900 resultados para culture of fundraising


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Una de les contribucions de la recerca sobre concepcions prèvies dels estudiants en ciències durant els darrers 25 anys ha estat mostrar la influència del context sociocultural dels nois i noies en les idees i concepcions que desenvolupen i mantenen des de la seva infància. Hi ha l’acord que algunes diferències en les concepcions poden dependre de la cultura social en la qual s’integren. Alguns investigadors també pensen que els esquemes argumentatius també poden ser influenciats per la cultura de les comunitats. Els contextos Català i Anglès semblen similars, ambdós formen part del context cultural de les societats desenvolupades; per tant, podem pensar que els esquemes argumentatius que els estudiants apliquen, poden tenir moltes similituds, però també importants diferències. Les dades analitzades provenen de les respostes escrites dels estudiants individuals i de les transcripcions de 8 grups de discussió sobre quatre tasques. L’anàlisi es fa a tres nivells: 1)comparació del nombre d’arguments entre tasques i entre països, 2) qualitativa i descriptiva comparació entre tipus d’esquemes argumentatius per tasques i per països i 3) explicació de tipus d’esquemes argumentatius que es donen molt, i identificació d’estructures argumentatives complexes que lliguen diversos esquemes en un argument més gran i que poden caracteritzar l’argumentació d’alguns grups (aplicant Toulmin) i que poden ser indicadors d’aspectes cooperatius i de canvis de punts de vista en les discussions. Els resultants ens indiquen que encara que els estudiants Catalans dediquen més temps a les discussions, la ratio nombre d’esquemes per unitat de temps és similar als dos països. S’han trobar algunes diferències entre tipus d'esquemes per països i per tasques, també que molts arguments es basen en valors i idees preconcebudes. S’han pogut identificar també algunes estructures argumentatives complexes no gaire comunes.


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Folpet is one of the most widely employed fungicides in agriculture. It is typically used in the culture of vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants. Once absorbed in the human body, it has been found to be very reactive, especially in acid conditions. According to various in vitro and in vivo experiments in animals, Folpet is first fractioned at the N-S link when in contact with aqueous solutions and thiol groups. From this non-enzymatic process a phthalimide (PI) molecule is formed, which may be used as a biomarker of exposure, along with the short-lived thiophosgene. We have built a human toxicokinetic model to account for the biotransformation of Folpet into PI and its subsequent excretion while accounting for other non-monitored metabolites. The mathematical parameters of the model were determined accordingly from best-fits to the time courses of PI in blood and urine of five volunteers administered orally 1 mg/kg and dermally 10 mg/kg of Folpet. In both cases, the mean elimination half-life of PI from the body (either through faeces, urine or metabolism) was found to be 31.6 h. The average final fractions of administered dose recovered in urine as PI were 0.025% and 0.002%, for oral and dermal administration, respectively after 96 h. According to the model, when orally administered, PI rapidly hydrolyzes to phthalamic and phthalic acids such that only 0.04% of the PI found in the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed into the blood stream. Likewise, after dermal application, model predicts that only 7.4% of the applied Folpet dose crosses the epidermis. In the model, the PI initial metabolite of Folpet is formed in the dermis and further metabolized prior to reaching systemic circulation, such that only 0.125% of PI formed at the site-of-entry reaches systemic blood. Our mathematical model is in accordance with both measures of blood (R2=0.57 for dermal and R2=0.66 for oral) and urine (R2 =0.98 for dermal and R2=0.99 for oral).


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BACKGROUND: Doctors, especially doctors-in-training such as residents, make errors. They have to face the consequences even though today's approach to errors emphasizes systemic factors. Doctors' individual characteristics play a role in how medical errors are experienced and dealt with. The role of gender has previously been examined in a few quantitative studies that have yielded conflicting results. In the present study, we sought to qualitatively explore the experience of female residents with respect to medical errors. In particular, we explored the coping mechanisms displayed after an error. This study took place in the internal medicine department of a Swiss university hospital. METHODS: Within a phenomenological framework, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight female residents in general internal medicine. All interviews were audiotaped, fully transcribed, and thereafter analyzed. RESULTS: Seven main themes emerged from the interviews: (1) A perception that there is an insufficient culture of safety and error; (2) The perceived main causes of errors, which included fatigue, work overload, inadequate level of competences in relation to assigned tasks, and dysfunctional communication; (3) Negative feelings in response to errors, which included different forms of psychological distress; (4) Variable attitudes of the hierarchy toward residents involved in an error; (5) Talking about the error, as the core coping mechanism; (6) Defensive and constructive attitudes toward one's own errors; and (7) Gender-specific experiences in relation to errors. Such experiences consisted in (a) perceptions that male residents were more confident and therefore less affected by errors than their female counterparts and (b) perceptions that sexist attitudes among male supervisors can occur and worsen an already painful experience. CONCLUSIONS: This study offers an in-depth account of how female residents specifically experience and cope with medical errors. Our interviews with female residents convey the sense that gender possibly influences the experience with errors, including the kind of coping mechanisms displayed. However, we acknowledge that the lack of a direct comparison between female and male participants represents a limitation while aiming to explore the role of gender.


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Els marges de pedra seca són un dels ambients socioecològics més singulars del país i, al mateix temps, un dels hàbitats menys estudiats. La nostra recerca ha analitzat la biodiversitat de les margenades de Vandellòs i l’Hospitalet de l’Infant; mitjançant mostrejos de flora i de la fauna hem constatat l’elevada complexitat de la xarxa tròfica que s’estableix en aquest nínxol ecològic. En la vessant socioambiental, hem realitzat entrevistes a diferents entesos en la cultura de la pedra seca, les quals han permès determinar la importància dels marges per entendre una part de la història ambiental del país. Amb la recerca s’ha observat un clar retrocés del patrimoni de pedra seca a causa de la recessió del sector agrícola. L’aprofitament turístic de la cultura de la pedra seca i la implicació de les Administracions Públiques en la difusió d’aquest patrimoni, són claus per garantir-ne la pervivència en el futur.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí¬fic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és fer un recull de literatura de transmissió oral i reunir d’aquesta manera les històries, els contes, les llegendes. etc. que els avis de l’autora li contaven. Un dels objectius era que servís alhora de mitjà de coneixement per a tots els nens i nenes que, tenint un origen marroquí o berber, han nascut a Catalunya, per la qual cosa no han tingut accés a aquest tipus de literatura. Ja que, per una banda han estat sempre escolaritzats en català, i per l altra la font de coneixement que suposen els avis s ha quedat al Marroc. Aquests nens tenen poc coneixement sobre la seva cultura d’origen i més si aquesta gaudeix de poc valor.


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Considerant l’absència d’estudis ambientals previs a la Vall de Riells (Bigues i Riells, Vallès Oriental), i l’evident necessitat de gestió de l’espai a causa de la sobrefreqüentació antròpica, s’ha realitzat aquesta diagnosi ambiental. En ella es descriuen de manera integrada els principals elements del medi físic, biòtic i socioeconòmic, per tal de proporcionar les eines necessàries per avaluar les problemàtiques de l’espai i fomentar la seva gestió i conservació.


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El present treball fa una anàlisi de la construcció, presència i reivindicació de la memòria col·lectiva de la guerra civil espanyola a internet mitjançant l'anàlisi etnogràfic de les interaccions i pràctiques en un espai de comunicació virtual: el de la llista de distribució "Guerra Civil Española". Aquest estudi de cas es contextualitza en el marc d'un doble escenari global i local, el context global de la cultura de la memòria a la societat de la informació i el context local de la dinàmica de la presència de la memòria de la guerra civil a l'entorn social i polític de l'Estat Espanyol al llarg dels darrers 30 anys.


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A la primera part d'aquest assaig apuntem de manera concisa les principals diferències entre la cultura de l'Antic Egipte i la cultura moderna. A la segona part hem recollit tres exemples amb què mirem de mostrar (no pas demostrar) la nostra tesi.


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The activity of lovastatin associated with oxamniquine or praziquantel against schistosomiasis mansoni was evaluated in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Forty days after infection, mice were treated with lovastatin, 400 mg/kg for five consecutive days by oral route, and on the last day of this sequence with 50 mg/kg oxamniquine or with 200 mg/kg praziquantel, both by oral route, single dose. Fifteen days later, the animals were perfused in parallel with an untreated control group. Studies were carried out in vitro, using lovastatin in culture medium containing S. mansoni worms proceeding from experimentally infected mice. In the in vivo trials, the association of lovastatin with oxamniquine or praziquantel did not show any additive action, but there were oogram changes when lovastatin was associated with oxamniquine. In vitro lovastatin was able to interrupt the maturation of S. mansoni eggs, which remained at the 1st or 2nd stages, depending on the dose used. The total number of morphologically dead eggs found in culture of worms exposed to 2 µg/ml or 4 µg/ml concentrations of lovastatin was significantly higher than the number of viable eggs. Using the probe Hoescht 33258 it was observed that 70% of the eggs considered morphologically viable in the treated groups (against 16% in the control group) were labeled, indicating that the majority of the viable eggs had membrane permeability increased due to lovastatin action.


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Oxford University learning technologies group offer a model for effective practice in creating and using OER in research-led teaching environments where academic practice includes dissemination of research which aids/supplements teaching but is not primarily designed as a teaching resource. The University is perceived by many people to be an exclusive institution. It is certainly unique and complex, with characteristics and traditions established over 900 years. An Oxford education offers an exciting combination of privilege and open-mindedness. The role and sustainability of open education technologies in this environment is subtle. Any strategy to effectively encourage the uptake of OERs must be informed by original thinking and reflection about the culture of the organisation. The OpenSpires project was a successful initiative to establish a sustainable set of policies and workflows that would allow departments from across the University of Oxford to regularly publish high quality open content material for global reuse.


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Résumé Le but final de ce projet est d'utiliser des cellules T ou des cellules souches mésenchymateuses modifiées génétiquement afin de surexprimer localement les deux chémokines CXCL13 et CCL2 ensemble ou chacune séparément à l'intérieur d'une tumeur solide. CXCL13 est supposé induire des structures lymphoïdes ectopiques. Un niveau élevé de CCL2 est présumé initier une inflammation aiguë. La combinaison des deux effets amène à un nouveau modèle d'étude des mécanismes régulateur de la tolérance périphérique et de l'immunité tumorale. Les connaissances acquises grâce à ce modèle pourraient permettre le développement ou l'amélioration des thérapies immunes du cancer. Le but premier de ce travail a été l'établissement d'un modèle génétique de la souris permettant d'exprimer spécifiquement dans la tumeur les deux chémokines d'intérêt à des niveaux élevés. Pour accomplir cette tâche, qui est en fait une thérapie génétique de tumeurs solides, deux types de cellules porteuses potentielles ont été évaluées. Des cellules CD8+ T et des cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse transférées dans des receveurs portant une tumeur. Si on pouvait répondre aux besoins de la thérapie génétique, indépendamment de la thérapie immune envisagée, on posséderait là un outil précieux pour bien d'autres approches thérapeutiques. Plusieurs lignées de souris transgéniques ont été générées comme source de cellules CD8+ T modifiées afin d'exprimer les chémokines d'intérêt. Dans une approche doublement transgénique les propriétés de deux promoteurs spécifiques de cellules T ont été combinées en utilisant la technologie Cre-loxP. Le promoteur de granzyme B confère une dépendance d'activation et le promoteur distal de lck assure une forte expression constitutive dès que les cellules CD8+ T ont été activées. Les transgènes construits ont montré une bonne performance in vivo et des souris qui expriment CCL2 dans des cellules CD8+ T activées ont été obtenues. Ces cellules peuvent maintenant être utilisées avec différents protocoles pour transférer des cellules T cytotoxiques (CTL) dans des receveurs porteur d'une tumeur, permettant ainsi d'évaluer leur capacité en tant que porteuse de chémokine d'infiltrer la tumeur. L'établissement de souris transgéniques, qui expriment pareillement CXCL13 est prévu dans un avenir proche. L'évaluation de cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse a démontré que ces cellules se greffent efficacement dans le stroma tumoral suite à la co-injection avec des cellules tumorales. Cela représente un outil précieux pour la recherche, vu qu'il permet d'introduire des cellules manipulées dans un modèle tumoral. Les résultats confirment partiellement d'autres résultats rapportés dans un modèle amélioré. Cependant, l'efficacité et la spécificité suggérées de la migration systémique de cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse dans une tumeur n'ont pas été observées dans notre modèle, ce qui indique, que ces cellules ne se prêtent pas à une utilisation thérapeutique. Un autre résultat majeur de ce travail est l'établissement de cultures de cellules mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse in vitro conditionnées par des tumeurs, ce qui a permis à ces cellules de s'étendre plus rapidement en gardant leur capacité de migration et de greffe. Cela offre un autre outil précieux, vu que la culture in vitro est un pas nécessaire pour une manipulation thérapeutique. Abstract The ultimate aim of the presented project is to use genetically modified T cells or mesenchymal stem cells to locally overexpress the two chemokines CXCL13 and CCL2 together or each one alone inside a solid tumor. CXCL13 is supposed to induce ectopic lymphoid structures and a high level of CCL2 is intended to trigger acute inflamation. The combination of these two effects represents a new model for studying mechanisms that regulate peripheral tolerance and tumor immunity. Gained insights may help developing or improving immunotherapy of cancer. The primary goal of the executed work was the establishment of a genetic mouse model that allows tumor-specific expression of high levels of the two chemokines of interest. For accomplishing this task, which represents gene therapy of solid tumors, two types of potentially useful carrier cells were evaluated. CD8+ T cells and mesenchymal bone marrow cells to be used in adoptive cell transfers into tumor-bearing mice. Irrespectively of the envisaged immunotherapy, satisfaction of so far unmet needs of gene therapy would be a highly valuable tool that may be employed by many other therapeutic approaches, too. Several transgenic mouse lines were generated as a source of CD8+ T cells modified to express the chemokines of interest. In a double transgenic approach the properties of two T cell-specific promoters were combined using Cre-loxP technology. The granzyme B promoter confers activation-dependency and the lck distal promoter assures strong constitutive expression once the CD8+ T cell has been activated. The constructed transgenes showed a good performance in vivo and mice expressing CCL2 in activated CD8+ T cells were obtained. These cells can now be used with different protocols for adoptively transferring cytotoxic T cells (CTL) into tumor-bearing recipients, thus allowing to study their capacity as tumor-infiltrating chemokine carrier. The establishment of transgenic mice likewisely expressing CXCL13 is expected in the near future. In addition, T cells from generated single transgenic mice that have high expression of an EGFP reporter in both CD4+ and CD8+ cells can be easily traced in vivo when setting up adoptive transfer conditions. The evaluation of mesenchymal bone marrow cells demonstrated that these cells can efficiently engraft into tumor stroma upon local coinjection with tumor cells. This represents a valuable tool for research purposes as it allows to introduce manipulated stromal cells into a tumor model. Therefore, the established engraftment model is suited for studying the envisaged immunotherapy. These results confirm to some extend previously reported results in an improved model, however, the suggested systemic tumor homing efficiency and specificity of mesenchymal bone marrow cells was not observed in our model indicating that these cells may not be suited for therapeutic use. Another major result of the presented work is the establishment oftumor-conditioned in vitro culture of mesenchymal bone marrow cells, which allowed to more rapidly expand these cells while maintaining their tumor homing and engrafting capacities. This offers another valuable tool as in vitro culture is a necessary step for therapeutic manipulations.


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The aim of this research is to know the barriers and opportunities that nursing professionals detect in their clinical practice in order to develop the culture of patient safety and to identify future research lines. This qualitative study is based on the DELPHI method, with a group of 19 nursing professionals from education and care practice, involving both primary and specialized care. Weaknesses and threats revolve around five categories: profession, organization and infrastructure; indicators; communication and safety culture; and safety training. Opportunities to improve safety cover six categories: organizational change; promotion of the safety culture, professional training and development; relationship with the patients; research; and strategic planning. Work is needed to improve safety and nursing should be ready to assume this leadership.


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Research in vitro facilitates discovery, screening, and pilot experiments, often preceding research in vivo. Several technical difficulties render Dendritic Cell (DC) research particularly challenging, including the low frequency of DC in vivo, thorough isolation requirements, and the vulnerability of DC ex vivo. Critically, there is not as yet a widely accepted human or murine DC line and in vitro systems of DC research are limited. In this study, we report the generation of new murine DC lines, named MutuDC, originating from cultures of splenic CD8α conventional DC (cDC) tumors. By direct comparison to normal WT splenic cDC subsets, we describe the phenotypic and functional features of the MutuDC lines and show that they have retained all the major features of their natural counterpart in vivo, the splenic CD8α cDC. These features include expression of surface markers Clec9A, DEC205, and CD24, positive response to TLR3 and TLR9 but not TLR7 stimuli, secretion of cytokines, and chemokines upon activation, as well as cross-presentation capacity. In addition to the close resemblance to normal splenic CD8α cDC, a major advantage is the ease of derivation and maintenance of the MutuDC lines, using standard culture medium and conditions, importantly without adding supplementary growth factors or maturation-inducing stimuli to the medium. Furthermore, genetically modified MutuDC lines have been successfully obtained either by lentiviral transduction or by culture of DC tumors originating from genetically modified mice. In view of the current lack of stable and functional DC lines, these novel murine DC lines have the potential to serve as an important auxiliary tool for DC research.