978 resultados para biosynthesis


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Deletion of COQ10 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae elicits a respiratory defect characterized by the absence of cytochrome c reduction, which is correctable by the addition of exogenous diffusible coenzyme Q(2). Unlike other coq mutants with hampered coenzyme Q(6) (Q(6)) synthesis, coq10 mutants have near wild-type concentrations of Q(6). In the present study, we used Q-cycle inhibitors of the coenzyme QH(2)-cytochrome c reductase complex to assess the electron transfer properties of coq10 cells. Our results show that coq10 mutants respond to antimycin A, indicating an active Q-cycle in these mutants, even though they are unable to transport electrons through cytochrome c and are not responsive to myxothiazol. EPR spectroscopic analysis also suggests that wild-type and coq10 mitochondria accumulate similar amounts of Q(6) semiquinone, despite a lower steady-state level of coenzyme QH(2)-cytochrome c reductase complex in the coq10 cells. Confirming the reduced respiratory chain state in coq10 cells, we found that the expression of the Aspergillus fumigatus alternative oxidase in these cells leads to a decrease in antimycin-dependent H(2)O(2) release and improves their respiratory growth.


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Global gene expression analysis was carried out with Blastocladiella emersonii cells subjected to oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) using cDNA microarrays. In experiments of gradual hypoxia (gradual decrease in dissolved oxygen) and direct hypoxia (direct decrease in dissolved oxygen), about 650 differentially expressed genes were observed. A total of 534 genes were affected directly or indirectly by oxygen availability, as they showed recovery to normal expression levels or a tendency to recover when cells were reoxygenated. In addition to modulating many genes with no putative assigned function, B. emersonii cells respond to hypoxia by readjusting the expression levels of genes responsible for energy production and consumption. At least transcriptionally, this fungus seems to favor anaerobic metabolism through the upregulation of genes encoding glycolytic enzymes and lactate dehydrogenase and the downregulation of most genes coding for tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle enzymes. Furthermore, genes involved in energy-costly processes, like protein synthesis, amino acid biosynthesis, protein folding, and transport, had their expression profiles predominantly down-regulated during oxygen deprivation, indicating an energy-saving effort. Data also revealed similarities between the transcriptional profiles of cells under hypoxia and under iron(II) deprivation, suggesting that Fe(2+) ion could have a role in oxygen sensing and/or response to hypoxia in B. emersonii. Additionally, treatment of fungal cells prior to hypoxia with the antibiotic geldanamycin, which negatively affects the stability of mammalian hypoxia transcription factor HIF-1 alpha, caused a significant decrease in the levels of certain upregulated hypoxic genes.


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The Blastocladiella emersonii life cycle presents a number of drastic biochemical and morphological changes, mainly during two cell differentiation stages: germination and sporulation. To investigate the transcriptional changes taking place during the sporulation phase, which culminates with the production of the zoospores, motile cells responsible for the dispersal of the fungus, microarray experiments were performed. Among the 3,773 distinct genes investigated, a total of 1,207 were classified as differentially expressed, relative to time zero of sporulation, at at least one of the time points analyzed. These results indicate that accurate transcriptional control takes place during sporulation, as well as indicating the necessity for distinct molecular functions throughout this differentiation process. The main functional categories overrepresented among upregulated genes were those involving the microtubule, the cytoskeleton, signal transduction involving Ca(2+), and chromosome organization. On the other hand, protein biosynthesis, central carbon metabolism, and protein degradation were the most represented functional categories among downregulated genes. Gene expression changes were also analyzed in cells sporulating in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of glucose or tryptophan. Data obtained revealed overexpression of microtubule and cytoskeleton transcripts in the presence of glucose, probably causing the shape and motility problems observed in the zoospores produced under this condition. In contrast, the presence of tryptophan during sporulation led to upregulation of genes involved in oxidative stress, proteolysis, and protein folding. These results indicate that distinct physiological pathways are involved in the inhibition of sporulation due to these two classes of nutrient sources.


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The PilZ protein was originally identified as necessary for type IV pilus (T4P) biogenesis. Since then, a large and diverse family of bacterial PilZ homology domains have been identified, some of which have been implicated in signaling pathways that control important processes, including motility, virulence and biofilm formation. Furthermore, many PilZ homology domains, though not PilZ itself, have been shown to bind the important bacterial second messenger bis(3`-> 5`)cyclic diGMP (c-diGMP). The crystal structures of the PilZ orthologs from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv Citri (PilZ(XAC1133), this work) and from Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris (XC1028) present significant structural differences to other PilZ homologs that explain its failure to bind c-diGMP. NMR analysis of PilZ(XAC1133) shows that these structural differences are maintained in solution. In spite of their emerging importance in bacterial signaling, the means by which NZ proteins regulate specific processes is not clear. In this study, we show that PilZ(XAC1133) binds to PilB, an ATPase required for TV polymerization, and to the EAL domain of FiMX(XAC2398), which regulates TV biogenesis and localization in other bacterial species. These interactions were confirmed in NMR, two-hybrid and far-Western blot assays and are the first interactions observed between any PilZ domain and a target protein. While we were unable to detect phosphodiesterase activity for FimXX(AC2398) in vitro, we show that it binds c-diGMP both in the presence and in the absence of PilZ(XAC1133). Site-directed mutagenesis studies for conserved and exposed residues suggest that PilZ(XAC1133) interactions with FimX(XAC2398) and PilB(XAC3239) are mediated through a hydrophobic surface and an unstructured C-terminal extension conserved only in PilZ orthologs. The FimX-PilZ-PilB interactions involve a full set of ""degenerate"" GGDEF, EAL and PilZ domains and provide the first evidence of the means by which PilZ orthologs and FimX interact directly with the TP4 machinery. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The resolution of the natural racemic chromane 3,4-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2,7-dimethyl-8-(3 ``-methyl-2 ``-butenyl)-2-(4`-methyl-1`,3`-pentadienyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-carboxylic acid (1) isolated from the leaves of Peperomia obtusifolia has been accomplished using stereoselective HPLC. The absolute coil figuration of the resolved enantiomers was determined by the analysis of optical rotations and CD spectra. The finding of a racemic mixture instead of an enantiomerically pure metabolite raises questions about the final steps in the biosynthesis of this class of natural products, suggesting that the intramolecular chromane ring formation step may not be enzymatically controlled at all in P. obtusifolia. Chirality 21:799-801, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites are of common occurrence within marine sponges belonging to the order Verongida. However, previous chemical analysis of crude extracts obtained from samples of the verongid sponge Aplysina fulva collected in Brazil did not provide any dibromotyrosine-derived compounds. In this investigation, five samples of A. fulva from five different locations along the Brazilian coastline and one sample from a temperate reef in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) (Georgia, USA) were investigated for the presence of bromotyrosine-derived compounds. All six samples collected yielded dibromotyrosine-derived compounds, including a new derivative, named aplysinafulvin, which has been identified by. analysis of spectroscopic data. These results confirm previous assumptions that dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites can be considered as chemotaxonomic markers of verongid sponges. The isolation of aplysinafulvin provides additional support for a biogenetic pathway involving an arene oxide intermediate in the biosynthesis of Verongida metabolites. It cannot yet be established if the chemical variability observed among the six samples of A.fulva collected in Brazil and the SAB is the result of different environmental factors, distinct chemical extraction and isolation protocols, or a consequence of hidden genetic diversity within the postulated morphological plasticity of this species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three new nitrogen-containing terpenes related to pyrodysinoic acid (1) have been isolated from the sponge Dysidea robusta collected in Brazil. Isopyrodysinoic acid (2), 13-hydroxyisopyrodysinoic acid (3), and pyrodysinoic acid B (4) were obtained from the crude extract of D. robusta and identified by analysis of spectroscopic data. Pyrodysinoic acid B (4) is the first furodysin or furodysinin sesquiterpene derivative with a trans junction between the two six-membered rings of the 1,2,3,4,4a,7,8,8a-octahydro-1,1,6-trimethylnaphthalene moiety.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most common infectious diseases known to man and responsible for millions of human deaths in the world. The increasing incidence of TB in developing countries, the proliferation of multidrug resistant strains, and the absence of resources for treatment have highlighted the need of developing new drugs against TB. The shikimate pathway leads to the biosynthesis of chorismate, a precursor of aromatic amino acids. This pathway is absent from mammals and shown to be essential for the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB. Accordingly, enzymes of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis pathway represent promising targets for structure-based drug design. The first reaction in phenylalanine biosynthesis involves the conversion of chorismate to prephenate, catalyzed by chorismate mutase. The second reaction is catalyzed by prephenate dehydratase (PDT) and involves decarboxylation and dehydratation of prephenate to form phenylpyruvate, the precursor of phenylalanine. Here, we describe utilization of different techniques to infer the structure of M. tuberculosis PDT (MtbPDT) in solution. Small angle X-ray scattering and ultracentrifugation analysis showed that the protein oligomeric state is a tetramer and MtbPDT is a flat disk protein. Bioinformatics tools were used to infer the structure of MtbPDT A molecular model for MtbPDT is presented and molecular dynamics simulations indicate that MtbPDT i.s stable. Experimental and molecular modeling results were in agreement and provide evidence for a tetrameric state of MtbPDT in solution.


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One of the major advances in PDT is the use of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to induce the production of an enclogenous photosensitizer inside the cells using intracellular enzymatic pathways. ALA is the first intermediate in heme biosynthesis and a precursor of the protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). When activated by light, this efficient photosensitizer accumulated in the target cells can produce cytotoxicity. The aim of this study was to find the best conditions for cell killing using ALA to temporarily increase the concentration of PpIX in two cell lines. It was shown that a considerable efflux of synthesized PpIX occurs. Since this efflux is time-dependent, it is essential to know the optimum time for irradiation after ALA administration. So, the efflux of PpIX from the cells is an important parameter to be considered for ALA-PDT dosimetry.


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Eukaryotic cells prevent copper-induced, free radical damage to cell components by employing copper-binding proteins and transporters that minimize the likelihood of free copper ions existing in the cell. In the cell, copper is actively transported from the cytoplasm during the biosynthesis of secreted coppercontaining proteins and, as a protective measure, when there is an excess of copper. In humans, this is accomplished by two related copper-transporting ATPases (ATP7A and ATP7B), which are the affected genes in two distinct human genetic disorders of copper transport, Menkes disease (copper deficiency) and Wilson disease (copper toxicosis). The study of these ATPases has revealed their molecular mechanisms of copper transport and their roles in physiological copper homeostasis. Both ATP7A and ATP7B are expressed in specific brain regions and neurological abnormalities are important clinical features in Menkes and Wilson disease.


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The relative roles of glyceollin, lignin and the hypersensitive response (HR) in pathogen containment and restriction were investigated in soybean (Glycine max L. [Merr.]) cultivars that were inoculated with Phytophthora sojae Kaufmann and Gerdemann. Concentrations of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) levels in etiolated soybean hypocotyls were reduced by application of the ABA biosynthesis inhibitor norflurazon or raised by exogenous ABA application. Incompatible interactions in leaves and hypocotyls were characterized by HR, phenolic and lignin deposition and glyceollin accumulation. Compatible interactions resulted in light coloured, water-soaked spreading lesions with minimal lignin deposition or glyceollin accumulation and the absence of an HR. Norflurazon treatment restricted the spread of the pathogen and increased glyceollin accumulation in compatible tissues. Exogenous ABA addition caused spreading lesions in normally incompatible interactions and reduced glyceollin accumulation. Phenolic deposition and HR were unchanged by either treatment in incompatible or compatible interactions. The uncoupling of glyceollin synthesis from the HR and phenolic and lignin deposition by ABA and norflurazon treatment showed that glyceollin is a major factor in restriction of the pathogen during these interactions.


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Using differential display polymerase chain reaction, a gene was identified in CD34+-enriched populations that had with low or absent expression in CD34- populations. The full coding sequence of this transcript was obtained, and the predicted protein has a high degree of homology to oxysterol-binding protein. This gene has been designated OSBP-related protein 3 (ORP-3). Expression of ORP-3 was found to be 3- to 4-fold higher in CD34+ cells than in CD34- cells. Additionally, expression of this gene was 2-fold higher in the more primitive subfraction of hematopoietic cells defined by the CD34+38- phenotype and was down-regulated with the proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells. The ORP-3 predicted protein contains an oxysterol-binding domain. Well-characterized proteins expressing this domain bind oxysterols in a dose-dependent fashion. Biologic activities of oxysterols include inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in a variety of cell types, among them hematopoietic cells. Characterization and differential expression of ORP-3 implicates a possible role in the mediation of oxysterol effects on hematopoiesis.


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The use of small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules in animals to achieve double-stranded RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) has recently emerged as a powerful method of sequence-specific gene knockdown. As DNA-based expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) for RNAi may offer some advantages over chemical and in vitro synthesised siRNA, a number of vectors for expression of shRNA have been developed. These often feature polymerase III (pol. III) promoters of either mouse or human origin.
To develop a shRNA expression vector specifically for bovine RNAi applications, we identified and characterised a novel bovine U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) promoter from bovine sequence data. This promoter is the putative bovine homologue of the human U6-8 snRNA promoter, and features a number of functional sequence elements that are characteristic of these types of pol. III promoters. A PCR based cloning strategy was used to incorporate this promoter sequence into plasmid vectors along with shRNA sequences for RNAi. The promoter was then used to express shRNAs, which resulted in the efficient knockdown of an exogenous reporter gene and an endogenous bovine gene.
We have mined data from the bovine genome sequencing project to identify a functional bovine U6 promoter and used the promoter sequence to construct a shRNA expression vector. The use of this native bovine promoter in shRNA expression is an important component of our future development of RNAi therapeutic and transgenic applications in bovine species.


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Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major burden on humanity. The current HCV therapy has limited efficacy, and there is pressing need for new and more effective therapies. Host cell factors that are required for HCV infection, replication and/or pathogenesis represent potential therapeutic targets. Of particular interest are cellular receptors that mediate HCV entry, factors that facilitate HCV replication and assembly, and intracellular pathways involving lipid biosynthesis, oxidative stress and innate immune response. A crucial challenge now is to manipulate such cellular targets pharmacologically for chronic HCV treatment, without being limited by side effects.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) has been implicated in determining the outcome of interactions between many plants and their pathogens. We had previously shown that increased concentrations of ABA within leaves of Arabidopsis induced susceptibility towards an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) tomato. We now show that ABA induces susceptibility via suppression of the accumulation of components crucial for a resistance response. Lignin and salicylic acid concentrations in leaves were increased during a resistant interaction but reduced when plants were treated with ABA. The reduction in lignin and salicylic acid production was independent of the development of the hypersensitive response (HR), indicating that, in this host-pathogen system, HR is not required for resistance. Genome-wide gene expression analysis using microarrays showed that treatment with ABA suppressed the expression of many defence-related genes, including those important for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and those encoding resistance-related proteins. Together, these results show that resistance induction in Arabidopsis to an avirulent strain of P. syringae pv. tomato is regulated by ABA.