887 resultados para constrained neural networks
One of the major interests in soil analysis is the evaluation of its chemical, physical and biological parameters, which are indicators of soil quality (the most important is the organic matter). Besides there is a great interest in the study of humic substances and on the assessment of pollutants, such as pesticides and heavy metals, in soils. Chemometrics is a powerful tool to deal with these problems and can help soil researchers to extract much more information from their data. In spite of this, the presence of these kinds of strategies in the literature has obtained projection only recently. The utilization of chemometric methods in soil analysis is evaluated in this article. The applications will be divided in four parts (with emphasis in the first two): (i) descriptive and exploratory methods based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA); (ii) multivariate calibration methods (MLR, PCR and PLS); (iii) methods such as Evolving Factor Analysis and SIMPLISMA; and (iv) artificial intelligence methods, such as Artificial Neural Networks.
Neural Networks are a set of mathematical methods and computer programs designed to simulate the information process and the knowledge acquisition of the human brain. In last years its application in chemistry is increasing significantly, due the special characteristics for model complex systems. The basic principles of two types of neural networks, the multi-layer perceptrons and radial basis functions, are introduced, as well as, a pruning approach to architecture optimization. Two analytical applications based on near infrared spectroscopy are presented, the first one for determination of nitrogen content in wheat leaves using multi-layer perceptrons networks and second one for determination of BRIX in sugar cane juices using radial basis functions networks.
The objective of this work was to accomplish the simultaneous determination of some chemical elements by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectroscopy through multivariate calibration in several sample types. The multivariate calibration models were: Back Propagation neural network, Levemberg-Marquardt neural network and Radial Basis Function neural network, fuzzy modeling and Partial Least Squares Regression. The samples were soil standards, plant standards, and mixtures of lead and sulfur salts diluted in silica. The smallest Root Mean Square errors (RMS) were obtained with Back Propagation neural networks, which solved main EDXRF problems in a better way.
In this work, the artificial neural networks (ANN) and partial least squares (PLS) regression were applied to UV spectral data for quantitative determination of thiamin hydrochloride (VB1), riboflavin phosphate (VB2), pyridoxine hydrochloride (VB6) and nicotinamide (VPP) in pharmaceutical samples. For calibration purposes, commercial samples in 0.2 mol L-1 acetate buffer (pH 4.0) were employed as standards. The concentration ranges used in the calibration step were: 0.1 - 7.5 mg L-1 for VB1, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB2, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB6 and 0.4 - 30.0 mg L-1 for VPP. From the results it is possible to verify that both methods can be successfully applied for these determinations. The similar error values were obtained by using neural network or PLS methods. The proposed methodology is simple, rapid and can be easily used in quality control laboratories.
La interacció home-màquina per mitjà de la veu cobreix moltes àrees d’investigació. Es destaquen entre altres, el reconeixement de la parla, la síntesis i identificació de discurs, la verificació i identificació de locutor i l’activació per veu (ordres) de sistemes robòtics. Reconèixer la parla és natural i simple per a les persones, però és un treball complex per a les màquines, pel qual existeixen diverses metodologies i tècniques, entre elles les Xarxes Neuronals. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és desenvolupar una eina en Matlab per al reconeixement i identificació de paraules pronunciades per un locutor, entre un conjunt de paraules possibles, i amb una bona fiabilitat dins d’uns marges preestablerts. El sistema és independent del locutor que pronuncia la paraula, és a dir, aquest locutor no haurà intervingut en el procés d’entrenament del sistema. S’ha dissenyat una interfície que permet l’adquisició del senyal de veu i el seu processament mitjançant xarxes neuronals i altres tècniques. Adaptant una part de control al sistema, es podria utilitzar per donar ordres a un robot com l’Alfa6Uvic o qualsevol altre dispositiu.
Although several chemical elements were not known by end of the 18th century, Mendeleyev came up with an astonishing achievement: the periodic table of elements. He was not only able to predict the existence of (then) new elements but also to provide accurate estimates of their chemical and physical properties. This is certainly a relevant example of the human intelligence. Here, we intend to shed some light on the following question: Can an artificial intelligence system yield a classification of the elements that resembles, in some sense, the periodic table? To achieve our goal, we have fed a self-organized map (SOM) with information available at Mendeleyev's time. Our results show that similar elements tend to form individual clusters. Thus, SOM generates clusters of halogens, alkaline metals and transition metals that show a similarity with the periodic table of elements.
The objective of this work is to demonstrate the efficient utilization of the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) as a method to pre-process the original multivariate data, that is rewrite in a new matrix with principal components sorted by it's accumulated variance. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with backpropagation algorithm is trained, using this pre-processed data set derived from the PCA method, representing 90.02% of accumulated variance of the original data, as input. The training goal is modeling Dissolved Oxygen using information of other physical and chemical parameters. The water samples used in the experiments are gathered from the Paraíba do Sul River in São Paulo State, Brazil. The smallest Mean Square Errors (MSE) is used to compare the results of the different architectures and choose the best. The utilization of this method allowed the reduction of more than 20% of the input data, which contributed directly for the shorting time and computational effort in the ANN training.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the thermoregulatory response of dairy buffaloes in pre-milking and post-milking. To identify animal thermoregulatory capacity, skin surface temperatures were taken by an infrared thermometer (SST), a thermographic camera (MTBP) as well as respiratory rate records (RR). Black Globe and Humidity Index (BGHI), radiating thermal load (RTL) and enthalpy (H) were used to characterize the thermal environment. Artificial Neural Networks analyzed those indices as well as animal physiological data, using a single layer trained with the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. The results indicated that pre-milking and post-milking environments reached BGHI, RR, SST and MTBP values above thermal neutrality zone for buffaloes. In addition, limits of surface skin temperatures were mostly influenced by changing ambient conditions to the detriment of respiratory rates. It follows that buffaloes are sensitive to environmental changes and their skin temperatures are the best indicators of thermal comfort in relation to respiratory rate.
Memristive computing refers to the utilization of the memristor, the fourth fundamental passive circuit element, in computational tasks. The existence of the memristor was theoretically predicted in 1971 by Leon O. Chua, but experimentally validated only in 2008 by HP Labs. A memristor is essentially a nonvolatile nanoscale programmable resistor — indeed, memory resistor — whose resistance, or memristance to be precise, is changed by applying a voltage across, or current through, the device. Memristive computing is a new area of research, and many of its fundamental questions still remain open. For example, it is yet unclear which applications would benefit the most from the inherent nonlinear dynamics of memristors. In any case, these dynamics should be exploited to allow memristors to perform computation in a natural way instead of attempting to emulate existing technologies such as CMOS logic. Examples of such methods of computation presented in this thesis are memristive stateful logic operations, memristive multiplication based on the translinear principle, and the exploitation of nonlinear dynamics to construct chaotic memristive circuits. This thesis considers memristive computing at various levels of abstraction. The first part of the thesis analyses the physical properties and the current-voltage behaviour of a single device. The middle part presents memristor programming methods, and describes microcircuits for logic and analog operations. The final chapters discuss memristive computing in largescale applications. In particular, cellular neural networks, and associative memory architectures are proposed as applications that significantly benefit from memristive implementation. The work presents several new results on memristor modeling and programming, memristive logic, analog arithmetic operations on memristors, and applications of memristors. The main conclusion of this thesis is that memristive computing will be advantageous in large-scale, highly parallel mixed-mode processing architectures. This can be justified by the following two arguments. First, since processing can be performed directly within memristive memory architectures, the required circuitry, processing time, and possibly also power consumption can be reduced compared to a conventional CMOS implementation. Second, intrachip communication can be naturally implemented by a memristive crossbar structure.
Non-linear functional representation of the aerodynamic response provides a convenient mathematical model for motion-induced unsteady transonic aerodynamic loads response, that accounts for both complex non-linearities and time-history effects. A recent development, based on functional approximation theory, has established a novel functional form; namely, the multi-layer functional. For a large class of non-linear dynamic systems, such multi-layer functional representations can be realised via finite impulse response (FIR) neural networks. Identification of an appropriate FIR neural network model is facilitated by means of a supervised training process in which a limited sample of system input-output data sets is presented to the temporal neural network. The present work describes a procedure for the systematic identification of parameterised neural network models of motion-induced unsteady transonic aerodynamic loads response. The training process is based on a conventional genetic algorithm to optimise the network architecture, combined with a simplified random search algorithm to update weight and bias values. Application of the scheme to representative transonic aerodynamic loads response data for a bidimensional airfoil executing finite-amplitude motion in transonic flow is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. The approach is shown to furnish a satisfactory generalisation property to different motion histories over a range of Mach numbers in the transonic regime.
Continuous loading and unloading can cause breakdown of cranes. In seeking solution to this problem, the use of an intelligent control system for improving the fatigue life of cranes in the control of mechatronics has been under study since 1994. This research focuses on the use of neural networks as possibilities of developing algorithm to map stresses on a crane. The intelligent algorithm was designed to be a part of the system of a crane, the design process started with solid works, ANSYS and co-simulation using MSc Adams software which was incorporated in MATLAB-Simulink and finally MATLAB neural network (NN) for the optimization process. The flexibility of the boom accounted for the accuracy of the maximum stress results in the ADAMS model. The flexibility created in ANSYS produced more accurate results compared to the flexibility model in ADAMS/View using discrete link. The compatibility between.ADAMS and ANSYS softwares was paramount in the efficiency and the accuracy of the results. Von Mises stresses analysis was more suitable for this thesis work because the hydraulic boom was made from construction steel FE-510 of steel grade S355 with yield strength of 355MPa. Von Mises theory was good for further analysis due to ductility of the material and the repeated tensile and shear loading. Neural network predictions for the maximum stresses were then compared with the co-simulation results for accuracy, and the comparison showed that the results obtained from neural network model were sufficiently accurate in predicting the maximum stresses on the boom than co-simulation.
The OB protein, also known as leptin, is secreted by adipose tissue, circulates in the blood, probably bound to a family of binding proteins, and acts on central neural networks regulating ingestive behavior and energy balance. The two forms of leptin receptors (long and short forms) have been identified in various peripheral tissues, a fact that makes them possible target sites for a direct action of leptin. It has been shown that the OB protein interferes with insulin secretion from pancreatic islets, reduces insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes, and increases glucose transport, glycogen synthesis and fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle. Under normoglycemic and normoinsulinemic conditions, leptin seems to shift the flux of metabolites from adipose tissue to skeletal muscle. This may function as a peripheral mechanism that helps control body weight and prevents obesity. Data that substantiate this hypothesis are presented in this review.
Acid sulfate (a.s.) soils constitute a major environmental issue. Severe ecological damage results from the considerable amounts of acidity and metals leached by these soils in the recipient watercourses. As even small hot spots may affect large areas of coastal waters, mapping represents a fundamental step in the management and mitigation of a.s. soil environmental risks (i.e. to target strategic areas). Traditional mapping in the field is time-consuming and therefore expensive. Additional more cost-effective techniques have, thus, to be developed in order to narrow down and define in detail the areas of interest. The primary aim of this thesis was to assess different spatial modeling techniques for a.s. soil mapping, and the characterization of soil properties relevant for a.s. soil environmental risk management, using all available data: soil and water samples, as well as datalayers (e.g. geological and geophysical). Different spatial modeling techniques were applied at catchment or regional scale. Two artificial neural networks were assessed on the Sirppujoki River catchment (c. 440 km2) located in southwestern Finland, while fuzzy logic was assessed on several areas along the Finnish coast. Quaternary geology, aerogeophysics and slope data (derived from a digital elevation model) were utilized as evidential datalayers. The methods also required the use of point datasets (i.e. soil profiles corresponding to known a.s. or non-a.s. soil occurrences) for training and/or validation within the modeling processes. Applying these methods, various maps were generated: probability maps for a.s. soil occurrence, as well as predictive maps for different soil properties (sulfur content, organic matter content and critical sulfide depth). The two assessed artificial neural networks (ANNs) demonstrated good classification abilities for a.s. soil probability mapping at catchment scale. Slightly better results were achieved using a Radial Basis Function (RBF) -based ANN than a Radial Basis Functional Link Net (RBFLN) method, narrowing down more accurately the most probable areas for a.s. soil occurrence and defining more properly the least probable areas. The RBF-based ANN also demonstrated promising results for the characterization of different soil properties in the most probable a.s. soil areas at catchment scale. Since a.s. soil areas constitute highly productive lands for agricultural purpose, the combination of a probability map with more specific soil property predictive maps offers a valuable toolset to more precisely target strategic areas for subsequent environmental risk management. Notably, the use of laser scanning (i.e. Light Detection And Ranging, LiDAR) data enabled a more precise definition of a.s. soil probability areas, as well as the soil property modeling classes for sulfur content and the critical sulfide depth. Given suitable training/validation points, ANNs can be trained to yield a more precise modeling of the occurrence of a.s. soils and their properties. By contrast, fuzzy logic represents a simple, fast and objective alternative to carry out preliminary surveys, at catchment or regional scale, in areas offering a limited amount of data. This method enables delimiting and prioritizing the most probable areas for a.s soil occurrence, which can be particularly useful in the field. Being easily transferable from area to area, fuzzy logic modeling can be carried out at regional scale. Mapping at this scale would be extremely time-consuming through manual assessment. The use of spatial modeling techniques enables the creation of valid and comparable maps, which represents an important development within the a.s. soil mapping process. The a.s. soil mapping was also assessed using water chemistry data for 24 different catchments along the Finnish coast (in all, covering c. 21,300 km2) which were mapped with different methods (i.e. conventional mapping, fuzzy logic and an artificial neural network). Two a.s. soil related indicators measured in the river water (sulfate content and sulfate/chloride ratio) were compared to the extent of the most probable areas for a.s. soils in the surveyed catchments. High sulfate contents and sulfate/chloride ratios measured in most of the rivers demonstrated the presence of a.s. soils in the corresponding catchments. The calculated extent of the most probable a.s. soil areas is supported by independent data on water chemistry, suggesting that the a.s. soil probability maps created with different methods are reliable and comparable.
The brain is a complex system, which produces emergent properties such as those associated with activity-dependent plasticity in processes of learning and memory. Therefore, understanding the integrated structures and functions of the brain is well beyond the scope of either superficial or extremely reductionistic approaches. Although a combination of zoom-in and zoom-out strategies is desirable when the brain is studied, constructing the appropriate interfaces to connect all levels of analysis is one of the most difficult challenges of contemporary neuroscience. Is it possible to build appropriate models of brain function and dysfunctions with computational tools? Among the best-known brain dysfunctions, epilepsies are neurological syndromes that reach a variety of networks, from widespread anatomical brain circuits to local molecular environments. One logical question would be: are those complex brain networks always producing maladaptive emergent properties compatible with epileptogenic substrates? The present review will deal with this question and will try to answer it by illustrating several points from the literature and from our laboratory data, with examples at the behavioral, electrophysiological, cellular and molecular levels. We conclude that, because the brain is a complex system compatible with the production of emergent properties, including plasticity, its functions should be approached using an integrated view. Concepts such as brain networks, graphics theory, neuroinformatics, and e-neuroscience are discussed as new transdisciplinary approaches dealing with the continuous growth of information about brain physiology and its dysfunctions. The epilepsies are discussed as neurobiological models of complex systems displaying maladaptive plasticity.
The present report describes the development of a technique for automatic wheezing recognition in digitally recorded lung sounds. This method is based on the extraction and processing of spectral information from the respiratory cycle and the use of these data for user feedback and automatic recognition. The respiratory cycle is first pre-processed, in order to normalize its spectral information, and its spectrogram is then computed. After this procedure, the spectrogram image is processed by a two-dimensional convolution filter and a half-threshold in order to increase the contrast and isolate its highest amplitude components, respectively. Thus, in order to generate more compressed data to automatic recognition, the spectral projection from the processed spectrogram is computed and stored as an array. The higher magnitude values of the array and its respective spectral values are then located and used as inputs to a multi-layer perceptron artificial neural network, which results an automatic indication about the presence of wheezes. For validation of the methodology, lung sounds recorded from three different repositories were used. The results show that the proposed technique achieves 84.82% accuracy in the detection of wheezing for an isolated respiratory cycle and 92.86% accuracy for the detection of wheezes when detection is carried out using groups of respiratory cycles obtained from the same person. Also, the system presents the original recorded sound and the post-processed spectrogram image for the user to draw his own conclusions from the data.