978 resultados para alternating tapping


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An austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was employed to investigate the texture and substructure development within the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains during hot torsion deformation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains predominantly displayed the crystallographic texture components expected for simple shear deformation. The characteristics of the deformed matrix texture evolution during deformation largely resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Likewise, the comparatively weaker crystallographic texture of DRX grains became increasingly dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their easier nucleation and lower consumption rate during DRX. There was a significant difference in the substructure formation mechanism between the deformed matrix and DRX grains for a given texture component. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by “organized”, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, while the substructure of DRX grains was more “random” in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by a local accumulation of misorientations. Substructure characteristics of individual orientation components were principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values.


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An ichnoassemblage of 10 ichnospecies is described for the first time from the Late Silurian Melbourne Formation at Studley Park, Victoria, southeastern Australia. The ichnofauna is preserved in a typical deep-water turbidite succession of alternating thin- to thick-bedded sandstone and thin- to medium-bedded mudrocks. Trace fossils observed within the study site have been assigned to three main ichnofacies. Ichnofacies 1 is best developed on the linguoid-rippled upper surface of thin sandstone beds and includes Laevicyclus, Aulichnites, Nereites, Helminthoidichnites, small Chondrites and possible Zoophycos. Ichnofacies 2 is very similar to Ichnofacies 1 in ichnospecies composition but instead contains large forms of Chondrites together with other thin burrow types usually poorly preserved and in very low abundance compared with Ichnofacies 1. Ichnofacies 3 is preserved mainly as casts on the underside of medium- to thick-bedded turbiditic sandstones, and has a very low diversity, with Planolites being the most common trace. A detailed analysis of the ichnofabrics and tiering structures of these ichnofacies suggest that Ichnofacies 1 and 3 represent "simple tiering’, in contrast to Ichnofacies 2, which is more characteristic of 'complex tiering’. Despite the differences in ichnospecies composition and ichnofabrics between the three recognized ichnofacies, the collective ichnoassemblage from the study site can be assigned confidently to the Nereites ichnofacies and is, therefore, interpreted to have formed in a distal submarine fan environment of lower bathyal to abyssal depth. Further, it is possible to recognize two main subenvironments within this deep-sea setting to account for the differences between the ichnofacies. Ichnofacies 1 and 2 are interpreted to represent a typical Nereites ichnofacies located on a level basin floor subenvironment of relatively low energy conditions at the distal end of a submarine fan deposit. In comparison, Ichnofacies 3 is dominated by Planolites with rare other facies-crossing trace fossil forms, and lacks Nereites. It is, therefore, best interpreted as representing a relatively high-energy environment, possibly a distributary channel near the distal end of the submarine fan system.


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Substructure development in an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was investigated within a dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime. The substructure characteristics of the deformed matrix and DRX grains were markedly different regardless of the grain size and orientation. The former largely displayed 'organized', banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, resulting from a limited number of active slip systems. In contrast, the substructure of DRX grains was generally more 'random' and exhibited complex subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations, suggesting multiple slip. The proposed mechanism of the unique substructure development within DRX grains suggests that the DRX nuclei, forming along pre-existing grain boundaries and triple points, essentially represent grain boundary regions, which experience multiple slip to preserve the compatibility with neighbouring deformed grains. This results in the formation of a complex cell/subgrain structure, which progressively extends as the grain boundary regions expand outwards during DRX growth.


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Unexpected nonadditivity of currents encountered in the electrochemistry of mixtures of ferrocene (Fc) and cobaltocenium cation (Cc+) as the PF6 - salt has been investigated by direct current (dc) and Fourier-transformed alternating current (ac) cyclic voltammetry in two aprotic (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate) and three protic (triethylammonium formate, bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate, and triethylammonium acetate) ionic liquids (ILs). The voltammetry of the individual Fc0/+ and Cc+/0 couples always exhibits near-Nernstian behavior at glassy carbon and gold electrodes. As expected for an ideal process, the reversible formal potentials and diffusion coefficients at 23 ( 1 °C in each IL determined from measurement on individual Fc and Cc+ solutions were found to be independent of electrode material, concentration, and technique used for the measurement. However, when Fc and Cc+ were simultaneously present, the dc and ac peak currents per unit concentration for the Fc0/+ and Cc+/0 processes were found to be significantly enhanced in both aprotic and protic ILs. Thus, the apparent diffusion coefficient values calculated for Fc and Cc+ were respectively found to be about 25 and 35% larger than those determined individually in the aprotic ILs. A similar change in the Fc0/+ mass transport characteristics was observed upon addition of tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate (Bu4NPF6), and the double layer capacitance also varied in distinctly different ways when Fc and Cc+ were present individually or in mixtures. Importantly, the nonadditivity of Faradaic current is not associated with a change in viscosity or from electron exchange as found when some solutes are added to ILs. The observation that the 1H NMR T1 relaxation times for the proton resonance in Cc+ also are modified in mixed systems implies that specific interaction with aggregates of the constituent IL ionic species giving rise to subtle structural changes plays an important role in modifying the mass transport, double layer characteristics, and dynamics when solutes of interest in this study are added to ILs. Analogous voltammetric changes were not observed in studies in organic solvent media containing 0.1 M added supporting electrolyte. Implications of the nonadditivity of Faradaic and capacitance terms in ILs are considered.


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In the light of the currently increasing drought frequency and water scarcity on oceanic islands, it is crucial for the conservation of threatened insular vertebrates to assess how they will be affected. A 4000 yr old fossil assemblage in the Mare Aux Songes (MAS), southwest Mauritius, Mascarene Islands, contains bones of 100 000+ individual vertebrates, dominated by two species of giant tortoises Cylindraspis triserrata and C. inepta, the dodo Raphus cucullatus, and 20 other vertebrate species (Rijsdijk, Hume, Bunnik, Florens, Baider, Shapiro et al. (2009) Mid-Holocene vertebrate bone Concentration-Lagerstätte on oceanic island Mauritius provides a window into the ecosystem of the dodo (Raphus cucullatus). Quaternary Science Reviews 28: 14–24). Nine radiocarbon dates of bones statistically overlap and suggest mass mortality occurred between 4235 and 4100 cal. yr BP. The mortality period coincides with a widely recognized megadrought event. Our multidisciplinary investigations combining geological, paleontological and hydrological evidence suggests the lake was located in a dry coastal setting and had desiccated during this period. Oxygen isotope data from a Uranium-series dated stalagmite from Rodrigues, an island 560 km east of Mauritius, supports this scenario by showing frequently alternating dry and wet periods lasting for decades between 4122 and 2260 cal. yr BP. An extreme drought resulted in falling water-tables at MAS and elsewhere on the island, perhaps deprived these insular vertebrates of fresh water, which led to natural mass mortalities and possibly to extirpations. In spite of these events, all insular species survived until at least the seventeenth century, confirming their resistance to climatic extremes. Despite this, the generally exponential increase of combined human impacts on islands including loss of geodiversity, habitats, and stocks of fresh water, there will be less environmental safe-haven options for insular endemic and native vertebrates during future megadrought conditions; and therefore will be more prone to extinction.


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Purpose: Given the widespread use of water immersion during recovery from exercise, we aimed to investigate the effect of contrast water immersion on recovery of sprint cycling performance, HR and, blood lactate.

Methods: Two groups completed high-intensity sprint exercise before and after a 30-min randomized recovery. The Wingate group (n = 8) performed 3 x 30-s Wingate tests (4-min rest periods). The repeated intermittent sprint group (n = 8) cycled for alternating 30-s periods at 40% of predetermined maximum power and 120% maximum power, until exhaustion. Both groups completed three trials using a different recovery treatment for each trial (balanced randomized application). Recovery treatments were passive rest, 1:1 contrast water immersion (2.5 min of cold (8-C) to 2.5 min of hot (40-C)), and 1:4 contrast water immersion (1 min of cold to 4 min of hot). Blood lactate and HR were recorded throughout, and peak power and total work for pre- and postrecovery Wingate performance and exercise time and total work for repeated sprinting were recorded.

Results: Recovery of Wingate peak power was 8% greater after 1:4 contrast water immersion than after passive rest, whereas both contrast water immersion ratios provided a greater recovery of exercise time (È10%) and total work (È14%) for repeated sprinting than for passive rest. Blood lactate was similar between trials. Compared with passive rest, HR initially declined more slowly during contrast water immersion but increased with each transition to a cold immersion phase.

Conclusions: These data support contrast water immersion being effective in maintaining performance during a short-term recovery from sprint exercise. This effect needs further investigation but is likely explained by cardiovascular mechanisms, shown here by an elevation in HR upon each cold immersion.


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This paper focuses on the processes by which firms, particularly knowledge intensive firms, can augment their overall knowledge stock by tapping into external sources of knowledge. It is argued that Top Management Teams' (TMTs') social intelligence is a critical learning capability in acquiring external knowledge that leads to strategic change. Social intelligence involves social awareness, social understanding and social skills. The study draws from the experience of 11 of the largest Information Technology Service Providers (ITSPs) in India and based on in-depth interviews. The findings show that TMTs' learning capability in the context of social intelligence to interact with external stakeholders is important to ITSPs in facilitating external knowledge acquisition and allowing new knowledge emerge within and across networks. The findings provide significant insights into ITSPs emerging in other developing countries such as in China. Research limitation and future research direction are also provided.


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Our aim was to assess the impact of motor activity and of arousing stimuli on respiratory rate in the awake rats. The study was performed in male adult Sprague–Dawley (SD, n = 5) and Hooded Wistar (HW, n = 5) rats instrumented for ECG telemetry. Respiratory rate was recorded using whole-body plethysmograph, with a piezoelectric sensor attached for the simultaneous assessment of motor activity. All motor activity was found to be associated with an immediate increase in respiratory rate that remained elevated for the whole duration of movement; this was reflected by: i) bimodal distribution of respiratory intervals (modes for slow peak: 336 ± 19 and 532 ± 80 ms for HW and SD, p < 0.05; modes for fast peak 128 ± 6 and 132 ± 7 ms for HW and SD, NS); and ii) a tight correlation between total movement time and total time of tachypnoea, with an R2 ranging 0.96–0.99 (n = 10, p < 0001). The extent of motor-related tachypnoea was significantly correlated with the intensity of associated movement. Mild alerting stimuli produced stereotyped tachypnoeic responses, without affecting heart rate: tapping the chamber raised respiratory rate from 117 ± 7 to 430 ± 15 cpm; sudden side move — from 134 ± 13 to 487 ± 16 cpm, and turning on lights — from 136 ± 12 to 507 ± 14 cpm (n = 10; p < 0.01 for all; no inter-strain differences). We conclude that: i) sniffing is an integral part of the generalized arousal response and does not depend on the modality of sensory stimuli; ii) tachypnoea is a sensitive index of arousal; and iii) respiratory rate is tightly correlated with motor activity.


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Recently, a simple yet powerful branch-and-bound method called Efficient Subwindow Search (ESS) was developed to speed up sliding window search in object detection. A major drawback of ESS is that its computational complexity varies widely from O(n2) to O(n4) for n × n matrices. Our experimental experience shows that the ESS's performance is highly related to the optimal confidence levels which indicate the probability of the object's presence. In particular, when the object is not in the image, the optimal subwindow scores low and ESS may take a large amount of iterations to converge to the optimal solution and so perform very slow. Addressing this problem, we present two significantly faster methods based on the linear-time Kadane's Algorithm for 1D maximum subarray search. The first algorithm is a novel, computationally superior branchand- bound method where the worst case complexity is reduced to O(n3). Experiments on the PASCAL VOC 2006 data set demonstrate that this method is significantly and consistently faster (approximately 30 times faster on average) than the original ESS. Our second algorithm is an approximate algorithm based on alternating search, whose computational complexity is typically O(n2). Experiments shows that (on average) it is 30 times faster again than our first algorithm, or 900 times faster than ESS. It is thus wellsuited for real time object detection.


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Optimum subwindow search for object detection aims to find a subwindow so that the contained subimage is most similar to the query object. This problem can be formulated as a four dimensional (4D) maximum entry search problem wherein each entry corresponds to the quality score of the subimage contained in a subwindow. For n x n images, a naive exhaustive search requires O(n4) sequential computations of the quality scores for all subwindows. To reduce the time complexity, we prove that, for some typical similarity functions like Euclidian metric, χ2 metric on image histograms, the associated 4D array carries some Monge structures and we utilise these properties to speed up the optimum subwindow search and the time complexity is reduced to O(n3). Furthermore, we propose a locally optimal alternating column and row search method with typical quadratic time complexity O(n2). Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2006 demonstrate that the alternating method is significantly faster than the well known efficient subwindow search (ESS) method whilst the performance loss due to local maxima problem is negligible.


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The substructure and crystallographic texture characteristics of both the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains were investigated in a Ni-30%Fe austenitic model alloy subjected to hot torsion. Deformation was performed at a temperature of 1000°C using strain rates of 1, 0.1 and 0.01 s-1, which produced a range of DRX grain sizes. Electron back-scattered diffraction and transmission electron microscopy were employed in the investigation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains revealed the texture components expected for simple shear deformation by crystallographic slip. The texture of DRX grains was dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their lower consumption rate during growth of these grains. There was a marked difference in the substructure characteristics between the deformed matrix and DRX grains regardless of the grain size and orientation. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by organized, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations. By contrast, the substructure of DRX grains was generally more random in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations. Based on the experimental observations, a mechanism of the distinct substructure development within DRX grains has been proposed.


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Purpose. The Menifocal Z is an alternating vision, concentric, bifocal gas-permeable (GP) contact lens; center distance is connected to near periphery by a smooth transition zone. The lens is produced using tisilfocon A (Menicon Z material), which is approved for up to 30 days of continuous wear (CW). The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of the Menifocal Z when worn for up to 30 days of CW for 6 months.

Methods. Thirty-five existing GP lens wearers were enrolled in the study. Subjects were fitted with Menifocal Z lenses and follow-up visits were conducted after 2 weeks of daily wear and 1 day, 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months of CW. A range of objective and subjective clinical performance measures were assessed, including distance and near visual acuity, the physiological response to CW, and subjective evaluation of vision and comfort.

Results. Twenty-seven subjects (77%) completed the study and eight (23%) discontinued: five (14%) as a result of lens-related problems (four vision, one comfort) and three (9%) as a result of non-lens related reasons. Average CW time achieved by the subjects was 22 ± 2 days. Mean binocular logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) acuities at 6 months were: high contrast distance 0.03 (20/20-), low contrast distance 0.63 (20/80-), and high contrast near 0.26 (20/25, N4). Adverse responses and lens binding were minimal, and there were no significant increases in corneal staining, corneal vascularization, or superior palpebral conjunctival papillae over time (p > 0.05). Problems with night vision (distance and near) with the lenses were the most common difficulties reported by the subjects.

Conclusions. The Menifocal Z appears to be a promising option for presbyopic vision correction, providing successful correction of distance and near vision in a group of experienced GP lens wearers. The hyper Dk tisilfocon A (Menicon Z) material allowed for safe wear of the lenses on a CW basis.


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Simple ecological models that predict trophic responses to bottom-up forcing are valuable tools for ecosystem managers. Traditionally, theoretical ecologists have used resource-dependent functional responses to explain the modification of food chains exposed to bottom-up perturbations. These models predict alternating positive, negative and zero responses at each trophic level. More recently, ratio-dependent functional response models that predict proportional increases at each level have challenged this paradigm. The present study tested the predictions of the 2 hypotheses empirically by comparing the relative biomasses of 4 trophic levels of an estuarine seagrass food chain in relatively undisturbed, low-nutrient catchments and ‘developed’ catchments subjected to a prolonged period of nutrient enrichment. We found that nutrient-enriched sites had significantly greater biomass of both epiphytic algae and grazing invertebrates; however, the bottom-up forcing of nutrients was attenuated at higher trophic levels (occupied by juvenile and piscivorous fish), with no significant effect of catchment development. This disconnect in the upward cascade of energy may be due to a number of possible reasons including high levels of diversity and omnivory, trophic subsidy within the system or the strength or nature of perturbations. Although the predictions of both hypotheses failed to hold across all trophic groups, ratio dependence was prevalent at the lower levels of the food chain, which has implications for catchment management.


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Light-weight structure is one of the keys to improve the fuel efficiency and reduce the environmental buden of transport vehicles (automotive and rail). While fibreglass composites have been increasingly used to replace steel in automotive industry, the adoption rate for carbon fibre composites which are much lighter, stronger and stiffere than glass fibre composites, remains low. The main reason is the high cost of carbon fibres. To further reduce vehicle weight without excessive cost increase, one technique is to incorporate carbon fibre reinforcement into glass fibre composites and innovative design by selectively reinforcing along the main load path. Glass/carbon woven fabrics with epoxy resin matrix were utilised for preparing hybrid composite laminates. The in-plane mechanical properties such as tensile and three-point-bending flexural properties were investigated for laminates with different carbon fibre volume and lay-up scheme. It is shown that hybrid composite laminates with 50% carbon fibre reinforcement provide the best flexural properties when the carbon layers are at the exterior, while the alternating carbon/glass lay-up provides the highest compressive strength.