977 resultados para Water- supply -- Catalonia -- Taradell


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A caracterização do Sistema Aquífero Barreiras / Marituba, maior fonte de abastecimento de água da cidade de Maceió, capital de Alagoas, Brasil, é importante para fornecer subsídios para uma utilização racional e sustentável desse recurso. O arcabouço tectônico e estratigráfico da área construído por meio de perfis de poços, análise de elementos estruturais e mapeamento geológico propõe um modelo com uma série de grabens e horsts. Com o objetivo de confirmar a presença de estruturas delimitando blocos estruturais e refinar o modelo foram realizados ensaios de sondagem elétrica vertical e caminhamento elétrico dipolo-dipolo. Os resultados dos ensaios geofísicos confirmaram a existência de zonas mais condutoras, que caracterizam as zonas de falhas normais que delimitam os blocos estruturais. A integração dos dados geológicos e estruturais aos resultados geofísicos confirmaram a existência de um modelo estrutural com blocos escalonados, que influenciam fortemente o comportamento do sistema águas subterrâneas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudou-se a mortalidade de crianças menores de um ano de idade residentes no Município de Botucatu, SP (Brasil), em 1987. Tentando estabelecer o perfil de risco desses óbitos, tendo como seu principal responsável a desigualdade social, calculou-se o risco adicional (RA) em função de algumas variáveis usando a metodologia de estudos de caso-controle. O resultado obtido foi um RA de óbito de 15,58 para gestação pré-termo, 11,63 para o baixo peso ao nascer, 8,50 para inexistência de água intradomiciliar e 4,04 para escolaridade materna insuficiente. Verificou-se existir importante desigualdade entre as famílias das crianças que morreram e as das que sobreviveram, sugerindo que a melhor estratégia para enfrentar o excesso de mortalidade infantil residiria na melhoria sócio-econômica, isto é, todas as famílias deveriam ter a mesma capacidade de consumir os bens e serviços em igual quantidade e qualidade.


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A cidade de Manaus está localizada numa região próxima ao centro da bacia Amazônica, cujo abastecimento de água é realizado pelas águas do Amazonas, sendo efetuado por captação da drenagem superficial do rio Negro e por poços tubulares, que exploram aqüíferos constituídos pela Formação Alter do Chão. Com o objetivo de investigar a hidroquímica das águas subterrâneas de Manaus, para caracterizar e avaliar a qualidade dos recursos hídricos em subsuperfície, aferiram-se os parâmetros físicos, físico-químicos e químicos das amostras de águas de poços tubulares selecionados. Os resultados obtidos dos parâmetros analisados mostraram que as águas estudadas são excelentes para consumo humano e industrial, por situarem-se dentro dos limites de potabilidade estabelecidos pela legislação vigente.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o acesso a fontes de fluoreto e as condições de saúde bucal de 237 escolares de nove a dezesseis anos, de três localidades com diferentes concentrações de fluoreto na água. O teor de flúor na água de cada região foi analisado pela técnica do eletrodo seletivo para o íon flúor e a foi avaliada prevalência de cárie e fluorose, respectivamente, pelo índice CPOD e TSIF, apresentando diferença estatisticamente significante (ANOVA; p < 0,05) nas três localidades: área sem fluoretação artificial (CPOD 5,32 ± 3,49) e 16% de fluorose; área com fluoretação artificial de 0,8 ppmF (CPOD 1,88 ± 2,22) e 94% de fluorose; área com fluoretação natural de 2,54 ppmF (CPOD 3,96 ± 2,38) e 100% de fluorose. Os achados sugerem que os indicadores epidemiológicos de saúde/doença bucal estudados são influenciados pela presença de fluoreto na água de consumo e que a supervisão e a orientação são fundamentais na correta utilização dos compostos fluoretados, aproveitando-se o máximo benefício no controle da cárie dentária com o mínimo risco de ocorrência de fluorose.


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Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate management strategies for the hydrological resources in the basin. This is because Rio Claro city and other municipalities make extensive use of surface waters for drinking water supply. The radiochemical analysis of the sediment cores yielded apparent sediment mass accumulation rates of between 406 and 1014 mg cm(-2) year(-1) for secondary drainage lines, whereas an intermediate value of 546 mg cm(-2) year(-1) was found in the Corumbatai River, the main drainage system of the studied area. These values provided estimates of average linear sedimentation rates of between 3.1 and 16.2 mm year(-1) that are compatible with field evidence, with the highest value corresponding with an area characterized by accumulation of sediment.


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The south region of São Paulo city hosts the Guarapiranga dam, responsible for water supply to 25% of the city population. Their surroundings have been subject to intense and irregular occupation by people from very low socioeconomics classes. Measurements undertaken on sediment and particulate materials in the dam revealed concentrations of lead. copper, zinc and cadmium above internationally accepted limits. Epidemiological and toxicological studies undertaken by the World Health Organization in individuals exhibiting lead concentrations in blood, near or below the maximum recommended (10 mu g dl(-1)), surprisingly revealed that toxic effects are more intense in individuals belonging to low socioeconomics classes. Motivated by these facts, we aimed at the investigation of chronic incorporation of lead. as well as the use of our BIOKINETICS code, which is based on an accepted ICRP biokinetics model for lead, in order to extrapolate the results from teeth to other organs. The focus of our data taking was children from poor families, living in a small, restrict and allegedly contaminated area in São Paulo city. Thus, a total of 74 human teeth were collected. The average concentration of lead in teeth of children 5 to 10 years old was determined by means of a high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). For standardization of the measurements, an animal bone certified material (H-Animal Bone), from the International Atomic Energy Agency, was analyzed. The amount of lead in children living in the surroundings of the dam, was approximately 40% higher than those from the control region, and the average lead concentration was equal to 1.3 mu g g(-1) approximately. Grouping the results in terms of gender, tooth type and condition, it was concluded that a carious molar of boys is a much more efficient contamination pathway for lead, resulting in concentrations 70% higher than in the control region. We also inferred the average concentrations of lead in other organs of these children, by making use of our BIOKINETIC code. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aiming to know the influence of the pluviometric precipitation over the physical chemical and bacteriological characteristics of the water coming from three sources of public supply, and to verify the probable origin of faecal contamination, tests of total coliforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci and mesophilic microorganisms, as well as the determination of pH, temperature and turbidity of 156 water samples were done. The samples were taken from a stream, a drain and an artesian well, located in the city of Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The results obtained showed that the occurrence of pluviometric precipitation determined a significant increase of the number of total coliforms in the water samples from the stream. The use of the ratio CF/EF, indicate the probable origin of the faecal contamination only in the samples of the water coming from the stream, which were defined as being of human origin. In relation to the physical-chemical composition it was noticed that the influence of the pluviometric precipitation over the turbidity appeared to be higher and significant in the samples of water of the stream.


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The first studies with constructed wetlands undertaken in Brazil were the result of observations made from the Amazon flood plains. The first attempt to use this capacity to change the quality of the water, in the sense of purification performed in Brazil using constructed wetland systems, was made by Salati et al. After that, new technologies were developed in a focused attempt to increase the efficiency of the system and reduce investments. Over these 18 years, persuading the Brazilian scientific community as well as the environmental control agencies to give due attention to this kind of research has required endless efforts. Only in recent years have major institutions responsible for sewage treatment and potable water supply been concerned with this type of technology for solving real problems. These institutions are as follows: SABESP (Basic Sanitation Company of Sao Paulo State), SANEPAR (Sanitation Company of Parana State) and CESP (Electric Company of Sao Paulo State). One of the private institutions that has systematically worked in the design and projects of constructed wetlands is the Institute of Applied Ecology. This institution has enhanced and developed a water depuration system based on the purifying capacity of the soil. The wetlands with filtering soils are systems formed by overlapping layers of crushed stone, gravel and soil planted with rice. This technology has been used in sewage treatment and also in water supply systems.


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Riparian forest restoration projects in the Tropics are complex, demanding longterm research, continuous human efforts and correct use of financial resources. This paper presents an approach to rank priority areas for riparian forest restoration on the upper section of the Pardo River watershed, in São Paulo, Brazil, using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Pardo River watershed is specially important, since it is the major source of drinking water supply for the region and water for domestic and industrial use within Botucatu and surrounding. Results indicated that riparian restoration should involve 81,27% of the protected area and could be made in three phases, allocating resources according to a priority scale.


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Activity profiles of excess 210Pb measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbataí River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate management strategies for the hydrological resources in the basin. This is because Rio Claro city and other municipalities make extensive use of surface waters for drinking water supply. The radiochemical analysis of the sediment cores yielded apparent sediment mass accumulation rates of between 406 and 1014 mg cm-2 year-1 for secondary drainage lines, whereas an intermediate value of 546 mg cm-2 year-1 was found in the Corumbataí River, the main drainage system of the studied area. These values provided estimates of average linear sedimentation rates of between 3.1 and 16.2 mm year-1 that are compatible with field evidence, with the highest value corresponding with an area characterized by accumulation of sediment.


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This project has been developed to evaluate the possible relationship between the cesspit (pit latrine) in as far as it degrades the quality of underground water. Its importance is due to the fact that in the rural communities in the State of São Paulo (Brazil) this type of cesspit is very common as a means of sewage disposal and these communities use underground water for their supply of drinking water. Rural properties distributed over the rural area in the municipality of São José do Rio Preto were selected. A preliminary study was then set up to determine the social situation and health of the households as well as qualitative evaluations on the type of water supply and sewage disposal of these communities. Campaigns of water sampling then followed and laboratory analyses of water taken from wells were carried out. Parameters were set up to evaluate the potability according to Brazilian legislation (2004) paying attention to microbiologic (coliforms, Crytosporidium sp., and adenovirus). The analyses showed evidence of possible interaction between the wells and the sewage effluents and drainage in these communities. A PCR reaction to detect adenovirus showed a presence in 53.3% of the samples. The tests for the detection of Cryotosporidium sp all showed a negative result.


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This work had as objective verifies the water quality used for irrigation by the vegetables producers of Botucatu-SP area. They were interviewed 27 producers that sell vegetables in the street markets of Botucatu. Among these producers, ten were selected, being one of each place. Three samples of water of each source were collected. The main standard to evaluate the obtained results were the CONAMA Resolution (National Environment Council) N° 357, March 17, 2005, that it establishes the standard for water classification. The Electric Conductivity was evaluated of agreement value suggested by CETESB and the color was verified according to OMS (Health World Organization), for potable water due to CONAMA Resolution not to stipulate a value for classification. For the public health, just the coliformes and nitrate are the preoccupying variables for they be related with the incidence of diseases, so, the analyzed waters, 40% of them (A, F, H and J producers) offer some risk for the health of Botucatu population, second established standard for CONAMA. We can to conclude that in a general way, those waters, are in conditions no alarming, because they don't present values very different from those established by the legislation.


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Purpose - This paper seeks to address the issue of persistent and widespread drought conditions during 2000 and 2001, which were the apparent cause of the decline of water levels in the reservoirs of Brazilian hydroelectric power plants. Design/methodology/approach - This issue is addressed here through a case study of the hydroclimatology of the Paraíba river basin, in Southeast Brazil, home to four large multi-purpose operational reservoirs. Findings - The data analysis shows that neither changes in the frequency nor magnitude of extreme hydrological events (droughts and floods) nor in annual rainfall amounts can be detected from the existing climate record. The explanation is consistent with the fact that the terrestrial water and energy cycles are tightly, and non-linearly, coupled through evapotranspiration. Research limitations/implications - Therefore small change in the seasonality of rainfall can have a significant impact on the basin's overall hydrologic regime, and thus on the availability of water resources. Originality/value - Often, adaptation and resilience to climate variability are discussed in the context of catastrophic events such as floods and droughts. This study suggests that a different type of impacts, those associated with subtle, yet persistent changes of seasonality in the terrestrial water cycle, cannot be ignored in studies of long-term sustainability of water resources. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.