955 resultados para cell cycle re-entry


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Aberrant expression of the MAD2 protein has been linked to chromosomal instability, malignant transformation and chemoresistance. Although reduced MAD2 expression is well recognised in human cancer cell lines, the mechanism(s) underlying its downregulation remain elusive. The objective of this study was to establish the impact of hypoxia on MAD2 expression and to investigate the potential role of aberrant promoter methylation as a possible mechanism of MAD2 downregulation. For this purpose, three ovarian cancer cell lines, displaying differing levels of MAD2, were treated with chromatin modifying drugs, pre and post-hypoxia exposure and a DHPLC analysis of DNA promoter methylation carried out. We show that hypoxia induces downregulation of MAD2 expression, independently of MAD2 promoter methylation. We also show no evidence of MAD2 promoter methylation in breast and prostate cancer cells or in breast cancer clinical material. While our findings provide no evidence for MAD2 promoter methylation, we show a concomitant upregulation of p21 with downregulation of MAD2 in hypoxia. Our in vitro results were also confirmed in an ovarian cancer tissue microarray (TMA), where a reciprocal staining of MAD2 and CAIX was found in 21/60 (35%) of tumours. In summary, MAD2 downregulation may be a crucial mechanism by which hypoxic cells become chemorefractory. This stems from our previous work where we demonstrated that MAD2 downregulation induces cellular senescence, a viable cellular fate, with resultant cellular resistance to paclitaxel. Moreover, MAD2 downregulation could play a central role in the induction of chemoresistance in hypoxia, a key tumour microenvironment associated with chemoresistance.


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BACKGROUND: The mitotic arrest deficiency protein 2 (MAD2) is a key component of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint, monitoring accurate chromosomal alignment at the metaphase plate before mitosis. MAD2 also has a function in cellular senescence and in a cell’s response to microtubule inhibitory (MI) chemotherapy exemplified by paclitaxel.
METHODS: Using an siRNA approach, the impact of MAD2 down-regulation on cellular senescence and paclitaxel responsiveness was investigated. The endpoints of senescence, cell viability, migration, cytokine expression, cell cycle analysis and anaphase bridge scoring were carried out using standard approaches.
RESULTS: We show that MAD2 down-regulation induces premature senescence in the MCF7 breast epithelial cancer cell line. These MAD2-depleted (MAD2k) cells are also significantly replicative incompetent but retain viability. Moreover, they show significantly higher levels of anaphase bridges and polyploidy compared to controls. In addition, these cells secrete higher levels of IL-6 and IL-8
representing key components of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) with the ability to impact on neighbouring cells. In support of this, MAD2kcells show enhanced migratory ability. At 72 h after paclitaxel, MAD2kcells show a significant further induction of senescence compared with paclitaxel naive controls. In addition, there are significantly more viable cells in the MAD2k MCF7 cell line after paclitaxel reflecting the observed increase in senescence.
CONCLUSION: Considering that paclitaxel targets actively dividing cells, these senescent cells will evade cytotoxic kill. In conclusion, compromised MAD2 levels induce a population of senescent cells resistant to paclitaxel.


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BRCA1 encodes a tumour suppressor protein that plays pivotal roles in homologous recombination (HR) DNA repair, cell-cycle checkpoints, and transcriptional regulation. BRCA1 germline mutations confer a high risk of early-onset breast and ovarian cancer. In more than 80% of cases, tumours arising in BRCA1 germline mutation carriers are oestrogen receptor (ER)-negative; however, up to 15% are ER-positive. It has been suggested that BRCA1 ER-positive breast cancers constitute sporadic cancers arising in the context of a BRCA1 germline mutation rather than being causally related to BRCA1 loss-of-function. Whole-genome massively parallel sequencing of ER-positive and ER-negative BRCA1 breast cancers, and their respective germline DNAs, was used to characterize the genetic landscape of BRCA1 cancers at base-pair resolution. Only BRCA1 germline mutations, somatic loss of the wild-type allele, and TP53 somatic mutations were recurrently found in the index cases. BRCA1 breast cancers displayed a mutational signature consistent with that caused by lack of HR DNA repair in both ER-positive and ER-negative cases. Sequencing analysis of independent cohorts of hereditary BRCA1 and sporadic non-BRCA1 breast cancers for the presence of recurrent pathogenic mutations and/or homozygous deletions found in the index cases revealed that DAPK3, TMEM135, KIAA1797, PDE4D, and GATA4 are potential additional drivers of breast cancers. This study demonstrates that BRCA1 pathogenic germline mutations coupled with somatic loss of the wild-type allele are not sufficient for hereditary breast cancers to display an ER-negative phenotype, and has led to the identification of three potential novel breast cancer genes (ie DAPK3, TMEM135, and GATA4).


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The DNA damage response encompasses a complex series of signaling pathways that function to regulate and facilitate the repair of damaged DNA. Recent studies have shown that the repair of transcriptionally inactive chromatin, named heterochromatin, is dependent upon the phosphorylation of the co-repressor, Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-associated protein (KAP-1), by the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase. Co-repressors, such as KAP-1, function to regulate the rigid structure of heterochromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes, such HDAC1/2, SETDB1, and nucleosome-remodeling complexes such as CHD3. Here, we have characterized a phosphorylation site in the HP1-binding domain of KAP-1, Ser-473, which is phosphorylated by the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk2. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable S473A mutant conferred cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and led to defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks in heterochromatin. In addition, cells expressing S473A also displayed defective mobilization of the HP1-ß chromodomain protein. The DNA repair defect observed in cells expressing S473A was alleviated by depletion of HP1-ß, suggesting that phosphorylation of KAP-1 on Ser-473 promotes the mobilization of HP1-ß from heterochromatin and subsequent DNA repair. These results suggest a novel mechanism of KAP-1-mediated chromatin restructuring via Chk2-regulated HP1-ß exchange from heterochromatin, promoting DNA repair.


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Single-strand DNA (ssDNA)-binding proteins (SSBs) are ubiquitous and essential for a wide variety of DNA metabolic processes, including DNA replication, recombination, DNA damage detection and repair. SSBs have multiple roles in binding and sequestering ssDNA, detecting DNA damage, stimulating nucleases, helicases and strand-exchange proteins, activating transcription and mediating protein-protein interactions. In eukaryotes, the major SSB, replication protein A (RPA), is a heterotrimer. Here we describe a second human SSB (hSSB1), with a domain organization closer to the archaeal SSB than to RPA. Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase phosphorylates hSSB1 in response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). This phosphorylation event is required for DNA damage-induced stabilization of hSSB1. Upon induction of DNA damage, hSSB1 accumulates in the nucleus and forms distinct foci independent of cell-cycle phase. These foci co-localize with other known repair proteins. In contrast to RPA, hSSB1 does not localize to replication foci in S-phase cells and hSSB1 deficiency does not influence S-phase progression. Depletion of hSSB1 abrogates the cellular response to DSBs, including activation of ATM and phosphorylation of ATM targets after ionizing radiation. Cells deficient in hSSB1 exhibit increased radiosensitivity, defective checkpoint activation and enhanced genomic instability coupled with a diminished capacity for DNA repair. These findings establish that hSSB1 influences diverse endpoints in the cellular DNA damage response.


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BRCA1 is a major player in the DNA damage response. This is evident from its loss, which causes cells to become sensitive to a wide variety of DNA damaging agents. The major BRCA1 binding partner, BARD1, is also implicated in the DNA damage response, and recent reports indicate that BRCA1 and BARD1 co-operate in this pathway. In this report, we utilized small interfering RNA to deplete BRCA1 and BARD1 to demonstrate that the BRCA1-BARD1 complex is required for ATM/ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated/ATM and Rad3-related)-mediated phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) following IR- and UV radiation-induced DNA damage. In contrast, phosphorylation of a number of other ATM/ATR targets including H2AX, Chk2, Chk1, and c-jun does not depend on the presence of BRCA1-BARD1 complexes. Moreover, prior ATM/ATR-dependent phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1423 or Ser-1524 regulates the ability of ATM/ATR to phosphorylate p53(Ser-15) efficiently. Phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) is necessary for an IR-induced G(1)/S arrest via transcriptional induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. Consistent with these data, repressing p53(Ser-15) phosphorylation by BRCA1-BARD1 depletion compromises p21 induction and the G(1)/S checkpoint arrest in response to IR but not UV radia-tion. These findings suggest that BRCA1-BARD1 complexes act as an adaptor to mediate ATM/ATR-directed phosphorylation of p53, influencing G(1)/S cell cycle progression after DNA damage.


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We present empirical evidence about the properties of economic sentiment cycle synchronization for Germany, France and the UK and compare them with the `crisis' countries Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. Instead of using output data we prefer to focus on the economic sentiment indicator (ESI), a forward-looking, survey-based variable consistently available from 1985. The cyclical nature of the ESI allows us to analyze the presence or not of synchronicity among country pairs before and after the onset of the financial crisis. Our results show that ESI movements were mostly synchronous before 2008 but they exhibit a breakdown after 2008, with this feature being more prominent in Greece. We also find that, after the political manoeuvring of the past two years, a cycle re-integration or re-synchronization is on the way. An analysis of the evolution of the synchronicity measures indicates that they can potentially be used to identify sudden phase breaks in ESI co-movement and they can offer a signal as to when the EU economies are getting “in” or “out of sync”.


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Harnessing outgrowth endothelial cells (OECs) for vasoreparative therapy and tissue-engineering requires efficient ex-vivo expansion. How such expansion impacts on OEC function is largely unknown. In this study, we show that OECs become permanently cell-cycle arrested after ex-vivo expansion, which is associated with enlarged cell size, ß-galactosidase activity, DNA damage, tumour suppressor pathway activation and significant transcriptome changes. These senescence hallmarks were coupled with low telomerase activity and telomere shortening, indicating replicative senescence. OEC senescence limited their regenerative potential by impairing vasoreparative properties in-vitro and in-vivo. Integrated transcriptome-proteome analysis identified inflammatory signalling pathways as major mechanistic components of the OEC senescence programme. In particular, IL8 was an important facilitator of this senescence; depletion of IL8 in OECs significantly extended ex-vivo lifespan, delayed replicative senescence and enhanced function. While the ability to expand OEC numbers prior to autologous or allogeneic therapy remains a useful property, their replicative senescence and associated impairment of vasorepair needs to be considered. The current study also suggests that modulation of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) could be used to optimise OEC therapy.


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Stem cells have certain unique characteristics, which include longevity, high capacity of self-renewal with a long cell cycle time and a short S-phase duration, increased potential for error-free proliferation, and poor differentiation. The ocular surface is made up of two distinct types of epithelial cells, constituting the conjunctival and the corneal epithelia. Although anatomically continuous with each other at the corneoscleral limbus, the two cell phenotypes represent quite distinct subpopulations. Stem cells for the cornea reside at the corneoscleral limbus. The limbal palisades of Vogt and the interpalisade rete ridges are believed to be repositories of stem cells. The microenvironment of the limbus is considered to be important in maintaining the stemness of stem cells. Limbal stem cells also act as a 'barrier' to conjunctival epithelial cells and normally prevent them from migrating on to the corneal surface. Under certain conditions, however, the limbal stem cells may be partially or totally depleted, resulting in varying degrees of stem cell deficiency with resulting abnormalities in the corneal surface. Such deficiency of limbal stem cells leads to 'conjunctivalization' of the cornea with vascularization, appearance of goblet cells, and an irregular and unstable epithelium. This results in ocular discomfort and reduced vision. Partial stem cell deficiency can be managed by removing the abnormal epithelium and allowing the denuded cornea, especially the visual axis, to resurface with cells derived from the remaining intact limbal epithelium. In total stem cell deficiency, autologous limbus from the opposite normal eye or homologous limbus from living related or cadaveric donors can be transplanted on to the affected eye. With the latter option, systemic immunosuppression is required. Amniotic membrane transplantation is a useful adjunct to the above procedures in some instances. Copyright (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.


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Pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 (PBOX-15) is a novel microtubule depolymerization agent that induces cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis in a number of cancer cell lines. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by clonal expansion of predominately nonproliferating mature B cells. Here, we present data suggesting PBOX-15 is a potential therapeutic agent for CLL. We show activity of PBOX-15 in samples taken from a cohort of CLL patients (n = 55) representing both high-risk and low-risk disease. PBOX-15 exhibited cytotoxicity in CLL cells (n = 19) in a dose-dependent manner, with mean IC(50) of 0.55 mu mol/L. PBOX-15 significantly induced apoptosis in CLL cells (n = 46) including cells with poor prognostic markers: unmutated IgV(II) genes, CD38 and zeta-associated protein 70 (ZAP-70) expression, and fludarabine-resistant cells with chromosomal deletions in 17p. In addition, PBOX-15 was more potent than fludarabine in inducing apoptosis in fludarabine-sensitive cells. Pharmacologic inhibition and small interfering RNA knockdown of caspase-8 significantly inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis. Pharmacologic inhibition of c-jun NH(2)-terminal kinase inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis in mutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(-) CLL cells but not in unmutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(+) cells. PBOX-15 exhibited selective cytotoxicity in CLL cells compared with normal hematopoietic cells. Our data suggest that PBOX-15 represents a novel class of agents that are toxic toward both high-risk and low-risk CLL cells. The need for novel treatments is acute in CLL, especially for the subgroup of patients with poor clinical outcome and drug-resistant disease. This study identifies a novel agent with significant clinical potential.


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Background: In recent years, much progress has been made in the treatment of multiple myeloma. However, a major limitation of existing chemotherapeutic drugs is the eventual emergence of resistance; hence, the development of novel agents with new mechanisms of action is pertinent. Here, we describe the activity and mechanism of action of pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 (PBOX-15), a novel microtubule-targeting agent, in multiple myeloma cells.

Methods: The anti-myeloma activity of PBOX-15 was assessed using NCI-H929, KMS11, RPMI8226, and U266 cell lines, and primary myeloma cells. Cell cycle distribution, apoptosis, cytochrome c release, and mitochondrial inner membrane depolarisation were analysed by flow cytometry; gene expression analysis was carried out using TaqMan Low Density Arrays; and expression of caspase-8 and Bcl-2 family of proteins was assessed by western blot analysis.

Results: Pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 induced apoptosis in ex vivo myeloma cells and in myeloma cell lines. Death receptor genes were upregulated in both NCI-H929 and U266 cell lines, which displayed the highest and lowest apoptotic responses, respectively, following treatment with PBOX-15. The largest increase was detected for the death receptor 5 (DR5) gene, and cotreatment of both cell lines with tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), the DR5 ligand, potentiated the apoptotic response. In NCI-H929 cells, PBOX-15-induced apoptosis was shown to be caspase-8 dependent, with independent activation of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. A caspase-8-dependent decrease in expression of Bim(EL) preceded downregulation of other Bcl-2 proteins (Bid, Bcl-2, Mcl-1) in PBOX-15-treated NCI-H929 cells.

Conclusion: PBOX-15 induces apoptosis and potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death in multiple myeloma cells. Thus, PBOX-15 represents a promising agent, with a distinct mechanism of action, for the treatment of this malignancy. British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 281-289. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6606035 www.bjcancer.com Published online 21 December 2010 (C) 2011 Cancer Research UK


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The 65-kD microtubule-associated protein (MAP65) family is a family of plant microtubule-bundling proteins. Functional analysis is complicated by the heterogeneity within this family: there are nine MAP65 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtMAP65-1 to AtMAP65-9. To begin the functional dissection of the Arabidopsis MAP65 proteins, we have concentrated on a single isoform, AtMAP65-1, and examined its effect on the dynamics of mammalian microtubules. We show that recombinant AtMAP65-1 does not promote polymerization and does not stabilize microtubules against cold-induced microtubule depolymerization. However, we show that it does induce microtubule bundling in vitro and that this protein forms 25-nm cross-bridges between microtubules. We further demonstrate that the microtubule binding region resides in the C-terminal half of the protein and that Ala409 and Ala420 are essential for the interaction with microtubules. Ala420 is a conserved amino acid in the AtMAP65 family and is mutated to Val in the cytokinesis-defective mutant pleiade-4 of the AtMAP65-3/PLEIADE gene. We show that AtMAP65-1 can form dimers and that a region in the N terminus is responsible for this activity. Neither the microtubule binding region nor the dimerization region alone could induce microtubule bundling, strongly suggesting that dimerization is necessary to produce the microtubule cross-bridges. In vivo, AtMAP65-1 is ubiquitously expressed both during the cell cycle and in all plant organs and tissues with the exception of anthers and petals. Moreover, using an antiserum raised to AtMAP65-1, we show that AtMAP65-1 binds microtubules at specific stages of the cell cycle.


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Germline mutations in BRCA1 predispose carriers to a high incidence of breast and ovarian cancers. BRCA1 functions to maintain genomic stability through critical roles in DNA repair, cell-cycle arrest, and transcriptional control. A major question has been why BRCA1 loss or mutation leads to tumors mainly in estrogen-regulated tissues, given that BRCA1 has essential functions in all cell types. Here, we report that estrogen and estrogen metabolites can cause DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) in estrogen receptora- negative breast cells and that BRCA1 is required to repair these DSBs to prevent metabolite-induced genomic instability.We found that BRCA1 also regulates estrogen metabolism and metabolite-mediated DNA damage by repressing the transcription of estrogen-metabolizing enzymes, such as CYP1A1, in breast cells. Finally, we used a knock-in human cell model with a heterozygous BRCA1 pathogenic mutation to show how BRCA1 haploinsufficiency affects these processes. Our findings provide pivotal new insights into why BRCA1 mutation drives the formation of tumors in estrogen-regulated tissues, despite the general role of BRCA1 in DNA repair in all cell types. © 2014 American Association for Cancer Research.


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Mutations within BRCA1 predispose carriers to a high risk of breast and ovarian cancers. BRCA1 functions to maintain genomic stability through the assembly of multiple protein complexes involved in DNA repair, cell-cycle arrest, and transcriptional regulation. Here, we report the identification of a DNA damage-induced BRCA1 protein complex containing BCLAF1 and other key components of the mRNA-splicing machinery. In response to DNA damage, this complex regulates pre-mRNA splicing of a number of genes involved in DNA damage signaling and repair, thereby promoting the stability of these transcripts/proteins. Further, we show that abrogation of this complex results in sensitivity to DNA damage, defective DNA repair, and genomic instability. Interestingly, mutations in a number of proteins found within this complex have been identified in numerous cancer types. These data suggest that regulation of splicing by the BRCA1-mRNA splicing complex plays an important role in the cellular response to DNA damage.


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The nucleolus is an important region of the nucleus that acts as the main site of rRNA transcription by RNA polymerase I (Pol-I), and one of the most prominent morphological markers of proliferative and invasive cancers is increased nucleolar size. Increases in Pol-I transcription leads to increased levels of ribosome biogenesis that are able to fuel rapid cell growth and proliferation due to increased ribosome numbers. Therefore Pol-I transcription seems a viable target for the development of anticancer therapeutics as abrogation of Pol-I transcription leads to cessation of cell growth and eventual cell death. We have confirmed that ellipticine compound, 9-Hydroxyellipticine (9HE), is an efficient inhibitor of Pol-I transcription in vitro and in p53+/+ and -/- cell lines in vivo. Short-term treatments (≤24 h) with micromolar concentrations of 9HE leads to decreased cell viability and proliferation, and leads to activation of caspases 3, 8 and 9, indicating that both intrinsic and extrinsic cell death mechanisms are activated upon Pol-I inhibition. Reactive oxygen species levels were also studied following short and long term treatments with 9HE and there was a 2/3-fold increase in cellular ROS levels. Long-term 9HE treatment (≥24 h) leads to cellular senescence as indicated by increased cellular morphology and senescence associated β-galactosidase staining, and this senescence is not accompanied by induction of autophagy. Following 24 h treatment there is also accumulation of cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and qPCR analysis of cell cycle regulators shows down-regulation of G1/S transition associated cyclins. These data show that Pol-I transcription is a viable target for the development of novel chemotherapeutics, although further delineation of the cell death pathways remains. To further elucidate the mechanism, the role of mitochondrial death signals will be investigated by determination of cytochrome c release and regulation of Bcl2 family member proteins.