976 resultados para diferencial-pulse voltammetry


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Las raíces de mi trabajo surgieron en el Seminario de Psicopedagogía de cuarto curso de Educación Física, en el cual el Profesor D. Ángel Mayoral, además de impartir las clases de dicho Seminario estaba dirigiendo una serie de tesinas con un objetivo común: intentar averiguar cuales son las aptitudes y tareas del profesor de Educación Física. Después de hablar de los temas que a mi me han preocupado siempre, como la constitución, la personalidad y las aptitudes físicas de una persona, él me animó y me prometió la dirección de dicha tesina, ya que entraba dentro de la dirección que habla tomado con las otras tesinas y así poder trabajar juntos, todos los que bajo su dirección estábamos. La muestra elegida, utilizada por todo el grupo, fueron nuestros propios compañeros, por ser los más cercanos a nosotros y poder realizar todas las pruebas, (que no eran pocas) y por considerarla una muestra bastante representativa de la población que nos proponíamos estudiar, (estudiantes de educación física). La labor de recogida de datos fue bastante ingrata, tanto para nosotros como para los compañeros testados a los que debo un sincero agradecimiento por el esfuerzo realizado y la colaboración que tuvieron, ya que eran muchas horas de aplicación de tests, tanto de aptitudes físicas como de personalidad. Toda la recogida de datos fue estrictamente metódica, utilizando de manera uniforme a toda la muestra. Una vez tomados todos los datos hemos intentado ver las relaciones entre las variables utilizadas manejando diversos tratamientos estadísticos procesados en el Centro de Cálculo de la Universidad de Madrid, mediante un ordenador I.B.M.-370 y el paquete de programas B.M.D.P. En cuanto a la teoría expuesta no se ha intentado inventar nada, sino exponer lo que presentan una serie de autores suficientemente cualificados, con sus propias teorías y ver en qué consiste cada tema por separado, para que se comprenda el último tema, lo que intento demostrar con la hipótesis de relación de la constitución corporal, aptitudes físicas y personalidad de los estudiantes de Educación Física.


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In this paper we report a new method of laser pulse shaping by the use of liquid crystals as non linear materials. The basis of this method is similar to the one reported by us for an hybrid optical bistable device, but with a different electronic circuitry and feedback.


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Generation of Fission Yield covariance data and application to Fission Pulse Decay Heat calculations


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The aim of this work is to test the present status of Evaluated Nuclear Decay and Fission Yield Data Libraries to predict decay heat and delayed neutron emission rate, average neutron energy and neutron delayed spectra after a neutron fission pulse. Calculations are performed with JEFF-3.1.1 and ENDF/B-VII.1, and these are compared with experimental values. An uncertainty propagation assessment of the current nuclear data uncertainties is performed.


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We propose and experimentally demonstrate a potentially integrable optical scheme to generate high order UWB pulses. The technique is based on exploiting the cross phase modulation generated in an InGaAsP Mach-Zehnder interferometer containing integrated semiconductor optical amplifiers, and is also adaptable to different pulse modulation formats through an optical processing unit which allows to control of the amplitude, polarity and time delay of the generated taps.


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Gender detection is a very important objective to improve efficiency in tasks as speech or speaker recognition, among others. Traditionally gender detection has been focused on fundamental frequency (f0) and cepstral features derived from voiced segments of speech. The methodology presented here consists in obtaining uncorrelated glottal and vocal tract components which are parameterized as mel-frequency coefficients. K-fold and cross-validation using QDA and GMM classifiers showed that better detection rates are reached when glottal source and vocal tract parameters are used in a gender-balanced database of running speech from 340 speakers.


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Advanced optical modulation format polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) has become a key ingredient in the design of 100 and 200-Gb/s dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) networks. The performance of this format varies according to the shape of the pulses employed by the optical carrier: non-return to zero (NRZ), return to zero (RZ) or carrier-suppressed return to zero (CSRZ). In this paper we analyze the tolerance of PDM-QPSK to linear and nonlinear optical impairments: amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise, crosstalk, distortion by optical filtering, chromatic dispersion (CD), polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and fiber Kerr nonlinearities. RZ formats with a low duty cycle value reduce pulse-to-pulse interaction obtaining a higher tolerance to CD, PMD and intrachannel nonlinearities.


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The first feasibility study of using dual-probe heated fiber optics with distributed temperature sensing to measure soil volumetric heat capacity and soil water content is presented. Although results using different combinations of cables demonstrate feasibility, further work is needed to gain accuracy, including a model to account for the finite dimension and the thermal influence of the probes. Implementation of the dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) approach for measurement of volumetric heat capacity (C) and water content (θ) with distributed temperature sensing heated fiber optic (FO) systems presents an unprecedented opportunity for environmental monitoring (e.g., simultaneous measurement at thousands of points). We applied uniform heat pulses along a FO cable and monitored the thermal response at adjacent cables. We tested the DPHP method in the laboratory using multiple FO cables at a range of spacings. The amplitude and phase shift in the heat signal with distance was found to be a function of the soil volumetric heat capacity. Estimations of C at a range of moisture contents (θ = 0.09– 0.34 m3 m−3) suggest the feasibility of measurement via responsiveness to the changes in θ, although we observed error with decreasing soil water contents (up to 26% at θ = 0.09 m3 m−3). Optimization will require further models to account for the finite radius and thermal influence of the FO cables. Although the results indicate that the method shows great promise, further study is needed to quantify the effects of soil type, cable spacing, and jacket configurations on accuracy.


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We propose the use of a polarization based interferometer with variable transfer function for the generation of temporally flat top pulses from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers. The main advantage of the presented technique is its flexibility in terms of input pulse characteristics, as pulse duration, spectral bandwidth and operating wavelength. Theoretical predictions and experimental demonstrations are presented and the proposed technique is applied to two different semiconductor laser sources emitting in the 1550 nm region. Flat top pulses are successfully obtained with input seed pulses with duration ranging from 40 ps to 100 ps.


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In a general situation a non-uniform velocity field gives rise to a shift of the otherwise straight acoustic pulse trajectory between the transmitter and receiver transducers of a sonic anemometer. The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of trajectory shifts on the velocity as measured by the sonic anemometer. This determination has been accomplished by developing a mathematical model of the measuring process carried out by sonic anemometers; a model which includes the non-straight trajectory effect. The problem is solved by small perturbation techniques, based on the relevant small parameter of the problem, the Mach number of the reference flow, M. As part of the solution, a general analytical expression for the deviations of the computed measured speed from the nominal speed has been obtained. The correction terms of both the transit time and of the measured speed are of M 2 order in rotational velocity field. The method has been applied to three simple, paradigmatic flows: one-directional horizontal and vertical shear flows, and mixed with a uniform horizontal flow.


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In this letter, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a compact, flexible, and scalable ultrawideband (UWB) generator based on the merge of phase-to-intensity conversion and pulse shaping employing an fiber Bragg Grating-based superstructure. Our approach offers the capacity for generating high-order UWB pulses by means of the combination of various low-order derivatives. Moreover, the scheme permits the implementation of binary and multilevel modulation formats. Experimental measurements of the generated UWB pulses, in both time and frequency domain, are presented revealing efficiency and a proper fit in terms of Federal Communications Commission settled standards.


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The mathematical underpinning of the pulse width modulation (PWM) technique lies in the attempt to represent “accurately” harmonic waveforms using only square forms of a fixed height. The accuracy can be measured using many norms, but the quality of the approximation of the analog signal (a harmonic form) by a digital one (simple pulses of a fixed high voltage level) requires the elimination of high order harmonics in the error term. The most important practical problem is in “accurate” reproduction of sine-wave using the same number of pulses as the number of high harmonics eliminated. We describe in this paper a complete solution of the PWM problem using Padé approximations, orthogonal polynomials, and solitons. The main result of the paper is the characterization of discrete pulses answering the general PWM problem in terms of the manifold of all rational solutions to Korteweg-de Vries equations.


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An asymptotic solution is obtained corresponding to a very intense pulse: a sudden strong increase and fast subsequent decrease of the water level at the boundary of semi-infinite fissurized-porous stratum. This flow is of practical interest: it gives a model of a groundwater flow after a high water period or after a failure of a dam around a collector of liquid waste. It is demonstrated that the fissures have a dramatic influence on the groundwater flow, increasing the penetration depth and speed of fluid penetration into the stratum. A characteristic property of the flow in fissurized-porous stratum is the rapid breakthrough of the fluid at the first stage deeply into the stratum via a system of cracks, feeding of porous blocks by the fluid in cracks, and at a later stage feeding of advancing fluid flow in fissures by the fluid, accumulated in porous blocks.


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Effects of cocaine on the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor were investigated by using a chemical kinetic technique with a microsecond time resolution. This membrane-bound receptor regulates signal transmission between nerve and muscle cells, initiates muscle contraction, and is inhibited by cocaine, an abused drug. The inhibition mechanism is not well understood because of the lack of chemical kinetic techniques with the appropriate (microsecond) time resolution. Such a technique, utilizing laser-pulse photolysis, was recently developed; by using it the following results were obtained. (i) The apparent cocaine dissociation constant of the closed-channel receptor form is approximately 50 microM. High carbamoylcholine concentration and, therefore, increased concentrations of the open-channel receptor form, decrease receptor affinity for cocaine approximately 6-fold. (ii) The rate of the receptor reaction with cocaine is at least approximately 30-fold slower than the channel-opening rate, resulting in a cocaine-induced decrease in the concentration of open receptor channels without a concomitant decrease in the channel-opening or -closing rates. (iii) The channel-closing rate increases approximately 1.5-fold as the cocaine concentration is increased from 20 to 60 microM but then remains constant as the concentration is increased further. The results are consistent with a mechanism in which cocaine first binds rapidly to a regulatory site of the receptor, which can still form transmembrane channels. Subsequently, a slow step (t1/2 approximately 70 ms) leads to a receptor form that cannot form transmembrane channels, and acetylcholine receptor-mediated signal transmission is, therefore, blocked. Implications for the search for therapeutic agents that alleviate cocaine poisoning are mentioned.


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In mammals, gonadal function is controlled by a hypothalamic signal generator that directs the pulsatile release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and the consequent pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone. In female rhesus monkeys, the electrophysiological correlates of GnRH pulse generator activity are abrupt, rhythmic increases in hypothalamic multiunit activity (MUA volleys), which represent the simultaneous increase in firing rate of individual neurons. MUA volleys are arrested by estradiol, either spontaneously at midcycle or after the administration of the steroid. Multiunit recordings, however, provide only a measure of total neuronal activity, leaving the behavior of the individual cells obscure. This study was conducted to determine the mode of action of estradiol at the level of single neurons associated with the GnRH pulse generator. Twenty-three such single units were identified by cluster analysis of multiunit recordings obtained from a total of six electrodes implanted in the mediobasal hypothalamus of three ovariectomized rhesus monkeys, and their activity was monitored before and after estradiol administration. The bursting of all 23 units was arrested within 4 h of estradiol administration although their baseline activity was maintained. The bursts of most units reappeared at the same time as the MUA volleys, the recovery of some was delayed, and one remained inhibited for the duration of the study (43 days). The results indicate that estradiol does not desynchronize the bursting of single units associated with the GnRH pulse generator but that it inhibits this phenomenon. The site and mechanism of action of estradiol in this regard remain to be determined.