942 resultados para broadband (BB)


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A novel modulator array integrating eight GaAs electro-optic IQ modulators is characterized and tested over long-reach direct-detected multi-band OFDM-PONs. The GaAs IQ modulators present > 22 GHz bandwidth with 3V Vpi, being suitable for a 100-km 40-Gb/s OOFDM-PON supporting up to 1024 users.


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Fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) has been long sought as the ultimate solution to satisfy the demand for broadband access in the foreseeable future, and offer distance-independent data rate within access network reach. However, currently deployed FTTP networks have in most cases only replaced the transmission medium, without improving the overall architecture, resulting in deployments that are only cost efficient in densely populated areas (effectively increasing the digital divide). In addition, the large potential increase in access capacity cannot be matched by a similar increase in core capacity at competitive cost, effectively moving the bottleneck from access to core. DISCUS is a European Integrated Project that, building on optical-centric solutions such as Long-Reach Passive Optical access and flat optical core, aims to deliver a cost-effective architecture for ubiquitous broadband services. One of the key features of the project is the end-to-end approach, which promises to deliver a complete network design and a conclusive analysis of its economic viability. © 2013 IEEE.


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There is growing pressure to ensure that future broadband networks are both super fast and ubiquitously available to all users without the need for large government subsidies, this requires a radical change to network architectures. © OSA 2013.


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In this study, two linear coplanar array antennas based on Indium Phosphide (InP) substrate are designed, presented and compared in terms of bandwidth and gain. Slot introduction in combination with coplanar structure is investigated, providing enhanced antenna gain and bandwidth at the 60 GHz frequency band. In addition the proposed array antennas are evaluated in terms of integration with a high-speed photodiode and investigated in terms of matching, providing a bandwidth that reaches 2 GHz. Moreover a potential beam forming scenario combined with photonic up-conversion scheme has been proposed. © 2013 IEEE.


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This paper studies the key aspects of an optical link which transmits a broadband microwave filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) signal. The study is presented in the context of creating an all-analogue real-time multigigabit orthogonal frequency division multiplexing electro-optical transceiver for short range and high-capacity data center networks. Passive microwave filters are used to perform the pulse shaping of the bit streams, allowing an orthogonal transmission without the necessity of digital signal processing (DSP). Accordingly, a cyclic prefix that would cause a reduction in the net data rate is not required. An experiment consisting of three orthogonally spaced 2.7 Gbaud quadrature phase shift keyed subchannels demonstrates that the spectral efficiency of traditional DSP-less subcarrier multiplexed links can be potentially doubled. A sensitivity of -29.5 dBm is achieved in a 1-km link.


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A tanulmány azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy társadalmi értelemben mennyire volt sikeres Magyarország átalakulása az elmúlt két évtizedben. Megállapítja, hogy a gazdasági siker és a társadalmi deficit kettőssége mellett az első másfél évtized tartalékai kifulladóban vannak. Az uniós tagság csak esélyt, de nem biztosítékot jelent az új szakasz véghezvitelére. 2007-ben egészen más kihívások előtt áll az ország, mint 1995-ben állt. Ebből is adódóan ezúttal a fenntartható növekedés és az eddigieknél eredményesebb társadalompolitika kettősére, illetőleg a mindezt megalapozó irányok fölvázolására teszünk kísérletet.


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Egyes alternatívák, forgatókönyvek, technológiák stb. fenntarthatóságának értékelése – definíciószerűen többdimenziós probléma. A megfelelő alternatíva kiválasztásánál ugyanis a döntéshozóknak egyszerre kell figyelembe venniük környezetvédelmi, gazdasági és társadalmi szempontokat. Az ilyen döntéseket támogathatják többszempontú döntéshozatali modellek. A tanulmány hét többszempontú döntési módszertan (MAU, AHP, ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, REGIME, NAIADE és ideális-referencia pont) alkalmazhatóságát vizsgálja részvételi körülmények között. Az utóbbi évek e témában publikált esettanulmányait áttekintve megállapítható, hogy egyik módszer sem dominálja a többit, azok különböző feltételek mellett eltérő sikerrel használhatók. Ennek ellenére a különböző technikák kombinációjával előállíthatunk olyan eljárásokat, melyekkel az egyes módszerek előnyeit még jobban kiaknázhatjuk. ________ Measuring and comparing the sustainability of certain actions, scenarios, technologies, etc. – by definition – is a multidimensional problem. Decision makers must consider environmental, economic and social aspects when choosing an alternative course of action. Such decisions can be aided by multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). In this paper participatory seven different MCDA methodologies are investigated (MAU, the Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP), the ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, REGIME, and NAIADE methods and the “Ideal and reference point” approaches). It is based on a series of reports, in which more than 30 real world case studies focusing on participatory MCDA were reviewed. It is emphasized that there is no “best” choice from the list of MCDA techniques, but some methods fit certain decision problems more than others. However, with the combination of these methodologies some complementary benefits of the different techniques can be exploited.


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A fenntarthatóság értékelése definíciószerűen többdimenziós probléma. A megfelelő alternatíva, forgatókönyv, eljárás stb. kiválasztásakor ugyanis a döntéshozóknak egyszerre kell figyelembe venniük környezetvédelmi, gazdasági és társadalmi szempontokat. Az ilyen döntéseket alátámaszthatják a több szempontú döntéshozatali modellek. A tanulmány a több szempontú döntési eljárások közül a legfontosabb hétnek az alkalmazhatóságát vizsgálja részvételi körülmények között. Az utóbbi évek e témában publikált esettanulmányainak áttekintésével megállapítható, hogy egyik módszer sem uralja a többit, azok különböző feltételek mellett eltérő sikerrel használhatók. Ennek ellenére a különböző módszerek kombinációjával végrehajthatunk olyan eljárásokat, amelyekkel az egyes módszerek előnyeit még jobban kiaknázhatjuk. ________ Measuring and comparing the sustainability of certain actions, scenarios, technologies, etc. is by definition a multidimensional problem. Decision-makers must consider environmental, economic and social aspects when choosing an alternative course of action. Such decisions can be aided by multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). This paper investigates seven different MCDA methodologies: MAU, the Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP), the ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, REGIME, and NAIADE methods, and "Ideal and reference point" approaches). It is based on a series of reports in which over 30 real-world case studies focusing on participatory MCDA were reviewed. It is stressed, however, that there is no "best" choice in the list of MCDA techniques. Some methods fit certain decision problems better than others. Nonetheless, some complementary benefits of the different techniques can be exploited by combining these methodologies.


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The problems to be solved in this thesis were 1) development of a broadband RF preamplifier to be used with non-ferrous current probes so that the amplified signal exceeds the errors due to cable pickup, no detection is needed in this application, and 2) development of a self-contained device that amplifies and detects the output from a nonferrous current probe, providing a digital readout of the current. These instruments have been completed and are being tested for use by the National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The self-contained current meter operates at frequencies up to 600 MHz, and detects currents as low as 8 mA . At these current magnitudes, the probe (pick-up coil) will output a voltage of 500μV (-53 dBm on 50Ω) which will have to be raised above 0 dBm. The final circuit uses a RF mixer as a variable attenuator in order to increase the dynamic range, two Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC) for preamplification, a final broadband amplifier to raise the output compression point, a Schottky diode detector, a sample and hold circuit, and a liquid crystal digital panel meter.


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A sociedade digital nos abraça em todos os aspectos do cotidiano e uma parte significativa da população vive conectada em multiplataformas. Com a instantaneidade dos fluxos de comunicação, vivemos uma rotina onde muitos acessos estão a um “clique” ou toque. A televisão como mídia preponderante durante várias décadas, na sua transição digital comporta uma função além da TV que conhecíamos, como display interativo que se conecta e absorve conteúdos provenientes de várias fontes. Os consagrados modelos mundiais de distribuição de audiovisual, especialmente pelo Broadcast, sofrem as consequências da mudança do comportamento do seu público pelas novas oportunidades de acesso aos conteúdos, agora interativos e sob demanda. Neste contexto, os modelos das SmartTVs (TVs conectadas) em Broadband (Banda Larga) apresentam opções diferenciadas e requerem um espaço cada vez maior na conexão com todos os outros displays. Com este cenário, o presente estudo busca descrever e analisar as novas ofertas de conteúdos, aplicativos, possibilidades e tendências do hibridismo das fontes para a futura TV.


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In this paper, a new bidirectional pumping scheme with dual order forward pumps is proposed. Performance is compared numerically with conventional bidirectional and backward only pumping schemes for a 70 nm bandwidth, 61.5 km distributed Raman amplifier. We demonstrate that it is possible to design a flat gain spectrum with improved noise figure and OSNR, as well as a low gain ripple (<1 dB).


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This paper presents a novel high symmetry balun which significantly improves the performance of dipole-based dual-polarized antennas. The new balun structure provides enhanced differential capability leading to high performance in terms of port-to-port isolation and far-field cross polarization. An example antenna using this balun is proposed. The simulated results show 53.5% of fractional bandwidth within the band 1.71−2.96 GHz (VSWR<1.5) and port-to-port isolation >59 dB. The radiation characteristic shows around 9 dBi of gain and far-field cross polarization <−48 dBi over the entire bandwidth. The detailed balun functioning and full antenna measurements will be presented during the conference. Performance comparison with similar structures will be also provided.


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With the recent progress and rapid increase in mobile terminals, the design of antennas for small mobile terminals is acquiring great importance. In view of this situation, several design concepts are already been addressed by the scientists and engineers. Compactness and efficiency are the major criteria for mobile terminal antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to device compact printed radiating systems having broadband behavior, together with good efficiency. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of microstrip antenna in 1970s. The successors in this kind such as printed monopoles and planar inverted F are also equally important. Scientists and Engineers are trying to explore this technology as a viable coast effective solution for forthcoming microwave revolution. The transmission line perspectives of antennas are very interesting. The concept behind any electromagnetic radiator is simple. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and the orientation of the discontinuities controls the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non resonant structure.


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The impetus for this special issue has been spurred by new technical trends in wireless communication and the need for high bit rate ( 1Gbit/s) services in future wireless systems. However, due to the limited transmit power, the wireless transmission distance cannot be too large if the data rate is very high. (...)