993 resultados para domain size


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Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 powders were prepared by microwave hydrothermal method. The powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope. The powders were sintered at different temperatures 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 degrees C/30 min using microwave sintering method. The grain size was estimated by scanning electron microscope. The room temperature dielectric and magnetic properties were studied in the frequency range (100 kHz-1.8 GHz). The magnetization properties were measured upto 1.5 T. The acoustic emission has been measured along the hysteresis loops from 80 K to Curie temperature. It is found that the magneto-acoustic emission (MAE) activity along hysteresis loop is proportional to the hysteresis losses during the same loop. This law has been verified on series of polycrystalline ferrites and found that the law is valid whatever the composition, the grain size and temperature. It is also found that the domain wall creation/or annihilation processes are the origin of the MAE. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Efficient ZnO:Eu3+ (1-11 mol%) nanophosphors were prepared for the first time by green synthesis route using Euphorbia tirucalli plant latex. The final products were well characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), etc. The average particle size of ZnO:Eu3+ (7 mol%) was found to be in the range 27-47 nm. With increase of plant latex, the particle size was reduced and porous structure was converted to spherical shaped particles. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra indicated that the peaks situated at similar to 590, 615, 648 and 702 nm were attributed to the D-5(0) -> F-7(j(j=1,2,3,4)) transitions of Eu3+ ions. The highest PL intensity was recorded for 7 mol% with Eu3+ ions and 26 ml plant latex concentration. The PL intensity increases with increase of plant latex concentration up to 30 ml and there after it decreases. The phosphor prepared by this method show spherical shaped particles, excellent chromaticity co-ordinates in the white light region which was highly useful for WLED's. Further, present method was reliable, environmentally friendly and alternative to economical routes. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of sexually dimorphic, elaborate male traits that are seemingly maladaptive may be driven by sexual selection (male-male competition and or female mate choice). Tusk possession in the Asian elephant is sexually dimorphic and exaggerated but its role in male-male competition has not yet been determined. We examined the role of the tusks in establishing dominance along with two other known male-male signals, namely, body size and musth (a temporary physiologically heightened sexual state) in an Asian elephant population in northeastern India with equal proportions of tusked and tuskless males. We observed 116 agonistic interactions with clear dominance outcomes between adult (>15 years) males during 458 field days in the dry season months of 2008-2011. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was used to predict the probability of winning as a function of body size, tusk possession and musth status relative to the opponent. A hierarchy of the three male-male signals emerged from this analysis, with musth overriding body size and body size overriding tusk possession. In this elephant population tusk possession thus plays a relatively minor role in male-male competition. An important implication of musth and body size being stronger determinants of dominance than tusk possession is that it could facilitate rapid evolution of tuskless males in the population under artificial selection against tusked individuals, which are poached for ivory. (C) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an advanced single network adaptive critic (SNAC) aided nonlinear dynamic inversion (NDI) approach for simultaneous attitude control and trajectory tracking of a micro-quadrotor. Control of micro-quadrotors is a challenging problem due to its small size, strong coupling in pitch-yaw-roll and aerodynamic effects that often need to be ignored in the control design process to avoid mathematical complexities. In the proposed SNAC aided NDI approach, the gains of the dynamic inversion design are selected in such a way that the resulting controller behaves closely to a pre-synthesized SNAC controller for the output regulation problem. However, since SNAC is based on optimal control theory, it makes the dynamic inversion controller to operate near optimal and enhances its robustness property as well. More important, it retains two major benefits of dynamic inversion: (i) closed form expression of the controller and (ii) easy scalability to command tracking application even without any apriori knowledge of the reference command. Effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated from six degree-of-freedom simulation studies of a micro-quadrotor. It has also been observed that the proposed SNAC aided NDI approach is more robust to modeling inaccuracies, as compared to the NDI controller designed independently from time domain specifications.


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Structural dynamics, dielectric permittivity and ferroelectric properties in poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) (PVDF/PMMA) blends with respect to crystalline morphology was systematically investigated in presence of amine functionalized MWNTs (NH2-MWNTs) using dielectric spectroscopy. The crystalline morphology and the crystallization driven demixing in the blends was assessed by light microscopy (LM), wide angle X-ray diffraction (WXRD) and, in situ, by shear rheology. The crystal nucleation activity of PVDF was greatly induced by NH2-MWNTs, which also showed two distinct structural relaxations in dielectric loss owing to mobility confinement of PVDF chains and smaller cooperative lengths. The presence of crystal-amorphous interphase was supported by the presence of interfacial polarization at lower frequencies in the dielectric loss spectra. On contrary, the control blends showed a single broad relaxation at higher frequency due to defective crystal nuclei. This was further supported by monitoring the dielectric relaxations during isothermal crystallization of PVDF in the blends. These observations were addressed with respect to the spherulite sizes which were observed to be larger in case of blends with NH2-MWNTs. Higher dielectric permittivity with minimal losses was also observed in blends with NH2-MWNTs as compared to neat PVDF. Polarization obtained using P-E (polarization-electric field) hysteresis loops was higher in case of blends with NH2-MWNTs in contrast to control blends and PVDF. These observations were corroborated with the charge trapped at the crystal-amorphous interphase and larger crystal sizes in the blends with NH2-MWNTs. The microstructure and localization of MWNTs were assessed using SEM.


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Homogenization and error analysis of an optimal interior control problem in the framework of Stokes' system, on a domain with rapidly oscillating boundary, are the subject matters of this article. We consider a three dimensional domain constituted of a parallelepiped with a large number of rectangular cylinders at the top of it. An interior control is applied in a proper subdomain of the parallelepiped, away from the oscillating volume. We consider two types of functionals, namely a functional involving the L-2-norm of the state variable and another one involving its H-1-norm. The asymptotic analysis of optimality systems for both cases, when the cross sectional area of the rectangular cylinders tends to zero, is done here. Our major contribution is to derive error estimates for the state, the co-state and the associated pressures, in appropriate functional spaces.


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In peptide and protein structures, occurrence of (phi,psi.) angles in the disallowed region of the Ramachandran map almost always suggests local regions of error or poor accuracy. However, very rarely genuine disallowed conformations occur as noted in the current study in proteins of known structure available at ultra-high resolution (<= 1.2 (A) over circle). In the current work, extent of conservation of genuine disallowed conformations in homologous proteins of known structures has been analyzed. From a dataset of 124 protein domain families, with structure of at least one constituent member in each family available at a resolution of 1.2 (A) over circle or better, we have analyzed the conservation of 221 disallowed conformations. It is observed that the disallowed conformation is only moderately conservedin protein domain families. In the gross dataset no particular residue type adopting disallowed conformation elicit high conservation of residue type though there are alignment positions in the dataset with complete conservation of both the residue type and the disallowed conformation. Conserved disallowed conformation in protein domain families play biologically significant role in roughly 50% of the cases. The residues with the disallowed conformation or its flanking residues are often located within or around the functional site of the protein. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three new electron-rich metal-organic frameworks (MOF-1-MOF-3) have been synthesized by employing ligands bearing aromatic tags. The key role of the chosen aromatic tags is to enhance the -electron density of the luminescent MOFs. Single-crystal X-ray structures have revealed that these MOFs form three-dimensional porous networks with the aromatic tags projecting inwardly into the pores. These highly luminescent electron-rich MOFs have been successfully utilized for the detection of explosive nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) on the basis of fluorescence quenching. Although all of the prepared MOFs can serve as sensors for NACs, MOF-1 and MOF-2 exhibit superior sensitivity towards 4-nitrotoluene (4-NT) and 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT) compared to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB). MOF-3, on the other hand, shows an order of sensitivity in accordance with the electron deficiencies of the substrates. To understand such anomalous behavior, we have thoroughly analyzed both the steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence quenching associated with these interactions. Determination of static Stern-Volmer constants (K-S) as well as collisional constants (K-C) has revealed that MOF-1 and MOF-2 have higher K-S values with 4-NT than with TNT, whereas for MOF-3 the reverse order is observed. This apparently anomalous phenomenon was well corroborated by theoretical calculations. Moreover, recyclability and sensitivity studies have revealed that these MOFs can be reused several times and that their sensitivities towards TNT solution are at the parts per billion (ppb) level.


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Tobacco streak virus (TSV), a member of the genus Ilarvirus (family Bromoviridae), has a tripartite genome and forms quasi-isometric virions. All three viral capsids, encapsidating RNA 1, RNA 2 or RNA 3 and subgenomic RNA 4, are constituted of a single species of coat protein (CP). Formation of virus-like particles (VLPs) could be observed when the TSV CP gene was cloned and the recombinant CP (rCP) was expressed in E. coli. TSV VLPs were found to be stabilized by Zn2+ ions and could be disassembled in the presence of 500 mM CaCl2. Mutational analysis corroborated previous studies that showed that an N-terminal arginine-rich motif was crucial for RNA binding; however, the results presented here demonstrate that the presence of RNA is not a prerequisite for assembly of TSV VLPs. Instead, the N-terminal region containing the zinc finger domain preceding the arginine-rich motif is essential for assembly of these VLPs.


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Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a computerized medical imaging technique which reconstructs the electrical impedance images of a domain under test from the boundary voltage-current data measured by an EIT electronic instrumentation using an image reconstruction algorithm. Being a computed tomography technique, EIT injects a constant current to the patient's body through the surface electrodes surrounding the domain to be imaged (Omega) and tries to calculate the spatial distribution of electrical conductivity or resistivity of the closed conducting domain using the potentials developed at the domain boundary (partial derivative Omega). Practical phantoms are essentially required to study, test and calibrate a medical EIT system for certifying the system before applying it on patients for diagnostic imaging. Therefore, the EIT phantoms are essentially required to generate boundary data for studying and assessing the instrumentation and inverse solvers a in EIT. For proper assessment of an inverse solver of a 2D EIT system, a perfect 2D practical phantom is required. As the practical phantoms are the assemblies of the objects with 3D geometries, the developing of a practical 2D-phantom is a great challenge and therefore, the boundary data generated from the practical phantoms with 3D geometry are found inappropriate for assessing a 2D inverse solver. Furthermore, the boundary data errors contributed by the instrumentation are also difficult to separate from the errors developed by the 3D phantoms. Hence, the errorless boundary data are found essential to assess the inverse solver in 2D EIT. In this direction, a MatLAB-based Virtual Phantom for 2D EIT (MatVP2DEIT) is developed to generate accurate boundary data for assessing the 2D-EIT inverse solvers and the image reconstruction accuracy. MatVP2DEIT is a MatLAB-based computer program which simulates a phantom in computer and generates the boundary potential data as the outputs by using the combinations of different phantom parameters as the inputs to the program. Phantom diameter, inhomogeneity geometry (shape, size and position), number of inhomogeneities, applied current magnitude, background resistivity, inhomogeneity resistivity all are set as the phantom variables which are provided as the input parameters to the MatVP2DEIT for simulating different phantom configurations. A constant current injection is simulated at the phantom boundary with different current injection protocols and boundary potential data are calculated. Boundary data sets are generated with different phantom configurations obtained with the different combinations of the phantom variables and the resistivity images are reconstructed using EIDORS. Boundary data of the virtual phantoms, containing inhomogeneities with complex geometries, are also generated for different current injection patterns using MatVP2DEIT and the resistivity imaging is studied. The effect of regularization method on the image reconstruction is also studied with the data generated by MatVP2DEIT. Resistivity images are evaluated by studying the resistivity parameters and contrast parameters estimated from the elemental resistivity profiles of the reconstructed phantom domain. Results show that the MatVP2DEIT generates accurate boundary data for different types of single or multiple objects which are efficient and accurate enough to reconstruct the resistivity images in EIDORS. The spatial resolution studies show that, the resistivity imaging conducted with the boundary data generated by MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, can reconstruct two circular inhomogeneities placed with a minimum distance (boundary to boundary) of 2 mm. It is also observed that, in MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, the boundary data generated for a phantom with a circular inhomogeneity of a diameter less than 7% of that of the phantom domain can produce resistivity images in EIDORS with a 1968 element mesh. Results also show that the MatVP2DEIT accurately generates the boundary data for neighbouring, opposite reference and trigonometric current patterns which are very suitable for resistivity reconstruction studies. MatVP2DEIT generated data are also found suitable for studying the effect of the different regularization methods on reconstruction process. Comparing the reconstructed image with an original geometry made in MatVP2DEIT, it would be easier to study the resistivity imaging procedures as well as the inverse solver performance. Using the proposed MatVP2DEIT software with modified domains, the cross sectional anatomy of a number of body parts can be simulated in PC and the impedance image reconstruction of human anatomy can be studied.


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Organic bulk heterojunction solar cells were fabricated under identical experimental conditions, except by varying the solvent polarity used for spin coating the active layer components and their performance was evaluated systematically. Results showed that presence of nitrobenzene-chlorobenzene composition governs the morphology of active layer formed, which is due to the tuning of solvent polarity as well as the resulting solubility of the P3HT:PCBM blend. Trace amount of nitrobenzene favoured the formation of better organised P3HT domains, as evident from conductive AFM, tapping mode AFM and surface, and cross-sectional SEM analysis. The higher interfacial surface area thus generated produced cells with high efficiency. But, an increase in the nitrobenzene composition leads to a decrease in cell performance, which is due to the formation of an active layer with larger size polymer domain networks with poor charge separation possibility. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We address the task of mapping a given textual domain model (e.g., an industry-standard reference model) for a given domain (e.g., ERP), with the source code of an independently developed application in the same domain. This has applications in improving the understandability of an existing application, migrating it to a more flexible architecture, or integrating it with other related applications. We use the vector-space model to abstractly represent domain model elements as well as source-code artifacts. The key novelty in our approach is to leverage the relationships between source-code artifacts in a principled way to improve the mapping process. We describe experiments wherein we apply our approach to the task of matching two real, open-source applications to corresponding industry-standard domain models. We demonstrate the overall usefulness of our approach, as well as the role of our propagation techniques in improving the precision and recall of the mapping task.


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Establishing functional relationships between multi-domain protein sequences is a non-trivial task. Traditionally, delineating functional assignment and relationships of proteins requires domain assignments as a prerequisite. This process is sensitive to alignment quality and domain definitions. In multi-domain proteins due to multiple reasons, the quality of alignments is poor. We report the correspondence between the classification of proteins represented as full-length gene products and their functions. Our approach differs fundamentally from traditional methods in not performing the classification at the level of domains. Our method is based on an alignment free local matching scores (LMS) computation at the amino-acid sequence level followed by hierarchical clustering. As there are no gold standards for full-length protein sequence classification, we resorted to Gene Ontology and domain-architecture based similarity measures to assess our classification. The final clusters obtained using LMS show high functional and domain architectural similarities. Comparison of the current method with alignment based approaches at both domain and full-length protein showed superiority of the LMS scores. Using this method we have recreated objective relationships among different protein kinase sub-families and also classified immunoglobulin containing proteins where sub-family definitions do not exist currently. This method can be applied to any set of protein sequences and hence will be instrumental in analysis of large numbers of full-length protein sequences.


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We present a comparative study of the temperature dependent magnetic properties and electron paramagnetic resonance parameters of nano and bulk samples of Bi0.2Sr0.8MnO3 (BSMO). Bulk BSMO is known to have a high T-N similar to 260K and robust charge ordering (T-CO similar to 360 K). We confirm that the bulk sample shows an antiferromagnetic transition around similar to 260K and a spin-glass transition similar to 40 K. For the nano sample, we see a clear ferromagnetic transition at around similar to 120 K. We conclude that spin glass state, which is present due to the co-existence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic states in the bulk sample, is suppressed in the nano sample and ferromagnetism is induced instead. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper discusses a novel high-speed approach for human action recognition in H. 264/AVC compressed domain. The proposed algorithm utilizes cues from quantization parameters and motion vectors extracted from the compressed video sequence for feature extraction and further classification using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The ultimate goal of our work is to portray a much faster algorithm than pixel domain counterparts, with comparable accuracy, utilizing only the sparse information from compressed video. Partial decoding rules out the complexity of full decoding, and minimizes computational load and memory usage, which can effect in reduced hardware utilization and fast recognition results. The proposed approach can handle illumination changes, scale, and appearance variations, and is robust in outdoor as well as indoor testing scenarios. We have tested our method on two benchmark action datasets and achieved more than 85% accuracy. The proposed algorithm classifies actions with speed (>2000 fps) approximately 100 times more than existing state-of-the-art pixel-domain algorithms.