965 resultados para bilateral interconnection
Sclero-atrophy, fibrosis, vascular ectasia, phlebosclerosis and mild non-specific chronic inflammatory changes were observed in variable location and proportion involving the atrioventricular conducting tissue of the heart in five human cases of chronic Chagas' myocarditis associated with complete atrioventricular block. One case presented complete destruction of the A-V conduction system. In three cases the lesions were disseminated all along the conducting tissue but did not cause anywhere a complete disruption in the continuity of the system. The distal portion of the bundle branches were the most damaged sector of the system, exceptfor the fasciculi of the posterior division of the left bundle branch which were relatively preserved. One case exhibited bilateral sclero-atrophy of the bundle branches as the main change; and another showed early and mild fibrocalcific damage of the penetrating portion of the His bundle. The A-V node appeared as the least involved part of the conducting system in the cases studied. Demonstration of the lesions in this series of cases seems important because: a) it reveals that complete atrioventriculr block in chronic Chagas' disease results from disseminated lesions and not from focal disruptive change as has been commonly observed in cases of other etiologies; b) it shows that chronic inflammation can produce at the end variable and widespread vascular, degenerative andfibrotic alterations within the conducting tissue of the heart, which may lead to its total destruction.
Observou-se a evolução de um linfonodo pulmonar na paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) aguda infantil. Doente, masculino, 6 anos, branco, natural de Curitiba (PR), procedente de Guaratinguetá (SP), que há 3 meses desenvolveu quadro gripal, febre diária, bimodal, prolongada, precedida de calafrio, acompanhada de sudorese inodora, cefaléia frontal e anorexia. Diagnosticado e tratado como pneumonia por cinco dias, sem melhora do quadro. Há 2 meses, apresentou dor óssea nos braços e articulações do pé, com edema inflamatório e emagrecimento de 6 kg em 3 meses. Exame físico revelou: peso 20 kg; estatura 120 cm; P. A. 90/60 mmHg; facies atípica, hipoativo, palidez cutâneo-mucosa (+ +), hipotrofia muscular, adenopatiageneralizada, sopro sistólico suave em foco aórtico acessório e hepatesplenomegalia. Imunodifusão com exoantígeno glicoprotéico 43 kdpositiva (1/32). A biópsia de gânglio revelou Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. A radiologia demonstrou na primeira consulta, discreto infiltrado intersticial bilateral com linfoadenomegaliapara-hilar que desaparecu em 30 dias. Observou- se, ainda, massa tumoral mediastínica superior, hiperplasia do sistema fagocítico mononuclear e lesões osteolíticas nos 60 dias iniciais da evolução.
Ao estudar 30 casos de cromoblastomicose diagnosticados no Hospital dos Servidores do Estado do Maranhão, no período de novembro de 1988 a março de 1993, os autores observaram 2 (6,6 %) casos, que apresentaram associação desta doença com hanseníase. O primeiro paciente desenvolveu as duas doenças concomitantemente, apresentando espessamento no nervo cubital bilateral, mal perfurante plantar em pé direito e lesões em placas verrucóides na perna esquerda, com biópsia de nervo cubital direito positiva para hanseníase dimorfa T e biópsia da lesão em placa, positiva para Fonsccaea pedrosoi. O segundo caso, paciente com história de hanseníase virchowiana há 30 anos, em pausa terapêutica por "cura", com lesões verrugo-confluentes em cotovelo direito há 12 meses, histopatológico e cultura positiva, para cromoblastomicose. Os possíveis fatores para o desenvolvimento da cromoblastomicose nestes pacientes são discutidos.
The authors report a case of adenovirus- induced enlargement of the parotid gland involving a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Physical examination revealed good general condition, no fever and bilateral enlargement of the parotid region, which was of increased consistency and slightly tender to palpation. Histological examination of the parotid gland demonstrated a slight periductal lymphomononuclear inflammatory infiltrate with the presence of focal points of necrosis. Tests to determine the presence of fungi and alcohol-acid resistent bacilli were negative. Immunohistochemistry for cytomegalovirus, heipes simplex, HIV p24 antigen and adenovirus showed positivity only for adenovirus in the epithelial nuclei of numerous gland ducts. Tins is the third case of this type reported in the literature, indicating the importance of including adenovirus in the differential diagnosis of this condition.
Relata-se caso de adiaspiromicose causando infiltrado pulmonar retículo-nodular difuso e bilateral, em lavrador de 26 anos. O diagnóstico etiológico foi estabelecido através de biópsia por toracoscopia. Tratado com cetoconazol, o paciente evoluiu bem, retornando às atividades profissionais um mês após a alta.
The crisis has drawn attention to the fact that not only emerging powers but other regions of the world as well may be offering different development models and may constitute into alternative, in some dimensions more positive agents, in the conduct of the present stage of globalisation. Notwithstanding, the traditional western powers have not lost a large amount of control of the world economy. And the crisis proceeds, reallocating world power as in a Hobbesian anarchy. It is difficult to foresee smooth developments in the near future. On the contrary, multilateralism seems to be losing ground to unilateral action or bilateral arrangements. More or less disguised currency wars may lead to serious disequilibria, and turf wars may become more frequent, with motives ranging from securing captive markets to control of specific commodities and energy goods, or targeted regulatory frameworks. As economic policy becomes even more involved with defence and security affairs, the feedbacks from each side to the other seem likely to keep dissent and animosity high, rather than contributing to peaceful and constructive approaches. A more trouble-prone world may be easily expected.
Pesquisou-se a ocorrência, na parede das veias do plexo pampiniforme de chagásicos crônicos, de acúmulos intracelulares de Trypanosoma cruzi e sinais inflamatórios (flebite). Para tal fim, colheram-se, à necropsia, 23 pares de funículos espermáticos, epidídimos e testículos, sendo 17 de chagásicos crônicos e 6 de controles (não chagásicos). Em cada caso, foram feitos múltiplos cortes das gônadas e dos vasos; fez-se pesquisa de T. cruzi por imuno-histoquímica nos funículos espermáticos de todos os casos. Não se observaram parasitos nas paredes vasculares. Notou-se flebite crônica inespecífica, focal e discreta, em cinco chagásicos (bilateral em três pacientes) e dois controles; havia infiltração mononuclear discreta do interstício funicular em treze chagásicos e cinco controles. A análise estatística dos resultados (chi2) não revelou diferenças significativas. Conclui-se que o ambiente hormonal devido à testosterona não parece favorecer a infecção da parede dos vasos gonadais por Trypanosoma cruzi, embora, segundo a literatura, o referido hormônio pareça ter ações imunodepressoras.
Three patients (males, black, ages 37, 40 and 57) attended a university clinic with a progressive paraparesis of obscure origin. One patient who referred disease duration of more than 16 years, showed diminished deep reflexes, bilateral Babinski's sign, diminished sensation of vibration, abnormal bladder function and back pain. The other two patients (with one and six years of disease duration) complained of weakness in one leg, increased deep reflexes and back pain. Babinski's sign and bladder disturbance were also present in the patient with six years of disease. Blood samples tested by an enzyme immune assay and a discriminatory Western blot were positive for HTLV-I. The familial analysis of one patient showed a possible pattern of sexual and vertical transmission of the virus. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first cases of a proven association between HTLV-I and TSP/HAM in Belem, Para, and emphasize the need to actively look for cases of neurological disease associated to the virus.
A dengue fever case is described in a 58-year-old male patient with febrile illness and thrombocytopenia complicated by neurological involvement characterized by transverse myelitis followed by weakness of both legs and flaccid paralysis. Muscle strength was much diminished and bilateral areflexia was observed. Dengue 2 (DEN-2) virus was isolated and the patient sero-converted by hemagglutination-inhibition and IgM-ELISA tests. The RT-PCR test was positive to DEN-2 in acute phase serum and culture supernatant, but negative in the cerebrospinal fluid. After three weeks of hospitalization the patient was discharged. No other infectious agent was detected in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples. The patient had full recovery from paralysis six months after the onset of DEN-2 infection.
É relatado caso excepcional de puérpera de 15 anos com choque séptico pelo Streptococcus beta-hemolítico do grupo A e síndrome de Waterhouse-Friderichsen, observado à necropsia. São revistos aspectos do diagnóstico, patogênese e evolução da infecção (sepse) puerperal associada à hemorragia e insuficiência das supra-renais.
Research on Parkinson’s disease (PD) has mainly focused on the degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons of nigro-striatal (NS) pathway; also, post-mortem studies have demonstrated that the noradrenergic and the serotonergic transmitter systems are also affected (Jellinger, 1999). Degeneration of these neuronal cell bodies is generally thought to start prior to the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the NS pathway and precedes the appearance of the motor symptoms that are the “hallmark” of PD. Gastrointestinal (GI) motility is often disturbed in PD, manifesting chiefly as impaired gastric emptying and constipation. These GI dysfunction symptoms may be the result of a loss in noradrenergic and serotonergic innervation. GI deficits were evaluated using an organ bath technique. Groups treated with different combinations of neurotoxins (6-OHDA alone, 6-OHDA + pCA or 6-OHDA + DSP-4) presented significant differences in gut contractility compared to control groups. Since a substantial body of literature suggests the presence of an inflammatory process in parkinsonian state (Whitton, 2007), changes in pro-inflammatory cytokines in the gut were assessed using a cytokine microarray. It has been found in this work that groups with a combined dopaminergic and noradrenergic lesion have a significant increase in both expressions of IL-13 and VEGF. IL-6 also shows a decrease in treatment groups; however this decrease did not reach statistical significance. The therapeutic value of Exendin-4 (EX-4) was evaluated. It has been previously demonstrated that EX-4, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist, is neuroprotective in rodent models of PD (Harkavyi et al., 2008). In this thesis it has been found that EX-4 was able to reverse a decrease in gut contractility obtained through intracerebral bilateral 6-OHDA injection. Although more studies are required, EX-4 could be used as a possible therapy for the GI symptoms prominent in the early stages of PD.
INTRODUÇÃO: Descrever os achados fundoscópicos em pacientes com AIDS e neurotoxoplasmose em fase ativa. MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvido estudo prospectivo tipo série de casos incluindo 70 pacientes, de ambos os sexos, com idade variando de 20 a 63 anos, internados nas enfermarias de três hospitais públicos da Cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, com diagnósticos de AIDS e neurotoxoplasmose firmados segundo os critérios do Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1992), no período de janeiro a outubro de 2008. Os pacientes se caracterizavam por: primeiro episódio de neurotoxoplasmose (65; 92,9%) ou recidiva (5; 7,1%); desconhecimento de ter AIDS (23; 32,9%), contagem média de linfócitos T CD4 de 139,8 ± 3,04 células/mm3 e carga viral média igual a 137.080 ± 39.380 cópias/mL. Todos foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico, consistindo de: inspeção ocular; aferição da acuidade visual; investigação da função muscular extrínseca ocular e fundoscopia, empregando oftalmoscópio indireto binocular (modelo OHN 3.5 (Eyetec®) e lente externa de 20 dioptrias (Volk®). RESULTADOS: Os achados consistiram em: exsudatos algodonosos retinianos (8,6%), constricção arteriolar difusa leve (8,6%); lesões de retinocoroidite cicatricial, características de toxoplasmose ocular (5,7%), atrofia do epitélio pigmentar retiniano (2,9%), descolamento da retina (2,9%), aumento de escavação papilar (1,4%), degeneração periférica retiniana (1,4%), macroaneurisma (1,4%), papiledema bilateral (1,4%), tração vítreo-retiniana (1,4%). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com AIDS e neurotoxoplasmose podem apresentar alterações fundoscópicas características da toxoplasmose ocular, na forma ativa ou cicatricial, relacionadas ao HIV ou, ainda, a outras doenças oportunistas ou sistêmicas, podendo ser de grande auxílio num tratamento integral do paciente por uma equipe multiprofissional.
Cloud computing has been one of the most important topics in Information Technology which aims to assure scalable and reliable on-demand services over the Internet. The expansion of the application scope of cloud services would require cooperation between clouds from different providers that have heterogeneous functionalities. This collaboration between different cloud vendors can provide better Quality of Services (QoS) at the lower price. However, current cloud systems have been developed without concerns of seamless cloud interconnection, and actually they do not support intercloud interoperability to enable collaboration between cloud service providers. Hence, the PhD work is motivated to address interoperability issue between cloud providers as a challenging research objective. This thesis proposes a new framework which supports inter-cloud interoperability in a heterogeneous computing resource cloud environment with the goal of dispatching the workload to the most effective clouds available at runtime. Analysing different methodologies that have been applied to resolve various problem scenarios related to interoperability lead us to exploit Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methods as appropriate approaches for our inter-cloud framework. Moreover, since distributing the operations in a cloud-based environment is a nondeterministic polynomial time (NP-complete) problem, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based job scheduler proposed as a part of interoperability framework, offering workload migration with the best performance at the least cost. A new Agent Based Simulation (ABS) approach is proposed to model the inter-cloud environment with three types of agents: Cloud Subscriber agent, Cloud Provider agent, and Job agent. The ABS model is proposed to evaluate the proposed framework.
Transport is an essential sector in modern societies. It connects economic sectors and industries. Next to its contribution to economic development and social interconnection, it also causes adverse impacts on the environment and results in health hazards. Transport is a major source of ground air pollution, especially in urban areas, and therefore contributing to the health problems, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer, and physical injuries. This thesis presents the results of a health risk assessment that quantifies the mortality and the diseases associated with particulate matter pollution resulting from urban road transport in Hai Phong City, Vietnam. The focus is on the integration of modelling and GIS approaches in the exposure analysis to increase the accuracy of the assessment and to produce timely and consistent assessment results. The modelling was done to estimate traffic conditions and concentrations of particulate matters based on geo-references data. A simplified health risk assessment was also done for Ha Noi based on monitoring data that allows a comparison of the results between the two cases. The results of the case studies show that health risk assessment based on modelling data can provide a much more detail results and allows assessing health impacts of different mobility development options at micro level. The use of modeling and GIS as a common platform for the integration of different assessments (environmental, health, socio-economic, etc.) provides various strengths, especially in capitalising on the available data stored in different units and forms and allows handling large amount of data. The use of models and GIS in a health risk assessment, from a decision making point of view, can reduce the processing/waiting time while providing a view at different scales: from micro scale (sections of a city) to a macro scale. It also helps visualising the links between air quality and health outcomes which is useful discussing different development options. However, a number of improvements can be made to further advance the integration. An improved integration programme of the data will facilitate the application of integrated models in policy-making. Data on mobility survey, environmental monitoring and measuring must be standardised and legalised. Various traffic models, together with emission and dispersion models, should be tested and more attention should be given to their uncertainty and sensitivity
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to compare respiratory signs and symptoms between patients with and without chest X-ray abnormalities in order to establish the meaning of radiographic findings in pulmonary PCM diagnosis. METHODS: The epidemiological, clinical and radiological lung findings of 44 patients with paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) were evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups of 23 and 21 individuals according to the presence (group 1) or absence (group 2) of chest X-ray abnormalities, respectively, and their clinical data was analyzed with the aid of statistical tools. RESULTS: As a general rule, patients were rural workers, young adult males and smokers - group 1 and 2, respectively: males (91.3% and 66.7%); mean age (44.4 and 27.9 year-old); smoking (34.7% and 71.4 %); acute/subacute presentation (38.1% and 21.7%); chronic presentation (61.9% and 78.3%). The most frequent respiratory manifestations were - group 1 and 2, respectively: cough (25% and 11.4%) and dyspnea (22.7% and 6.8%). No statistical difference was observed in pulmonary signs and symptoms between patients with or without radiographic abnormalities. The most frequent radiological finding was nodular (23.8%) or nodular-fibrous (19%), bilateral (90.5%) and diffuse infiltrates (85.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Absence of statistical difference in pulmonary signs and symptoms between these two groups of patients with PCM indicates clinical-radiological dissociation. A simplified classification of radiological lung PCM findings is suggested, based on correlation of these data and current literature review.