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BACKGROUND: Surgical correction of complete atrio-ventricular septal defect (AVSD) achieves satisfactory results with low morbidity and mortality, but may require reoperation. Our recent operative results at mid-term were followed-up. METHODS: From June 2000 to December 2007, 81 patients (Down syndrome; n=60), median age 4.0 months (range 0.7-118.6) and weight 4.7kg (range 2.2-33), underwent complete AVSD correction. Patch closure for the ventricular septal defect (VSD; n=69) and atrial septal defect (ASD; n=42) was performed with left atrio-ventricular valve (LAVV) cleft closure (n=76) and right atrio-ventricular valve (RAVV) repair (n=57). Mortality, morbidity, and indications for reoperation were retrospectively studied; the end point 'time to reoperation' was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier curves. Follow-up was complete except in two patients and spanned a median of 28 months (range 0.4-6.1 years). RESULTS: In-hospital mortality was 3.7% (n=3) and one late death occurred. Reoperation was required in 7/79 patients (8.9%) for LAVV insufficiency (n=4), for a residual ASD (n=1), for right atrio-ventricular valve insufficiency (n=1), and for subaortic stenosis (n=1). At last follow-up, no or only mild LAVV and RAVV insufficiency was present in 81.3% and 92.1% of patients, respectively, and 2/3 of patients were medication-free. Risk factors for reoperation were younger age (<3 months; p=0.001) and lower weight (<4kg; p=0.003), and a trend towards less and later reoperations in Down syndrome (p<0.2). CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of AVSD can be achieved with low mortality and need for reoperation, regardless of Down syndrome or not. Immediate postoperative moderate or more residual atrio-ventricular valve insufficiency will eventually require a reoperation, and could be anticipated in patients younger than 3 months and weighing <4kg.
Objective: To demonstrate the incidence, time course, predisposing factor and reversibility of neurotoxicity in children with brain tumors treated with high dose busulfan-thiotepa with autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) and radiation therapy in our institutional experience.Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. Between May 1988 and May 2007, 110 patients, median age 3.6 years (range, 1 months-15.3 years), with brain tumors were treated with surgical intervention and conventional chemotherapy. All patients received one course of high-dose busulfan-thiotepa with stem cell rescue, followed or preceded by radiotherapy.Results: Twenty-three patients (21%) developed neuroradiological abnormalities on follow-up imaging studies at a median time of 9.2 months (range, 5.6-17.3 months) after day 0 of ASCT. All MRI-lesions appeared in patients receiving radiotherapy after ASCT and were localized inside the 50-55 Gy isodoses. They disappeared in 14 of 23 patients with a median time of 8 months (range, 3-17 months). The presence of MRI-abnormalities was a favorable prognostic factor for overall survival on univariate analysis (hazard ratio: 0.12, 95% confidence interval [0.04, 0.33]), with a 5-year overall survival in patients with MRI-abnormalities of 84% (95% CI, 62-94), comparedto 27% (95% CI, 19-37) in those without lesions. On multivariate analysis, the presence of MRI-abnormalities was an independent prognostic factor for overall survival.Conclusion: MRI-detectable brain abnormalities are common early findings in children treated with high-dose busulfan-thiotepa followed by radiation therapy, and may mimic early tumor recurrence. They are correlated with a better outcome.
The effect of trypanomicidal treatment upon established histopathological Trypanosoma cruzi induced lesions was studied in Swiss mice. The animals were inoculated with 50 trypomastigotes and infection was allowed to progress without treatment for 99 days. After this period, the animals were divided in three groups, treated for 30 days with either placebo, benznidazole (200 mg/kg/day) or nifurtimox (100 mg/kg/day). These treatments induced 94 and 100 (per cent) cure rates respectively as detected by xenodiagnosis and reduction of antibody levels. Autopsies and histopathological studies of heart, urinary bladderand skeletal muscle performed on day 312 after infection showed almost complete healing without residual lesions. As long periods were allowed between infection, treatment and autopsy, the results indicate that tissue lesions depend, up to advances stages, on the continuous presence of the parasite.
AbstractBreast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting one in eight women during their lives. Survival rates have increased steadily thanks to early diagnosis with mammography screening and more efficient treatment strategies. Post-operative radiation therapy is a standard of care in the management of breast cancer and has been shown to reduce efficiently both local recurrence rate and breast cancer mortality. Radiation therapy is however associated with some late effects for long-term survivors. Radiation-induced secondary cancer is a relatively rare but severe late effect of radiation therapy. Currently, radiotherapy plans are essentially optimized to maximize tumor control and minimize late deterministic effects (tissue reactions) that are mainly associated with high doses ( 1 Gy). With improved cure rates and new radiation therapy technologies, it is also important to evaluate and minimize secondary cancer risks for different treatment techniques. This is a particularly challenging task due to the large uncertainties in the dose-response relationship.In contrast with late deterministic effects, secondary cancers may be associated with much lower doses and therefore out-of-field doses (also called peripheral doses) that are typically inferior to 1 Gy need to be determined accurately. Out-of-field doses result from patient scatter and head scatter from the treatment unit. These doses are particularly challenging to compute and we characterized it by Monte Carlo (MC) calculation. A detailed MC model of the Siemens Primus linear accelerator has been thoroughly validated with measurements. We investigated the accuracy of such a model for retrospective dosimetry in epidemiological studies on secondary cancers. Considering that patients in such large studies could be treated on a variety of machines, we assessed the uncertainty in reconstructed peripheral dose due to the variability of peripheral dose among various linac geometries. For large open fields (> 10x10 cm2), the uncertainty would be less than 50%, but for small fields and wedged fields the uncertainty in reconstructed dose could rise up to a factor of 10. It was concluded that such a model could be used for conventional treatments using large open fields only.The MC model of the Siemens Primus linac was then used to compare out-of-field doses for different treatment techniques in a female whole-body CT-based phantom. Current techniques such as conformai wedged-based radiotherapy and hybrid IMRT were investigated and compared to older two-dimensional radiotherapy techniques. MC doses were also compared to those of a commercial Treatment Planning System (TPS). While the TPS is routinely used to determine the dose to the contralateral breast and the ipsilateral lung which are mostly out of the treatment fields, we have shown that these doses may be highly inaccurate depending on the treatment technique investigated. MC shows that hybrid IMRT is dosimetrically similar to three-dimensional wedge-based radiotherapy within the field, but offers substantially reduced doses to out-of-field healthy organs.Finally, many different approaches to risk estimations extracted from the literature were applied to the calculated MC dose distribution. Absolute risks varied substantially as did the ratio of risk between two treatment techniques, reflecting the large uncertainties involved with current risk models. Despite all these uncertainties, the hybrid IMRT investigated resulted in systematically lower cancer risks than any of the other treatment techniques. More epidemiological studies with accurate dosimetry are required in the future to construct robust risk models. In the meantime, any treatment strategy that reduces out-of-field doses to healthy organs should be investigated. Electron radiotherapy might offer interesting possibilities with this regard.RsumLe cancer du sein affecte une femme sur huit au cours de sa vie. Grce au dpistage prcoce et des thrapies de plus en plus efficaces, le taux de gurison a augment au cours du temps. La radiothrapie postopratoire joue un rle important dans le traitement du cancer du sein en rduisant le taux de rcidive et la mortalit. Malheureusement, la radiothrapie peut aussi induire des toxicits tardives chez les patients guris. En particulier, les cancers secondaires radio-induits sont une complication rare mais svre de la radiothrapie. En routine clinique, les plans de radiothrapie sont essentiellement optimises pour un contrle local le plus lev possible tout en minimisant les ractions tissulaires tardives qui sont essentiellement associes avec des hautes doses ( 1 Gy). Toutefois, avec l'introduction de diffrentes nouvelles techniques et avec l'augmentation des taux de survie, il devient impratif d'valuer et de minimiser les risques de cancer secondaire pour diffrentes techniques de traitement. Une telle valuation du risque est une tche ardue tant donn les nombreuses incertitudes lies la relation dose-risque.Contrairement aux effets tissulaires, les cancers secondaires peuvent aussi tre induits par des basses doses dans des organes qui se trouvent hors des champs d'irradiation. Ces organes reoivent des doses priphriques typiquement infrieures 1 Gy qui rsultent du diffus du patient et du diffus de l'acclrateur. Ces doses sont difficiles calculer prcisment, mais les algorithmes Monte Carlo (MC) permettent de les estimer avec une bonne prcision. Un modle MC dtaill de l'acclrateur Primus de Siemens a t labor et valid avec des mesures. La prcision de ce modle a galement t dtermine pour la reconstruction de dose en pidmiologie. Si on considre que les patients inclus dans de larges cohortes sont traits sur une varit de machines, l'incertitude dans la reconstruction de dose priphrique a t tudie en fonction de la variabilit de la dose priphrique pour diffrents types d'acclrateurs. Pour de grands champs (> 10x10 cm ), l'incertitude est infrieure 50%, mais pour de petits champs et des champs filtrs, l'incertitude de la dose peut monter jusqu' un facteur 10. En conclusion, un tel modle ne peut tre utilis que pour les traitements conventionnels utilisant des grands champs.Le modle MC de l'acclrateur Primus a t utilis ensuite pour dterminer la dose priphrique pour diffrentes techniques dans un fantme corps entier bas sur des coupes CT d'une patiente. Les techniques actuelles utilisant des champs filtrs ou encore l'IMRT hybride ont t tudies et compares par rapport aux techniques plus anciennes. Les doses calcules par MC ont t compares celles obtenues d'un logiciel de planification commercial (TPS). Alors que le TPS est utilis en routine pour dterminer la dose au sein contralatral et au poumon ipsilatral qui sont principalement hors des faisceaux, nous avons montr que ces doses peuvent tre plus ou moins prcises selon la technTque tudie. Les calculs MC montrent que la technique IMRT est dosimtriquement quivalente celle base sur des champs filtrs l'intrieur des champs de traitement, mais offre une rduction importante de la dose aux organes priphriques.Finalement diffrents modles de risque ont t tudis sur la base des distributions de dose calcules par MC. Les risques absolus et le rapport des risques entre deux techniques de traitement varient grandement, ce qui reflte les grandes incertitudes lies aux diffrents modles de risque. Malgr ces incertitudes, on a pu montrer que la technique IMRT offrait une rduction du risque systmatique par rapport aux autres techniques. En attendant des donnes pidmiologiques supplmentaires sur la relation dose-risque, toute technique offrant une rduction des doses priphriques aux organes sains mrite d'tre tudie. La radiothrapie avec des lectrons offre ce titre des possibilits intressantes.
Patients with defective ectodysplasin A (EDA) are affected by X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED), a condition characterized by sparse hair, inability to sweat, decreased lacrimation, frequent pulmonary infections, and missing and malformed teeth. The canine model of XLHED was used to study the developmental impact of EDA on secondary dentition, since dogs have an entirely brachyodont, diphyodont dentition similar to that in humans, as opposed to mice, which have only permanent teeth (monophyodont dentition), some of which are very different (aradicular hypsodont) than brachyodont human teeth. Also, clinical signs in humans and dogs with XLHED are virtually identical, whereas several are missing in the murine equivalent. In our model, the genetically missing EDA was compensated for by postnatal intravenous administration of soluble recombinant EDA. Untreated XLHED dogs have an incomplete set of conically shaped teeth similar to those seen in human patients with XLHED. After treatment with EDA, significant normalization of adult teeth was achieved in four of five XLHED dogs. Moreover, treatment restored normal lacrimation and resistance to eye and airway infections and improved sweating ability. These results not only provide proof of concept for a potential treatment of this orphan disease but also demonstrate an essential role of EDA in the development of secondary dentition.
A study of the main types of coatings and its processes that modern industry commonly apply to prevent to the corrosion due to the environmental effects to energetic market pipelines have been done. Extracting main time and temperature range values, coating heat treatment recreation have been applied to x65 pipelines steel grade samples obtained from a pipe which was formed using UOE forming process. Experimental tensile tests and Charpy VNotch Impact test have been carried out for a deeply knowledge of the influence on the steel once this recreations are applied. The Yield Strength and toughness have been improved despite lower values in rupture strain and ductilebrittle temperature transition have been obtained. Finite Element Method have been applied to simulate the entirely pipe cold bending process to predict the mechanical properties and behaviour of the pipe made from x65 steel grade under different conditions.
PURPOSE: To assess the role of vitreoretinal surgery in maximizing treatment outcome following complications after proton therapy for uveal melanoma and to evaluate its safety. METHODS: Retrospective chart study on 21 patients (2% of a total of 1,005 treated by proton therapy between January 2003 and August 2007) who had developed a complication requiring vitreoretinal surgery. Mean/median total follow-up after irradiation was 43/43 months (range, 12-70 months). RESULTS: Indications for surgery included vitreous hemorrhage (n = 13), epimacular membrane (n = 5), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (n = 1), combined vitreous hemorrhage with total serous retinal detachment (n = 1), and vitritis (n = 1). Mean/median interval for vitreoretinal surgery after irradiation was 21/20 months (range, 4-45 months), and mean/median follow-up after pars plana vitrectomy was 22/23 months (range, 2-56 months). Pars plana vitrectomy was combined with retinal photocoagulation (n = 5), air/gas (n = 5), or silicone oil tamponade (n = 1). Mean Snellen visual acuity was 20/200 (0-20/40) before and 20/100 (0-20/25) after pars plana vitrectomy. A transient postoperative rise in intraocular pressure was measured in seven patients. Four patients developed phthisis bulbi. CONCLUSION: Vitreoretinal surgery was efficient in maximizing treatment outcome after proton therapy, as it allowed a better oncologic follow-up. Pars plana vitrectomy permitted panretinal photocoagulation to avoid neovascular glaucoma or retinal detachment repair. Macular surgery improved visual acuity, especially in anterior melanoma, whereas repeated surgery may increase the risk of enucleation.
PURPOSE: To assess the failure pattern observed after (18)F fluoroethyltyrosine (FET) planning after chemo- and radiotherapy (RT) for high-grade glioma. METHODS: All patients underwent prospectively RT planning using morphological gross tumour volumes (GTVs) and biological tumour volumes (BTVs). The post-treatment recurrence tumour volumes (RTVs) of 10 patients were transferred on their CT planning. First, failure patterns were defined in terms of percentage of RTV located outside the GTV and BTV. Second, the location of the RTV with respect to the delivered dose distribution was assessed using the RTV's DVHs. Recurrences with >95% of their volume within 95% isodose line were considered as central recurrences. Finally, the relationship between survival and GTV/BTV mismatches was assessed. RESULTS: The median percentages of RTV outside the GTV and BTV were 41.8% (range, 10.5-92.4) and 62.8% (range, 34.2-81.1), respectively. The majority of recurrences (90%) were centrally located. Using a composite target volume planning formalism, the degree of GTV and BTV mismatch did not correlate with survivorship. CONCLUSIONS: The observed failure pattern after FET-PET planning and chemo-RT is primarily central. The target mismatch-survival data suggest that using FET-PET planning may counteract the possibility of BTV-related progression, which may have a detrimental effect on survival.
BACKGROUND: Data on the epidemiology of MRSA infection in lung transplantation is limited. METHODS: We performed a 5-year retrospective study to assess the incidence and microbiologic and clinical characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in a cohort of 163 lung transplant recipients. RESULTS: Seventeen patients with MRSA colonization and/or infection were identified, for a calculated incidence rate of 76.1 cases per 1,000 transplanted-years. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis identified 3 different distinct MRSA profiles, all of them consistent with hospital-associated MRSA infection. CONCLUSION: Despite negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the virulence factor Panton-Valentine leukocidin, MRSA infections resulted in significant disease and morbidity.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prognostic value of postoperative concentration of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and extent of surgical margins after resection of liver metastases from colorectal cancer. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Teaching hospital, Switzerland. SUBJECTS: 49 patients with hepatic metastases after primary colorectal cancer. INTERVENTIONS: Resection of hepatic metastases MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Assessment of prognostic value of variables by univariate and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Median survival was 24 months (range 5-86 months). Resection margins were clear (> 1-cm) in 10, close (< 1-cm) in 25 and invaded in 9 patients. On univariate analysis, a postoperative concentration of CEA of <4ng/ml was correlated with prolonged survival (p < 0.001), but the width of the resection margin was not of prognostic importance. There was no correlation between width of resection margins and postoperative concentration of CEA (p = 0.5). On multivariate analysis, postoperative concentrations of CEA of 4 ng/ml or more were associated with increased risk of death (relative risk 7.3; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.8-18.7, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Postoperative CEA offers better prognostic discrimination than the width of resection margins after resection of liver metastases from colorectal tumours. Some patients with invaded resection margins did survive for 3 years, but no patient did whose CEA concentration was 4 ng/ml or more. The definition of a potentially curative hepatic resection should include a postoperative CEA concentration of <4 ng/ml (within the reference range).
A 62-year-old man with adenocarcinoma underwent complete resection with a right upper lobectomy and en-bloc resection of the chest wall, with metallic clips applied to the vertebral nerve roots. A sudden deterioration in neurological status occurred due to pneumocephalus and ascending bacterial meningitis resulting from a subarachnoid-pleural fistula. The neurological status normalized after thoracoplasty and ceftriaxone treatment.
The process of repairing intestinal vascular lesions induced by schistosomiasis in mice was studied before and after curative chemotherapy, by means of histopathology coupled with injections of the mesenteric veins with India ink or plastic, in this case followed by corrosion in strong acid. The granulomas were avascular, mainly formed while within blood vessels, and were associated with distortion of the intestinal vasculature in their proximity, represented by tortuosities, focal dilatation, narrowing, and anastomosis of the mucosal and submucosal veins. Two to four months after cure of schistosomiasis involuting granulomas were seen to be slowly vascularized, a process going from the periphery toward the center of the granulomas. No intravascular granulomas were seen four months after treatment. The previously distorted mucosal and submucosal veins gradually regained their normal appearance, only a slight tortuosity remaining.
The concomitant immunity in the presence of repeated infections (with 15 cercariae) was studied in mice sacrificed on the 20th day after each infection. The comparison of the averages of immature worms, recovered from mice submitted to reinfection, with those of their respective controls (previously uninfected) showed a significantly lower worm recovery rate in the animals with previous infections (concomitant immunity). However, statiscally significant differences could not be detected among the various groups of animals, when the mice that accumulated worms in this mature stage were perfused. The theoretical projection based on the accumulation of young worms which developed to adult ones indicates a lower recovery rate of adult worms in the animals with concomitant immunity, but this projection was not corroborated by the experimental data. The visceral hemodynamic alterations that occurred in reinfections due to the pathogeny, favouring recirculation of the recent arriving worms to the other organs on the occasion of perfusion of the portal system. These results suggest that special care should be taken when one wants to investigate concomitant immunity in mice based on the distinction of the immature worms from challenge infection and the mature ones from primary infection.
In this report we present the case of a 77-yr-old man who underwent resection of the upper lobe of the left lung for a carcinoma, six weeks after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) with stenting of the left anterior descending (LAD) and circumflex coronary arteries. Antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel was interrupted two weeks before surgery to allow for epidural catheter placement and to minimize haemorrhage. The surgical procedure was uneventful. In the immediate postoperative period, however, the patient suffered severe myocardial ischaemia. Emergency coronary angiography showed complete thrombotic occlusion of the LAD stent. In spite of successful recanalization, reinfarction occurred and the patient died in cardiogenic shock. Prophylactic preoperative coronary stenting may put the patient at risk of stent thrombosis if surgery cannot be postponed for three months. In such cases, other strategies such as perioperative beta-blockade for preoperative cardiac management should be considered.