948 resultados para distribution networks
The deposition of amyloid fibers at the peripheral nervous system can induce motor neuropathy in Familial Amiloidotic Polyneuropethy (FAP) patients. This produces progressive reductions in functional capacity. The only treatment for FAP is a liver transplant, followed by aggressive medication that can affect patients' metabolism. To our knowledge, there are no data on body fat distribution or comparison between healthy and FAP subjects, which may be important for clinical assessment and management of this disease.
We calculate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties, percolation threshold, and cluster distribution functions for a model of associating colloids, which consists of hard spherical particles having on their surfaces three short-ranged attractive sites (sticky spots) of two different types, A and B. The thermodynamic properties are calculated using Wertheim's perturbation theory of associating fluids. This also allows us to find the onset of self-assembly, which can be quantified by the maxima of the specific heat at constant volume. The percolation threshold is derived, under the no-loop assumption, for the correlated bond model: In all cases it is two percolated phases that become identical at a critical point, when one exists. Finally, the cluster size distributions are calculated by mapping the model onto an effective model, characterized by a-state-dependent-functionality (f) over bar and unique bonding probability (p) over bar. The mapping is based on the asymptotic limit of the cluster distributions functions of the generic model and the effective parameters are defined through the requirement that the equilibrium cluster distributions of the true and effective models have the same number-averaged and weight-averaged sizes at all densities and temperatures. We also study the model numerically in the case where BB interactions are missing. In this limit, AB bonds either provide branching between A-chains (Y-junctions) if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is small, or drive the formation of a hyperbranched polymer if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is large. We find that the theoretical predictions describe quite accurately the numerical data, especially in the region where Y-junctions are present. There is fairly good agreement between theoretical and numerical results both for the thermodynamic (number of bonds and phase coexistence) and the connectivity properties of the model (cluster size distributions and percolation locus).
As vias de comunicação são indispensáveis para o desenvolvimento de uma nação, económica e socialmente. Num mundo globalizado, onde tudo deve chegar ao seu destino no menor espaço de tempo, as vias de comunicação assumem um papel vital. Assim, torna-se essencial construir e manter uma rede de transportes eficiente. Apesar de não ser o método mais eficiente, o transporte rodoviário é muitas vezes o mais económico e possibilita o transporte porta-a-porta, sendo em muitos casos o único meio de transporte possível. Por estas razões, o modo rodoviário tem uma quota significativa no mercado dos transportes, seja de passageiros ou mercadorias, tornando-o extremamente importante na rede de transportes de um país. Os países europeus fizeram um grande investimento na criação de extensas redes de estradas, cobrindo quase todo o seu território. Neste momento, começa-se a atingir o ponto onde a principal preocu+ação das entidades gestoras de estradas deixa de ser a construção de novas vias, passando a focar-se na necessidade de manutenção e conservação das vias existentes. Os pavimentos rodoviários, como todas as outras construções, requerem manutenção de forma a garantir bons níveis de serviço com qualidade, conforto e segurança. Devido aos custos inerentes às operações de manutenção de pavimentos, estas devem rigorosamente e com base em critérios científicos bem definidos. Assim, pretende-se evitar intervenções desnecessárias, mas também impedir que os danos se tornem irreparáveis e economicamente prejudiciais, com repercussões na segurança dos utilizadores. Para se estimar a vida útil de um pavimento é essencial realizar primeiro a caracterização estrutural do mesmo. Para isso, torna-se necessário conhecer o tipo de estrutura de um pavimento, nomeadamente a espessura e o módulo de elasticidade constituintes. A utilização de métodos de ensaio não destrutivos é cada vez mais reconhecida como uma forma eficaz para obter informações sobre o comportamento estrutural de pavimentos. Para efectuar estes ensaios, existem vários equipamentos. No entanto, dois deles, o Deflectómetro de Impacto e o Radar de Prospecção, têm demonstrado ser particularmente eficientes para avaliação da capacidade de carga de um pavimento, sendo estes equipamentos utilizados no âmbito deste estudo. Assim, para realização de ensaios de carga em pavimentos, o equipamento Deflectómetro de Impacto tem sido utilizado com sucesso para medir as deflexões à superfície de um pavimento em pontos pré-determinados quando sujeito a uma carga normalizada de forma a simular o efeito da passagem da roda de um camião. Complementarmente, para a obtenção de informações contínuas sobre a estrutura de um pavimento, o equipamento Radar de Prospecção permite conhecer o número de camadas e as suas espessuras através da utilização de ondas electromagnéticas. Os dados proporcionam, quando usados em conjunto com a realização de sondagens à rotação e poços em alguns locais, permitem uma caracterização mais precisa da condição estrutural de um pavimento e o estabelecimento de modelos de resposta, no caso de pavimentos existentes. Por outro lado, o processamento dos dados obtidos durante os ensaios “in situ” revela-se uma tarefa morosa e complexa. Actualmente, utilizando as espessuras das camadas do pavimento, os módulos de elasticidade das camadas são calculados através da “retro-análise” da bacia de deflexões medida nos ensaios de carga. Este método é iterativo, sendo que um engenheiro experiente testa várias estruturas diferentes de pavimento, até se obter uma estrutura cuja resposta seja o mais próximo possível da obtida durante os ensaios “in Situ”. Esta tarefa revela-se muito dependente da experiência do engenheiro, uma vez que as estruturas de pavimento a serem testadas maioritariamente do seu raciocínio. Outra desvantagem deste método é o facto de apresentar soluções múltiplas, dado que diferentes estruturas podem apresentar modelos de resposta iguais. A solução aceite é, muitas vezes, a que se julga mais provável, baseando-se novamente no raciocínio e experiência do engenheiro. A solução para o problema da enorme quantidade de dados a processar e das múltiplas soluções possíveis poderá ser a utilização de Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNA) para auxiliar esta tarefa. As redes neuronais são elementos computacionais virtuais, cujo funcionamento é inspirado na forma como os sistemas nervosos biológicos, como o cérebro, processam a informação. Estes elementos são compostos por uma série de camadas, que por sua vez são compostas por neurónios. Durante a transmissão da informação entre neurónios, esta é modificada pela aplicação de um coeficiente, denominado “peso”. As redes neuronais apresentam uma habilidade muito útil, uma vez que são capazes de mapear uma função sem conhecer a sua fórmula matemática. Esta habilidade é utilizada em vários campos científicos como o reconhecimento de padrões, classificação ou compactação de dados. De forma a possibilitar o uso desta característica, a rede deverá ser devidamente “treinada” antes, processo realizado através da introdução de dois conjuntos de dados: os valores de entrada e os valores de saída pretendidos. Através de um processo cíclico de propagação da informação através das ligações entre neurónios, as redes ajustam-se gradualmente, apresentando melhores resultados. Apesar de existirem vários tipos de redes, as que aparentam ser as mais aptas para esta tarefa são as redes de retro-propagação. Estas possuem uma característica importante, nomeadamente o treino denominado “treino supervisionado”. Devido a este método de treino, as redes funcionam dentro da gama de variação dos dados fornecidos para o “treino” e, consequentemente, os resultados calculados também se encontram dentro da mesma gama, impedindo o aparecimento de soluções matemáticas com impossibilidade prática. De forma a tornar esta tarefa ainda mais simples, foi desenvolvido um programa de computador, NNPav, utilizando as RNA como parte integrante do seu processo de cálculo. O objectivo é tornar o processo de “retro-análise” totalmente automático e prevenir erros induzidos pela falta de experiência do utilizador. De forma a expandir ainda mais as funcionalidades do programa, foi implementado um processo de cálculo que realiza uma estimativa da capacidade de carga e da vida útil restante do pavimento, recorrendo a dois critérios de ruína. Estes critérios são normalmente utilizados no dimensionamento de pavimentos, de forma a prevenir o fendilhamento por fadiga e as deformações permanentes. Desta forma, o programa criado permite a estimativa da vida útil restante de um pavimento de forma eficiente, directamente a partir das deflexões e espessuras das camadas, medidas nos ensaios “in situ”. Todos os passos da caracterização estrutural do pavimento são efectuados pelo NNPav, seja recorrendo à utilização de redes neuronais ou a processos de cálculo matemático, incluindo a correcção do módulo de elasticidade da camada de misturas betuminosas para a temperatura de projecto e considerando as características de tráfego e taxas de crescimento do mesmo. Os testes efectuados às redes neuronais revelaram que foram alcançados resultados satisfatórios. Os níveis de erros na utilização de redes neuronais são semelhantes aos obtidos usando modelos de camadas linear-elásticas, excepto para o cálculo da vida útil com base num dos critérios, onde os erros obtidos foram mais altos. No entanto, este processo revela-se bastante mais rápido e possibilita o processamento dos dados por pessoal com menos experiência. Ao mesmo tempo, foi assegurado que nos ficheiros de resultados é possível analisar todos os dados calculados pelo programa, em várias fases de processamento de forma a permitir a análise detalhada dos mesmos. A possibilidade de estimar a capacidade de carga e a vida útil restante de um pavimento, contempladas no programa desenvolvido, representam também ferramentas importantes. Basicamente, o NNPav permite uma análise estrutural completa de um pavimento, estimando a sua vida útil com base nos ensaios de campo realizados pelo Deflectómetro de Impacto e pelo Radar de Prospecção, num único passo. Complementarmente, foi ainda desenvolvido e implementado no NNPav um módulo destinado ao dimensionamento de pavimentos novos. Este módulo permite que, dado um conjunto de estruturas de pavimento possíveis, seja estimada a capacidade de carga e a vida útil daquele pavimento. Este facto permite a análise de uma grande quantidade de estruturas de pavimento, e a fácil comparação dos resultados no ficheiro exportado. Apesar dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho serem bastante satisfatórios, os desenvolvimentos futuros na aplicação de Redes Neuronais na avaliação de pavimentos são ainda mais promissores. Uma vez que este trabalho foi limitado a uma moldura temporal inerente a um trabalho académico, a possibilidade de melhorar ainda mais a resposta das RNA fica em aberto. Apesar dos vários testes realizados às redes, de forma a obter as arquitecturas que apresentassem melhores resultados, as arquitecturas possíveis são virtualmente ilimitadas e pode ser uma área a aprofundar. As funcionalidades implementadas no programa foram as possíveis, dentro da moldura temporal referida, mas existem muitas funcionalidades a serem adicinadas ou expandidas, aumentando a funcionalidade do programa e a sua produtividade. Uma vez que esta é uma ferramenta que pode ser aplicada ao nível de gestão de redes rodoviárias, seria necessário estudar e desenvolver redes similares de forma a avaliar outros tipos de estruturas de pavimentos. Como conclusão final, apesar dos vários aspectos que podem, e devem ser melhorados, o programa desenvolvido provou ser uma ferramenta bastante útil e eficiente na avaliação estrutural de pavimentos com base em métodos de ensaio não destrutivos.
Collaborative networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous entities, and thus it is natural that each member has its own set of core-values. Since these values somehow drive the behaviour of the involved entities, the ability to quickly identify partners with compatible or common core-values represents an important element for the success of collaborative networks. However, tools to assess or measure the level of alignment of core-values are lacking. Since the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill-defined and shows a multifaceted nature, three perspectives are discussed. The first one uses a causal maps approach in order to capture, structure, and represent the influence relationships among core-values. This representation provides the basis to measure the alignment in terms of the structural similarity and influence among value systems. The second perspective considers the compatibility and incompatibility among core-values in order to define the alignment level. Under this perspective we propose a fuzzy inference system to estimate the alignment level, since this approach allows dealing with variables that are vaguely defined, and whose inter-relationships are difficult to define. Another advantage provided by this method is the possibility to incorporate expert human judgment in the definition of the alignment level. The last perspective uses a belief Bayesian network method, and was selected in order to assess the alignment level based on members' past behaviour. An example of application is presented where the details of each method are discussed.
Recently, several distributed video coding (DVC) solutions based on the distributed source coding (DSC) paradigm have appeared in the literature. Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding, a particular case of DVC where side information is made available at the decoder, enable to achieve a flexible distribution of the computational complexity between the encoder and decoder, promising to fulfill novel requirements from applications such as video surveillance, sensor networks and mobile camera phones. The quality of the side information at the decoder has a critical role in determining the WZ video coding rate-distortion (RD) performance, notably to raise it to a level as close as possible to the RD performance of standard predictive video coding schemes. Towards this target, efficient motion search algorithms for powerful frame interpolation are much needed at the decoder. In this paper, the RD performance of a Wyner-Ziv video codec is improved by using novel, advanced motion compensated frame interpolation techniques to generate the side information. The development of these type of side information estimators is a difficult problem in WZ video coding, especially because the decoder only has available some reference, decoded frames. Based on the regularization of the motion field, novel side information creation techniques are proposed in this paper along with a new frame interpolation framework able to generate higher quality side information at the decoder. To illustrate the RD performance improvements, this novel side information creation framework has been integrated in a transform domain turbo coding based Wyner-Ziv video codec. Experimental results show that the novel side information creation solution leads to better RD performance than available state-of-the-art side information estimators, with improvements up to 2 dB: moreover, it allows outperforming H.264/AVC Intra by up to 3 dB with a lower encoding complexity.
ZnO:Al/p (SiC:H)/i (Si:H)/n (SiC:H) large area image and colour sensor are analysed. Carrier transport and collection efficiency are investigated from dark and illuminated current-voltage (I-V) dependence and spectral response measurements under different optical and electrical bias conditions. Results show that the carrier collection depends on the optical bias and on the applied voltage. By changing the electrical bias around the open circuit voltage it is possible to filter the absorption at a given wavelength and so to tune the spectral sensitivity of the device. Transport and optical modelling give insight into the internal physical process and explain the bias control of the spectral response and the image and colour sensing properties of the devices.
Integrated manufacturing constitutes a complex system made of heterogeneous information and control subsystems. Those subsystems are not designed to the cooperation. Typically each subsystem automates specific processes, and establishes closed application domains, therefore it is very difficult to integrate it with other subsystems in order to respond to the needed process dynamics. Furthermore, to cope with ever growing marketcompetition and demands, it is necessary for manufacturing/enterprise systems to increase their responsiveness based on up-to-date knowledge and in-time data gathered from the diverse information and control systems. These have created new challenges for manufacturing sector, and even bigger challenges for collaborative manufacturing. The growing complexity of the information and communication technologies when coping with innovative business services based on collaborative contributions from multiple stakeholders, requires novel and multidisciplinary approaches. Service orientation is a strategic approach to deal with such complexity, and various stakeholders' information systems. Services or more precisely the autonomous computational agents implementing the services, provide an architectural pattern able to cope with the needs of integrated and distributed collaborative solutions. This paper proposes a service-oriented framework, aiming to support a virtual organizations breeding environment that is the basis for establishing short or long term goal-oriented virtual organizations. The notion of integrated business services, where customers receive some value developed through the contribution from a network of companies is a key element.
Smart Grids (SGs) appeared as the new paradigm for power system management and operation, being designed to integrate large amounts of distributed energy resources. This new paradigm requires a more efficient Energy Resource Management (ERM) and, simultaneously, makes this a more complex problem, due to the intensive use of distributed energy resources (DER), such as distributed generation, active consumers with demand response contracts, and storage units. This paper presents a methodology to address the energy resource scheduling, considering an intensive use of distributed generation and demand response contracts. A case study of a 30 kV real distribution network, including a substation with 6 feeders and 937 buses, is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. This network is managed by six virtual power players (VPP) with capability to manage the DER and the distribution network.
Effective legislation and standards for the coordination procedures between consumers, producers and the system operator supports the advances in the technologies that lead to smart distribution systems. In short-term (ST) maintenance scheduling procedure, the energy producers in a distribution system access to the long-term (LT) outage plan that is released by the distribution system operator (DSO). The impact of this additional information on the decision-making procedure of producers in ST maintenance scheduling is studied in this paper. The final ST maintenance plan requires the approval of the DSO that has the responsibility to secure the network reliability and quality, and other players have to follow the finalized schedule. Maintenance scheduling in the producers’ layer and the coordination procedure between them and the DSO is modelled in this paper. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution system.
In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns for the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. As demand response levels have decreased after the introduction of competition in the power industry, new approaches are required to take full advantage of demand response opportunities. Grid operators and utilities are taking new initiatives, recognizing the value of demand response for grid reliability and for the enhancement of organized spot markets’ efficiency. This paper proposes a methodology for the selection of the consumers that participate in an event, which is the responsibility of the Portuguese transmission network operator. The proposed method is intended to be applied in the interruptibility service implemented in Portugal, in convergence with Spain, in the context of the Iberian electricity market. This method is based on the calculation of locational marginal prices (LMP) which are used to support the decision concerning the consumers to be schedule for participation. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 937 bus distribution network with more than 20,000 consumers.
This paper proposes artificial neural networks in combination with wavelet transform for short-term wind power forecasting in Portugal. The increased integration of wind power into the electric grid, as nowadays occurs in Portugal, poses new challenges due to its intermittency and volatility. Hence, good forecasting tools play a key role in tackling these challenges. Results from a real-world case study are presented. A comparison is carried out, taking into account the results obtained with other approaches. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Atmospheric aerosols of four aerodynamic size ranges were collected using high volume cascade impactors in an extremely busy roadway tunnel in Lisbon (Portugal). Dust deposited on the tunnel walls and guardrails was also collected. Average particle mass concentrations in the tunnel atmosphere were more than 30 times higher than in the outside urban background air, revealing its origins almost exclusively from fresh vehicle emissions. Most of the aerosol mass was concentrated in submicrometer fractions (65%), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were even more concentrated in the finer particles with an average of 84% of total PAH present in sizes smaller than 0.49 mu m. The most abundant PAH were methylated phenanthrenes, fluoranthene and pyrene. About 46% of the total PAH mass was attributed to lower molecular weight compounds (two and three rings), suggesting a strong influence of diesel vehicle emissions on the production of local particulate PAH. The application of diagnostic ratios confirmed the relevance of this source of PAH in the tunnel ambient air. Deposited dust presented PAH profiles similar to the coarser aerosol size range, in agreement with the predominant origin of coarser aerosol particles from soil dust resuspension and vehicle wear products. (c) 201 1 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we present a Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) based model, and hybrid solving method for the Scheduling of Maintenance Activities in the Power Transmission Network. The model distinguishes from others not only because of its completeness but also by the way it models and solves the Electric Constraints. Specifically we present a efficient filtering algorithm for the Electrical Constraints. Furthermore, the solving method improves the pure CLP methods efficiency by integrating a type of Local Search technique with CLP. To test the approach we compare the method results with another method using a 24 bus network, which considerers 42 tasks and 24 maintenance periods.
This work describes a methodology to extract symbolic rules from trained neural networks. In our approach, patterns on the network are codified using formulas on a Lukasiewicz logic. For this we take advantage of the fact that every connective in this multi-valued logic can be evaluated by a neuron in an artificial network having, by activation function the identity truncated to zero and one. This fact simplifies symbolic rule extraction and allows the easy injection of formulas into a network architecture. We trained this type of neural network using a back-propagation algorithm based on Levenderg-Marquardt algorithm, where in each learning iteration, we restricted the knowledge dissemination in the network structure. This makes the descriptive power of produced neural networks similar to the descriptive power of Lukasiewicz logic language, minimizing the information loss on the translation between connectionist and symbolic structures. To avoid redundance on the generated network, the method simplifies them in a pruning phase, using the "Optimal Brain Surgeon" algorithm. We tested this method on the task of finding the formula used on the generation of a given truth table. For real data tests, we selected the Mushrooms data set, available on the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
This paper proposes a computationally efficient methodology for the optimal location and sizing of static and switched shunt capacitors in large distribution systems. The problem is formulated as the maximization of the savings produced by the reduction in energy losses and the avoided costs due to investment deferral in the expansion of the network. The proposed method selects the nodes to be compensated, as well as the optimal capacitor ratings and their operational characteristics, i.e. fixed or switched. After an appropriate linearization, the optimization problem was formulated as a large-scale mixed-integer linear problem, suitable for being solved by means of a widespread commercial package. Results of the proposed optimizing method are compared with another recent methodology reported in the literature using two test cases: a 15-bus and a 33-bus distribution network. For the both cases tested, the proposed methodology delivers better solutions indicated by higher loss savings, which are achieved with lower amounts of capacitive compensation. The proposed method has also been applied for compensating to an actual large distribution network served by AES-Venezuela in the metropolitan area of Caracas. A convergence time of about 4 seconds after 22298 iterations demonstrates the ability of the proposed methodology for efficiently handling large-scale compensation problems.