974 resultados para allied health personnel -- organization


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This work had as objective verifies the water quality used for irrigation by the vegetables producers of Botucatu-SP area. They were interviewed 27 producers that sell vegetables in the street markets of Botucatu. Among these producers, ten were selected, being one of each place. Three samples of water of each source were collected. The main standard to evaluate the obtained results were the CONAMA Resolution (National Environment Council) N° 357, March 17, 2005, that it establishes the standard for water classification. The Electric Conductivity was evaluated of agreement value suggested by CETESB and the color was verified according to OMS (Health World Organization), for potable water due to CONAMA Resolution not to stipulate a value for classification. For the public health, just the coliformes and nitrate are the preoccupying variables for they be related with the incidence of diseases, so, the analyzed waters, 40% of them (A, F, H and J producers) offer some risk for the health of Botucatu population, second established standard for CONAMA. We can to conclude that in a general way, those waters, are in conditions no alarming, because they don't present values very different from those established by the legislation.


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The use of laboratory animals in conjunction with research on the human organism provides a basis for on understanding of several important physiological and pathological processes. Besides, the results of experimental studies enable technical and safety improvements to be made in surgical techniques used in the medical clinic. As living biological material is involved, we should guarantee its physical well-being, taking into account microbiological contamination and the genetics, nutrition and correct manipulation of the animals, in order to avoid incorrect conclusions from the experiments or unnecessarily large numbers of animals being used. In parallel with the concerns and legislation on the use of laboratory animals, there is also a growing preoccupation with the welfare and safety of those who handle the laboratory animals, since they run the risk of acquiring occupational diseases through contact with zoonotic pathogens or developing allergies. Prevention requires the application of modern technological advances in the design of the animal house and in the work routines. Unfortunately, few establishments in Brazil possess staff with adequate training and a basic infrastructure of research that includes the laboratory animal breeding centers, equivalent to those existing ones in the United States and Europe.


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Pharmacovigilance is accomplished by voluntary notification of suspected adverse reactions, medication errors, and deviations from quality, by users and health professionals, through the filling in of forms that are sent to a data bank. To broaden the sources of notifications, the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), in partnership with the Regional Pharmacy Council (CRF) and Center for Health Surveillance (CVS) of each state, introduced the scheme of Notifying Pharmacies. The present study was aimed at determining the factors influencing the decision of drugstores and private pharmacies in Tatuí/SP in 2007, to join this project A descriptive, observational survey of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) was applied to volunteer pharmacists in the town. The results showed that the professionals are awave of pharmacovigilance, (95.24%) and have attitude (95.24%). However, practice is limited (6.0%). Based on this information we concluded that the low support of the project was due to lack of time, interest and no information about the benefits to society of such activity and a lack of support from the pharmacists' organizations. This situation is expected to change with the current introduction of a professional profile, the fusion of professional bodies and the promotion of social awareness on pharmacovigilance.


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The health pact arises in the Brazilian scene after a number of attempts for the improvement of the Unified Health System (SUS), so as to consolidate social equity. In this perspective, this paper discusses the pact using documental analysis, in order to help the public administration process in Brazil. This new policy, still in the initial phase of implementation, is a unique reality and highly feasible for the improvement of national practices in public health. Its performance is intimately related to overcoming the political barriers inherent to each rank of the administration.


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Model: Prevalence study. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of self-reported hypertension to compare with blood pressure measurements. Besides, this work investigated health information level of workers and if the job position has any influence on blood pressure (BP). Methods: This study evaluated 349 health workers (44±10 years old) from Bauru and Jau cities, who answered some questions about history of health condition, use of medicines, past surgeries as well as social, scholar and physical conditions and had their blood pressure measured. Each subject selfreported as normotensive or hypertensive. Values of systolic ⥠140 mmHg and/or diastolic PA ⥠90 mmHg were considered elevated. Among the health workers evaluated, 198 were submitted to anthropometric and biochemical evaluations. Values are presented as means ± SD and frequency of distribution. It was used T-student test (p<0.05). Results: From all workers evaluated only 16% self-reported as hypertensive, which 56% presented high BP, however 91% used to take antihypertensive medicines. Among the 84% who self-reported as normotensive, 24% presented high BP and 8% used to take medicines. Although most of the employees of each section self-reported as normotensive, more than a half presented high BP and which was more common in the health's section (76.3%). Conclusion: These results suggest that besides the majority of the employees self-reported as normotensive, an elevated number of health workers presented high blood pressure and used to take medicines inappropriately, which indicates that they did not have enough knowledge about their health. Furthermore, it was observed that Health Section presented the higher blood pressure values.


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Background and objectives: Glass ampoules have been widely used in packaging injection drugs. Glass has important characteristics that allow it to be widely used in fabrication of recipients for drugs and other sterile substances. However, contamination of solutions with glass microparticles on breaking open glass ampoules, the presence of metals, percutaneous injury, and biological contamination justify the need of educational materials to orient the manipulation of ampoules. Contents: Glass microparticles generated in the snap-opening of ampoules, as well as metals that contaminate their contents can be aspirated and injected through several routes. Exogenous contaminations by glass and metals can reach several sites in the organism. They trigger organic reactions that may give rise to injuries. Opening ampoules can expose professionals to the risk of percutaneous injuries. These lesions increase the biological risk as they are the gateway for viruses and bacteria. Ampoules opening systems (VIBRAC and OPC) have been developed to reduce the incidence of such accidents. Alternative materials to glass may represent an interesting strategy to increase safety. The use of prefilled syringes may represent an evolution regarding safety. Conclusions: Team training and information provided by the pharmaceutical industry on the use of ampoules are fundamental in the prophylaxis of accidents and contaminations. The search for safer materials to replace glass is also important. © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda.


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Background: The aim of this study was to verify socioeconomic differences, nutrition, body balance and quality of life (QoL) in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density (BMD) in two Amazonian communities. Methods: A total of 42 female volunteers participated in the study. The volunteers were separated into two groups: Villa (n= 20; 53±5.5 years) and City (n= 22; 56±7.9 years). The following evaluation instruments were used: dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA); a socioeconomic questionnaire; a QoL questionnaire; a dietary habits questionnaire; and a balance test. Parametric and nonparametric tests were used. Results: The data showed significant differences in socioeconomic level (Î%=+15.9%, p=0.000),lumbar spine L2-L4 (Î%=+0.10%,p=0.007), balance(Î%=+4.3%,p=0.03)and some important aspects of nutrition, such as the consumption of milk (Î%=+34%, p=0.01) and alcohol (+14.8%, p=0.0001). These significant differences also contributed to the total QoL score (Î%=+76.2%, p=0.000) and the majority of the QoL-related functions. Conclusion: This study verified that socioeconomic level, nutritional status, physical activity levels and QoL can influence the BMD of postmenopausal women. The study suggests new strategies for official health organizations to use in order to prevent and treat osteoporosis. In addition, this study can provide an orientation to physical activity, nutrition and medical professionals. © The Author(s), 2011.


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Introduction: Our objective was to determine the perception of smile esthetics among orthodontists and laypeople with respect to asymmetries on the maxillary incisor edges in a frontal smile analysis. Methods: Two frontal close-up smile photos of 2 women, 1 white and 1 Afro-Brazilian, were selected for this study. Both smiles displayed healthy maxillary anterior dentitions. The images were digitally altered to create tooth wear on the maxillary left central and lateral incisors in 0.5-mm increments. The final images were randomly assembled into a photo album that was given to 120 judges, 60 orthodontists and 60 laypersons. Each rater was asked to evaluate the attractiveness of the images with visual analog scales. The data collected were statistically analyzed with 1-way analysis of variance with the Tukey post-hoc test and the unpaired Student t test. Results: The most attractive smiles in both types of smiles were those without asymmetries and the 0.5-mm wear in the lateral incisor. In general, tooth wear was considered unattractive by both groups of raters following a pattern: the more tooth wear, the more unattractive the smile; tooth wear in the central incisor was considered more unattractive than in the lateral incisor. For both group of raters, 0.5 mm of wear in the central incisor was considered unattractive, whereas the thresholds for lateral incisor discrepancies were 0.5 mm for orthodontists and 1.0 mm for laypersons. Conclusions: The result of this study corroborates the clinical assumption that symmetry between the maxillary central incisors is a paramount goal for esthetic treatments. Copyright © 2013 by the American Association of Orthodontists.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Amazônia brasileira oferece um apreciável potencial de plantas com propriedades terapêuticas, embora a maioria seja pouco conhecida. Dessa forma, com o objetivo de verificar a potencialidade nutricional de ervas medicinais, determinou-se a concentração de Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu e Zn nas folhas e nos chás das espécies: Piper callosum Ruiz & Pav., Piperaceae, Mikania lindleyana DC., Asteraceae e Arrabidaea chica (Humb. & Bonpl.) B. Verl., Bignoniaceae. As amostras de plantas depois de terem sido processadas, foram submetidas a digestão e em seguida realizada as leituras dos metais em um espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica. Para o chá de Arrabidaea chica foram detectados teores de Ca (6955 a 20058 mg/L), Mg (2390 a 3094 mg/L) e Fe (40 a 61 mg/L). Para o chá de Mikania lindleyana além da presença de altos valores de Ca (17722 a 22336 mg/L), Mg (4531 a 9370 mg/L) e Fe (20 a 87 mg/L) foram encontrados de 7 a 16 mg/L de Cu e 9 a 41 mg/L de Zn. O chá do Piper callosum apresentou em média 2036 a 4344 mg/L de Ca, 618 a 4023 mg/L de Mg e 39 a 60 mg/L de Fe. Comparando-se os resultados dos minerais com os valores recomendados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, conclui-se que os metais presentes nos chás das plantas poderiam contribuir na complementação das dietas alimentares das pessoas que as utilizam.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Através deste estudo, avaliou-se o nível de conhecimento e conduta dos farmacêuticos, responsáveis técnicos (RT) em drogarias, quanto a alguns aspectos da legislação farmacêutica e sanitária. Foram entrevistados 45 RT em 2007, sendo que 19 desconheciam a definição dos medicamentos de referência, 21 do genérico e 25 do similar. Todos sabiam da permissão de aplicação de medicamentos injetáveis. Porém, apenas dois sabiam da permissão da aplicação de penicilínicos, metade desconhecia que é permitido fracionar medicamentos fracionáveis em drogaria, 18 não sabiam dispensar corretamente uma prescrição pelo princípio ativo e 37 acreditavam que o farmacêutico pode intercambiar qualquer medicamento de marca pelo genérico. A maioria dos RT apresentou nível regular e insatisfatório de conduta e de conhecimento sobre a legislação profissional e sanitária, o que sinaliza um problema na formação acadêmica e de atualização permanente, podendo comprometer as diretrizes da política nacional de medicamentos. Palavras-chave: Legislação de Medicamentos. Legislação Farmacêutica. Legislação Sanitária, Conhecimentos. Condutas e Prática em Saúde. Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde. ABSTRACT Assessment of knowledge and behavior of pharmacists with technical responsibility for drugstores This paper is a study of the level of knowledge and conduct of the legally responsible pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) at drugstores, regarding certain aspects of pharmaceutical and health legislation. In 2007, 45 PICs were interviewed, of whom 19 did not know the definition of original (innovative) branded drugs, 21 of generic drugs and 25 of similar branded drugs. All PICs knew that it is permitted to administer injectable drugs in the drugstore. However, only two knew that penicillins can be injected, half of them did not know that certain medicines can be fractionated in drugstores, 18 did not know how to dispense correctly a prescription for an active ingredient and 37 believed that the pharmacist can swap any brand name drug with its generic counterpart. Most PICs showed an unsatisfactory level of conduct and knowledge of the professional and health legislation, which points to problems in the undergraduate and in-service training of pharmacists, that could jeopardize the national drug policy guidelines. Keywords: Legislation, Drug. Legislation, Pharmacy. Legislation, Health. Health Knowledge. Attitudes, Practice. Attitude of Health Personnel.