897 resultados para dance practice-led research


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The lived experience of the soldier has long been the subject of artistic inquiry and scholarly analysis. In this paper I reflect on my own art practice and research into Fijian military embodiment and the ways that Fijian soldiers and private security workers negotiate a liminal space between embodied indigenous knowledge (presence) and somaesthetic military practice (absence). As Maltby and Thornham (2012, 37) explain, “the dual articulation of the body constructs multiple understandings of it as simulta- neously lived and imagined, public and private, present and absent, experienced and represented”. I broaden these ideas around visibility/invisibility and the absence and presence of the military body through an analysis of key works by contemporary artists Lisa Barnard and Suzanne Opton.


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BACKGROUND: Literature suggests an ongoing gender disparity in the use of coronary angiography and subsequent interventions among patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to examine gender differences in the use of coronary interventions amongst patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) admitted to a major metropolitan hospital in Melbourne during the period 2009-2012. METHODS: We undertook a retrospective analysis of a hospital database of 2096 ACS patients. ACS included unstable angina (UA), ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-STEMI (NSTEMI). RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 64.3 years and 624 (30%) were women. Half of them were diagnosed as NSTEMI, 23% as STEMI and 25% as UA. Compared to men, women were older at admission, less likely to be diagnosed with STEMI and less likely to smoke. No gender difference was observed for severe co-morbidities or use of coronary angiography. Women diagnosed with STEMI were 39% less likely to receive an angioplasty stent (adjusted odds ratio 0.61, 95% confidence intervals 0.39-0.96) and 66% less likely to receive grafts (adjusted OR 0.34, 95% CIs 0.13-0.93). Women diagnosed with NSTEMI were 44% less likely to receive grafts (adjusted OR 0.56, 95% CIs 0.37-0.83). Younger women aged 35-49 years were less likely to receive an angioplasty stent, and older women >50 years were less likely to receive grafts. CONCLUSIONS: Adherence to guideline based treatment will help to ensure knowledge translation from guideline to practice. Further research investigating symptom presentation, use of non-invasive tests and medical management of ACS by gender may further explain gender difference for coronary interventions.


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A community aged care service, with the assistance of other stakeholders, initiated a qualitative practice-oriented research project to interview baby boomers about their plans for retirement and their interests in volunteering. The project looks to reshape baby boomer volunteering for our aged care services. Our findings highlight that baby boomers are looking for meaningful, diverse and flexible volunteer opportunities. This will require organisations to adapt their volunteer programs and develop the required infrastructure (improved advertising, assessment and volunteer support approaches) to cater for the volunteering needs of baby boomers. This paper highlights the process, findings, initial efforts and future challenges to engaging baby boomers in volunteer work. It is recognised that further research is required in what is not a homogenous group.


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BACKGROUND: In Australia, a significant percentage of bachelor of nursing students are employed in the aged care sector, or in aged care settings, as assistants in nursing (AINs) or personal care assistants. However the value of aged care in nursing education is often overlooked. AIM: To outline the adaptation and validation of a survey, originally developed for medical graduates, for use with nursing graduates. DISCUSSION: Adaptation of the instrument was undertaken as part of a doctoral study that aimed to explore whether employment as an undergraduate assistant in nursing (AIN) in aged care prepares new graduates for clinical work. CONCLUSION: Outlining each step of the modification process can help nurse researchers who want to adapt existing instruments to meet their research objectives. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Undergraduate AIN employment has the potential to supplement clinical learning without the restrictions inherent in the student role. Furthermore, it has the potential to enhance recruitment and retention in the aged care sector.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to report on a key finding of a larger study investigating the 'gaps' in patient care that registered nurses encounter during the course of their practice. A key finding of this larger study was that 'cutting corners' was a gap discerned by nurses. BACKGROUND: 'Cutting corners' has been characterised as a 'violation' and threat to patient safety, although there is a paucity of research on this issue. DESIGN: Naturalistic inquiry using a qualitative exploratory descriptive approach. METHODS: Data were collected from a purposeful sample of 71 registered nurses from emergency department, critical care, perioperative, rehabilitation and transitional care and neurosciences settings in Australia and analysed using content and thematic analysis strategies. RESULTS: Cutting corners was a common practice that encompassed (1) the partial or complete omission of patient care, (2) delays in providing care and (3) the failure to do things correctly. Corners were cut in patient assessment, essential nursing care, the care of central venous catheters and medication administration. The practice of cutting corners was perceived as contributing to preventable adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: The study found that cutting corners created gaps that contributed to unfinished nursing care and preventable adverse events. The findings of the study raise the possibility that cutting corners is a salient but underinvestigated characteristic of nursing practice. Further research and inquiry are needed to deepen understanding of cutting corners and its impact on patient safety. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Identifying the nature and implications of cutting corners when providing nursing care is an important contributing factor to improving patient safety and quality care.


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A review of published studies on risk management in developing countries reveals that critical success factors for implementing risk management has remained an under-researched area of investigation. This paper is aimed at investigating the perceptions of construction professionals concerning the critical success factors (CSFs) for implementation of risk management systems (IRMS). Survey data was collected from 87 construction professionals from the Iranian construction industry as a developing country. The results indicate that four factors are regarded as highly critical: ‘support from managers’, ‘inclusion of risk management in construction education and training courses for construction practitioners’, ‘attempting to deliver projects systematically’, and ‘awareness and knowledge of the process for implementing risk management’. Assessing the associations among CSFs also highlighted the crucial role of enhancing the effectiveness of knowledge management practices in construction organisations. Study also revealed that parties involved in projects do not agree on the level of importance of CSFs for implementing risk management in developing countries. This study contributes to practice and research in several ways. For practice, it increases understanding of how closely knowledge management is associated with the implementation of risk management systems in developing countries. For research, the findings would encourage construction practitioners to support effective knowledge management as a precursor to higher levels of risk management implementation on construction projects.


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The purpose of the study was to determine the degree of relationships among GRE scores, undergraduate GPA (UGPA), and success in graduate school, as measured by first year graduate GPA (FGPA), cumulative graduate GPA, and degree attainment status. A second aim of the study was to determine whether the relationships between the composite predictor (GRE scores and UGPA) and the three success measures differed by race/ethnicity and sex. A total of 7,367 graduate student records (masters, 5,990; doctoral: 1,377) from 2000 to 2010 were used to evaluate the relationships among GRE scores, UGPA and the three success measures. Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear and logistic regression, and hierarchical multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to answer the research questions. The results of the correlational analyses differed by degree level. For master’s students, the ETS proposed prediction that GRE scores are valid predictors of first year graduate GPA was supported by the findings from the present study; however, for doctoral students, the proposed prediction was only partially supported. Regression and correlational analyses indicated that UGPA was the variable that consistently predicted all three success measures for both degree levels. The hierarchical multiple linear and logistic regression analyses indicated that at master’s degree level, White students with higher GRE Quantitative Reasoning Test scores were more likely to attain a degree than Asian Americans, while International students with higher UGPA were more likely to attain a degree than White students. The relationships between the three predictors and the three success measures were not significantly different between men and women for either degree level. Findings have implications both for practice and research. They will provide graduate school administrators with institution-specific validity data for UGPA and the GRE scores, which can be referenced in making admission decisions, while they will provide empirical and professionally defensible evidence to support the current practice of using UGPA and GRE scores for admission considerations. In addition, new evidence relating to differential predictions will be useful as a resource reference for future GRE validation researchers.


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This artwork was commissioned to activate the spaces within the Immigration Museum through live interactive artwork and performance. An intergenerational project the project engaged children and adults in the stories of their own movements and migrations, and led conscious exploration of human relationship to the river, to walking, to telling stories, and creating art.


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People with chronic complex conditions continue to experience increasing health system fragmentation and poor coordination. To reverse these trends, one solution has been an investment in effective models of care coordination that use a care coordinator workforce. Care coordinators are not a homogenous workforce - but an applied professional role, providing direct and indirect care, and is often undertaken by nurses, allied health professionals, social workers or general practitioners. In Australia, there is no training curriculum nor courses, nor nationally recognised professional quality standards for the care coordinator workforce. With the growing complexity and fragmentation of the health care system, health system literacy - shared understanding of the roles and contributions of the different workforce professions, organisations and systems, among patients and indeed the health workforce is required. Efforts to improve health system literacy among the health workforce are increasing at a policy, practice and research level. However, insufficient evidence exists about what are the health system literacy needs of care coordinators, and what is required for them to be most effective. Key areas to build a health system literate care coordination workforce are presented. Care coordination is more than an optional extra, but one of the only ways we are going to be able to provide equitable health services for people with chronic complex conditions. People with low health literacy require more support with the coordination of their care, therefore we need to build a high performing care coordinator workforce that upholds professional quality standards, and is health literacy responsive.


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This article shares an experimental poem created by three poet-researchers using an online word processor to collaboratewithin a single document. We attempt to blur the line between creative and academic writing, focusing on the possibilities for writing as a method of inquiry and the opportunities for different perceptions of being that it suggests. Our project unfolds as we also produce a brief diffractive reading that does not mirror or deconstruct the poem, but thinks it in an alternative way, as a broader collaboration, or intra-action between entities, both human and non-human. We avoid determining how our purported individual voices merge to form any united voice. Rather, we are alert to agencies and flows that complicate understandings of us as three rational, discrete, fully formed human figures articulating coherent narratives. We therefore offer a response to theoretical calls to explore collaborative writing as inquiry, through sharing our practice.


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The Collaborative Reflective Experience and Practice in Education (CREPE) Research Group formed mid 2014 as a group of eight teacher educators interested in working collaboratively to improve our teaching practice through self-study methodology. Located at distance across the three campuses of Deakin University in Victoria, Australia and from the disciplines of mathematics, science, visual arts, performing arts, and curriculum and pedagogy, we aimed to better understand, improve, and share our practices as teacher-educators. While a few of us had engaged in self-study previously, all were comfortable with observing some kind of professional reflective/reflexive practice. We shared the intention of engaging in the scholarship (teaching practice and research) of self-study methodology via community of practice approaches, focusing on our collaborative (overarching) research as well as engaging in focused research simultaneously. It is our efforts towards collaborative research that are the subject of this chapter.


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Teniendo en cuenta el drástico aumento en Colombia y el mundo de la población adulta mayor la pirámide poblacional se ha invertido. Lo que ha generado que cada vez haya más adultos mayores y la esperanza de vida sea mayor. Motivo por el cual surge la importancia de conocer diversos aspectos del envejecimiento, entre ellos los estereotipos. Adicionalmente hay muy poca investigación relacionada con los estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento según el género y el periodo de desarrollo. Levy (2009) encontró que son los jóvenes quienes tienen más estereotipos negativos sobre el envejecimiento pues estos sienten que la vejez está muy lejos de su realidad actual y no es en una amenaza personal. Por otro lado Bodner, Bergman y Cohen (2012), encontraron que son los hombres quienes tienen más estereotipos negativos sobre el envejecimiento. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir el efecto del periodo del desarrollo y el género en los estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento en 860 adultos colombianos. Se midió la variable de estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento a través del cuestionario de Ramírez y Palacios (2015) y el periodo del desarrollo y el género a través de un cuestionario de datos sociodemograficos. Contrario a lo esperado, los resultados mostraron que no existe relación entre los estereotipos negativos con el género, el periodo del desarrollo, ni en la interacción de estos. En cambio, se encontraron diferencias entre los estereotipos positivos el género y el periodo de desarrollo. Se considera importante continuar realizando investigaciones relacionadas con esta temática pues cada vez son más los adultos mayores y la manera en que nos relacionemos con ellos, va a determinar un mejor proceso de envejecimiento para ellos.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo de grado es estudiar el discurso de la lucha contra el terrorismo en Colombia y dar luces al debate que giró alrededor de quien era señalado como terrorista durante el gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Indaga sobre la instrumentalización que se ha dado al discurso de la lucha contra el terrorismo por actores políticos, quienes, en contraposición a los actores jurídicos, buscan mantener la ambigüedad del mencionado debate. Partiendo de los planteamientos de Donatella Della Porta y Charles Tilly, quienes ponen en tela de juicio la validez del terrorismo como concepto dentro de las ciencias sociales y, utilizando casos para ejemplificar cómo los actores políticos se benefician de la ambigüedad del discurso configurado alrededor del terrorismo, el presente trabajo muestra cómo se implementó este discurso en Colombia enfocándose en los actores que podían modificar la realidad a partir de su posición en el mencionado debate.


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El análisis contingencial es una alternativa novedosa ante los modelos de evaluación psicológica desarrollados previamente (psicopatológico, psicodinámico, de la terapia sistémica familiar, humanista y cognitivo-conductual), que pretende definir los problemas de los consultantes con base en las relaciones entre su comportamiento, la conducta de otros y las prácticas sociales en la que se circunscriben ambos. Con el objetivo de validar un protocolo de evaluación fundamentado en el análisis contingencial, tres psicólogos clínicos con experiencia, analizaron cada una de las categorías propuestas: datos iniciales, identificación de las relaciones microcontingenciales, definición de las relaciones macrocontingenciales, génesis del problema, análisis de soluciones y procedimientos de intervención; con base en los criterios de claridad (grado en el que el ítem es presentado de forma precisa y clara, que permite su fácil compresión) y pertinencia (correspondencia entre el contenido del ítem y la dimensión para la cual será usado). Los resultados encontrados indican que cada una de las categorías del protocolo permiten evaluar adecuadamente las problemáticas de los usuarios debido a que todas fueran consideradas como pertinentes, no obstante, se requiere modificar algunos aspectos ya que no cuentan con la claridad suficiente para ser comprensibles, probablemente por el uso de un lenguaje demasiado técnico, que conllevaría a errores en el proceso de evaluación.


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Los trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME) tienen alta relación con la industria automotriz afectando a los trabajadores en quienes se puede encontrar varias patologías como Síndrome Del Túnel Del Carpo, Epicondilitis, Síndrome del Manguito Rotador, discopatía lumbar y lumbalgias, entre otros. Entre los factores de riesgo asociados a estos trastornos están los movimientos repetitivos, posturas inadecuadas, vibración, uso manual de herramientas, tareas físicas demandantes y el mal levantamiento de pesos. Todas estas patologías son causa de ausentismo laboral en todo el mundo, lo que conlleva a un aumento en el costo económico por incapacidades, ayudas diagnósticas y tratamientos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica de artículos publicados del año 2000 a 2016 con relación a los trastornos musculoesqueléticos en la industria automotriz en las bases de datos de Pubmed, Ebsco Host, ScienceDirect y Embase. La evidencia encontrada sugiere que la patología lumbar es la que presenta mayor prevalencia en la industria, con 65% en la población Europea, 42% en Asia, Norteamérica en un 20% y en América Latina en un 46%. A pesar que en la industria automotriz predominan como fuerza laboral los hombres, se reportó que las mujeres eran las que tenían mayores factores de riesgo para desarrollar un TME y dentro de estos las posturas inadecuadas, movimientos repetitivos, sobrecarga laboral y levantamiento de pesos, sumado al tiempo de exposición que fue un común denominador en cada uno de los estudios analizados. Las conclusiones fueron que la prevalencia de TME en esta industria es elevada y esto amerita la implementación de programas de prevención más enfocados en este tema. Además no se encontró en la literatura la existencia de un método eficiente para análisis postural y de sobrecarga física, lo que habla de una necesidad urgente de realizar más investigaciones enfocadas en este tipo de población.