967 resultados para bone cells


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Memory is a hallmark of immunity. Memory carried by antibodies is largely responsible for protection against reinfection with most known acutely lethal infectious agents and is the basis for most clinically successful vaccines. However, the nature of long-term B cell and antibody memory is still unclear. B cell memory was studied here after infection of mice with the rabies-like cytopathic vesicular stomatitis virus, the noncytopathic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (Armstrong and WE), and after immunization with various inert viral antigens inducing naive B cells to differentiate either to plasma cells or memory B cells in germinal centers of secondary lymphoid organs. The results show that in contrast to very low background levels against internal viral antigens, no significant neutralizing antibody memory was observed in the absence of antigen and suggest that memory B cells (i) are long-lived in the absence of antigen, nondividing, and relatively resistant to irradiation, and (ii) must be stimulated by antigen to differentiate to short-lived antibody-secreting plasma cells, a process that is also efficient in the bone marrow and always depends on radiosensitive, specific T help. Therefore, for vaccines to induce long-term protective antibody titers, they need to repeatedly provide, or continuously maintain, antigen in minimal quantities over a prolonged time period in secondary lymphoid organs or the bone marrow for sufficient numbers of long-lived memory B cells to mature to short-lived plasma cells.


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A transgenic mouse model of metastatic prostate cancer has been developed that is 100% penetrant in multiple pedigrees. Nucleotides −6500 to +34 of the mouse cryptdin-2 gene were used to direct expression of simian virus 40 T antigen to a subset of neuroendocrine cells in all lobes of the FVB/N mouse prostate. Transgene expression is initiated between 7 and 8 weeks of age and leads to development of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia within a week. Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia progresses rapidly to local invasion. Metastases to lymph nodes, liver, lung, and bone are common by 6 months. Tumorigenesis is not dependent on androgens. This model indicates that the neuroendocrine cell lineage of the prostate is exquisitely sensitive to transformation and provides insights about the significance of neuroendocrine differentiation in human prostate cancer.


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Mice in which the genes encoding the parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide (PTHrP) or the PTH/PTHrP receptor have been ablated by homologous recombination show skeletal dysplasia due to accelerated endochondral bone formation, and die at birth or in utero, respectively. Skeletal abnormalities due to decelerated chondrocyte maturation are observed in transgenic mice where PTHrP expression is targeted to the growth plate, and in patients with Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, a rare genetic disorder caused by constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors. These and other findings thus indicate that PTHrP and its receptor are essential for chondrocyte differentiation. To further explore the role of the PTH/PTHrP receptor in this process, we generated transgenic mice in which expression of a constitutively active receptor, HKrk-H223R, was targeted to the growth plate by the rat α1 (II) collagen promoter. Two major goals were pursued: (i) to investigate how constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors affect the program of chondrocyte maturation; and (ii) to determine whether expression of the mutant receptor would correct the severe growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP-ablated mice (PTHrP−/−). The targeted expression of constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors led to delayed mineralization, decelerated conversion of proliferative chondrocytes into hypertrophic cells in skeletal segments that are formed by the endochondral process, and prolonged presence of hypertrophic chondrocytes with delay of vascular invasion. Furthermore, it corrected at birth the growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP−/− mice and allowed their prolonged survival. “Rescued” animals lacked tooth eruption and showed premature epiphyseal closure, indicating that both processes involve PTHrP. These findings suggest that rescued PTHrP−/− mice may gain considerable importance for studying the diverse, possibly tissue-specific role(s) of PTHrP in postnatal development.


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Aging in vivo and cell division in vitro are associated with telomere shortening. Several lines of evidence suggest that telomere length may be a good predictor of the long term replicative capacity of cells. To investigate the natural fate of chromosome telomeres of hematopoietic stem cells in vivo, we measured the telomere length of peripheral blood granulocytes from 11 fully engrafted bone marrow transplant recipients and from their respective donors. In 10 of 11 donor–recipient pairs, the telomere length was significantly reduced in the recipient and the extent of reduction correlated inversely with the number of nucleated cells infused. These data provide internally controlled in vivo evidence that, concomitantly with their proliferation, hematopoietic stem cells lose telomere length; it is possible that, as a result, their proliferative potential is reduced. These findings must be taken into account when developing new protocols in which few stem cells are used for bone marrow transplantation or for gene therapy.


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Previous studies have demonstrated hematopoietic stem cell amplification in vitro after the activation of three cell-surface receptors: flt3/flk2, c-kit, and gp130. We now show flt3-ligand and Steel factor alone will stimulate >85% of c-kit+Sca-1+lin− adult mouse bone marrow cells to proliferate in single-cell serum-free cultures, but concomitant retention of their stem cell activity requires additional exposure to a ligand that will activate gp130. Moreover, this response is restricted to a narrow range of gp130-activating ligand concentrations, above and below which hematopoietic stem cell activity is lost. These findings indicate a unique contribution of gp130 signaling to the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell function when these cells are stimulated to divide with additional differential effects dictated by the intensity of gp130 activation.


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Somatic mosaicism has been observed previously in the lymphocyte population of patients with Fanconi anemia (FA). To identify the cellular origin of the genotypic reversion, we examined each lymphohematopoietic and stromal cell lineage in an FA patient with a 2815–2816ins19 mutation in FANCA and known lymphocyte somatic mosaicism. DNA extracted from individually plucked peripheral blood T cell colonies and marrow colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells revealed absence of the maternal FANCA exon 29 mutation in 74.0%, 80.3%, and 86.2% of colonies, respectively. These data, together with the absence of the FANCA exon 29 mutation in Epstein–Barr virus-transformed B cells and its presence in fibroblasts, indicate that genotypic reversion, most likely because of back mutation, originated in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell and not solely in a lymphocyte population. Contrary to a predicted increase in marrow cellularity resulting from reversion in a hematopoietic stem cell, pancytopenia was progressive. Additional evaluations revealed a partial deletion of 11q in 3 of 20 bone marrow metaphase cells. By using interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization with an MLL gene probe mapped to band 11q23 to identify colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells with the 11q deletion, the abnormal clone was exclusive to colonies with the FANCA exon 29 mutation. Thus, we demonstrate the spontaneous genotypic reversion in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell. The subsequent development of a clonal cytogenetic abnormality in nonrevertant cells suggests that ex vivo correction of hematopoietic stem cells by gene transfer may not be sufficient for providing life-long stable hematopoiesis in patients with FA.


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The origin and role of IL-17, a T-cell derived cytokine, in cartilage and bone destruction during rheumatoid arthritis (RA) remain to be clarified. In human ex vivo models, addition of IL-17 enhanced IL-6 production and collagen destruction, and inhibited collagen synthesis by RA synovium explants. On mouse cartilage, IL-17 enhanced cartilage proteoglycan loss and inhibited its synthesis. On human RA bone explants, IL-17 also increased bone resorption and decreased formation. Addition of IL-1 in these conditions increased the effect of IL-17. Blocking of bone-derived endogenous IL-17 with specific inhibitors resulted in a protective inhibition of bone destruction. Conversely, intra-articular administration of IL-17 into a normal mouse joint induced cartilage degradation. In conclusion, the contribution of IL-17 derived from synovium and bone marrow T cells to joint destruction suggests the control of IL-17 for the treatment of RA.


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Cells of the craniofacial skeleton are derived from a common mesenchymal progenitor. The regulatory factors that control their differentiation into various cell lineages are unknown. To investigate the biological function of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), an extracellular matrix gene involved in calcified tissue formation, stable transgenic cell lines and adenovirally infected cells overexpressing DMP1 were generated. The findings in this paper demonstrate that overexpression of DMP1 in pluripotent and mesenchyme-derived cells such as C3H10T1/2, MC3T3-E1, and RPC-C2A can induce these cells to differentiate and form functional odontoblast-like cells. Functional differentiation of odontoblasts requires unique sets of genes being turned on and off in a growth- and differentiation-specific manner. The genes studied include transcription factors like core binding factor 1 (Cbfa1), bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), and BMP4; early markers for extracellular matrix deposition like alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin, osteonectin, and osteocalcin; and late markers like DMP2 and dentin sialoprotein (DSP) that are expressed by terminally differentiated odontoblasts and are responsible for the formation of tissue-specific dentin matrix. However, this differentiation pathway was limited to mesenchyme-derived cells only. Other cell lines tested by the adenoviral expression system failed to express odontoblast-phenotypic specific genes. An in vitro mineralized nodule formation assay demonstrated that overexpressed cells could differentiate and form a mineralized matrix. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that phosphorylation of Cbfa1 (osteoblast-specific transcription factor) was not required for the expression of odontoblast-specific genes, indicating the involvement of other unidentified odontoblast-specific transcription factors or coactivators. Cell lines that differentiate into odontoblast-like cells are useful tools for studying the mechanism involved in the terminal differentiation process of these postmitotic cells.


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Ewes from the Booroola strain of Australian Mérino sheep are characterized by high ovulation rate and litter size. This phenotype is due to the action of the FecBB allele of a major gene named FecB, as determined by statistical analysis of phenotypic data. By genetic analysis of 31 informative half-sib families from heterozygous sires, we showed that the FecB locus is situated in the region of ovine chromosome 6 corresponding to the human chromosome 4q22–23 that contains the bone morphogenetic protein receptor IB (BMPR-IB) gene encoding a member of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) receptor family. A nonconservative substitution (Q249R) in the BMPR-IB coding sequence was found to be associated fully with the hyperprolificacy phenotype of Booroola ewes. In vitro, ovarian granulosa cells from FecBB/FecBB ewes were less responsive than granulosa cells from FecB+/FecB+ ewes to the inhibitory effect on steroidogenesis of GDF-5 and BMP-4, natural ligands of BMPR-IB. It is suggested that in FecBB/FecBB ewes, BMPR-IB would be inactivated partially, leading to an advanced differentiation of granulosa cells and an advanced maturation of ovulatory follicles.


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We show that when telencephalic neural progenitors are briefly exposed to bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) in culture, their developmental fate is changed from neuronal cells to astrocytic cells. BMP2 significantly reduced the number of cells expressing microtubule-associated protein 2, a neuronal marker, and cells expressing nestin, a marker for undifferentiated neural precursors, but BMP2 increased the number of cells expressing S100-β, an astrocytic marker. In telencephalic neuroepithelial cells, BMP2 up-regulated the expression of negative helix–loop–helix (HLH) factors Id1, Id3, and Hes-5 (where Hes is homologue of hairy and Enhancer of Split) that inhibited the transcriptional activity of neurogenic HLH transcription factors Mash1 and neurogenin. Ectopic expression of either Id1 or Id3 (where Id is inhibitor of differentiation) inhibited neurogenesis of neuroepithelial cells, suggesting an important role for these HLH proteins in the BMP2-mediated changes in the neurogenic fate of these cells. Because gliogenesis in the brain and spinal cord, derived from implanted neural stem cells or induced by injury, is responsible for much of the failure of neuronal regeneration, this work may lead to a therapeutic strategy to minimize this problem.


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The CD8+ T cell diaspora has been analyzed after secondary challenge with an influenza A virus that replicates only in the respiratory tract. Numbers of DbNP366- and DbPA224-specific CD8+ T cells were measured by tetramer staining at the end of the recall response, then followed sequentially in the lung, lymph nodes, spleen, blood, and other organs. The extent of clonal expansion did not reflect the sizes of the preexisting memory T cell pools. Although the high-frequency CD8+ tetramer+ populations in the pneumonic lung and mediastinal lymph nodes fell rapidly from peak values, the “whole mouse” virus-specific CD8+ T cell counts decreased only 2-fold over the 4 weeks after infection, then subsided at a fairly steady rate to reach a plateau at about 2 months. The largest numbers were found throughout in the spleen, then the bone marrow. The CD8+DbNP366+ and CD8+DbPA224+ sets remained significantly enlarged for at least 4 months, declining at equivalent rates while retaining the nucleoprotein > acid polymerase immunodominance hierarchy characteristic of the earlier antigen-driven phase. Lowest levels of the CD69 “activation marker” were detected consistently on virus-specific CD8+ T cells in the blood, then the spleen. Those in the bone marrow and liver were intermediate, and CD69hi T cells were very prominent in the regional lymph nodes and the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue. Any population of “resting” CD8+ memory T cells is thus phenotypically heterogeneous, widely dispersed, and subject to broad homeostatic and local environmental effects irrespective of epitope specificity or magnitude.


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We searched for clonable committed T cell progenitors in the adult mouse bone marrow and isolated rare (≈0.05%) cells with the Thy-1hiCD2−CD16+CD44hiCD25−Lin− phenotype. In vivo experiments showed that these cells were progenitors committed only to reconstituting the T cell lineage of irradiated Ly5 congenic hosts. Reconstitution of the thymus was minimal compared with that of the bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes. At limiting dilutions, donor T cell reconstitution of the spleen frequently occurred without detectable donor cells in the thymus. Progenitors were capable of rapidly reconstituting athymic hosts. In conclusion, the clonable bone marrow progenitors were capable of T cell reconstitution predominantly by means of an extrathymic pathway.


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Marrow stromal cells are adult stem cells from bone marrow that can differentiate into multiple nonhematopoietic cell lineages. Previous reports demonstrated that single-cell-derived colonies of marrow stromal cells contained two morphologically distinct cell types: spindle-shaped cells and large flat cells. Here we found that early colonies also contain a third kind of cell: very small round cells that rapidly self-renew. Samples enriched for the small cells had a greater potential for multipotential differentiation than samples enriched for the large cells. Also, the small cells expressed a series of surface epitopes and other proteins that potentially can be used to distinguish the small cells from the large cells. The results suggested it will be important to distinguish the major subpopulations of marrow stromal cells in defining their biology and their potential for cell and gene therapy.


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Extraembryonic ectoderm-derived factors instruct the pluripotent epiblast cells to develop toward a restricted primordial germ cell (PGC) fate during murine gastrulation. Genes encoding Bmp4 of the Dpp class and Bmp8b of the 60A class are expressed in the extraembryonic ectoderm and targeted mutation of either results in severe defects in PGC formation. It has been shown that heterodimers of DPP and 60A classes of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are more potent than each homodimers in bone and mesoderm induction in vitro, suggesting that BMP4 and BMP8B may form heterodimers to induce PGCs. To investigate how BMP4 and BMP8B interact and signal for PGC induction, we cocultured epiblasts of embryonic day 6.0–6.25 embryos with BMP4 and BMP8B proteins produced by COS cells. Our data show that BMP4 or BMP8B homodimers alone cannot induce PGCs whereas they can in combination, providing evidence that two BMP pathways are simultaneously required for the generation of a given cell type in mammals and also providing a prototype method for PGC induction in vitro. Furthermore, the PGC defects of Bmp8b mutants can be rescued by BMP8B homodimers whereas BMP4 homodimers cannot mitigate the PGC defects of Bmp4 null mutants, suggesting that BMP4 proteins are also required for epiblast cells to gain germ-line competency before the synergistic action of BMP4 and BMP8B.


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Osteoclastogenesis is a complex process that is facilitated by bone marrow stromal cells (SCs). To determine if SCs are an absolute requirement for the differentiation of human hematopoietic precursors into fully mature, osteoclasts (OCs), CD34+ cells were mobilized into the peripheral circulation with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, harvested by leukapheresis, and purified by magnetic-activated cell sorting. This procedure yields a population of CD34+ cells that does not contain SC precursors, as assessed by the lack of expression of the SC antigen Stro-1, and that differentiates only into hematopoietic cells. We found that CD34+, Stro-1- cells cultured with a combination of granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin 1, and interleukin 3 generated cells that fulfill current criteria for the characterization of OCs, including multinucleation, presence of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, and expression of the calcitonin and vitronectin receptors and of pp60c-src tyrosine kinase. These OCs also expressed mRNA for the noninserted isoform of the calcitonin receptor and excavated characteristic resorption pits in devitalized bone slices. These data demonstrate that accessory SCs are not essential for human osteoclastogenesis and that granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment mobilizes OC precursors into the peripheral circulation.