933 resultados para cysts


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The climatic deterioration related to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciations (circa 2.52 Ma BP) must have lead to reorganization and relocation of species associations and may have enhanced species turnover. The present study investigates how this deterioration affects the dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch assemblages from two locations, DSDP Site 607 (North Atlantic) and the Singa section (southern Italy). The records from these locations cover the interval from 2.8 to 2.2 Ma with at least a 5 ka resolution and they have been correlated to the Milankovitch periodicities on a cycle to cycle basis by means of integrated high resolution stable isotope, calcium carbonate, foraminiferal, palynological and magnetostratigraphical datasets. In the present study this high resolution stratigraphic framework is used for a detailed correlation of events occurring in each of the depositional sequences. It also enables further assessment of the palaeoenvironmental preferences of some dinoflagellate cyst forms. Comparison of the two palynological records reveals a close correspondence in the timing of major assemblage changes and extinction events, confirming their Milankovitch cycle based correlation. A close link between periods of Northern Hemisphere cooling (at oxygen isotope stages 110, 104 and 100-96) and increased dinoflagellate cyst turnover appears to be present for both DSDP Site 607 and the Singa section. The turnover events can also be recognized in the records of planktic foraminifera and calcamous nannoplankton. Comparison of the Singa section with Site 607 and with other time equivalent marine palynological data sets, shows that some oceanic taxa respond similarly over a large area. The biostratigraphical implications are discussed. Notably the last occurrence of Invertocystu lucrymosa appears to be a valuable marker for isotope stage 110 in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic.


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Cores recovered at Sites 986 and 987 comprise glacial fan sedimentation associated with the Svalbard-Barents Sea and Greenland Ice Sheets, respectively. At Site 986, the top 150 m and the basal 250 m yielded interpretable magnetic stratigraphies. The record from the intervening 550 m is compromised by drilling-related core deformation, poor recovery, and numerous debris flows. The uppermost 150 m appears to record the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and the Jaramillo Subchron. The base of the drilled section (at ~950 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) is interpreted to lie within the Matuyama Chron (age <2.58 Ma) with an apparent normal polarity interval in the ~730-750 mbsf interval. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and Sr isotopic ratios are consistent with a Matuyama age for the base of the drilled section and with the normal polarity interval as the Olduvai Subchron. On the other hand, the last occurrence of Neogloboquadrina atlantica (sinistral) and the last common occurrence of the warm-dwelling Globigerina bulloides at 647-650 mbsf in Hole 986D indicate an age for this level of ~2.3 Ma, inconsistent with the designation of the Olduvai Subchron in the ~730-750 mbsf interval. If the age at 647-650 mbsf in Hole 986D is taken as 2.3 Ma and the base of the hole lies within the Matuyama Chron, then the sedimentation rate in the basal 300 m of the cored section averages 1 m/k.y. At Site 987, the magnetic stratigraphy is fairly unambiguous throughout the section and yields an age of 7.5 Ma (Chron 4n) for the base of the drilled section. The paucity of calcareous and siliceous microfossils precludes biostratigraphic corroboration of the magnetostratigraphic interpretation, although dinoflagellate cysts provide general support, particularly at the base of the section. The age model indicates relatively low sedimentation rates (~5 cm/k.y.) at the base of the section with rates at least four to five times greater during intervals of debris flows at ~5-4.6 and ~2.6 Ma.


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Dinoflagellate cysts and other organic-walled microfossils have been studied in recent surface sediments from the entire Norwegian-Greenland Sea. More than 30 taxa have been recognized, of which only few show a distinct distribution pattern, and allow description of four assemblages. The occurrence of most taxa is related to the relatively warmer waters of the Norwegian Sea. Algidaspaeridium? minutum s.1., Brigantedinium simplex and Impagidinium? pallidum are the only species showing a preference for colder water masses. Two species, I.? pallidum and Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus are mainly restricted to the oceanic environment, whereas the other species have also been reported from neritic environments in previous studies. Due to the limited knowledge of the ecological and sedimentological factors influencing the occurrence of dinoflagellate cysts in oceanic environments, their distribution in recent sediments can be only related to surface water masses in a broad sense. Although the distribution of assemblages correlates with specific surface water masses, comparison with assemblages recovered from sediment traps deployed basinwide in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea (Dale and Dale, 1992) revealed some major discrepancies in species composition and percentage abundances. The differences cannot be explained with certainty at the moment, although there is some evidence that transport of dinoflagellate cysts and other fossilizable microplankton in water masses by currents, in sea-ice and sediments may modify the assemblages found in recent oceanic surface sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea.


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A diverse assemblage of marine palynomorphs was recovered from the Oligocene - Miocene section of CRP-2/2A. Most of the assemblage is composed of previously unrecognised species. Three distinct groups of marine palynomorph were recognised: (1) prasinophytes, mainly Cymatiosphaera, (2) acritarchs, mainly Leiosphaeridia and Sigmopollis although Leiofusa is an important component of the bottom half of the hole, and (3) dinoflagellate cysts. About 27 species of in situ dinoflagellate cysts were recorded, of which seven apparently undescribed species of Lejeunecysta form a prominent component. Reworked specimens of several species of the Paleogene Transantarctic Flora occur in CRP-2/2A sediments. Several abundance peaks of reworked taxa from the Transantarctic Flora are recorded. Three marine palynomorph zones were recognised (MP3, MP2, MP1), considered to be early Oligocene, late Oligocene, and late Oligocene/early Miocene in age respectively. Samples from the Quaternary and Pliocene part of CRP-2/2A were also examined. These proved either barren or yielded very sparse low diversity floras.


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The study of particulate organic matter (OM) in Arctic Ocean sediments from the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene (IODP Expedition 302) has revealed detailed information about the aquatic/marine OM fluxes, biological sources, preservation and export of terrestrial material. Here, we present detailed data from maceral analysis, vitrinite reflectance measurements and organic geochemistry. During the Campanian/Paleocene, fluxes of land-derived OM are indicated by reworked and oxidized macerals (vitrinite, inertinite) and terrigenous liptinite (cutinite, sporinite). In the Early Eocene, drastic environmental changes are indicated by peaks in aquatic OM (up to 40-45%, lamalginite, telalginite, liptodetrinite, dinoflagellate cysts) and amorphous OM (up to 50% bituminite). These events of increased aquatic OM flux, similar to conditions favoring black shale deposition, correlate with the global d13C events "Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum" (PETM) and "Elmo-event". Freshwater discharge and proximity of the source area are documented by freshwater algae material (Pediastrum, Botryococcus) and immature land-plant material (corphuminite, textinite). We consider that erosion of coal-bearing sediments during transgression time lead to humic acids release as a source for bituminite deposited in the Early Eocene black shales.


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Sediments of the Equatorial Atlantic (core GeoB 1105-4) have been investigated for both calcareous dinoflagellates and organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts. In order to determine the ecological affinity of calcareous dinoflagellates the statistical methods of Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Redundancy Analysis (RDA) were used. Utilising DCA, distribution patterns of calcareous dinoflagellates have been compared with those of the ecologically much better known organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts. This method was also used to determine which environmental gradients have a major influence on the species composition. By using existing environmental information based on benthic and planktic foraminifera, such as Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, as well as information on the amount of Calcium Carbonate and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in bottom sediments, these gradients could be interpreted in terms of productivity and glacial-interglacial trends. Using RDA, the direct relationships between the distribution patterns of calcareous dinoflagellates with the above mentioned external variables could be determined. For the studied region and time interval (141-6.7 ka) the calcareous dinoflagellates show enhanced abundances in periods with reduced productivity most probably related to decreased divergence and relatively stratified, oligotrophic oceanic conditions.


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Organic petrologic (maceral analysis) and bulk organic-geochemical studies were performed on five sediment cores from the Eurasian continental margin to reconstruct the environmental changes during the last not, vert, similar13 000 yr. The core stratigraphy is based on AMS-14C dating, and correlation by magnetic susceptibility and lithostratigraphic characteristics. Variations in terrigenous, freshwater, and marine organic matter deposition document paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes during the transition from the last deglaciation to the Holocene. Glacigenic diamictons deposited in the St. Anna Trough (northern Kara Sea) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are characterized by reworked terrigenous organic matter. In contrast, the Laptev Sea shelf was not covered by an ice-sheet, but was exposed by the lowered sea level. Increased deposition of marine organic matter (MOM) during deglaciation indicates enhanced surface-water productivity, possibly related to influence of Atlantic waters. The occurrence of freshwater alginite gives evidence for river discharge to the Kara and Laptev Seas after the LGM. At the eastern Laptev Sea slope, the first influence of Atlantic water masses is indicated by an increase in the contents of MOM and dinoflagellate cysts, with Operculodinium centrocarpum prior to not, vert, similar10 000 yr BP. High sedimentation rates in the Kara and the Laptev Seas with the adjacent slope at the beginning of the Holocene are presumably related to increased freshwater and sediment discharge from the Siberian rivers. Evidence for elevated Holocene freshwater discharge to the Laptev Sea has been found between not, vert, similar9.8 and 9 kyr BP, at not, vert, similar5 kyr BP and at not, vert, similar2.5 kyr BP. In the Kara Sea, an increased freshwater signal is obvious at not, vert, similar8.5 kyr BP and at not, vert, similar5 kyr BP. Higher portions of MOM were accumulated in the St. Anna Trough and at the Eurasian continental margin at several intervals during the Holocene. Increased primary productivity during these intervals is explained by seasonally ice-free conditions possibly associated with increased inflow of Atlantic waters.


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The dinoflagellate cyst record from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 893A, Santa Barbara Basin, southern California, is examined at millennial-scale resolution for the past 40 kyr. Changes in cyst abundance, composition of cyst assemblages, and their diversity reflect major shifts in climate and ocean circulation in the region over this time interval. Throughout the sequence, dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Brigantedinium spp. and other upwelling-related taxa such as Echinidinium and Protoperidinium americanum are abundant, indicating the continued influence of coastal upwelling on the basin during the late Quaternary. A significant increase in cyst accumulation rates is seen during the Holocene and, to a lesser extent, during shorter warming events such as Bolling/Allerod and Dansgaard-Oeschger interstadials, implying enhanced marine productivity during these periods. Cyst diversity is high during the Holocene. An increase in abundance of cysts produced by autotrophic dinoflagellates in the late Holocene suggests enhanced input of warm, nutrient-rich waters. In contrast, cyst assemblages from the Last Glacial Maximum exhibit a relatively low diversity and an increase in the cysts of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, in particular Selenopemphix nephroides. The presence of this taxon in association with Brigantedinium spp. implies substantial cooling of surface waters in the Santa Barbara Basin at that time.


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Dinoflagellate stratigraphy is described for the section from 364.75 to 843.85 meters below seafloor (mbsf) at Site 1148 (Sections 184-1148A-40X-1 through 76X-6 and 184-1148B-39X-CC through 56X-1) in the South China Sea. Two assemblage zones and two subzones are defined, based on characteristics of the assemblages and lowest/highest occurrences of some key species. These are the Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Assemblage Zone (Zone A; Oligocene), with the Enneadocysta pectiniformis Subzone (Subzone A-1) and the Cordosphaeridium gracile Subzone (Subzone A-2), and the Polysphaeridium zoharyi Assemblage Zone (Zone B; early Miocene). The highest concurrent occurrence of Enneadocysta arcuata, Eneadocysta multicornuta, Homotryblium plectilum, and Homotryblium tenuispinosum delineates the upper boundary of Zone A, which appears to mark a hiatus. Subzone A-1 is of early Oligocene age, as evidenced by the highest occurrences of E. pectiniformis and Phthanoperidinium amoenum at the upper boundary of the subzone. Subzone A-2 is of late Oligocene age based on the highest occurrences of C. gracile and Wetzeliella gochtii close to the upper boundary of the subzone and the occurrence of Distatodinium ellipticum and Membranophoridium aspinatum within the subzone. Zone B is dated as early Miocene based on the lowest occurrences of Cerebrocysta satchelliae, Hystrichosphaeropsis obscura, Melitasphaeridium choanophorum, Membranilarnacia? picena, and Tuberculodinium vancampoae within the zone. The present assemblage zones/subzones are correlative to various degrees with coeval zones/assemblages from areas of high to low latitudes in terms of common key species. We have compared the species content of the assemblage Zones A and B, and the subzones A-1 and A-2, with coeval assemblage(s)/zone(s) described from many, often widely distant, high- and low-latitude regions of the world. These comparisons show that, to various degrees and aside from a number of key species, the coordinated presence of certain important species may also help to assign an age to a given assemblage.


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Eocene sediments drilled at the East Tasman Plateau (ETP) exhibit well-defined cycles, high-resolution magnetic stratigraphy, and environmentally-controlled dinoflagellate and diatom distribution patterns. We derive a cyclostratigraphy from the spectral analysis of high-resolution elemental concentration records (Ca, Fe) for this shallow marine time series spanning the middle to early late Eocene (C16n.2n - C21). Changes in carbonate content, the ratio between Gonyaulacoid and Peridinioid dinocysts, and relative abundance of "oligotrophic" diatoms serve as proxies for a high-resolution climatic and sea-level history with high values representing high sea-level stands and decreased eutrophy of surface waters. Changing ratios between high latitude dinocysts versus cosmopolitan species provide clues on sea surface temperature trends and water mass exchange. Our results show that the relatively shallow-water middle Eocene environments of the ETP are influenced by orbitally-forced climatic cycles superimposed on third order relative sea-level changes. Changes in the dominance of Milankovitch frequency at ~38.6 Ma (late Eocene) is related to an initial deepening-step within the Tasmanian Gateway prior to the major deepening during the middle late Eocene (~35.5 Ma). Decreasing sedimentation rates at 38 Ma and 37.2 Ma reflect winnowing associated with sea-level fall. This episode is followed by renewed transgression. Dinocyst distribution patterns indicate high latitude, probably cool temperate surface water conditions throughout, with the exception of a sudden surge in cosmopolitan species near the base of subchron C18.2r, at ~41 Ma; this event is tentatively correlated to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum.


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Only very few studies focus on recent calcareous dinoflagellate cyst diversity, geographic distribution and ecology, so that information on the distribution patterns and environmental affinities of individual cyst species is extremely limited. This information is, however, essential if we want to use calcareous dinoflagellate cysts for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Surface sediment samples from the generally oligotrophic western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, offshore northeast Brazil, were therefore quantitatively analysed for their calcareous dinoflagellate cyst content, including the calcareous vegetative coccoid Thoracosphaera heimii. Seven calcareous dinoflagellate cyst species/morphotypes and T. heimii were encountered in high concentrations throughout the area. Substantial differences in the distribution patterns were observed. The highest concentrations of cysts are found in sediments of the more oligotrophic, oceanic regions, beyond the influence of Amazon River discharge waters. Dinoflagellates producing calcareous cysts thus appear to be capable of surviving low nutrient concentrations and produce large numbers of cysts in relatively stable and predictable environments affected by minimal seasonality. To test for the environmental affinities of individual species, distribution patterns in surface sediments were compared with temperature, salinity, density and stratification gradients within the upper water column (0-100 m) over different times of the year, using principal components analysis and redundancy analysis. T. heimii and four of the seven encountered cyst species (Sphaerodinella? albatrosiana, two morphotypes of Sphaerodinella? tuberosa and Scrippsiella regalis) relate to these parameters significantly and the variations in the cyst associations appear to be associated with the different surface water currents characterising the area. The results imply that calcareous dinoflagellate cyst distributions can potentially be used to distinguish between different open oceanic environments and they could, therefore, be useful in tracing water mass movements throughout the late Quaternary.


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PURPOSE To identify the prevalence and progression of macular atrophy (MA) in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients under long-term anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy and to determine risk factors. METHOD This retrospective study included patients with neovascular AMD and ≥30 anti-VEGF injections. Macular atrophy (MA) was measured using near infrared and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Yearly growth rate was estimated using square-root transformation to adjust for baseline area and allow for linearization of growth rate. Multiple regression with Akaike information criterion (AIC) as model selection criterion was used to estimate the influence of various parameters on MA area. RESULTS Forty-nine eyes (47 patients, mean age 77 ± 14) were included with a mean of 48 ± 13 intravitreal anti-VEGF injections (ranibizumab:37 ± 11, aflibercept:11 ± 6, mean number of injections/year 8 ± 2.1) over a mean treatment period of 6.2 ± 1.3 years (range 4-8.5). Mean best-corrected visual acuity improved from 57 ± 17 letters at baseline (= treatment start) to 60 ± 16 letters at last follow-up. The MA prevalence within and outside the choroidal neovascularization (CNV) border at initial measurement was 45% and increased to 74%. Mean MA area increased from 1.8 ± 2.7 mm(2) within and 0.5 ± 0.98 mm(2) outside the CNV boundary to 2.7 ± 3.4 mm(2) and 1.7 ± 1.8 mm(2) , respectively. Multivariate regression determined posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) and presence/development of intraretinal cysts (IRCs) as significant factors for total MA size (R(2) = 0.16, p = 0.02). Macular atrophy (MA) area outside the CNV border was best explained by the presence of reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) and IRC (R(2) = 0.24, p = 0.02). CONCLUSION A majority of patients show MA after long-term anti-VEGF treatment. Reticular pseudodrusen (RPD), IRC and PVD but not number of injections or treatment duration seem to be associated with the MA size.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Relationships of various reproductive disorders and milk production performance of Danish dairy farms were investigated. A stochastic frontier production function was estimated using data collected in 1998 from 514 Danish dairy farms. Measures of farm-level milk production efficiency relative to this production frontier were obtained, and relationships between milk production efficiency and the incidence risk of reproductive disorders were examined. There were moderate positive relationships between milk production efficiency and retained placenta, induction of estrus, uterine infections, ovarian cysts, and induction of birth. Inclusion of reproductive management variables showed that these moderate relationships disappeared, but directions of coefficients for almost all those variables remained the same. Dystocia showed a weak negative correlation with milk production efficiency. Farms that were mainly managed by young farmers had the highest average efficiency scores. The estimated milk losses due to inefficiency averaged 1142, 488, and 256 kg of energy-corrected milk per cow, respectively, for low-, medium-, and high-efficiency herds. It is concluded that the availability of younger cows, which enabled farmers to replace cows with reproductive disorders, contributed to high cow productivity in efficient farms. Thus, a high replacement rate more than compensates for the possible negative effect of reproductive disorders. The use of frontier production and efficiency/ inefficiency functions to analyze herd data may enable dairy advisors to identify inefficient herds and to simulate the effect of alternative management procedures on the individual herd's efficiency.