987 resultados para World Peace Council.
Africana possui agora três estratégias regionais em várias fases de desenvolvimento: • Roteiro para a diminuição da mortalidade materno-infantil e dos recém-nascidos (2004) • Quadro da Sobrevivência Infantil (2005) • Plano de Acção de Maputo para a Saúde e Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos (2006) Cada uma destas políticas-quadro permite que os governos nacionais as adaptem e as implementem de acordo com as necessidades e características do seu país, com o apoio de parceiros e ao abrigo dos princípios da Declaração de Paris sobre a eficácia das ajudas - “Um só plano, um só mecanismo de coordenação, um só mecanismo de monitorização e de avaliação”. 35 países já iniciaram o processo que os levará a um Roteiro nacional, processo que arrancou com a “MNCH Task Force” em 2004. Estas políticas-quadro representam um grande avanço, mas constituem apenas um primeiro passo na via que levará a salvar vidas pelo aumento das áreas de cobertura das intervenções essenciais. O tempo escasseia - só nos restam nove anos antes da meta de 2015 para se alcançarem os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM). A África pode e deve acelerar a marcha dos acontecimentos. A publicação Oportunidades para os recém-nascidos em Africa ajuda a colmatar o fosso existente entre as políticas e as acções no que se refere à Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil (SMNI). O recém-nascido está no âmago dos cuidados continuados de saúde. Uma atenção sistemática prestada à melhoria e ao alargamento dos cuidados de saúde que lhe devem ser prestados no âmbito dos planos e dos programas nacionais será recompensada pela prestação de melhores serviços de SMNI. Esta publicação inclui os seguintes temas: A Secção I põe em destaque as mortes de recém-nascidos em África, o que é complementado pelos perfis apresentados na Secção V, que mostram qual é a situação fundamental da Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil em 46 países de África, incluindo os progressos já alcançados no sentido do 4º objectivo dos ODM, a cobertura dos cuidados continuados de saúde prestados, a avaliação da equidade e a análise do financiamento destinado à saúde, fornecendo dados para a tomada de decisões na área das políticas e dos programas de SMNI.
Case File 0603454 The Ombudsman received a complaint on August 29, 2006 alleging violations of the Iowa Open Meetings Law by the Luther City Council (Council) in its meeting on August 2, 2006. Based upon my review of the complaint, I identified the following allegations for investigation: • The Council violated Iowa Code section 21.5 by failing to announce the reason session on the August 2, 2006 meeting agenda. • The Council violated Iowa Code section 21.5 by holding a closed session for an impermissible reason. • The Council violated Iowa Code section 21.5(2) by discussing unrelated issues in the closed session.
Annual Report for Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS), a division of the Iowa Department of Education, is committed to working for and with individuals who have disabilities to achieve their employment, independence and economic goals. This document contains information highlighting the accomplishments of IVRS this year.
The research on the correlations between poverty and conflicts in Guinea-Bissau has allowed to put in evidence not only the direct implications of the effective war of 1998/1999 over the living conditions of the country’s population, as well as the effects the conflicts - either effective or eminent – have over life in general, individual investments of different kinds and on reliance on the state and institutions. Although the fundamentally qualitative investigation highlighted the diversity of individual and family situations, it allowed identifying a denominator seen as common in most of the collected accounts : war and, in the case study of Guinea-Bissau, the perpetuation of an insecure environment, constitute causes for the increase in poverty and concur simultaneously to its reproduction through time.
Ao longo dos últimos anos, com às crescentes mudanças no mundo empresarial, tanto no meio académico, quanto no meio profissional, as relações entre a cultura organizacional e a liderança têm atraído considerável atenção e alguns estudos da área têm apontado a interdependência entre ambos (Schein, 1992; Bass & Avolio, 1993). O presente trabalho de investigação científica, tem por objectivo, avaliar a existência dessa mesma relação através de um estudo de caso, aplicado aos trabalhadores e três gestores, a uma empresa pública de segurança social, cabo-verdiana – Instituto Nacional de Previdência Social – INPS, nos anos 2000 a 2010. A metodologia, consistiu primeiramente numa pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória e descritiva e ainda foi feito um estudo de caso à empresa. Para a recolha dos dados, foram aplicados questionários com perguntas fechadas aos trabalhadores e gestores com o consentimento do Conselho de Administração. Para a análise dos dados foram utilizadas técnicas quantitativas e qualitativas, feito através das respostas obtidas dos questionários. Com os resultados da pesquisa, conclui-se que a pergunta de partida foi respondida através dos 94% da população inquirida que confirmaram a existência da relação entre a cultura organizacional e liderança e a sua influência dentro da organização. The existent relationship between the organizational culture and the leadership in social safety sector. Along of the last years, with the growing changes in the business world as in the academic middle as in the professional middle, the relation between organizational culture and the leadership have attracted considerable attention and some studies of the area have been pointed the interdependence between both (Schein,1992;Bass Avolio,1993). The present scientific investigation work has the purpose to evaluate the existence of that same relationship through a study of case, applied to the workers and three managers, to a public company of social safety, capverdean-National Institute of Social Precaution-INPS, in years 2000 and 2003. The methodology constitutes firstly in a small one bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive and it was still made a study of case to the company. For it collects of data were applied questionnaires with closed questions to the workers and the three managers with the consent of the Council of Administration. For the analysis of the data quantitative and qualitative techniques were used, done through the obtained answers of the questionnaires. With the results of the research, it is ended that the question of departure was answered through the 94% of the population inquired that confirm the relationship existence between the organizational culture and the leadership and its influence inside of the organization.
Audit report on the City of Council Bluffs, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2006.
Go! is a free, online magazine for teens and young adults that explores the world of transportation and the careers they can find there. The January-February 2007 issue focused on the theme of winter work.
Audit report on the Iowa Turkey Marketing Council for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
We estimate the world distribution of income by integrating individualincome distributions for 125 countries between 1970 and 1998. Weestimate poverty rates and headcounts by integrating the density functionbelow the $1/day and $2/day poverty lines. We find that poverty ratesdecline substantially over the last twenty years. We compute povertyheadcounts and find that the number of one-dollar poor declined by 235million between 1976 and 1998. The number of $2/day poor declined by 450million over the same period. We analyze poverty across different regionsand countries. Asia is a great success, especially after 1980. LatinAmerica reduced poverty substantially in the 1970s but progress stoppedin the 1980s and 1990s. The worst performer was Africa, where povertyrates increased substantially over the last thirty years: the number of$1/day poor in Africa increased by 175 million between 1970 and 1998,and the number of $2/day poor increased by 227. Africa hosted 11% ofthe world s poor in 1960. It hosted 66% of them in 1998. We estimatenine indexes of income inequality implied by our world distribution ofincome. All of them show substantial reductions in global incomeinequality during the 1980s and 1990s.
A new genus and new species of Phlebotominae, Edentomyia piauiensis (Diptera, Psychodidae) from a cave in Piauí State, Brazil, are described. This new genus belongs to Phlebotomini, but its inclusion in any subdivision of this tribe depends on further study.
Under plausible assumptions about preferences and technology, the model in this papersuggests that the entire volume of world trade matters for wage inequality. Therefore,trade integration, even among identical countries, is likely to increase the skill premium.Further, we argue that empirical evidence of a falling relative price of skill-intensive goods can be reconciled with the fast growth of world trade and that the intersectoral mobility of capital exacerbates the effect of trade on inequality. We provide new empirical evidence in support of our results and a quantitative assessment of the skill bias of world trade.