995 resultados para Yellow Sea Warm Current


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Today the western tropical Atlantic is the most important passage for cross-equatorial transfer of heat in the form of warm surface water flowing from the South into the North Atlantic. Circulation changes north of South America may thus have influenced the global thermohaline circulation system and high northern latitude climate. Here we reconstruct late Quaternary variations of western equatorial Atlantic surface circulation and Amazon lowland climate obtained from a multiproxy sediment record from Ceará Rise. Variations in the illite/smectite ratio suggest drier climatic conditions in the Amazon Basin during glacials relative to interglacials. The 230Thex-normalized fluxes and the 13C/12C record of organic carbon indicate that sea level fluctuations, shelf topography, and changes of the surface circulation pattern controlled variations and amplitude of terrigenous sediment supply to the Ceará Rise. We attribute variations in thermocline depth, reconstructed from vertical planktic foraminiferal oxygen isotope gradients and abundances of the phytoplankton species Florisphaera profunda, to changes in southeast trade wind intensity. Strong trade winds during ice volume maxima are associated with a deep western tropical Atlantic thermocline, strengthening of the North Brazil Current retroflection, and more vigorous eastward flow of surface waters.


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We established a composite oxygen- and carbon-isotope stratigraphy for the Pliocene in the central South Atlantic. Monospecific samples of benthic and planktonic foraminifers from pelagic sediments from DSDP Sites 519, 521, 522, and 523 were analyzed isotopically. The resulting benthic oxygen-isotope stratigraphy allowed three paleoclimatic periods in the Pliocene to be distinguished. During the early Pliocene (5.2-3.3 Ma), low-amplitude climatic changes prevailed in a world that was less glaciated than during the Pleistocene. A net increase in global ice volume is documented in a 0.5 permil positive shift in the average 18O composition of the benthic foraminifers at 3.2 Ma. The middle Pliocene (3.3-2.5 Ma) is not only characterized by a more widespread glaciation of the Southern and Northern hemispheres but also by more drastic isotopic differences between glacial and interglacial times. A minor shift in the average 18O composition of the benthic foraminifers marks the beginning of the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene climatic period (2.5-1.1 Ma). Alternating cold and warm climate is documented in both the oxygen-isotope record and in the pelagic sediments. During cold periods, sediments with a lower CaCO3 content indicate more corrosive bottom-water conditions. More negative 13C signals in the benthic foraminifers from these sediments suggest that the Antarctic Bottom Water current was intensified in glacial times. The oxygen-isotope composition of the measured planktonic foraminifers suggests that the surface water in this part of the South Atlantic remained relatively warm during the growth of the Pliocene glaciers.


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