1000 resultados para d13C, d18O, d2H
The Southern Ocean is perhaps the only region where fluctuations in the global influence of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) can be monitored unambiguously in single deep-sea cores. A carbon isotope record from benthic foraminifera in a Southern Ocean core reveals large and rapid changes in the flux of NADW during the last deglaciation, and an abrupt increase in the NADW production rate which immediately preceded large-scale melting of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. This sudden strengthening of the NADW thermoha-line cell provides strong evidence for the importance of NADW in glacial-interglacial climate change.
The complex deglacial to Holocene oceanographic development in the Gulf of Guayaquil (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) is reconstructed for sea surface and subsurface ocean levels from (isotope) geochemical proxies based on marine sediment cores. At sea surface, southern sourced Cold Coastal Water and tropical Equatorial Surface Water/Tropical Surface Water are intimately related. In particular since ~10 ka, independent sea surface temperature proxies capturing different seasons emphasize the growing seasonal contrast in the Gulf of Guayaquil, which is in contrast to ocean areas further offshore. Cold Coastal Water became rapidly present in the Gulf of Guayaquil during the austral winter season in line with the strengthening of the Southeast Trades, while coastal upwelling off Peru gradually intensified and expanded northward in response to a seasonally changing atmospheric circulation pattern affecting the core locations intensively since 4 ka BP. Equatorial Surface Water, instead, was displaced and Tropical Surface Water moved northward together with the Equatorial Front. At subsurface, the presence of Equatorial Under Current-sourced Equatorial Subsurface Water was continuously growing, prominently since ~10-8 ka B.P. During Heinrich Stadial 1 and large parts of the Bølling/Allerød, and similarly during short Holocene time intervals at ~5.1-4 ka B.P. and ~1.5-0.5 ka B.P., the admixture of Equatorial Subsurface Water was reduced in response to both short-term weakening of Equatorial Under Current strength from the northwest and emplacement by tropical Equatorial Surface Water, considerably warming the uppermost ocean layers.
Three sites, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 167, were chosen for detailed late Pleistocene paleoceanographic studies of intermediate water along the California margin. These sites are Site 1011 (Animal Basin, 31°17'N, 117°38'W, 2033 m water depth, 1600 m sill depth), Site 1012 (East Cortez Basin, 32°17'N, 118°23'W, 1783 m water depth, 1415 m sill depth), and Site 1018 (Guide Seamount, 36°59'N, 123°17'W, 2476 m water depth). Here we present carbon and oxygen isotopic measurements of benthic foraminifers from these three sites. We made 135 measurements from Site 1011, 387 measurements from Site 1012, and 231 measurements from Site 1018. This data report includes an explanation of the methods used to generate these isotopic records and the age models for each site. Detailed paleoceanographic interpretations of the isotopic records are currently under way.
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iven the importance of high-latitude areas in the ocean-climate system, there is need for a paleothermometer that is reliable at low temperatures. Here we assess the applicability of the Mg/Ca-temperature proxy in colder waters (5-10?°C) by comparing for the first time the seasonal Mg/Ca and d18O cycles of N. pachyderma (s) and G. bulloides using a sediment trap time-series from the northern North Atlantic. While both species show indistinguishable seasonal d18O patterns that clearly track the near surface temperature cycle, their Mg/Ca are very different. G. bulloides Mg/Ca is high (2.0-3.1 mmol/mol), but varies in concert with the seasonal temperature cycle. The Mg/Ca of N. pachyderma (s), on the other hand, is low (1.1-1.5 mmol/mol) and shows only a very weak seasonal cycle. The d18O patterns indicate that both species calcify in the same depth zone. Consequently, depth habitat differences cannot explain the contrasting Mg/Ca patterns. The elevated Mg/Ca in pristine G. bulloides might be due to the presence of high Mg phases that are not preserved in fossil shells. The contrasting absence of a seasonal trend in the Mg/Ca of N. pachyderma (s) confirms other studies where calcification temperatures were less well constrained. The reason for this absence is not fully known, but may include species-specific vital effects. The very different seasonal patterns of both species' Mg/Ca underscore the importance of parameters other than temperature in controlling planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca. Our results therefore lend further caution in the interpretation of Mg/Ca-temperature reconstructions from high northern latitudes.
Benthic (Uvigerina spp., Cibicidoides spp., Gyroidinoides spp.) and planktonic (N. pachyderma sinistral, G. bulloides) stable isotope records from three core sites in the central Gulf of Alaska are used to infer mixed-layer and deepwater properties of the late glacial Subarctic Pacific. Glacial-interglacial amplitudes of the planktonic delta18O records are 1.1-1.3 per mil, less than half the amplitude observed at core sites at similar latitudes in the North Atlantic; these data imply that a strong, negative deltaw anomaly existed in the glacial Subarctic mixed layer during the summer, which points to a much stronger low-salinity anomaly than exists today. If true, the upper water column in the North Pacific would have been statically more stable than today, thus suppressing convection even more efficiently. This scenario is further supported by vertical (i.e., planktic versus benthic) delta18O and delta13C gradients of >1 per mil, which suggest that a thermohaline link between Pacific deep waters and the Subarctic Pacific mixed layer did not exist during the late glacial. Epibenthic delta13C in the Subarctic Pacific is more negative than at tropical-subtropical Pacific sites but similar to that recorded at Southern Ocean sites, suggesting ventilation of the deep central Pacific from mid-latitude sources, e.g., from the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Still, convection to intermediate depths could have occurred in the Subarctic during the winter months when heat loss to the atmosphere, sea ice formation, and wind-driven upwelling of saline deep waters would have been most intense. This would be beyond the grasp of our planktonic records which only document mixed-layer temperature-salinity fields extant during the warmer seasons. Also we do not have benthic isotope records from true intermediate water depths of the Subarctic Pacific.
Ocean Drilling Program Legs 127 and 128 in the Japan Sea have revealed the existence of numerous dark-light rhythms of remarkable consistency in sediments of late Miocene, latest Pliocene, and especially Pleistocene age. Light-colored units within these rhythms are massive or bioturbated, consist of diatomaceous clays, silty clays, or nannofossil-rich clays, and are generally poor in organic matter. Dark-colored units are homogeneous, laminated, or thinly bedded and include substantial amounts of biogenic material such as well-preserved diatoms, planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, and organic matter (maximum 7.4 wt%). The dark-light rhythms show a similar geometrical pattern on three different scales: First-order rhythms consist of a cluster dominated by dark-colored units followed by a cluster dominated by light-colored units (3-5 m). Spectral analysis of a gray-value time series suggests that the frequencies of the first-order rhythms in sediments of latest Pliocene and Pleistocene age correlate to the obliquity and the eccentricity cycles. The second-order dark-light rhythms include a light and a dark-colored unit (10-160 cm). They were formed in time spans of several hundred to several ten thousand years, with variance centering around 10,500 yr. This frequency may correspond to half the precessional cycle. Third-order rhythms appear as laminated or thinly bedded dark-light couplets (2-15 mm) within the dark-colored units of the second-order rhythms and may represent annual frequencies. In interpreting the rhythms, we have to take into account that (1) the occurrence of the first- and second-order rhythms is not necessarily restricted to glacial or interglacial periods as is shown by preliminary stable-isotope analysis and comparison with the published d18O record; (2) they appear to be Milankovitch-controlled; and (3) a significant number of the rhythms are sharply bounded. The origin of the dark-light rhythms is probably related to variations in monsoonal activity in the Japan Sea, which show annual frequencies, but also operates in phase with the orbital cycles.