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Lung cancer is a devastating disease with very poor prognosis. The design of better treatments for patients would be greatly aided by mouse models that closely resemble the human disease. The most common type of human lung cancer is adenocarcinoma with frequent metastasis. Unfortunately, current models for this tumor are inadequate due to the absence of metastasis. Based on the molecular findings in human lung cancer and metastatic potential of osteosarcomas in mutant p53 mouse models, I hypothesized that mice with both K-ras and p53 missense mutations might develop metastatic lung adenocarcinomas. Therefore, I incorporated both K-rasLA1 and p53RI72HΔg alleles into mouse lung cells to establish a more faithful model for human lung adenocarcinoma and for translational and mechanistic studies. Mice with both mutations ( K-rasLA1/+ p53R172HΔg/+) developed advanced lung adenocarcinomas with similar histopathology to human tumors. These lung adenocarcinomas were highly aggressive and metastasized to multiple intrathoracic and extrathoracic sites in a pattern similar to that seen in lung cancer patients. This mouse model also showed gender differences in cancer related death and developed pleural mesotheliomas in 23.2% of them. In a preclinical study, the new drug Erlotinib (Tarceva) decreased the number and size of lung lesions in this model. These data demonstrate that this mouse model most closely mimics human metastatic lung adenocarcinoma and provides an invaluable system for translational studies. ^ To screen for important genes for metastasis, gene expression profiles of primary lung adenocarcinomas and metastases were analyzed. Microarray data showed that these two groups were segregated in gene expression and had 79 highly differentially expressed genes (more than 2.5 fold changes and p<0.001). Microarray data of Bub1b, Vimentin and CCAM1 were validated in tumors by quantitative real-time PCR (QPCR). Bub1b , a mitotic checkpoint gene, was overexpressed in metastases and this correlated with more chromosomal abnormalities in metastatic cells. Vimentin, a marker of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), was also highly expressed in metastases. Interestingly, Twist, a key EMT inducer, was also highly upregulated in metastases by QPCR, and this significantly correlated with the overexpression of Vimentin in the same tumors. These data suggest EMT occurs in lung adenocarcinomas and is a key mechanism for the development of metastasis in K-ras LA1/+ p53R172HΔg/+ mice. Thus, this mouse model provides a unique system to further probe the molecular basis of metastatic lung cancer.^


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Recent progress in diagnostic tools allows many breast cancers to be detected at an early pre-invasive stage. Thus, a better understanding of the molecular basis of early breast cancer progression is essential. 14-3-3 is a family of highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed proteins that are expressed in all eukaryotic organisms. In mammals there are seven isoforms, which bind to phosphor-serine/threonine residues regulating essential cellular processes such as signal transduction, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. Our laboratory has discovered that a particular 14-3-3 family member, Zeta, is overexpressed in over 40% of breast tumor tissues. Furthermore, I examined the stage of breast disease in which 14-3-3ζ overexpression occurs and found that increased expression of 14-3-3ζ begins at the stage of atypical ductal hyperplasia, a very early stage of breast disease that confers increased risk for progress toward breast cancer. To determine whether 14-3-3ζ overexpression is a decisive early event in breast cancer, I overexpressed 14-3-3ζ in MCF10A cells, a non-transformed mammary epithelial cell (MEC) line and examined its impact on acini formation in a three dimensional (3D) culture model which simulates a basic unit of structure in the mammary gland. I discovered that 14-3-3ζ overexpression severely disrupted the acini architecture resulting in the disruption of polarity and luminal filling. Both are critical morphological events in the pre-neoplastic breast disease. This thesis focuses on the molecular mechanism of luminal filling. Proper lumen formation is a result of anoikis, a specific type apoptosis of cells not attached to the basement membrane. I found that 14-3-3ζ overexpression conferred a resistance to anoikis. Additionally, 14-3-3ζ overexpression in MCF10A cells and in MECs from 14-3-3ζ transgenic mice reduced expression of p53, which is known to mediate anoikis. Mechanistically, 14-3-3ζ induced hyperactivation of the PI3K/Akt pathway which led to phosphorylation and translocation of the MDM2 to the nucleus resulting in increased p53 degradation. Ectopic expression of p53 restored luminal apoptosis in 14-3-3ζ overexpressing MCF10A acini in 3D cultures. These data suggest that 14-3-3ζ overexpression is a critical event in early breast disease and down-regulation of p53 is one of the mechanisms by which 14-3-3ζ alters MEC acini structure and may increase the risk of progression to breast cancer. ^


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The events of the 1990's and early 2000's demonstrated the need for effective planning and response to natural and man-made disasters. One of those potential natural disasters is pandemic flu. Once defined, the CDC stated that program, or plan, effectiveness is improved through the process of program evaluation. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999) Program evaluation should be accomplished not only periodically, but in the course of routine administration of the program. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999) Accomplishing this task for a "rare, but significant event" is challenging. (Herbold, John R., PhD., 2008) To address this challenge, the RAND Corporation (under contract to the CDC) developed the "Facilitated Look-Backs" approach that was tested and validated at the state level. (Aledort et al., 2006).^ Nevertheless, no comprehensive and generally applicable pandemic influenza program evaluation tool or model is readily found for use at the local public health department level. This project developed such a model based on the "Facilitated Look-Backs" approach developed by RAND Corporation. (Aledort et al., 2006) Modifications to the RAND model included stakeholder additions, inclusion of all six CDC program evaluation steps, and suggestions for incorporating pandemic flu response plans in seasonal flu management implementation. Feedback on the model was then obtained from three LPHD's—one rural, one suburban, and one urban. These recommendations were incorporated into the final model. Feedback from the sites also supported the assumption that this model promotes the effective and efficient evaluation of both pandemic flu and seasonal flu response by reducing redundant evaluations of pandemic flu plans, seasonal flu plans, and funding requirement accountability. Site feedback also demonstrated that the model is comprehensive and flexible, so it can be adapted and applied to different LPHD needs and settings. It also stimulates evaluation of the major issues associated with pandemic flu planning. ^ The next phase in evaluating this model should be to apply it in a program evaluation of one or more LPHD's seasonal flu response that incorporates pandemic flu response plans.^


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Hodgkin's disease (HD) is a cancer of the lymphatic system. Survivors of HD face varieties of consequent adverse effects, in which secondary primary tumors (SPT) is one of the most serious consequences. This dissertation is aimed to model time-to-SPT in the presence of death and HD relapses during follow-up.^ The model is designed to handle a mixture phenomenon of SPT and the influence of death. Relapses of HD are adjusted as a covariate. Proportional hazards framework is used to define SPT intensity function, which includes an exponential term to estimate explanatory variables. Death as a competing risk is considered according to different scenarios, depending on which terminal event comes first. Newton-Raphson method is used to estimate the parameter estimates in the end.^ The proposed method is applied to a real data set containing a group of HD patients. Several risk factors for the development of SPT are identified and the findings are noteworthy in the development of healthcare guidelines that may lead to the early detection or prevention of SPT.^


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The disparate burden of breast cancer-related morbidity and mortality experienced by African American women compared with women of other races is a topic of intense debate in the medical and public health arenas. The anomaly is consistently attributed to the fact that at diagnosis, a large proportion of African American women have advanced-stage disease. Extensive research has documented the impacts of cultural factors and of socioeconomic factors in shaping African American women's breast-health practices; however, there is another factor of a more subtle influence that might have some role in establishing these women's vulnerability to this disease: the lack of or perceived lack of partner support. Themes expressed in the research literature reflect that many African American breast cancer patients and survivors consider their male partners as being apathetic and nonsupportive. ^ The purpose of this study was to learn how African American couples' ethnographic paradigms and cultural explanatory model of breast cancer frame the male partners' responses to the women's diagnosis and to assess his ability to cope and willingness to adapt to the subsequent challenges. The goal of the study was to determine whether these men's coping and adaptation skills positively or negatively affect the women's self-care attitudes and behaviors. ^ This study involved 4 African American couples in which the woman was a breast cancer survivor. Participants were recruited through a community-based cancer support group and a church-based cancer support group. Recruitment sessions were held at regular meetings of these organizations. Accrual took 2 months. In separate sessions, each male partner and each survivor completed a demographic survey and a questionnaire and were interviewed. Additionally, the couples were asked to participate in a communications activity (Adinkra). This activity was not done to fulfill any part of the study purpose and was not included in the data analysis; rather, it was done to assess its potential use as an intervention to promote dialogue between African American partners about the experience of breast cancer. ^ The questionnaire was analyzed on the basis of a coding schema and the interview responses were analyzed on the principles of hermeneutic phenomenology. In both cases, the instruments were used to determine whether the partner's coping skills reflected a compassionate attitude (positive response) versus an apathetic attitude (negative response) and whether his adaptation skills reflected supportive behaviors (the positive response) versus nonsupportive behaviors (the negative response). Overall, the women's responses showed that they perceived of their partners as being compassionate, yet nonsupportive, and the partner's perceived of themselves likewise. Only half of the women said that their partners' coping and adaptation abilities enabled them to relinquish traditional concepts of control and focus on their own well-being. ^ The themes that emerged indicate that African American men's attitudes and behaviors regarding his female partner's diagnosis of breast cancer and his ability to cope and willingness to adapt are influenced by their ritualistic mantras, folk beliefs, religious teachings/spiritual values, existential ideologies, socioeconomic status, and environmental factors and by their established perceptions of what causes breast cancer, what the treatments and outcomes are, and how the disease affects the entire family, particularly him. These findings imply that a culturally specific intervention might be useful in educating African American men about breast cancer and their roles in supporting their female partners, physically and psychologically, during diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. ^


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Allergic asthma is characterized by airflow obstruction, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and chronic airway inflammation. We and others have reported that complement component C3 and the anaphylatoxin C3a receptor promote while C5 protects against the development of the biological and physiological hallmarks of allergic lung disease in mice. In this study, we assessed if the protective responses could be mediated by C5a, an activation-induced C5 cleavage product. Mice with ablation of the C5a receptor (C5aR) either by genetic deletion or by pharmacological blockade exhibited significantly exacerbated AHR compared to allergen-challenged wild-type (WT) mice. However, there were no significant differences in many of the other hallmarks of asthma such as airway infiltration by eosinophils or lymphocytes, pulmonary IL-4-producing cell numbers, goblet cell metaplasia, mucus secretion or total serum IgE levels. In contrast to elevated AHR, numbers of IL-5 and IL-13 producing pulmonary cells, and IL-5 and IL-13 protein levels, were significantly reduced in allergen-challenged C5aR-/- mice compared to allergen-challenged WT mice. Administration of a specific cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (cysLT1R) antagonist before each allergen-challenge abolished AHR in C5aR-/- as well as in WT mice. Pretreatment with a C3aR antagonist dose-dependently reduced AHR in allergen-challenged WT and C5aR-/- mice. Additionally, allergen-induced upregulation of pulmonary C3aR expression was exaggerated in C5aR-/- mice compared to WT mice. In summary, deficiency or antagonism of C5aR in a mouse model of pulmonary allergy increased AHR, which was reversed or reduced by blockade of the cysLT1R and C3aR, respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests that C5a and C5aR mediate protection against AHR by suppressing cysLT and C3aR signaling pathways, which are known to promote AHR. This also supports important and opposing roles of complement components C3a/C3aR and C5a/C5aR in AHR. ^


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Background. Excess weight and obesity are at epidemic proportions in the United States and place individuals at increased risk for a variety of chronic conditions. Rates of diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, stroke, cancer, and arthritis are all influenced by the presence of obesity. Small reductions in excess weight can produce significant positive clinical outcomes. Healthcare organizations have a vital role to play in the identification and management of obesity. Currently, healthcare providers do not adequately diagnose and manage excess weight in patients. Lack of skill, time, and knowledge are commonly cited as reasons for non-adherence to recommended standards of care. The Chronic Care Model offers an approach to healthcare organizations for chronic disease management. The model consists of six elements that work together to empower both providers and patients to have more productive interactions: the community, the health system itself, self-management support, delivery system design, decision support, and clinical information systems. The model and its elements may offer a framework through which healthcare organizations can adapt to support, educate, and empower providers and patients in the management of excess weight and obesity. Successful management of excess weight will reduce morbidity and mortality of many chronic conditions. Purpose. The purpose of this review is to synthesize existing research on the effectiveness of the Chronic Care Model and its elements as they relate to weight management and behaviors associated with maintaining a healthy weight. Methods: A narrative review of the literature between November 1998 and November 2008 was conducted. The review focused on clinical trials, systematic reviews, and reports related to the chronic care model or its elements and weight management, physical activity, nutrition, or diabetes. Fifty-nine articles are included in the review. Results. This review highlights the use of the Chronic Care Model and its elements that can result in improved quality of care and clinical outcomes related to weight management, physical activity, nutrition, and diabetes. Conclusions. Healthcare organizations can use the Chronic Care Model framework to implement changes within their systems to successfully address overweight and obesity in their patient populations. Specific recommendations for operationalizing the Chronic Care Model elements for weight management are presented.^


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The number of people with end-stage-renal-disease (ESRD) and living with dialysis is a growing public health concern. Most studies about the impact of ESRD on people’s lives have placed attention on the medical and clinical dimension of ESRD. Very few have given attention to the environmental and cultural context in which people with ESRD live, the adaptation that these individuals must make to adjust to living with ESRD and dialysis, or the occupations in which they engage. Additionally these studies have not focused on Mexican Americans who are disproportionately affected by this illness and condition. This qualitative study explores the needs, perceptions, and issues facing Mexican Americans with ESRD living with dialysis as well as their families. Participants were residents of the Lower Rio Grande Valley and included individuals with ESRD, family members, and the healthcare providers who give care to them. The Health Belief Model and Lifestyle Performance Model served as the theoretical frameworks. The study also explored the daily occupations of this population. ^ In-depth interviews were conducted on 15 Mexican Americans with ESRD living with dialysis, 15 family members, and six dialysis healthcare providers. A video documentary of the day-to-day life of three individuals with ESRD and their families was produced. Such data do not currently exist and will greatly enhance the understanding of the human experience of living with ESRD. The results suggest that a collective effort of the family unit is at work to deal with the demands of dialysis. An imbalance and disharmony exist among the occupational activities, which creates occupational deprivation and disruption for both the individuals and family members. Implications for practice and recommendations for further research are described. ^


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Objective. To measure the demand for primary care and its associated factors by building and estimating a demand model of primary care in urban settings.^ Data source. Secondary data from 2005 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS 2005), a population-based random-digit dial telephone survey, conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research in collaboration with the California Department of Health Services, and the Public Health Institute between July 2005 and April 2006.^ Study design. A literature review was done to specify the demand model by identifying relevant predictors and indicators. CHIS 2005 data was utilized for demand estimation.^ Analytical methods. The probit regression was used to estimate the use/non-use equation and the negative binomial regression was applied to the utilization equation with the non-negative integer dependent variable.^ Results. The model included two equations in which the use/non-use equation explained the probability of making a doctor visit in the past twelve months, and the utilization equation estimated the demand for primary conditional on at least one visit. Among independent variables, wage rate and income did not affect the primary care demand whereas age had a negative effect on demand. People with college and graduate educational level were associated with 1.03 (p < 0.05) and 1.58 (p < 0.01) more visits, respectively, compared to those with no formal education. Insurance was significantly and positively related to the demand for primary care (p < 0.01). Need for care variables exhibited positive effects on demand (p < 0.01). Existence of chronic disease was associated with 0.63 more visits, disability status was associated with 1.05 more visits, and people with poor health status had 4.24 more visits than those with excellent health status. ^ Conclusions. The average probability of visiting doctors in the past twelve months was 85% and the average number of visits was 3.45. The study emphasized the importance of need variables in explaining healthcare utilization, as well as the impact of insurance, employment and education on demand. The two-equation model of decision-making, and the probit and negative binomial regression methods, was a useful approach to demand estimation for primary care in urban settings.^


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Ordinal outcomes are frequently employed in diagnosis and clinical trials. Clinical trials of Alzheimer's disease (AD) treatments are a case in point using the status of mild, moderate or severe disease as outcome measures. As in many other outcome oriented studies, the disease status may be misclassified. This study estimates the extent of misclassification in an ordinal outcome such as disease status. Also, this study estimates the extent of misclassification of a predictor variable such as genotype status. An ordinal logistic regression model is commonly used to model the relationship between disease status, the effect of treatment, and other predictive factors. A simulation study was done. First, data based on a set of hypothetical parameters and hypothetical rates of misclassification was created. Next, the maximum likelihood method was employed to generate likelihood equations accounting for misclassification. The Nelder-Mead Simplex method was used to solve for the misclassification and model parameters. Finally, this method was applied to an AD dataset to detect the amount of misclassification present. The estimates of the ordinal regression model parameters were close to the hypothetical parameters. β1 was hypothesized at 0.50 and the mean estimate was 0.488, β2 was hypothesized at 0.04 and the mean of the estimates was 0.04. Although the estimates for the rates of misclassification of X1 were not as close as β1 and β2, they validate this method. X 1 0-1 misclassification was hypothesized as 2.98% and the mean of the simulated estimates was 1.54% and, in the best case, the misclassification of k from high to medium was hypothesized at 4.87% and had a sample mean of 3.62%. In the AD dataset, the estimate for the odds ratio of X 1 of having both copies of the APOE 4 allele changed from an estimate of 1.377 to an estimate 1.418, demonstrating that the estimates of the odds ratio changed when the analysis includes adjustment for misclassification. ^


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Parkinson disease (PD) is a movement disorder affecting over one million Americans, and 1% of our population over 60 years of age. Currently, PD has an unknown cause, no predictive biomarker, and no cure, yet there are effective treatments (medicine and surgery) to chronically manage the motor symptoms. But, PD patients also develop cognitive symptoms (e.g., distractibility, executive dysfunction) that remain untreated or may decline as a result of treating the motor symptoms. To address this important issue, I measured covert orienting of attention and overt eye movements in PD patients to assess the patients' ability to automatically detect stimuli in their visual field, to predict and attend to where the stimuli would appear, and to volitionally look somewhere else. ^ PD patients completed the cognitive tasks under multiple treatment conditions, and their performance was compared to healthy adults. PD patients first completed the tasks after they had withdrawn from medication. Their unmedicated performance revealed exaggerated automatic orienting, poor predictability, and weak volitional orienting. PD patients then repeated the tasks while medication was giving its peak benefit. The medication returned automatic covert orienting toward normal but did not improve volitional covert orienting. Several PD patients completed the tasks a third time after receiving surgery (specifically, implantation of stimulating electrodes in a subcortical brain region to alleviate motor symptoms). The stimulation (without medication) returned automatic orienting toward normal, did not change predictability, and further impaired volitional orienting. Taken together, treatments prescribed to alleviate the motor symptoms (a patient's primary concern) only improve some cognitive functions. Future studies may establish criteria to predict which patients are more likely to have cognitive benefit from medication over surgery, or vice versa. ^ I have also hypothesized an anatomical model relating orienting circuitry to abnormal PD circuitry and the therapeutic targets. My results suggest medication is more effective restoring the orienting circuitry than stimulation. Further, automatic and volitional orienting abilities seem to be modulated independently, which differs from an earlier model proposing a dependent, inverse relationship. My results are further discussed in terms of response inhibition, response selection, and the location of the selection. ^


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Pulmonary fibrosis is a devastating and lethal lung disease with no current cure. Research into cellular signaling pathways able to modulate aspects of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis will aid in the development of effective therapies for its treatment. Our laboratory has generated a transgenic/knockout mouse with systemic elevations in adenosine due to the partial lack of its metabolic enzyme, adenosine deaminase (ADA). These mice spontaneously develop progressive lung inflammation and severe pulmonary fibrosis suggesting that aberrant adenosine signaling is influencing the development and/or progression of the disease in these animals. These mice also show marked increases in the pro-fibrotic mediator, osteopontin (OPN), which are reversed through ADA therapy that serves to lower lung adenosine levels and ameliorate aspects of the disease. OPN is known to be regulated by intracellular signaling pathways that can be accessed through adenosine receptors, particularly the low affinity A2BR receptor, suggesting that adenosine receptor signaling may be responsible for the induction of OPN in our model. In-vitro, adenosine and the broad spectrum adenosine receptor agonist, NECA, were able to induce a 2.5-fold increase in OPN transcripts in primary alveolar macrophages. This induction was blocked through antagonism of the A2BR receptor pharmacologically, and through the deletion of the receptor subtype in these cells genetically, supporting the hypothesis that the A2BR receptor was responsible for the induction of OPN in our model. These findings demonstrate for the first time that adenosine signaling is an important modulator of pulmonary fibrosis in ADA-deficient mice and that this is in part due to signaling through the A2BR receptor which leads to the induction of the pro-fibrotic molecule, otseopontin. ^


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Periodontal diseases include the various forms of gingivitis and periodontitis. Scientific literature submits 80% of the population suffers from some form of periodontal disease. The comparison of studies measuring periodontal disease is difficult because researchers use various parameters and indexes to define disease severity. The purposes of this paper were to examine the associations of gingival bleeding and 3 or more millimeters periodontal attachment loss, and age, sex, income, race/ethnicity, current tobacco use, dental visits, health insurance, stroke, heart attack, and diabetes using the periodontal examination population from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2004. ^ When all risk factors were analyzed in the model as a whole sex, race/ethnicity, poverty, and education were statistically significant for bleeding on probing. When all risk factors were analyzed in the model as a whole sex, age, and education were statistically significant for loss of attachment. ^


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This project involved developing a model for planning a dental emergency treatment center that could function as an embedded component of a shelter for the homeless population. The dental services provided by such a clinic should include treatment for tooth pain, dental caries or cavities, chipped or broken teeth, broken partials, abscessed teeth, emergency cleanings, periodontal disease or gum disease and fillings. These are the dental services that are most often sought by homeless people in hospital emergency rooms.^ The underlying assumption for this project was that the oral health needs of the homeless community can most effectively be addressed by implementing small dental clinics in existing facilities that provide shelter and other services for this population. The model described in this project identifies oral health care services that would be provided by the clinic, facility (physical plant) requirements and associated infrastructure to operate an embedded dental clinic, methods for obtaining funding, strategies of recruiting dental professionals to staff the facility, and methods to assess the outcomes of the embedded clinic strategy. As an example, this project describes a strategy for developing such an embedded clinic at San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries SAMM shelter based on recommendations from community health care leaders, managers of homeless shelters, members of the homeless community and dental professionals^


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In making the arrangements for the visit of Pope John Paul II to San Antonio, Texas, in September, 1987, it was discovered that no comprehensive documents or guidelines are available in the public sector for planning such an event. It was not clear which, if any, laws applied. The literature describes rock concerts, papal masses, and civil disorders. These events are held in stadia, and in the open. There was little agreement on what services, if any, were needed to protect the public's health and the environment; or if needed, how services should be provided, or by whom.^ A literature review and bibliography are given to provide greater understanding of the variety of mass gatherings and the many factors that impinge on temporary groups while away from their homes. Descriptions of past mass gatherings in terms of personnel ratios are provided. This study develops a conceptual model which delineates some of the known parameters necessary for successfully conducting a mass gathering. A study of one such site is given.^ Provisions for public wellness and freedom from disease at a mass gathering include adequate water (fluids), food, sanitary facilities, security, transportation, and medical services. The determination of adequacy of these provisions is discussed. Methods of determining the use of provided facilities are given. ^