934 resultados para donor-centred


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Fragaria vesca posee varias características que la hacen interesante como especie modelo en la familia Rosaceae. Además, su naturaleza diploide permite sortear la complejidad genética de la fresa cultivada. Considerando que los genomas de las especies diploides y octoploides de Fragaria mantienen una relación de sintenia y colinearidad, estamos desarrollando una colección de Líneas Casi Isogénicas (NIL) en Fragaria diploide, usando Fragaria bucharica, una variedad asiática, como donante de introgresiones y Fragaria vesca var. Reine des Vallées, una variedad francesa comúnmente cultivada en España para usos industriales, como parental recurrente. Para obtener introgresiones de F. bucharica en un fondo genético homogéneo de F. vesca, se desarrolló un retrocruzamiento y se obtuvo una población BC1 que fue analizada para la presencia de alelos de F. bucharica a lo largo de los 7 grupos de ligamiento (LG) del mapa de referencia de Fragaria. Los individuos con bajo número de introgresiones de gran tamaño, que en conjunto abarcaron todo el genoma de F. bucharica, fueron seleccionados y retrocruzados con el parental recurrente. La descendencia fue analizada para los loci segregantes y los individuos BC2 con 1 ó 2 introgresiones fueron seleccionados como líneas donadoras de introgresiones de las NIL. Hasta el momento se han descrito tres fenotipos dominantes diferentes bajo condiciones de invernadero en varias NIL heterozigóticas: Las plantas con introgresiones en LG2 presentan estolones. Las plantas con introgresiones en LG1 y LG3 presentan floración temprana. Las plantas con introgresiones en LG6 presentan floración estacional. Actualmente se está trabajando en la selección y caracterización de introgresiones de pequeño tamaño mediante la autofecundación de las líneas seleccionadas. La caracterización fenotípica de los recombinantes seleccionados permitirá localizar y estimar los patrones de herencia de los genes implicados en los caracteres descritos, además de la identificación de nuevos caracteres recesivos que aparecerán en homozigosis.


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CD4(+) alpha beta T cells from either normal C57BL/6 (B6) or MHC-II-deficient (A alpha(-/-) or A beta(-/-)) B6 donor mice engrafted into congenic immunodeficient RAG1(-/-) B6 hosts induced an aggressive inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells from CD1d(-/-) knockout (KO) B6 donor mice but not those from MHC-I(-/-) (homozygous transgenic mice deficient for beta(2)-microglobulin) KO B6 mice induced a colitis in RAG(-/-) hosts. Abundant numbers of in vivo activated (CD69(high)CD44(high)CD28(high)) NK1(+) and NK1(-) CD4(+) T cells were isolated from the inflamed colonic lamina propria (cLP) of transplanted mice with IBD that produced large amounts of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma but low amounts of IL-4 and IL-10. IBD-associated cLP Th1 CD4(+) T cell populations were polyclonal and MHC-II-restricted when derived from normal B6 donor mice, but oligoclonal and apparently MHC-I-restricted when derived from MHC-II-deficient (A alpha(-/-) or A beta(-/-)) B6 donor mice. cLP CD4(+) T cell populations from homozygous transgenic mice deficient for beta(2)-microglobulin KO B6 donor mice engrafted into RAG(-/-) hosts were Th2 and MHC-II restricted. These data indicate that MHC-II-dependent as well as MHC-II-independent CD4(+) T cells can induce a severe and lethal IBD in congenic, immunodeficient hosts, but that the former need the latter to express its IBD-inducing potential.


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Determining the time since deposition of fingermarks may prove necessary in order to assess their relevance to criminal investigations. The crucial factor is the initial composition of fingermarks because it represents the starting point of any ageing model. This study mainly aimed to characterize the initial composition of fingerprints, which show a high variability between donors (inter-variability), but also to investigate the variations among fingerprints from the same donor (intra-variability). Solutions to reduce this initial variability using squalene and cholesterol as target compounds are proposed and should be further investigated. The influence of substrates was also evaluated and the initial composition was observed to be larger on porous surface than non-porous surfaces. Preliminary aging of fingerprints over 30 days was finally studied on a porous and a non-porous substrate to evaluate the potential for dating of fingermarks. Squalene was observed to decrease in a faster rate on a non-porous substrate.


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Background: It is suggested that a low dose of valganciclovir can be equally effective than a standard dose for cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis after kidney transplantation. The aim of our study was to determine the ganciclovir exposure observed under a routine daily dosage of 450 mg valganciclovir in kidney transplant recipients with a wide range of renal function. Methods: In this prospective study, kidney transplant recipients with a GFR MDRD above 25 mL/min at risk for CMV (donor or recipient seropositive for CMV) received a dose of valganciclovir (450 mg daily) prophylaxis for 3 months. Ganciclovir levels at trough (Ctrough) and at peak (C3h) were measured monthly. Ganciclovir exposure (AUC0-24) was estimated using Bayesian non-linear mixed-effect modelling (NONMEM) and compared between 3 groups of patients according to their kidney function: GFRMDRD 26-39 mL/min (Group 1), GFRMDRD 40-59 mL/min (Group 2) and GFRMDRD 60-90 mL/min (Group 3). CMV DNAemia was assessed during and after prophylaxis using PCR. Results: Thirty-six patients received 450 mg daily of valganciclovir for 3 months. Median ganciclovir C3h was 3.9 mg/L (range: 1.3-7.1) and Ctrough was 0.4 mg/L (range 0.1-2.7). Median (range) AUC0-24 of ganciclovir was 59.3 mg.h/L (39.0-85.3) in Group 1 patients, 35.8 mg.h/L (24.9-55.8) in Group 2 patients and 29.6 mg.h/L (22.0- 43.2) in Group 3 patients (p<0.001). Anemia was more common in Group 1 patients compared to patients on the other groups (p=0.01). No differences in other adverse events according to ganciclovir exposure were observed. CMV DNAemia was not detected during prophylaxis. After discontinuing prophylaxis, CMV DNAemia was seen in 8/34 patients (23.5%) and 4/36 patients (11%) developed CMV disease. Conclusion: A routine dosage of valganciclovir achieved plasma levels of ganciclovir in patients with GFR>60 mL/min similar to those previously reported using oral ganciclovir. A daily dose of 450 mg valganciclovir appears to be acceptable for CMV prophylaxis in most kidney transplant recipients.


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Bacteria released in large numbers for biocontrol or bioremediation purposes might exchange genes with other microorganisms. Two model systems were designed to investigate the likelihood of such an exchange and some factors which govern the conjugative exchange of chromosomal genes between root-colonizing pseudomonads in the rhizosphere of wheat. The first model consisted of the biocontrol strain CHA0 of Pseudomonas fluorescens and transposon-facilitated recombination (Tfr). A conjugative IncP plasmid loaded with transposon Tn5, in a CHA0 derivative carrying a chromosomal Tn5 insertion, promoted chromosome transfer to auxotrophic CHA0 recipients in vitro. A chromosomal marker (pro) was transferred at a frequency of about 10(sup-6) per donor on wheat roots under gnotobiotic conditions, provided that the Tfr donor and recipient populations each contained 10(sup6) to 10(sup7) CFU per g of root. In contrast, no conjugative gene transfer was detected in soil, illustrating that the root surface stimulates conjugation. The second model system was based on the genetically well-characterized strain PAO of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the chromosome mobilizing IncP plasmid R68.45. Although originally isolated from a human wound, strain PAO1 was found to be an excellent root colonizer, even under natural, nonsterile conditions. Matings between an auxotrophic R68.45 donor and auxotrophic recipients produced prototrophic chromosomal recombinants at 10(sup-4) to 10(sup-5) per donor on wheat roots in artificial soil under gnotobiotic conditions and at about 10(sup-6) per donor on wheat roots in natural, nonsterile soil microcosms after 2 weeks of incubation. The frequencies of chromosomal recombinants were as high as or higher than the frequencies of R68.45 transconjugants, reflecting mainly the selective growth advantage of the prototrophic recombinants over the auxotrophic parental strains in the rhizosphere. Although under field conditions the formation of chromosomal recombinants is expected to be reduced by several factors, we conclude that chromosomal genes, whether present naturally or introduced by genetic modification, may be transmissible between rhizosphere bacteria.


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Purine nucleotide pyrophosphotransferase was purified to apparent homogeneity from a culture filtrate of Streptomyces morookaensis. It is a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 24 000-25 000, and its isoelectric point is 6.9. The enzyme synthesizes purine nucleoside 5'-phosphate (mono, di, or tri) 3'-diphosphates such as pppApp, ppApp, pApp, pppGpp, ppGpp and pppIpp by transferring a pyrophosphoryl group from the 5'-position of ATP, dATP and ppApp to the 3'-position of purine nucleotides. The purified enzyme catalysed the formation of 435 mumol of pppApp and 620 mumol of pppGpp from ATP and GTP per min mg protein under the standard conditions. The enzyme requires absolutely a divalent cation for activity, and optimum pH for the enzyme activity lay above 10 for Mg2+, for Co2+ and Zn2+ from 9 to 9.5, and for Fe2+ from 7.5 to 8. The following Michaelis constants were determined: AMP, 2.78 mM; ADP, 3.23 mM; GMP, 0.89 mM; GDP, 0.46 mM and GTP, 1.54 mM, in the case of ATP donor. The enzyme is inhibited by guanine, guanosine, dGDP, dGTP, N-bromosuccinimide, iodacetate, sodium borate and mercuric acetate.


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BACKGROUND: Allogeneic stem cell transplantation is usually considered the only curative treatment option for patients with advanced or transformed myelodysplastic syndromes in complete remission, but post-remission chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation are potential alternatives, especially in patients over 45 years old. DESIGN AND METHODS: We evaluated, after intensive anti-leukemic remission-induction chemotherapy, the impact of the availability of an HLA-identical sibling donor on an intention-to treat basis. Additionally, all patients without a sibling donor in complete remission after the first consolidation course were randomized to either autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation or a second consolidation course consisting of high-dose cytarabine. RESULTS: The 4-year survival of the 341 evaluable patients was 28%. After achieving complete remission, the 4-year survival rates of patients under 55 years old with or without a donor were 54% and 41%, respectively, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 0.81 (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.49-1.35) for survival and of 0.67 (95% CI, 0.42-1.06) for disease-free survival. In patients with intermediate/high risk cytogenetic abnormalities the hazard ratio in multivariate analysis was 0.58 (99% CI, 0.22-1.50) (P=0.14) for survival and 0.46 (99% CI, 0.22-1.50) for disease-free survival (P=0.03). In contrast, in patients with low risk cytogenetic characteristics the hazard ratio for survival was 1.17 (99% CI, 0.40-3.42) and that for disease-free survival was 1.02 (99% CI, 0.40-2.56). The 4-year survival of the 65 patients randomized to autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation or a second consolidation course of high-dose cytarabine was 37% and 27%, respectively. The hazard ratio in multivariate analysis was 1.22 (95% CI, 0.65-2.27) for survival and 1.02 (95% CI, 0.56-1.85) for disease-free survival. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with a donor and candidates for allogeneic stem cell transplantation in first complete remission may have a better disease-free survival than those without a donor in case of myelodysplastic syndromes with intermediate/high-risk cytogenetics. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation does not provide longer survival than intensive chemotherapy.


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The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvementis imperative. Most cases of aggression, homicide and sexual assault produce biological traces withrelatively large amount of the victim's DNA and small amount of the aggressor's DNA. If this ratio issmaller than 1:10 it is currently not possible to obtain a conventional autosomal DNA profile of the minorcontributor, with potential loss of crucial DNA evidence. Y-STR analysis represents a solution for somecases but has several limitations. We propose here a method based on a new compound genetic markerformed by a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP) linked to a Short Tandem Repeat polymorphism(STR), that we name DIP-STR. By means of allele-specific amplifications of DIP-STR haplotypes, we canproduce a high resolution autosomal DNA profile of a donor that contributes less than 0.1% to a DNAmixture. Based on these features DIP-STR markers may outperform conventional Y-STR markers inmixed stain analysis.


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Davant dels nous reptes educatius que planteja l’augment de la diversitat lingüística i cultural al conjunt del Sistema Educatiu Català, el present treball descriu els resultats i experiències obtinguts en les tres primeres fases d’un projecte de recerca centrat en la identificació d’indicadors vàlids que permetin dissenyar i implementar estratègies educatives inclusives adequades per atendre la diversitat lingüística i cultural present als nostres centres. La part central de la memòria descriu les primeres dades d’un estudi quantitatiu , realitzat en diferents moments del període d’escolarització (Pàrvuls 5 anys , segon i sisè de Primària i segon d’ESO) a quatre centres públics de Vilafranca del Penedès a finals del curs 2009-2010 , sobre el coneixement de català i de castellà i les possibles influències que en aquest hi juguen els factors de diversitat lingüística i cultural. El segon bloc d’aquest projecte presenta un seguit d’experiències i propostes d’assessorament centrades en el procés de sensibilització inicial sobre les implicacions educatives a nivell d’aula i de centre de la diversitat lingüística i cultural. També es presenta, com a annex final, un recull dels principals materials emprats en aquest procés d’intervenció en centre. A la part final del treball, s’hi desenvolupa una reflexió sobre les condicions que poden afavorir la implementació d’aquestes estratègies a nivell de centre i de sistema educatiu; i sobre el paper que , en aquests processos de canvi i millora educativa , hi podrien jugar els Serveis Educatius de Zona del Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya.


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This article describes the composition of fingermark residue as being a complex system with numerous compounds coming from different sources and evolving over time from the initial composition (corresponding to the composition right after deposition) to the aged composition (corresponding to the evolution of the initial composition over time). This complex system will additionally vary due to effects of numerous influence factors grouped in five different classes: the donor characteristics, the deposition conditions, the substrate nature, the environmental conditions and the applied enhancement techniques. The initial and aged compositions as well as the influence factors are thus considered in this article to provide a qualitative and quantitative review of all compounds identified in fingermark residue up to now. The analytical techniques used to obtain these data are also enumerated. This review highlights the fact that despite the numerous analytical processes that have already been proposed and tested to elucidate fingermark composition, advanced knowledge is still missing. Thus, there is a real need to conduct future research on the composition of fingermark residue, focusing particularly on quantitative measurements, aging kinetics and effects of influence factors. The results of future research are particularly important for advances in fingermark enhancement and dating technique developments.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, França, entre 2007 i 2009. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ha estat el llevat utilitzat durant mil.lenis en l'elaboració de vins. Tot i així, es té poc coneixement sobre les pressions de selecció que han actuat en la modelització del genoma dels llevats vínics. S’ha seqüenciat el genoma d'una soca vínica comercial, EC1118, obtenint 31 supercontigs que cobreixen el 97% del genoma de la soca de referència, S288c. S’ha trobat que el genoma de la soca vínica es diferencia bàsicament en la possessió de 3 regions úniques que contenen 34 gens implicats en funcions claus per al procés fermentatiu. A banda, s’han dut a terme estudis de filogènia i synteny (ordre dels gens) que mostren que una d'aquestes tres regions és pròxima a una espècie relacionada amb el gènere Saccharomyces, mentre que les altres dos regions tenen un origen no-Saccharomyces. S’ha identificat mitjançant PCR i seqüenciació a Zygosaccharomyces bailii, una espècie contaminant de les fermentacions víniques, com a espècie donadora d'una de les dues regions. Les hibridacions naturals entre soques de diferents espècies dins del grup Saccharomyces sensu stricto ja han estat descrites. El treball és el primer que presenta hibridacions entre espècies Saccharomyces i no-Saccharomyces (Z. bailii, en aquest cas). També s’assenyala que les noves regions es troben freqüent i diferencialment presents entre els clades de S. cerevisiae, trobant-se de manera gairebé exclusiva en el grup de les soques víniques, suggerint que es tracta d'una adquisició recent de transferència gènica. En general, les dades demostren que el genoma de les soques víniques pateix una constant remodelació mitjançant l'adquisició de gens exògens. Els resultats suggereixen que aquests processos estan afavorits per la proximitat ecològica i estan implicats en l'adaptació molecular de les soques víniques a les condicions d'elevada concentració en sucres, poc nitrogen i elevades concentracions en etanol.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a UMR-CNRS - Géologie et Océanographie, França, entre 2007 i 2009. Els canvis climàtics ràpids de l’últim període glacial (cicles Dansgaard/Oeschger i Heinrich Stadials-HS), han estat documentats en testimonis marins, de gel i dipòsits continentals, generalment de l’hemisferi nord. Mentre que la majoria dels estudis paleoclimàtics i paleoceanogràfics de l’Atlàntic Nord sobre l’últim període glacial s’han centrat en la part nord i est, les latituds mitjanes de la part occidental han estat menys estudiades. Particularment, els canvis de la vegetació de l’est de Nord Amèrica durant l’últim glacial es coneixen molt poc degut a la manca de seqüències pol.líniques llargues en aquesta regió. Només dues seqüències de pol.len del llac Tulane (Florida) mostren canvis de la vegetació significatius i interessants durant l’últim glacial, que suggereixen HS càlids i humits, que contrasta amb el que s’observa a l’altre costat de l’Atlàntic Nord. El treball realitzat al UMR-CNRS 5805 EPOC, Université Bordeaux 1, EPHE, des del 23 d’abril 2007 al 22 d’abril 2009, gràcies a la beca Beatriu de Pinós, implica una reconstrucció a alta resolució dels canvis de la vegetació a partir de l’anàlisi d’un testimoni marí, localitzat a l’oest de l’Atlàntic Nord subtropical (MD99-2203, 34º58’N, 75º12’W), durant l’Estadi Isotòpic Marí 3 (MIS 3). Les dades pal.linològiques del testimoni mostren una alternança entre Picea i Quercus. En general, les associacions pol.líniques indiquen que les variacions de la vegetació segueixen un patró bosc boreal/temperat durant l’últim glacial. El model d’edat preliminar basat en edats radiomètriques suggereix un augment del bosc temperat acompanyat d’una reducció del boreal entre el H4 i el H3. La comparació amb registres pol.línics marins d’alta resolució de la regió est subtropical, a latituds similars, mostren, per primer cop, que els canvis en les formacions forestals associats als canvis climàtics ràpids de l’últim glacial van ser menys intensos al sud-est de Nord Amèrica que a la Península Ibèrica.


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Peripheral nerve injuries with loss of nervous tissue are a significant clinical problem and are currently treated using autologous nerve transplants. To avoid the need for donor nerve, which results in additional morbidity such as loss of sensation and scarring, alternative bridging methods have been sought. Recently we showed that an artificial nerve conduit moulded from fibrin glue is biocompatible to nerve regeneration. In this present study, we have used the fibrin conduit or a nerve graft to bridge either a 10 mm or 20 mm sciatic nerve gap and analyzed the muscle recovery in adult rats after 16 weeks. The gastrocnemius muscle weights of the operated side were similar for both gap sizes when treated with nerve graft. In contrast, muscle weight was 48.32 ± 4.96% of the contra-lateral side for the 10 mm gap repaired with fibrin conduit but only 25.20 ± 2.50% for the 20 mm gap repaired with fibrin conduit. The morphology of the muscles in the nerve graft groups showed an intact, ordered structure, with the muscle fibers grouped in fascicles whereas the 20 mm nerve gap fibrin group had a more chaotic appearance. The mean area and diameter of fast type fibers in the 20 mm gap repaired with fibrin conduits were significantly (P<0.01) worse than those of the corresponding 10 mm gap group. In contrast, both gap sizes treated with nerve graft showed similar fiber size. Furthermore, the 10 mm gaps repaired with either nerve graft or fibrin conduit showed similar muscle fiber size. These results indicate that the fibrin conduit can effectively treat short nerve gaps but further modification such as the inclusion of regenerative cells may be required to attain the outcomes of nerve graft for long gaps.


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Annual influenza vaccination is recommended in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. However, concerns have been raised about the impact of vaccination on antigraft alloimmunity. We evaluated the humoral alloimmune responses to influenza vaccination in a cohort of SOT recipients between October 2008 and December 2011. Anti-HLA antibodies were measured before and 4-8 weeks after influenza vaccination using a solid-phase assay. Overall, 169 SOT recipients were included (kidney = 136, lung = 26, liver = 3, and combined = 4). Five (2.9%) of 169 patients developed de novo anti-HLA antibodies after vaccination, including one patient who developed donor-specific antibodies (DSA) 8 months after vaccination. In patients with pre-existing anti-HLA antibodies, median MFI was not significantly different before and after vaccination (P = 0.73 for class I and P = 0.20 for class II anti-HLA antibodies) and no development of de novo DSA was observed. Five episodes of rejection (2.9%) were observed within 12 months after vaccination, and only one patient had de novo anti-HLA antibodies. The incidence of development of anti-HLA antibodies after influenza vaccination in our cohort of SOT recipients was very low. Our findings indicate that influenza vaccination is safe and does not trigger humoral alloimmune responses in SOT recipients.