978 resultados para art as knowledge
Iterated Local Search has many of the desirable features of a metaheuristic: it is simple, easy to implement, robust, and highly effective. The essential idea of Iterated Local Search lies in focusing the search not on the full space of solutions but on a smaller subspace defined by the solutions that are locally optimal for a given optimization engine. The success of Iterated Local Search lies in the biased sampling of this set of local optima. How effective this approach turns out to be depends mainly on the choice of the local search, the perturbations, and the acceptance criterion. So far, in spite of its conceptual simplicity, it has lead to a number of state-of-the-art results without the use of too much problem-specific knowledge. But with further work so that the different modules are well adapted to the problem at hand, Iterated Local Search can often become a competitive or even state of the artalgorithm. The purpose of this review is both to give a detailed description of this metaheuristic and to show where it stands in terms of performance.
We extend Aumann's theorem [Aumann 1987], deriving correlated equilibria as a consequence of common priors and common knowledge of rationality, by explicitly allowing for non-rational behavior. Wereplace the assumption of common knowledge of rationality with a substantially weaker one, joint p-belief of rationality, where agents believe the other agents are rational with probability p or more. We show that behavior in this case constitutes a kind of correlated equilibrium satisfying certain p-belief constraints, and that it varies continuously in the parameters p and, for p sufficiently close to one,with high probability is supported on strategies that survive the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Finally, we extend the analysis to characterizing rational expectations of interimtypes, to games of incomplete information, as well as to the case of non-common priors.
Collection : Description des arts et métiers
BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals regularly read the summary of product characteristics (SmPC) as one of the various sources of information on the risks of drug use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy. The aim of this article is to present an overview of the teratogenic potential of various antiepileptic drugs and to compare these data with the information provided by the SmPCs. METHODS: A literature search on the teratogenic risks of 19 antiepileptic agents was conducted and the results were compared with the information on the use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs of 38 commercial products available in Switzerland and Germany. RESULTS: The teratogenic risk is discussed in all available SmPCs. Quantification of the risk for birth defects and the numbers of documented pregnancies are mostly missing. Reproductive safety information in SmPCs showed poor concordance with risk levels reported in the literature. Recommendations concerning the need to monitor plasma levels and possibly perform dose adjustments during pregnancy to prevent treatment failure were missing in five Swiss and two German SmPCs. DISCUSSION: The information regarding use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs is heterogeneous and poorly reflects the current state of knowledge. Regular updates of SmPCs are warranted in order for these documents to be of reliable use for health care professionals.
Purpose of the study: To investigate the impact of ART, HIV viremia and immunosuppression on triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. Methods: We considered the cross-sectional associations between TG, TC and HDL-C (mmol/l; first available measurement on/after enrolment in the D:A:D study) and use of ART, HIV viral load (VL; copies/ml), and CD4 count (cells/mm3) measured at the same time. TG was log10 transformed to ensure normality. Analyses were performed using linear regression and adjusted for other factors known to impact lipid levels (table footnote). ART and VL status were combined (off ART&VL _100,000, off ART&VL B100,000, on ART&VL B500, on ART&VL _500), current and nadir CD4 count were categorised as B200, 200_349, 350_499 and _500. Summary of results: 44,322/49,734 participants in the D:A:D Study (89.1%) contributed a TG measurement (median; IQR 1.52; 1.00_ 2.45), 45,169 (90.8%) a TC measurement (4.80; 4.00_5.70) and 38,604 (77.6%) a HDL-C measurement (1.12; 0.90_1.40). Most participants were male (74%), of white ethnicity (51%), without AIDS (78%), were not receiving lipid-lowering drugs (4%) and were ART experienced (61%) with 47% previously exposed to PIs, 61% previously exposed to NRTIs and 29% previously exposed to NNRTIs. The median (IQR) age, current CD4 count and CD4 nadir were 38 (36_45) years, 400 (242_590) cells/ml and 240 (100_410) cells/ml respectively. Compared to those on ART with a suppressed VL, all lipids were lower for those off ART (Table); non-suppressive ART was also associated with lower TC and HDL-C levels (no impact on TG). A low current CD4 count was associated with lower lipid levels, whereas a low nadir CD4 count was associated with higher TC and TG levels. Prior AIDS diagnosis was associated with higher TG and TC, but lower HDL-C levels. Conclusion: Although specific drug classes were not considered, lipid levels are considerably higher in those on a suppressive ART regimen. The higher TC/TG and lower HDL-C levels seen among those with low nadir CD4 count and with a prior AIDS diagnosis suggests severe immunosuppression may be associated with dyslipidaemia over the long-term.
Agents use their knowledge on the history of the economy in orderto choose what is the optimal action to take at any given moment of time,but each individual observes history with some noise. This paper showsthat the amount of information available on the past evolution of theeconomy is an endogenous variable, and that this leads to overconcentrationof the investment, which can be interpreted as underinvestment in research.It presents a model in which agents have to invest at each period in one of$K$ sectors, each of them paying an exogenous return that follows a welldefined stochastic path. At any moment of time each agent receives an unbiasednoisy signal on the payoff of each sector. The signals differ across agents,but all of them have the same variance, which depends on the aggregate investmentin that particular sector (so that if almost everybody invests in it theperceptions of everybody will be very accurate, but if almost nobody doesthe perceptions of everybody will be very noisy). The degree of hetereogeneityacross agents is then an endogenous variable, evolving across time determining,and being determined by, the amount of information disclosed.As long as both the level of social interaction and the underlying precisionof the observations are relatively large agents behave in a very preciseway. This behavior is unmodified for a huge range of informational parameters,and it is characterized by an excessive concentration of the investment ina few sectors. Additionally the model shows that generalized improvements in thequality of the information that each agent gets may lead to a worse outcomefor all the agents due to the overconcentration of the investment that thisproduces.
L'Observance est le premier mouvement de réforme avant la Contre-réforme promu par l'Eglise elle-même, dès la fin du XlVème siècle. Visant à restaurer une plus grande observance de la Règle au sein des Ordres religieux, par l'importance accordée à la vie commune, à la formation intellectuelle de ses membres et à l'oraison mentale, elle joue un rôle de premier plan dans la vie des cités au XVème siècle. Tantôt instrument du pouvoir civil tantôt de la papauté, elle est un acteur fondamental dans le panorama urbain, aspirant à contrôler la vie religieuse des laïcs, grâce à ses prédicateurs et son intense activité pastorale, fondée sur l'édition de traités dévotionnels et de manuels pour la prière. L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude des relations entre ce mouvement de réforme religieuse et la production artistique, afin de comprendre la contribution de l'Observance aux transformations importantes que l'image de culte tant publique que privée connaît entre le XVème et le XVIème siècle. Elle montre que l'Observance et les formes de dévotion qu'elle promeut participent non seulement des choix iconographiques mais également formels, et pose la question de l'existence et de la définition d'une esthétique observante. L'analyse se concentre sur la ville de Venise et les Dominicains à partir de 1391, date de l'introduction de l'Observance dans la cité, jusqu'en 1545, qui marque le début du Concile de Trente. La perspective diachronique adoptée a permis de révéler une véritable politique artistique de l'Observance dominicaine, qui fait un usage réfléchi et conscient des images. Celles-ci permettent, d'une part de décliner l'identité de l'Ordre de diverses manières en fonction de la situation religieuse et historique et des destinataires, d'autre part de contrôler et informer la dévotion du fidèle. La perspective diachronique éclaire également comment l'Observance dominicaine a fait face à des mouvements religieux importants, qui promeuvent des pratiques dévotionnelles christocentriques, fondées sur un rapport direct et individuel avec le divin. Il s'agit au XVème siècle de la Devotio moderna, puis au XVIème siècle de la Réforme protestante, mais aussi des divers mouvements de spiritualité évangélique dont Venise est un centre de diffusion. Pour un Ordre voué à la défense de la papauté et de l'Eglise, ces formes de dévotion individuelles constituaient des menaces auxquelles il fallait opposer des formes de dévotion individuelles contrôlées. A cette fin, l'utilisation des images s'est révélée un instrument puissant. Après une première partie historique qui offre une reconstruction de certaines églises dominicaines détruites et établit un corpus d'oeuvres, les rapports de l'Observance et des oeuvres d'art sont analysés selon trois angles d'approche. Le premier se concentre sur la question des femmes, et aborde le problème de l'utilisation des images dans la direction spirituelle des nonnes ainsi que dans la construction d'une identité féminine dominicaine. Le deuxième prend en considération l'utilisation des images dans la dévotion privée des frères eux-mêmes. Le troisième et dernier angle d'approche concerne l'utilisation des images pour définir l'identité de l'Ordre face aux représentants des autorités politiques et religieuses, mais aussi des fidèles.
Collection : French books before 1601 ; 69.4
Despite the limited research on the effects of altitude (or hypoxic) training interventions on team-sport performance, players from all around the world engaged in these sports are now using altitude training more than ever before. In March 2013, an Altitude Training and Team Sports conference was held in Doha, Qatar, to establish a forum of research and practical insights into this rapidly growing field. A round-table meeting in which the panellists engaged in focused discussions concluded this conference. This has resulted in the present position statement, designed to highlight some key issues raised during the debates and to integrate the ideas into a shared conceptual framework. The present signposting document has been developed for use by support teams (coaches, performance scientists, physicians, strength and conditioning staff) and other professionals who have an interest in the practical application of altitude training for team sports. After more than four decades of research, there is still no consensus on the optimal strategies to elicit the best results from altitude training in a team-sport population. However, there are some recommended strategies discussed in this position statement to adopt for improving the acclimatisation process when training/competing at altitude and for potentially enhancing sea-level performance. It is our hope that this information will be intriguing, balanced and, more importantly, stimulating to the point that it promotes constructive discussion and serves as a guide for future research aimed at advancing the bourgeoning body of knowledge in the area of altitude training for team sports.