923 resultados para argon
Composites based on alumina (Al2O3), tungsten carbide (WC) and cobalt (Co) exhibit specific properties such as low density, high oxidation resistance, high melting point and high chemical inertia. That composite shows to be a promising material for application in various fields of engineering. In this work, the mechanical properties of the composite (Al2O3 – WC – Co), particularly density and hardness, were evaluated according to the effects of the variables of powder processing parameters, green compact and sintered. Powder composites with the composition of 80 wt% Al2O3, 18 wt% WC and 2 wt% Co were processed by high energy ball milling in a planetary mill for 50 hours as well as mixed by manual mixing in a glass vessel with the same proportion. Samples were collected (2, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hours) during the milling process. Then, the powders were compacted in a cylindrical die with 5 mm in diameter in a uniaxial press with pressures of 200 and 400 MPa. The sintering was in two stages: first, the solid phase sintering was performed at 1126 and 1300 °C for 1 hour with a heating rate of 10 °C/min in a resistive furnace under argon atmosphere for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa; the second sintering was performed on dilatometer in solid phase at 1300 °C for green sample compacted in 200 MPa, another sintering also was performed on dilatometer, this time in liquid phase at 1550 °C for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa, with the same parameters used in resistive furnace. The raw materials were characterized by X – ray diffraction (XRD), X – ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and laser particlemeter. The sintered samples were subjected to microhardness testing. The results showed that high energy milling achieved to the objectives regarding the particle size and the dispersion of composite phases. However, the hardness did not achieve to significant results, this is an indication that the composite has low fracture toughness.
L’attività di tesi ha previsto la progettazione e realizzazione di sorgenti di plasma di non equilibrio a pressione atmosferica e l’individuazione delle condizioni operative ottimali per l’idrofobizzazione di materiali tessili. La prima parte delle attività di tesi hanno riguardato lo studio e l’approfondimento della letteratura scientifica al fine di individuare le sorgenti e i processi plasma assistiti per l’idrofobizzazione dei materiali. Relativamente alle sorgenti di plasma di non-equilibrio a pressione atmosferica, studi di letteratura riportano che sorgenti di tipo APPJ (Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet) consentono di effettuare un trattamento localizzato in un punto, mentre sorgenti DBD (Dielectric Barrier Discharge) risultano idonee a trattamenti di materiali large area. Per quanto riguarda i processi plasma assistiti, sulla base di quanto riportato in letteratura il processo di idrofobizzazione può avvenire principalmente mediante polimerizzazione di gas organici contenenti fluoro, introdotti nella regione di plasma, con la conseguente deposizione di coating fluorurati. Le attività sperimentali condotte durante la tesi hanno avuto l’obbiettivo di valutare la possibilità di rendere idrofobico un filato di fibra tessile naturale mediante l’utilizzo di una sorgente plasma jet operante con miscela di argon e gas organoflorurato. Il filato, messo in moto a diverse velocità, è stato fatto transitare attraverso la piuma di plasma. In particolare, si è passati da una velocità di movimentazione di 1 m/min a una di 10 m/min. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che maggiore è la velocità di movimentazione del filato attraverso la piuma di plasma, minore è il grado di idrofibizzazione raggiungibile sul filato stesso, in quanto minore è il tempo di esposizione del materiale al plasma. Infine, nell’ultima parte dell’attività di tesi, è stata progettata una sorgente DBD, che caratterizzata da una maggiore area di generazione del plasma rispetto alla sorgente plasma jet, consente di incrementare il tempo di esposizione del filato al plasma a parità di velocità di movimentazione del filato.
La Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) permette la crescita di sottili strati di grafene con aree di decine di centimetri quadrati in maniera continua ed uniforme. Questa tecnica utilizza un substrato metallico, solitamente rame, riscaldato oltre i 1000 °C, sulla cui superficie il carbonio cristallizza sotto forma di grafene in un’atmosfera attiva di metano ed idrogeno. Durante la crescita, sulla superficie del rame si decompone il metano utilizzato come sorgente di carbonio. La morfologia e la composizione della superficie del rame diventano quindi elementi critici del processo per garantire la sintesi di grafene di alta qualità e purezza. In questo manoscritto si documenta l’attività sperimentale svolta presso i laboratori dell’Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi del CNR di Bologna sulla caratterizzazione della superficie del substrato di rame utilizzato per la sintesi del grafene per CVD. L’obiettivo di questa attività è stato la caratterizzazione della morfologia superficiale del foglio metallico con misure di rugosità e di dimensione dei grani cristallini, seguendo l’evoluzione di queste caratteristiche durante i passaggi del processo di sintesi. Le misure di rugosità sono state effettuate utilizzando tecniche di profilometria ottica interferometrica, che hanno permesso di misurare l’effetto di livellamento successivo all' introduzione di un etching chimico nel processo consolidato utilizzato presso i laboratori dell’IMM di Bologna. Nell'ultima parte di questo manoscritto si è invece studiato, con tecniche di microscopia ottica ed elettronica a scansione, l’effetto di diverse concentrazioni di argon e idrogeno durante il trattamento termico di annealing del rame sulla riorganizzazione dei suoi grani cristallini. L’analisi preliminare effettuata ha permesso di individuare un intervallo ottimale dei parametri di annealing e di crescita del grafene, suggerendo importanti direzioni per migliorare il processo di sintesi attualmente utilizzato.
The book is devoted to geology of the Philippine Sea floor. This region is studied most extensively among other marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean. Rocks of the sedimentary and basalt layers within this sea have been studied during five legs of D/S Glomar Challenger. International geological expedition on board R/V Dmitry Mendeleev carried out according to the Project ''Ophiolites of Continents and Comparable Rocks of the Ocean Floor''obtained unique collection of rocks from the second and third layers of the ocean crust in the Philippine Sea. The book provides detailed petrographic and geochemical description of igneous and sedimentary formations from the Philippine Sea and compares them with rocks of the continental ophiolite association. An analysis of structure and history of the ocean crust formation in the region is based on all known geological information. The main periods of tectonic movement activation and nature of their manifestations within the sea are shown.
The monograph focuses on the analysis of data addressing the problem of H2S contamination and oxic-anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Regularities of the fine structure of vertical distribution of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, biogenic elements, organic substances, suspended matter, and metals of the iron-manganese group in the area of contact of aerobic and anaerobic waters have been revealed. Also effects of biochemical, physico-chemical and dynamic processes on their vertical distribution have been examined. Sulfate reduction in seawater and bottom sediments has been studied. Quantitative estimates of H2S fluxes at the water - bottom sediment and O2-H2S interfaces have been done. Features of H2S oxidation have been studied, its budget in the Black Sea has been calculated. Multiyear spatial-temporal variability of the oxic-anoxic interface has been investigated.
Microtubes and rods with nanopipes of transparent conductive oxides (TCO), such as SnO_2, TiO_2, ZnO and In_2O_3, have been fabricated following a vapor-solid method which avoids the use of catalyst or templates. The morphology of the as-grown tubular structures varies as a function of the precursor powder and the parameters employed during the thermal treatments carried out under a controlled argon flow. These materials have been also doped with different elements of technological interest (Cr, Er, Li, Zn, Sn). Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) measurements show that the concentration of the dopants achieved by the vapor-solid method ranges from 0.5 to _3 at.%. Luminescence of the tubes has been analyzed, with special attention paid to the influence of the dopants on their optical properties. In this work, we summarize and discuss some of the processes involved not only in the anisotropic growth of these hollow micro and nanostructures, but also in their doping.
The air trapped in freshly formed ice gives information concerning the ice formation processes as weH as concerning severa,l environmental parameters at the time of ice formation. Air arnount, air composition, and the size and form of bubbles may change with time. Possible processes responsible for such changes are discussed. In very cold ice air content and air composition remain almost unchanged. Samples of ancient atmospheric air are therefore very weH preserved in cold ice. In temperate ice changes of the air amount and air composition depend on the intergranular water fiow through the glacier. This waterfiow can be estimated by measuring air amount and air composition in ice sampIes.
The compositional record of the AND-2A drillcore is examined using petrological, sedimentological, volcanological and geochemical analysis of clasts, sediments and pore waters. Preliminary investigations of basement clasts (granitoids and metasediments) indicate both local and distal sources corresponding to variable ice-volume and ice-flow directions. Low abundance of sedimentary clasts (e.g., arkose, litharenite) suggests reduced contributions from sedimentary covers while intraclasts (e.g., diamictite, conglomerate) attest to intrabasinal reworking. Volcanic material includes pyroclasts (e.g., pumice, scoria), sediments and lava. Primary and reworked tephra layers occur within the Early Miocene interval (1093 to 640 metres below sea floor mbsf). The compositions of volcanic clasts reveal a diversity of alkaline types derived from the McMurdo Volcanic Group. Finer-grained sediments (e.g., sandstone, siltstone) show increases in biogenic silica and volcanic glass from 230 to 780 mbsf and higher proportions of terrigenous material c. 350 to 750 mbsf and below 970 mbsf. Basement clast assemblages suggest a dominant provenance from the Skelton Glacier - Darwin Glacier area and from the Ferrar Glacier - Koettlitz Glacier area. Provenance of sand grains is consistent with clast sources. Thirteen Geochemical Units are established based on compositional trends derived from continuous XRF scanning. High values of Fe and Ti indicate terrigenous and volcanic sources, whereas high Ca values signify either biogenic or diagenic sources. Highly alkaline and saline pore waters were produced by chemical exchange with glass at moderately elevated temperatures.
Natural ice is formed by freezing of water or by sintering of dry or wet snow. Each of these processes causes atmospheric air to be enclosed in ice as bubbles. The air amount and composition as well as the bubble sizes and density depend not only on the kind of process but also on several environmental conditions. The ice in the deepest layers of the Greenland and thc Antarctic ice sheet was formed more than 100 000 years ago. In the bubbles of this ice, samples of atmospheric air from that time are preserved. The enclosure of air is discussed for each of the three processes. Of special interest are the parameters which control the amount and composition of the enclosed air. If the ice is formed by sintering of very cold dry snow, the air composition in the bubbles corresponds with good accuracy to the composition of atmospheric air.
The results of inductively coupled argon plasma (ICAP) chemical analyses carried out on some 300 core samples from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 834, 835, 838, and 839 are presented. These sites were drilled during Leg 135 in the Lau Basin. The data are compared with total gamma (SGR) wireline logs at Sites 834 and 835. Pliocene (Piacenzian) nannofossil Zone CN12, which has been identified at Sites 834 and 835, is examined in detail using spectral analyses on core and wireline logs. The potassium and calcium concentrations from the core material were used to calculate an objective depth-to-geological time stretching function, which improved the stratigraphic correlation between sites. The integrated use of chemical analyses, wireline-log data and paleomagnetic results improved confidence in the correlations obtained. Although no significant sedimentation periodicities were obtained from the two sites, a common concentration of energy between 30 and 60 k.y. was recorded.
Solar-type helium (He) and neon (Ne) in the Earth's mantle were suggested to be the result of solarwind loaded extraterrestrial dust that accumulated in deep-sea sediments and was subducted into the Earth's mantle. To obtain additional constraints on this hypothesis, we analysed He, Ne and argon (Ar) in high pressure-low temperature metamorphic rocks representing equivalents of former pelagic clays and cherts from Andros (Cyclades, Greece) and Laytonville (California, USA). While the metasediments contain significant amounts of 4He, 21Ne and 40Ar due to U, Th and K decay, no solar-type primordial noble gases were observed. Most of these were obviously lost during metamorphism preceding 30 km subduction depth. We also analysed magnetic fines from two Pacific ODP drillcore samples, which contain solar-type He and Ne dominated by solar energetic particles (SEP). The existing noble gas isotope data of deep-sea floor magnetic fines and interplanetary dust particles demonstrate that a considerable fraction of the extraterrestrial dust reaching the Earth has lost solar wind (SW) ions implanted at low energies, leading to a preferential occurrence of deeply implanted SEP He and Ne, fractionated He/Ne ratios and measurable traces of spallogenic isotopes. This effect is most probably caused by larger particles, as these suffer more severe atmospheric entry heating and surface ablation. Only sufficiently fine-grained dust may retain the original unfractionated solar composition that is characteristic for the Earth's mantle He and Ne. Hence, in addition to the problem of metamorphic loss of solar noble gases during subduction, the isotopic and elemental fractionation during atmospheric entry heating is a further restriction for possible subduction hypotheses.
The Precambrian basement beneath the Pechora Basin of northern Russia is known from deep (up to approx. 4.5 km) drill holes to be largely composed of Neoproterozoic successions, variously deformed and metamorphosed and intruded by magmatic suites of Vendian age. Presented here are new single- zircon, Pb-evaporation (Kober method) ages from eight intrusions across the Izhma, Pechora and Bolshezemel'skaya Zones, all from below the Lower Ordovician (locally Middle Cambrian) unconformity. The majority of the intrusions (six) yield remarkably similar ages of 550-560 Ma, apparently dating a widespread pulse of late- to post-tectonic magmatism. An early Vendian granite (618 Ma) has been identified in the northeasternmost region (Bolshezemel'skaya zone) and a Devonian granodiorite (380 Ma) in the Pechora Zone, where mid to late Palaeozoic magmatism has been previously reported. Evidence of inheritance in the zircon populations suggests the presence of Mesoproterozoic crust beneath the Neoproterozoic complexes.
Several samples from the rhyolitic lavas encountered in Hole 841 B in the Tonga Forearc were made available by A. Ewart for potassiumargon (K-Ar) dating in an attempt to constrain the age of the eruptions. The material was supplied in crushed form and consisted primarily of volcanic glass together with some microphenocrysts made up mainly of plagioclase and quartz. Plagioclase could not be separated in sufficient amount for dating, especially as the potassium content of the plagioclase was quite low (~0.055% K). Petrographic examination of the volcanic glass indicated that it was remarkably fresh: it was clear, unaltered, and essentially isotopic. Thus, it was decided to attempt to date the volcanic glass.
Fluid mixing processes and thermal regimes within the Snowcap and Roman Ruins vent sites of the PACMANUS hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea, were investigated using 3He/4He ratios from fluid inclusions within pyrite and anhydrite and the d18O signature of anhydrite. Depressed 3He/4He ratios of 0.2-6.91RA appear to be caused by significant atmospheric diffusive exchange, whilst He-Ne diffusive fractionation precludes correction using 20Ne. 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 295-310 are elevated above seawater, indicating the majority of argon is seawater derived but with a magmatic component. d18O anhydrite ratios are 6.5 per mil to 11 per mil for Snowcap and 6.4 per mil to 11.9 per mil for Roman Ruins. Using oxygen isotope fractionation factors for the anhydrite-water system, the temperatures calculated assuming isotopic equilibrium at depth are up to 100 °C cooler than fluid inclusion trapping temperatures. It is likely that anhydrite is precipitated rapidly, preventing d18O equilibration. By comparing new d18O values for anhydrite with corresponding published 87Sr/86Sr ratios, seawater is inferred to penetrate deep into the Snowcap system with little conductive heating. A simple fluid mixing model has been constructed whereby the differing venting styles can be explained by a plumbing system at depth which favors delivery of end-member hydrothermal fluid to the high temperature sites.
Graywackes and shales of the Bol'shoi Lyakhov Island originally attributed to Mesozoic were subsequently considered based on microfossils as Late Proterozoic in age. At present, these sediments in the greater part of the island are dated back to Permian based on palynological assemblages. In the examined area of the island, this siliciclastic complex is intensely deformed and tectonically juxtaposed with blocks of oceanic and island-arc rocks exhumed along the South Anyui suture. The complex is largely composed of turbidites with members displaying hummocky cross-stratification. Studied mineral and geochemical charac¬teristics of the rocks defined three provenances of clastic material: volcanic island arc, sedimentary cover and/or basement of an ancient platform, and exotic blocks of oceanic and island-arc rocks such as serpentinites and amphibolites. All rock associations represent elements of an orogenic structure that originated by collision of the New Siberian continental block with the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc. Flyschoid sediments accumu¬lated in a foredeep in front of the latter structure in the course of collision. Late Jurassic volcanics belonging to the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc determine the lower age limit of syncollision siliciclastic rocks. Presence of Late Jurassic zircons in sandstones of the flyschoid sequence in the Bol'shoi Lyakhov Island is confirmed by fission-track dating. The upper age limit is determined by Aptian-Albian postcollision granites and diorites intruding the siliciclastic complex. Consequently, the flyschoid sequence is within stratigraphic range from the terminal Late Jurassic to Neocomian. It appears that Permian age of sediments suggested earlier is based on redeposited organic remains. The same Late Jurassic-Neocomian age and lithology are characteristic of fossiliferous siliciclastic sequences of the Stolbovoi and Malyi Lyakhov islands, the New Siberian Archipelago, and of graywackes in the South Anyui area in the Chukchi Peninsula. All these sediments accumulated in a spacious foredeep that formed in the course the late Cimmerian orogeny along the southern margin of the Arctic conti¬nental block.