962 resultados para development of processes


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The purpose of this research was to summarize existing nondestructive test methods that have the potential to be used to detect materials-related distress (MRD) in concrete pavements. The various nondestructive test methods were then subjected to selection criteria that helped to reduce the size of the list so that specific techniques could be investigated in more detail. The main test methods that were determined to be applicable to this study included two stress-wave propagation techniques (impact-echo and spectral analysis of surface waves techniques), infrared thermography, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and visual inspection. The GPR technique was selected for a preliminary round of “proof of concept” trials. GPR surveys were carried out over a variety of portland cement concrete pavements for this study using two different systems. One of the systems was a state-of-the-art GPR system that allowed data to be collected at highway speeds. The other system was a less sophisticated system that was commercially available. Surveys conducted with both sets of equipment have produced test results capable of identifying subsurface distress in two of the three sites that exhibited internal cracking due to MRD. Both systems failed to detect distress in a single pavement that exhibited extensive cracking. Both systems correctly indicated that the control pavement exhibited negligible evidence of distress. The initial positive results presented here indicate that a more thorough study (incorporating refinements to the system, data collection, and analysis) is needed. Improvements in the results will be dependent upon defining the optimum number and arrangement of GPR antennas to detect the most common problems in Iowa pavements. In addition, refining highfrequency antenna response characteristics will be a crucial step toward providing an optimum GPR system for detecting materialsrelated distress.


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Pozzolans and slag extend the market for concrete products by improving specific properties of the products, which allows the products to be constructed with materials or placed in environments that would have precluded the use of portland cement alone. In properly formulated concrete mixes, pozzolans and slag have been shown to enhance long-term strength, decrease permeability, increase durability, reduce thermal cracking of mass concrete, minimize or eliminate cracking related to alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and minimize or eliminate cracking related to sulfate attack. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research in the area of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) that are used in concrete for highway applications. Special emphasis was given to the concept of using two or more SCMs in a single concrete mixture. The scope of the study was limited to a literature survey and panel discussions concerning issues relevant to the project. No laboratory work was conducted for this project. A problem statement with research plan was created that could be used to guide a pooled fund project.


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Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a setady increase in childcare coverage for children aged 0-3 in Spain. The coverage has rised from 4 per cent in 1992 to 13.5 in 2004. Despite this positive trend, the supply of childcare services for under-3 is among the lowest in Western European countries.


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Background and Aims: The international E EsAI s tudy g roup is currently d eveloping the first activity index ( EEsAI) specific for E osinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). G oal: T o develop, e valuate and validate the EEsAI. Methods: T he development c omprises three p hases: 1. Selection of c andidate items ( completed); 2. Evaluation of t he activity index i n a first patient cohort (in progress, p atient recruitment completed); and 3. Validation in a s econd EoE patient cohort. F ocus group interviews with patients were used in p hase 1 to g enerate patient r eported outcomes (PRO) according to g uidelines o f regulatory authorities (FDA a nd EMA), whereas the section of biologic items was developed by Delphi rounds o f international E oE experts from E urope and North America. Results: T he EEsAI has a modular c omposition to a ssess the following components o f EoE activity: p atient r eported outcomes, e ndoscopic activity, histologic activity, laboratory activity, a nd quality of l ife (QoL). Definitions for a ll aspects o f endoscopic and histologic appearance were e stablished by consensus r ounds a mong E oE experts. S ymptom a ssessment tools were c reated that t ake into account d ifferent food consistencies as w ell as f ood avoidance and specific processing strategies. The EEsAI i s currently e valuated in a cohort of a dult EoE patients since M arch 2 011 (patient recruitment completed). Conclusions: The EEsAI standardizes outcome assessment in EoE t rials. T he collaboration with i nternational E oE e xperts a s well as f ollowing o f the guidelines f rom regulatory authorities will lead to its wide applicability.


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The concentrations of the general neuronal markers D2-protein (N-CAM), D3-protein and neuron specific enolase (NSE) in reaggregating cultures of fetal rat telencephalon cells were affected by the presence of 30 nM triiodothyronine in the defined culture medium. The extent of normal developmental changes were enhanced by triiodothyronine, as demonstrated by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. From 13 to 19 days in culture, the concentration of D2-protein decreased, and the concentrations of both D3-protein and NSE increased. Nerve growth factor (NGF) was without effect on the development of these general neuronal markers. However, as shown previously both triiodothyronine and NGF increased the activity of choline acetyltransferase, a marker for cholinergic neurons. The results suggest an enhanced overall differentiation of several types of telencephalon neurons in the presence of triiodothyronine, and a specific stimulation of cholinergic telencephalon neurons by NGF.


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The present study examines the development of interculturality and changes of beliefs, by analyzing 106 compositions produced by 53 advanced level university students of translation studies at a university in Spain before and shortly after a stay-abroad (SA) period. The study draws on data collected at two different times: before (T1) and after the SA (T3). In addition, we compared the results with the writings produced by a control group of 10 native English speakers on SA too. Data were collected by means of a composition which tried to elicit the learners’ opinion about cultural habits maintenance. The results reveal significant changes between T1 and T3 in the degree of better attitudes and intercultural acquisition.


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Thymic dendritic cells (DCs) form a discrete subset of bone marrow (BM)-derived cells, the function of which is to mediate negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes. The developmental origin of thymic DCs remains controversial. Although cell transfer studies support a model in which T cells and thymic DCs develop from the same intrathymic pluripotential precursor, it remains possible that these two types of cells develop from independent intrathymic precursors. Notch proteins are cell surface receptors involved in the regulation of cell fate specification. We have recently reported that T cell development in inducible Notch1-deficient mice is severely impaired at an early stage, before the expression of T cell lineage markers. To investigate whether development of thymic DCs also depends on Notch1, we have constructed mixed BM chimeric mice. We report here that thymic DC development from Notch1(-/)- BM precursors is absolutely normal (in terms of absolute number and phenotype) in this competitive situation, despite the absence of Notch1(-/)- T cells. Furthermore, we find that peripheral DCs and Langerhans cells are also not affected by Notch1 deficiency. Our results demonstrate that the development of DCs is totally independent of Notch1 function, and strongly suggest a dissociation between intrathymic T cell and DC precursors.


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We report new polymorphic microsatellites for three species of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup): 10 in B. balearicus and seven each in B. siculus and B. boulengeri. Diversity at these loci, measured for 27 B. balearicus, 23 B. siculus and 11 B. boulengeri, ranged from low to high (two to 10 alleles). Mitotyping primers, specific to the control region, which allow fast screening of parapatric Sicilian endemic B. siculus and Italian mainland-origin B. balearicus, were developed.


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TNF receptor family members fused to the constant domain of immunoglobulin G have been widely used as immunoadhesins in basic in vitro and in vivo research and in some clinical applications. In this study, we assemble soluble, high avidity chimeric receptors on a pentameric scaffold derived from the coiled-coil domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP). The affinity of Fas and CD40 (but not TNFR-1 and TRAIL-R2) to their ligands is increased by fusion to COMP, when compared to the respective Fc chimeras. In functional assays, Fas:COMP was at least 20-fold more active than Fas:Fc at inhibiting the action of sFasL, and CD40:COMP could block CD40L-mediated proliferation of B cells, whereas CD40:Fc could not. In conclusion, members of the TNF receptor family can display high specificity and excellent avidity for their ligands if they are adequately multimerized.


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This was a methodological study conducted to describe the process and results of the development of an International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) Catalogue for Cancer Pain. According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), this catalogue contains a subset of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions to document the implementation of the nursing process in cancer patients. This catalogue was developed in several steps according to the guidelines recommended by the ICN. As a result, 68 statements on nursing diagnoses/outcomes were obtained, which were classified according to the theoretical model for nursing care related to cancer pain into physical (28), psychological (29), and sociocultural and spiritual (11) aspects. A total of 116 corresponding nursing interventions were obtained. The proposed ICNP® Catalogue for Cancer Pain aims to provide safe and systematic orientation to nurses who work in this field, thus improving the quality of patient care and facilitating the performance of the nursing process.


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The objectives were to develop and evaluate an assistive technology for the use of the male condom by visually impaired men. It was a technology development study with the participation of seven subjects. Three workshops were performed between April and May of 2010; they were all filmed and the statements of the participants were transcribed and analyzed by content. Three categories were established: Sexuality of the visually impaired; Utilization of the text, For avoiding STDs, condoms we will use, divided in two subcategories, Concept discussion and Text evaluation; and Construction of a simple penile prosthesis. The knowledge transmitted related to STD, the utilization of the condom on the penile prosthesis made by the subjects themselves, and the interaction during the workshops were effective factors for the study. In the context of sexual health, the necessity of developing works involving the visually impaired was noted, addressing sexually transmitted diseases and focusing on the use of the condom by this population.


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A number of recent investigations in man have demonstrated that a low ratio of fat to carbohydrate oxidation (i.e., a high respiratory quotient or RQ) was associated with actual and/or subsequent body weight gain in obese non-diabetic Pima Indians, in American men of various ages and in post-obese European women investigated shortly after the cessation of a hypocaloric diet. It is well known that numerous exogenous and endogenous factors influence the RQ at rest such as: the level of feeding (positive vs. negative energy balance), the composition of food eaten (high vs. low carbohydrate), the size of the glycogen stores, the amount of adipose tissue as well as genetic factors. It should be stressed that some nutritional situations can co-exist during which a low ratio of fat to carbohydrate is observed (i.e., a high RQ) despite weight loss. Furthermore, in most studies mentioned above, the low fat to carbohydrate oxidation ratio explains less than 10% of the variance in weight gain, suggesting that numerous additional factors also play a substantial role in the onset of weight gain. It is concluded that: 1) a low fat to carbohydrate oxidation ratio or an abnormal fat oxidation is difficult to define quantitatively since it is largely influenced by the energy level and the composition of the diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction to the control banding method : Nanomaterials and occupational risk assessment; Alternative method known as control banding; Scope and limits of control banding. - 2. Control banding process applied to manufactured nanomaterials: General points; Operating principle. - 3. Implementation of control banding: Gathering of information; Hazard bands; Exposure bands; Allocation of risk control bands. - 4. Bibliography: Publications; Books, reports, opinions, bulletins; Standards and references; Legislation and regulations; Websites. - Annexes