algorithms or develop a comprehensive regional approach empirically. AQUA-MODIS images allowed the simultaneous comparison of two-dimensional water quality (total suspension matter), phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a) variability and physical (temperature). For images of total suspension matter, the generated models showed a good correlation with the field data, allowing quantitative and qualitative analysis. The images of chlorophyll-a showed a consistent correlation with the in situ values of concentration. The algorithms adjusted for these images obtained a correlation coefficient fairly well with the data field in order that the sensor can be having an effect throughout the water column and not just the surface. This has led to a fit between the data of chlorophyll-the integration of the average sampling interval of the entire water column up to the level of the first optical depth, with the data generated from the images. This method resulted in higher values of chlorophyll concentration to greater depths, due to the fact that we are integrating more values of chlorophyll in the water column. Thus we can represent the biomass available in the water column. Images SST and SST measures in situ showed a mean difference DT (SST insitu - SST sat) around -0.14 ° C, considered low, making the results very good. The integration of total suspension matter, chlorophyll-a, the temperature of the sea surface (SST) and auxiliary data enabled the recognition of some of the main ways to fund the continental shelf. The main features highlighted were submerged canyons of rivers Apodi and Açu, some of the lines and beachrocks reefs, structural highs and the continental shelf break which occurs at depths around -60 m. The results confirmed the high potential for use of the AQUA-MODIS images to environmental monitoring of sea areas due to ease of detection of the field two-dimensional material in suspension on the sea surface, temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll-a


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as expectativas de homens e mulheres com relação ao uso do álcool e a associação dessas com o comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Foi realizado inquérito epidemiológico, domiciliar, transversal, de base populacional, com amostra probabilística estratificada por conglomerados, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 2.083 pessoas de ambos os sexos utilizando-se o questionário GENACIS (Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study). Beber com embriaguez foi considerada variável dependente, e foram construídos modelos de regressão logística para cada sexo, ajustando-se os modelos para idade, escolaridade e renda. Todas as expectativas, exceto achar mais fácil falar com companheiro, associaram-se ao comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Nosso estudo mostrou que beber com embriaguez pode estar associado a expectativas com uso do álcool. Compreender essas expectativas pode contribuir para elaboração de estratégias mais efetivas de prevenção do beber excessivo.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar vantagens e desvantagens do uso de segmentos em relação ao sorteio feito a partir da lista completa de endereços, para o sorteio de domicílios em amostragem por conglomerados em múltiplos estágios em favelas. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo qualitativo realizado em quatro favelas sorteadas no Inquérito de Saúde do Município de São Paulo, SP, 2008, nas quais foram aplicadas as duas técnicas. Foram realizados grupos focais com pesquisadores de campo - arroladores e entrevistadores do inquérito. Os conteúdos das conversações foram analisados, agrupados em categorias e organizados em núcleos temáticos. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: A utilização de segmentos de domicílios foi associada a numerosas vantagens e poucas desvantagens. Entre as vantagens, constaram a rapidez e facilidade na elaboração do cadastro de endereços e na localização e identificação de domicílios na etapa de realização das entrevistas, maior segurança dos entrevistadores e da população, maior acesso aos entrevistados, maior estabilidade e maior cobertura do cadastro produzido, e menor ocorrência de erros na identificação dos domicílios sorteados. CONCLUSÕES: A construção de cadastro de domicílios por meio da criação de segmentos é vantajosa em relação à listagem completa de endereços, quando feita em favelas. Por ter se mostrado uma opção econômica e fácil de ser aplicada, constitui alternativa para a simplificação do processo de amostragem em áreas com as suas características de desorganização e adensamento de domicílios.


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Lesões do tecido ósseo podem ser causadas por fatores congênitos e adquiridos e resultar em deformidade nasal com repercussão estética e funcional. O tratamento cirúrgico desses casos requer reconstruções complexas e frequentemente o uso de biomateriais. O poliuretano derivado do óleo da mamona apresenta uma fórmula com aspectos favoráveis de processabilidade, flexibilidade de formulação, ausência de emissão de vapores tóxicos e baixo custo. Entretanto, a despeito dos resultados favoráveis, estudos referentes ao uso do polímero de mamona, avaliando a reação tecidual no dorso nasal, ainda não foram realizados. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar histologicamente a biocompatibilidade do implante do polímero de mamona no dorso nasal. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizados quatro macacos-pregos da espécie Cebus apella. Um defeito ósseo foi realizado no osso nasal em todos os animais e colocado um implante de polímero de mamona. A eutanásia foi realizada com 270 dias de pós-operatório, e as amostras foram submetidas a estudo histológico. RESULTADOS: Na análise histológica não foi observada a presença de granuloma de corpo estranho ou células fagocitárias. Progressiva formação óssea e maturação foram observadas. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados macroscópicos e microscópicos mostraram que o implante de polímero de mamona foi biocompatível.


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Techniques of rapid prototyping were introduced in the 1980s in the field of engineering for the fabrication of a solid model based on a computed file. After its introduction in the biomedical field, several applications were raised for the fabrication of models to ease surgical planning and simulation in implantology, neurosurgery, and orthopedics, as well as for the fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses. Hence, the literature has described the evolution of rapid prototyping technique in health care, which allowed easier technique, improved surgical results, and fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses. Accordingly, a literature review on MEDLINE ( PubMed) database was conducted using the keywords rapid prototyping, surgical planning, and maxillofacial prostheses and based on articles published from 1981 to 2010. After reading the titles and abstracts of the articles, 50 studies were selected owing to their correlations with the aim of the current study. Several studies show that the prototypes have been used in different dental-medical areas such as maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery; implantology; neurosurgery; orthopedics; scaffolds of ceramic, polymeric, and metallic materials; and fabrication of personalized maxillofacial prostheses. Therefore, prototyping has been an indispensable tool in several studies and helpful for surgical planning and fabrication of prostheses and implants.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are applied in stem cell labeling because of their high magnetic susceptibility as compared with ordinary paramagnetic species, their low toxicity, and their ease of magnetic manipulation. The present work is the study of CD133(+) stem cell labeling by SPIONs coupled to a specific antibody (AC133), resulting in the antigenic labeling of the CD133+ stem cell, and a method was developed for the quantification of the SPION content per cell, necessary for molecular imaging optimization. Flow cytometry analysis established the efficiency of the selection process and helped determine that the CD133 cells selected by chromatographic affinity express the transmembrane glycoprotein CD133. The presence of antibodies coupled to the SPION, expressed in the cell membrane, was observed by transmission electron microscopy. Quantification of the SPION concentration in the marked cells using the ferromagnetic resonance technique resulted in a value of 1.70 x 10 (13) mol iron (9.5 pg) or 7.0 x 10 (6) nanoparticles per cell ( the measurement was carried out in a volume of 2 mu L containing about 6.16 x 10 5 pg iron, equivalent to 4.5 x 10 (11) SPIONs). (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Technical problems have hampered the study of sleep in teleosts. The electrical discharges of Gymnotus carapo L. (Gymnotidae: Gymnotiformes) were monitored to evaluate their ease and reliability as parameters to study sleep. The discharges were detected by electrodes immersed in a glass aquarium and were recorded on a conventional polygraph. G. carapo showed conspicuous signs of behavioral sleep. During these periods, opercular beat rates were counted, electric discharges recorded, and the sharp discharge increase (SDI) of the orienting reflex was investigated. All 20 animals monitored maintained electrical discharges during behavioral sleep. The discharge frequencies during sleep (50.3 ± 10.4 Hz) were not significantly different from those observed when the fish was awake and inactive (57.2 ± 12.1 Hz) (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, P>0.05). However, the SDI, which was prevalent in the awake fish, was not observed during periods of behavioral sleep. Additional observations showed that the species had cannibalistic habits. When presented with electrical discharges from a conspecific, the sleeping fish showed an initial decrease or pause in discharge frequency, while the awake fish did not have this response. We conclude that the electrical discharges of G. carapo were not conspicuous indicators of behavioral sleep. Discharges may have been maintained during sleep for sensory purposes, i.e., conspecific detection and avoidance of cannibalistic attacks.


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A simple and inexpensive way to fabricate arrays of gold microelectrodes is proposed. Integrated circuit chips are sawed through their middle, normal to the longest axis, leading to destruction of the silicon circuit and rupture of the gold wires that interconnect it with the external terminals. Polishing the resulting rough surface converts the tips of the wires embedded in the chip halves into arrays of gold microdisks of about 25 mu m diameter. The number of active microelectrodes (MEs), of an array depends on the number of pins in the chip, n, being typically (n/2)-4. These MEs can be used individually or externally interconnected in any combination. X-ray images of the chips and micrographs of the resulting surface of the polished arrays have revealed variable distances between neighbor MEs, which are, however, larger than 10 times the radius of the disks. This feature of the MEs prevents diffusional cross-talk between electrodes. The use of these microdisk electrodes for analytical purposes exhibits sigmoidal voltammograms, and chronoamperometric experiments confirm the nonlinear i vs. t(1/2) plots, typical for processes where radial diffusion prevails. Satisfactory uniformity was observed for the response of each electrode of an array, indicating similarity of geometry and disk areas. The potentialities of these MEs were demonstrated by the determination of cadmium at ppb levels using square wave voltammetry with preconcentration. Due to the relative ease with which these MEs can be manufactured and their good performance in (chemical) analysis, wide applications in electrochemistry and electroanalysis is envisioned.


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This work presents one software developed to process solar radiation data. This software can be used in meteorological and climatic stations, and also as a support for solar radiation measurements in researches of solar energy availability allowing data quality control, statistical calculations and validation of models, as well as ease interchanging of data. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Prussian blue [PB, iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)] films are effective for the electrocatalysis of the persulfate (peroxodisulfate)/sulfate redox system. This has been exploited in the voltammetric determination of persulfate anions using a PB-modified platinum disc electrode. A linear correlation between electrocatalytic current and persulfate concentration was found for the range 5 x 10(-5) to 3 x 10(-3) mol dm(-3), using 0.100 mol dm(-3) potassium chloride as supporting electrolyte at pH 4. This analytical method has the advantages of speed and ease of operation in relation to traditional titrimetric methods for persulfate determination. The applicability of the method to the determination of persulfate in a commercial hair bleaching 'booster' product is demonstrated. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.