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On 25 and 26 June 2015, the Heads of State or Government of the European Union (EU) will convene to discuss the implementation of their Conclusions on the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) from December 2013. A substantial and frank debate among EU leaders is urgently needed in order to forge a lasting and credible vision for CSDP.
La tesi si pone l'obiettivo di mappare le attività all'interno del magazzino di un operatore logistico, dalla consegna della merce da parte dei committenti, al flusso di ritorno dei pallet vuoti dai punti di consegna, attraverso la modellazione e la simulazione in linguaggio Arena. Dopo aver analizzato il ruolo e la posizione occupata da un provider logistico lungo la catena distributiva, è esposto il caso preso in considerazione, mediante lo studio dei committenti e dei punti di consegna serviti. Viene poi mappato nel dettaglio il processo di gestione all'interno del magazzino e approfonditi due aspetti principali: i costi di gestione e trasporto a carico dell'operatore e la gestione dei mezzi utilizzati per effettuare le consegne. Chiarito il sistema reale, si passa al modello in Arena. Al termine della simulazione, svoltasi in un adeguato orizzonte temporale, dall'analisi dei risultati sarà possibile trarre delle conclusioni al fine di migliorare l'efficienza del processo.
Tracking individual animals within large groups is increasingly possible, offering an exciting opportunity to researchers. Whereas previously only relatively indistinguishable groups of individual animals could be observed and combined into pen level data, we can now focus on individual actors within these large groups and track their activities across time and space with minimal intervention and disturbance. The development is particularly relevant to the poultry industry as, due to a shift away from battery cages, flock sizes are increasingly becoming larger and environments more complex. Many efforts have been made to track individual bird behavior and activity in large groups using a variety of methodologies with variable success. Of the technologies in use, each has associated benefits and detriments, which can make the approach more or less suitable for certain environments and experiments. Within this article, we have divided several tracking systems that are currently available into two major categories (radio frequency identification and radio signal strength) and review the strengths and weaknesses of each, as well as environments or conditions for which they may be most suitable. We also describe related topics including types of analysis for the data and concerns with selecting focal birds.
(Table 2) Dominant spectral peak location and period for Gauss Chron interval D of ODP Hole 114-704B