928 resultados para cost-aware process design
Tietovarastoissa moniulotteinen tietomalli on tehokkain tapa esittää tietoa päätöksentekijöille. Sen toimivuus on hyväksi havaittu monissa eri liiketoimintaympäristöissä. Tehdasympäristöissä on tuhansia mittalaitteita, joista jokainen mittaa uniikkia valmistusprosessiin liittyvää piirrettä. Tässä työssä kehitettiin tietovarasto tehdasmittausten varastointiin käyttäen moniulotteista tietomallia. Havaittiin, että moniulotteisella mallilla tehdasmittaukset voidaan tallentaa joustavalla tavalla ja esittää käyttäjälle mielekkäässä muodossa. Moniulotteinen malli antaa myös erinomaiset keinot tiedon ryhmittelyyn ja vertailuun. Sillä ei kuitenkaan saada vastaavanlaisia hyötyjä kuin klassisissa kaupanalan tietovarastointi esimerkeissä, koska eri mittaukset ovat keskenään hyvin erilaisia. Vaikka mittaukset eivät olekaan aina vertailtavissa tai summattavissa keskenään, saadaan ne moniulotteisella mallilla tallennettua ja luokiteltua loogisesti siten, että käyttäjän on helppo löytää tarvitsemansa tieto. Lisäksi yleisesti tunnettu ja paljon käytetty tietovaraston suunnittelumalli takaa sen, että markkinoilta on saatavissa työkaluja tietovaraston käyttöön. Tietokannan toteutus tehtiin vapaasti levitettävän MySQLtiedonhallintajärjestelmän avulla. Sitä ei ole suunniteltu pääasiassa tietovarastokäyttöön, mutta halpa lisenssi ja hyvä skaalautuvuus tekevät siitä mielenkiintoisen vaihtoehdon. Sitä onkin käytetty luultua enemmän tietovarastoinnissa ja myös monien nimekkäiden organisaatioiden toimesta. Myös tässä työssä todettiin, että MySQL tarjoaa riittävät välineet tietovaraston kehittämiseen.
Työssä suunniteltiin liikealusta liikkuvan työkoneen koulutussimulaattoriin. Suunnittelu aloitettiin mittaamalla lastauskoneen dynaamisia ominaisuuksia. Mittausdatan ja koneen toiminnan analysoinnin perusteella valittiin liikealustan perusrakenne. Toimilaitteiden mitoitus tapahtui simulointimallin avulla, jossa käytettiin mitattuja kiihtyvyyksiä, signaalin suodatusta, käänteiskinematiikkaa ja käänteisdynamiikkaa. Simulointimallia käytettiin myös mekaanisen rakenteen mitoituksessa. Lisäksi visualisoinnin ja ohjauksen toteutusta tutkittiin. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää mahdollisimman realistisen liiketuntuman toteuttava ja kustannustehokas liikealusta. Lisäksi pyrittiin matalaan ja helposti siirrettävissä olevaan rakenteeseen. Liikealustan liikkeet pyrittiin toteuttamaan sähkökäytöillä. Suunnittelun tuloksena saatiin kolmen vapausasteen liikealusta, joka on toteutettu servomoottoreilla. Työssä suunnitellusta liikealustasta on tarkoitus rakentaa fyysinen prototyyppi ja liittää se lastauskoneen reaaliaikasimulaattoriin.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää laboratoriotutkimuksien liiketoimintaprosessin uudistamisen hyödyt ja haitat Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin laboratorioliikelaitokselle. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään myös, kannattaako HUSLAB:n uudistaa nykyistä laboratoriotutkimuksien liiketoimintaprosessiaan sekä mitkä ovat liiketoimintaprosessin uudistamisen vaikutukset HUSLAB:lle. Tutkimuksessa mallinnetaan laboratoriotutkimuksien nykyinen liiketoimintaprosessi, jonka pohjalta muodostetaan kuvaus uudistettavasta prosessista. Prosessien välisiä eroja tutkitaan tarkemmin HUSLAB:n yhdessä toimipisteessä. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, kuinka toimipisteen kustannusrakenne ja toimintamalli muuttuisivat prosessin uudistamisen myötä. Tutkimuksen empiiristen tulosten mukaan HUSLAB:n ei kannata uudistaa laboratoriotutkimuksien liiketoimintaprosessiaan tutkimuksessa kuvatulla tavalla. Liiketoimintaprosessin uudistaminen osoittautui kannattamattomaksi, koska uudistamisen haitat muodostuivat hyötyjä suuremmiksi. Vaikka BPR:ää ei kannatta toteuttaa tutkimuksessa esitetyllä tavalla, voi BPR kuitenkin olla tulevaisuudessa varteenotettava vaihtoehto HUSLAB:n toimintaa muutettaessa.
Abstract Personalized medicine is a challenging research area in paediatric treatments. Elaborating new paediatric formulations when no commercial forms are available is a common practice in pharmacy laboratories; among these, oral liquid formulations are the most common. But due to the lack of specialized equipment, frequently studies to assure the efficiency and safety of the final medicine cannot be carried out. Thus the purpose of this work was the development, characterization and stability evaluation of two oral formulations of sildenafil for the treatment of neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension. After the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) and elaboration, the physicochemical stability parameters appearance, pH, particle size, rheological behaviour and drug content of formulations were evaluated at three different temperatures for 90 days. Equally, prediction of long term stability, as well as, microbiological stability was performed. Formulations resulted in a suspension and a solution slightly coloured exhibiting fruity odour. Formulation I (suspension) exhibited the best physicochemical properties including Newtonian behaviour and uniformity of API content above 90% to assure an exact dosification process.
Ultrafiltration (UF) is widely applied in different separation processes in the pulp and paper industry. The growing need to protect the environment, a lack of pure water and an interest in producing high-value chemicals from compounds present in process waters will probably lead to an increase in the use of UF in the pulp and paper industry. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a UF process depends on the applied membrane. The membrane should have a high and stable filtration capacity, a particular selectivity and a long operational lifetime. To meet these requirements a membrane should have a low fouling tendency. In addition, it should withstand the prevailing operational and chemical conditions. This thesis evaluates the performance and applicability of the regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes 00030T and C2 in the treatment of pulp and paper mill process waters based on the requirements above. The results demonstrated that both the tested RC membranes fulfilled well the requirement of high filtration capacity. In addition, in the filtration of a paper mill clear filtrate (CF) the RC membranes were not as greatly affected by variations in the CF quality as a polysulphone membrane. Furthermore, due to their extreme hydrophilicity and weak charge the fouling tendency of the membranes can be expected to be low in pulp and paper mill filtration applications. It is, however, known that fouling cannot be totally avoided even when the membrane is chosen very carefully. This study indicated that carbohydrates influenced negatively on permeability and caused fouling in the filtration of groundwood mill circulation water. Thus, a pre-treatment effectively reducing the amount of carbohydrates might help to maintain a stable capacity. However, the results of the thesis also showed that the removal of some of the possible foulants might just increase the harmful effect of others. Multivariate examination was useful in the understanding of the complicated factors causing the unstable capacity. The thesis also revealed that the 00030T and C2 membranes can be used at high pressure (max. tested pressure 12 bar). The C2 membrane, having a sponge-like substructure, was more pressure resistant, and its performance was more stable at high pressure compared to the UCO30T membrane containing macrovoids in its substructure. Both tested membranes can, according to the results, also be used at temperatures as high as 70°C in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. However, the use at extreme conditions might cause faster ageing of the membranes compared to ageing in neutral conditions. The thesis proved that both the tested RC membranes are very suitable for pulp and paper mill applications and that the membranes can be utilised in processes operating in challenging conditions. Thus, they could be used in more demanding applications than supposed earlier.
Lime kiln is used as a part of the modern kraft pulp process in order to produce burnt lime from lime mud. This rotating kiln is supported by support rollers, which are traditionally supported by journal bearings. Since the continuous growth in the production of pulp mills requires larger lime kilns, the traditional bearing construction has become unreliable. The main problem especially involves the running-in phase of the bearings. In the present thesis, a new type of support roller was developed by using the systematic approach of machine design. Structural analysis was conducted on the critical parts of the selected structure by the finite element method. The operation of hydrodynamic bearings was examined by analytical methods. As a result of this work, a new type of support for rotating kilns was designed, which is more reliable and easier to service. A new support roller geometry is described, which pro¬vides for significant cost savings.
Business process improvement is a common approach in increasing the effectiveness of an organization. It can be seen as an effort to increase coordination between units. Process improvement has proved to be challenging, and most management consultation firms facilitate organizations in this kind of initiatives. Cross-functional improvement is one of the main areas for internal consultants as well. However, the needs, challenges and means of cross-functional help have been rarely discussed in the literature. The objective of this thesis is on one hand to present a conceptual and descriptive framework to help understand the challenges of facilitating coordination improvement efforts in cross-functional improvement programs, and on the other hand to develop and test feasible solutions for some facilitation situations. The research questions are: 1. Why and in what kind of situations do organizations need help in developing coordination in cross-functional processes? 2. How can a facilitator help organizations in improving coordination to develop cross-functional processes? The study consists of two parts. The first part is an overview of the dissertation, and the second part comprises six research publications. The theoretical background for the study are the differentiation causing challenges in cross-functional settings, the coordination needed to improve processes, change management principles, methods and tools, and consultation practises. Three of the publications introduce tools for helping in developing prerequisites, planning responsibilities and supporting learning during the cross-functional program. The three other papers present frameworks to help understand and analyse the improvement situation. The main methodological approaches used in this study are design science research, action research and case research. The research data has been collected from ten cases representing different kinds of organizations, processes and developing situations. The data has been collected mainly by observation, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The research contributes to the rare literature combining coordination theories and process improvement practises. It also provides additional understanding of a holistic point of view in process improvement situations. The most important contribution is the addition to the theories of facilitating change in process improvement situations. From the managerial point of view, this study gives advice to managers and consultants in planning and executing cross-functional programs. The main factors increasing the need for facilitation are the challenges for differentiation, challenges of organizational change in general, and the novelty of initiatives and improvement practices concerning process development. Organizations need help in creating the prerequisites to change, in planning initiatives, easing conflict management and collaboration between groups, as well as supporting the learning of cross-functional improvement. The main challenges of facilitation are combining the different roles as a consultant, maintaining the ownership for the improvement project with the client, and supporting learning in the client organization.
Trastuzumab (Herceptin ®, Roche) is approved in UK for the treatment of the metastatic breast cancer since 2001. As of 2005, concomitantly with the publication of 3 studies that showed it produces a 50% reduction of the recurrence rates of breast cancer, trastuzumab started to be prescribed in the earlt adjuvant treatrnent of this disease. Und June 2006, trastuzumab did not have both: 1) regulatory approval and 2) NICE [National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence] recommendation for the use in early stages of breast cancer. During the period until June 2006, the trastuzumab use in those patients was not reimbursed and because the cost of trastuzumab is equal with the yearly UK average income, most of patients could not self fund their treatrnent. Before the publication of the final NICE guidance, the new data of trastuzumab in early breast cancer raised enormous patient and professional interest and expectations. A great volume of public and professional pressure was generated to transcend a system by which Primary Care Trusts can reimburse a treatment only after a formal guidance was issued. This paper draw on a case study depicting and analyzing the process by which regulatory approval and NICE recommendations were achieved in a record time and how trastuzumab became a standard treatment on early adjuvant breast cancer. According to the data we gathered in this work we were witnessing one of the fastest processes of adoption of a health care technology since the creation of NICE, in 1999. This study addresses the following research question: How and why does the adoption pattern of trastuzumab differ from the rational decision-making model of the reimbursement process in UK? [Author, p. 4]
The User-centered design (UCD) game is a tool forhuman-computer interaction practitioners to demonstrate the key user-centered design methodsand how they interrelate in the design process in an interactive and participatory manner. The target audiences are departments and institutions unfamiliar with UCD but whose work is related to the definition, creation, and update of a product or service.
The User-centered design (UCD) Gymkhana is a tool for human-computer interaction practitioners to demonstrate through a game the key user-centered design methods and how they interrelate in the design process.The target audiences are other organizational departments unfamiliar with UCD but whose work is related to the definition, cretaion, and update of a product service.
Tuotealustapohjaisella suunnittelulla pyritään hyödyntämään jo kertaalleen hyväksi todettuja kokonaisuuksia ja moduuleja, joiden avulla voidaan nopeasti suunnitella uusia tuotteita. Tarkoituksena on suunnitella asiakkaan näkökulmasta monia erilaisia tuotteita jopa sarjatuotannon kustannustehokkuudella. Tutkimuksessa esitetään risteilijän tuotealustapohjainen suunnitteluprosessi. Lisäksi työn tavoitteena on tutkia uuden suunnitteluprosessin vaikutukset risteilijän suunnitteluaikatauluihin. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin Turun telakan suunnitteluosaston ja kehitysosaston johtajia. Haastatteluilla selvitettiin nykyisen suunnitteluprosessin haasteita, joiden nähtiin erityisesti viivästyttävät suunnitteluaikatauluja. Keskeisiä haasteita ovat suunnitteluresurssien ylikuormitus ja suunnittelulaadun huonontuminen. Lisäksi kartoitettiin tavoitteet risteilijän tuotealustaratkaisulle ja suunnitteluaikataululle. Haastattelukierroksen pohjalta ja teoriaa soveltaen analysoitiin risteilijän modulaariseen tuotealustaan perustuva suunnitteluprosessi. Tätä suunnitteluprosessia tutkittiin edelleen case-tutkimuksessa jääasemien osalta, jossa haastateltiin kyseisten alueiden suunnittelijoita. Lisäksi case-tutkimuksessa verrattiin jääaseman ja baaripentterin perussuunnittelun vaiheita toisiinsa. Näistä saatuja tutkimustuloksia verrattiin hyttialueen vakioidun perussuunnitteluohjeen vaikutuksiin suunnitteluprosessissa. Onnistunut tuotealustapohjainen suunnittelu vaatii sitoutumista jokaisella organisaation tasolla, jotta tuotealustassa olevien vakioituja moduuleja myös käytettäisiin. Modulaarisesta toiminnasta siirtyminen tuotealustapohjaiseen suunnitteluun vaatii vakioituja moduuleja ja vakioituja rajapintoja risteilijässä. Case-tutkimuksessa ja johtopäätöksissä on todettu uuden suunnitteluprosessin lyhentävän ja tuovan kustannussäästöjä tuotteen valmistusprosessissa.
OBJECTIVES: Polypharmacy is one of the main management issues in public health policies because of its financial impact and the increasing number of people involved. The polymedicated population according to their demographic and therapeutic profile and the cost for the public healthcare system were characterised. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Primary healthcare in Barcelona Health Region, Catalonia, Spain (5 105 551 inhabitants registered). PARTICIPANTS: All insured polymedicated patients. Polymedicated patients were those with a consumption of ≥16 drugs/month. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: The study variables were related to age, gender and medication intake obtained from the 2008 census and records of prescriptions dispensed in pharmacies and charged to the public health system. RESULTS: There were 36 880 polymedicated patients (women: 64.2%; average age: 74.5±10.9 years). The total number of prescriptions billed in 2008 was 2 266 830 (2 272 920 total package units). The most polymedicated group (up to 40% of the total prescriptions) was patients between 75 and 84 years old. The average number of prescriptions billed monthly per patient was 32±2, with an average cost of 452.7±27.5. The total cost of those prescriptions corresponded to 2% of the drug expenditure in Catalonia. The groups N, C, A, R and M represented 71.4% of the total number of drug package units dispensed to polymedicated patients. Great variability was found between the medication profiles of men and women, and between age groups; greater discrepancies were found in paediatric patients (5-14 years) and the elderly (≥65 years). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides essential information to take steps towards rational drug use and a structured approach in the polymedicated population in primary healthcare.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia kattilalaitosten järjestelmällistä suunnittelua, huomioiden laitoksen elinkaariprosessit ja modulaarinen tuoterakenne. Kattilalaitokset investointituotteina toteutetaan tyypillisesti projektitoimintamallilla, jolloin jokainen toimitus suunnitellaan alusta kyseisen kohteen vaatimusten perusteella. Päätöksenteon peruste on laitosasiakkaiden osalta tyypillisesti hinta, jonkavuoksi laitoksen perusratkaisut tulee olla ennalta määriteltyjä ja toimitusprosessi huolellisesti suunniteltu, jotta kustannukset ja aikataulu ovat ennustettavissa. Projektitoimituksissa projektipäälliköllä on merkittävä vastuu myös suunnittelun onnistumisesta ja käytössä olevat projektinhallintamallit ovat hyvin tuotekeskeisiä, jolloin vaatimuksia ei riittävästi huomioida ja siten toteutettu laitosratkaisu ei täytä usein sidosryhmien asettamia vaatimuksia. Monimutkaisten järjestelmien kehittämiseen ja suunnitteluun on olemassa Systems Engineering - suunnittelumalli, jonka hyödyntäminen energiatekniikan alalla on ollut vielä vähäistä. Malli tarjoaa yhdessä ISO/ICE 15288 standardin kanssa valmiit prosessit tuotteen järjestelmälliselle suunnittelulle. Modulaariset tuoterakenteet ovat olleet perusvaatimus komponenttien toimitusten osalta, mutta laitosjärjestelmien tuotteistaminen on koettu vaikeaksi runsaan räätälöintitarpeen takia. Prosessimaisella toimintamallilla voidaan tuottaa modulaarisia tuoterakenteita ja tehostaa kattilalaitosten muutosten hallintaa. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin tyypilliset kattilalaitoksen suunnittelun prosessit kattilalaitosten kokonaistoimituksiin erikoistuneelle KPA Unicon Oy:lle.
This thesis is focused on process intensification. Several significant problems and applications of this theme are covered. Process intensification is nowadays one of the most popular trends in chemical engineering and attempts have been made to develop a general, systematic methodology for intensification. This seems, however, to be very difficult, because intensified processes are often based on creativity and novel ideas. Monolith reactors and microreactors are successful examples of process intensification. They are usually multichannel devices in which a proper feed technique is important for creating even fluid distribution into the channels. Two different feed techniques were tested for monoliths. In the first technique a shower method was implemented by means of perforated plates. The second technique was a dispersion method using static mixers. Both techniques offered stable operation and uniform fluid distribution. The dispersion method enabled a wider operational range in terms of liquid superficial velocity. Using dispersion method, a volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient of 2 s-1 was reached. Flow patterns play a significant role in terms of the mixing performance of micromixers. Although the geometry of a T-mixer is simple, channel configurations and dimensions had a clear effect on mixing efficiency. The flow in the microchannel was laminar, but the formation of vortices promoted mixing in micro T-mixers. The generation of vortices was dependent on the channel dimensions, configurations and flow rate. Microreactors offer a high ratio of surface area to volume. Surface forces and interactions between fluids and surfaces are, therefore, often dominant factors. In certain cases, the interactions can be effectively utilised. Different wetting properties of solid materials (PTFE and stainless steel) were applied in the separation of immiscible liquid phases. A micro-scale plate coalescer with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces was used for the continuous separation of organic and aqueous phases. Complete phase separation occurred in less than 20 seconds, whereas the separation time by settling exceeded 30 min. Fluid flows can be also intensified in suitable conditions. By adding certain additives into turbulent fluid flow, it was possible to reduce friction (drag) by 40 %. Drag reduction decreases frictional pressure drop in pipelines which leads to remarkable energy savings and decreases the size or number of pumping facilities required, e.g., in oil transport pipes. Process intensification enables operation often under more optimal conditions. The consequent cost savings from reduced use of raw materials and reduced waste lead to greater economic benefits in processing.