928 resultados para Volumes Finitos


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Reinforced concrete creep is a phenomenon of great importance. Despite being appointed as the main cause of several pathologies, its effects are yet considered in a simplified way by the structural designers. In addition to studying the phenomenon in reinforced concrete structures and its current account used in the structural analysis, this paper compares creep strains at simply supported reinforced concrete beams in analytical and in experimental forms with the finite element method (FEM) simulation results. The strains and deflections obtained through the analytical form were calculated with the Brazilian code NBR 6118 (2014) recommendations and the simplified method from CEB-FIP 90 and the experimental results were extracted from tests available in the literature. Finite element simulations are performed using ANSYS Workbench software, using its 3D SOLID 186 elements and the structure symmetry. Analyzes of convergence using 2D PLANE 183 elements are held as well. At the end, it is concluded that FEM analyses are quantitative and qualitative efficient for the estimation of this non-linearity and that the method utilized to obtain the creep coefficients values is sufficiently accurate.


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As ligações adesivas têm sido utilizadas em diversas áreas de aplicação. A utilização das juntas adesivas em aplicações industriais tem vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos, por causa das vantagens significativas que apresentam comparativamente com os métodos tradicionais de ligação tais como soldadura, ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas. A redução de peso, redução de concentrações de tensões e facilidade de fabrico são algumas das principais vantagens das ligações adesivas. Devido à crescente utilização das ligações adesivas, torna-se necessário a existência de ferramentas que permitam prever a resistência das juntas com elevada precisão. Assim, para a análise de juntas adesivas, está a ser cada vez mais utilizado o método de Elementos Finitos. Neste âmbito o Método de Elementos Finitos eXtendido (MEFX) perfila-se como um método capaz de prever o comportamento da junta, embora este ainda não esteja convenientemente estudado no que diz respeito à aplicação a juntas adesivas. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo experimental e numérico pelo MEFX de juntas de sobreposição dupla, nas quais são aplicados adesivos que variam desde frágeis e rígidos, como o caso do Araldite® AV138, até adesivos mais dúcteis, como o Araldite® 2015 e o Sikaforce® 7888. Foram considerados substratos de alumínio (AW6082-T651) em juntas com diferentes comprimentos de sobreposição, sendo sujeitos a esforços de tração de forma a avaliar o seu desempenho. Na análise numérica foi realizada uma análise da distribuição de tensões na camada adesiva, a previsão da resistência das juntas pelo MEFX segundo critérios de iniciação de dano baseados em tensões e deformações, e ainda um estudo sobre o critério energético de propagação de dano. A análise por MEFX revelou que este método é bastante preciso quando usados os critérios de iniciação de dano MAXS e QUADS, e parâmetro com valor de 1 no critério energético de propagação de dano. Apesar de ser um método pouco estudado na literatura comparativamente com outros, o MEFX apresentou resultados muito satisfatórios.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la mejora en la validación de la simulación numérica del flujo bifásico característico del transporte de lecho fluido, mediante la formulación y desarrollo de un modelo numérico combinado Volúmenes Finitos - Elementos Finitos. Para ello se simula numéricamente el flujo de mezcla sólido-gas en una Cámara de Lecho Fluido, bajo implementación en código COMSOL, cuyos resultados son mejores comparativamente a un modelo basado en el método de Elementos Discretos implementado en código abierto MFIX. El problema fundamental de la modelización matemática del fenómeno de lecho fluido es la irregularidad del dominio, el acoplamiento de las variables en espacio y tiempo y, la no linealidad. En esta investigación se reformula apropiadamente las ecuaciones conservativas del fenómeno, tales que permitan obtener un problema variacional equivalente y solucionable numéricamente. Entonces; se define una ecuación de estado en función de la presión hidrodinámica y la fracción volumétrica de sólidos, quedando desacoplado el sistema en tres sub-problemas, garantizando así la existencia de solución del problema general. Una vez aproximados numéricamente ambos modelos, se comparan los resultados de donde se observa que el modelo materia del presente artículo, verifica de forma más eficaz las condiciones de mezcla óptima, reflejada en la calidad del burbujeo y velocidad de mezcla.


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In this study, the partial molar volumes of L-serine and L-threonine in aqueous solutions of ammonium sulfate at (0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, and 1.0) mol.kg(-1) are reported between 278.15 and 308.15 K. Transfer volumes and hydration numbers were obtained, which are larger in L-serine than in L-threonine. Dehydration of the amino acids is observed, rising with the temperature and salt molality. The data suggest that interactions between ions and charged/hydrophilic groups are predominant, and by applying the McMillan and Mayer formalism, it was concluded that they are mainly pair wise. The combination of the data presented in this study with solubility and molecular dynamics data suggests a stronger interaction of the ammonium cation with the zwitterionic centers of the amino acids when compared to the interactions of those centers with the sulfate anion.


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In this work, the partial molar volumes of glycine and DL-alanine in aqueous solutions of ammonium sulfate at 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, and 1.0 mol.kg(-1) are determined between 278.15 and 308.15 K. Transfer volumes were obtained, which are larger for glycine than DL-alanine. On the contrary, the hydration numbers are higher for DL-alanine than glycine, and dehydration of the amino acids is observed with increasing temperature or salt molality. The data suggest that interactions between ion and charged/hydrophilic groups are predominant and, by applying the methodology proposed by Friedman and Krishnan, it was concluded that they are mainly pairwise. A group-contribution scheme has been successfully applied to the pairwise volumetric interaction coefficient. Finally, the dehydration effect on glycine, alanine and serine in the presence of different electrolytes has been rationalized in terms of the charge density and a parameter accounting for the cation's hydration.


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En este trabajo se realizan simulaciones de excavaciones profundas en suelos de origen aluvial en la ciudad de Sabaneta, mediante el empleo de modelos en elementos finitos integrados por el software PLAXIS® -- Los desplazamientos horizontales son comparados con mediciones de inclinómetros instalados en el trasdós del muro diafragma anclado del proyecto Centro Comercial Mayorca Fase III, localizado en el municipio de Sabaneta, Antioquia -- Finalmente, se concluye acerca de la sensibilidad de los parámetros más relevantes según el modelo constitutivo empleado y la viabilidad en su aplicación para la solución del problema evaluado


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En esta tesis doctoral se exponen los fundamentos teóricos necesarios en el diseño de esquemas numéricos de volúmenes finitos para sistemas hiperbólicos no conservativos de una y dos dimensiones. Para el caso unidimensional se repasan los conceptos de esquema camino-conservativo y esquema bien equilibrado, así como la extensión de los esquemas numéricos a alto orden, basados en la reconstrucción de estados. En particular, se presentan los esquemas de tipo PVM (Polynomial Viscosity Matrix), así como diversos esquemas de limitadores de flujo que resultan de la extensión natural del método WAF, utilizando como base algunos esquemas de tipo PVM. Para el caso bidimensional se aborda el diseño de esquemas numéricos camino-conservativos y bien equilibrados de volúmenes finitos para sistemas hiperbólicos no conservativos y su extensión a alto orden, en particular se presenta una reconstrucción de estados de tercer orden compacta y que resulta de la combinación WENO de paraboloides y planos. 
 Se presenta además el desarrollo de métodos numéricos para el sistema de aguas someras bidimensional de una capa. En particular se definen esquemas de primer orden de tipo HLL y FORCE y su extensión a alto orden, un método de limitadores de flujo basado en el esquema HLL-WAF, así como su implementación en arquitecturas de tipo GPU, usando el entorno de programación CUDA. A continuación, se presenta un esquema numérico de orden uno para el sistema de aguas someras de una capa bidimensional en coordenadas esféricas (longitud/latitud), así como la extensión natural del método de limitadores de flujo presentado en el Capítulo 3 a este sistema. Finalmente, se presenta la validación del esquema de limitadores de flujo mediante la simulación de tsunamis reales, y la comparación con datos de campo.


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Em videiras 'BRS Clara', cultivar de uvas sem sementes, enxertadas em 'IAC-572' e conduzidas em latada, comparou-se a deposição de calda de pulverização nas folhas utilizando-se corante alimentício, com dois volumes de aplicação: 274 L ha-1 e 500 L ha-1. A eficiência desses dois volumes de calda fungicida foi avaliada, sob cobertura plástica ou não, no controle do míldio da videira, empregando-se os fungicidas recomendados e o programa de pulverização padrão utilizado na região. A severidade da doença, determinada pela porcentagem de área foliar afetada, foi avaliada semanalmente e, com os valores médios da porcentagem de área foliar afetada, determinou-se a curva de progresso da doença para cada tratamento, calculando-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso de míldio (AACPM). Observou-se que quanto maior o volume aplicado, maior o volume depositado nas folhas. Entretanto, a concentração de traçante depositado sobre as folhas foi, em média, 10% menor com a aplicação no volume de 500 L ha-1. Não houve diferença significativa (P? 0,05) entre os níveis de controle de míldio proporcionados pelos dois volumes de aplicação sob cobertura plástica ou não, que reduziram de 87 a 92% a AACPM quando comparados com a testemunha.


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The building life cycle process is complex and prone to fragmentation as it moves through its various stages. The number of participants, and the diversity, specialisation and isolation both in space and time of their activities, have dramatically increased over time. The data generated within the construction industry has become increasingly overwhelming. Most currently available computer tools for the building industry have offered productivity improvement in the transmission of graphical drawings and textual specifications, without addressing more fundamental changes in building life cycle management. Facility managers and building owners are primarily concerned with highlighting areas of existing or potential maintenance problems in order to be able to improve the building performance, satisfying occupants and minimising turnover especially the operational cost of maintenance. In doing so, they collect large amounts of data that is stored in the building’s maintenance database. The work described in this paper is targeted at adding value to the design and maintenance of buildings by turning maintenance data into information and knowledge. Data mining technology presents an opportunity to increase significantly the rate at which the volumes of data generated through the maintenance process can be turned into useful information. This can be done using classification algorithms to discover patterns and correlations within a large volume of data. This paper presents how and what data mining techniques can be applied on maintenance data of buildings to identify the impediments to better performance of building assets. It demonstrates what sorts of knowledge can be found in maintenance records. The benefits to the construction industry lie in turning passive data in databases into knowledge that can improve the efficiency of the maintenance process and of future designs that incorporate that maintenance knowledge.


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The construction industry is categorised as being an information-intensive industry and described as one of the most important industries in any developed country, facing a period of rapid and unparalleled change (Industry Science Resources 1999) (Love P.E.D., Tucker S.N. et al. 1996). Project communications are becoming increasingly complex, with a growing need and fundamental drive to collaborate electronically at project level and beyond (Olesen K. and Myers M.D. 1999; Thorpe T. and Mead S. 2001; CITE 2003). Yet, the industry is also identified as having a considerable lack of knowledge and awareness about innovative information and communication technology (ICT) and web-based communication processes, systems and solutions which may prove beneficial in the procurement, delivery and life cycle of projects (NSW Government 1998; Kajewski S. and Weippert A. 2000). The Internet has debatably revolutionised the way in which information is stored, exchanged and viewed, opening new avenues for business, which only a decade ago were deemed almost inconceivable (DCITA 1998; IIB 2002). In an attempt to put these ‘new avenues of business’ into perspective, this report provides an overall ‘snapshot’ of current public and private construction industry sector opportunities and practices in the implementation and application of web-based ICT tools, systems and processes (e-Uptake). Research found that even with a reserved uptake, the construction industry and its participating organisations are making concerted efforts (fortunately with positive results) in taking up innovative forms of doing business via the internet, including e-Tendering (making it possible to manage the entire tender letting process electronically and online) (Anumba C.J. and Ruikar K. 2002; ITCBP 2003). Furthermore, Government (often a key client within the construction industry),and with its increased tendency to transact its business electronically, undoubtedly has an effect on how various private industry consultants, contractors, suppliers, etc. do business (Murray M. 2003) – by offering a wide range of (current and anticipated) e-facilities / services, including e-Tendering (Ecommerce 2002). Overall, doing business electronically is found to have a profound impact on the way today’s construction businesses operate - streamlining existing processes, with the growth in innovative tools, such as e-Tender, offering the construction industry new responsibilities and opportunities for all parties involved (ITCBP 2003). It is therefore important that these opportunities should be accessible to as many construction industry businesses as possible (The Construction Confederation 2001). Historically, there is a considerable exchange of information between various parties during a tendering process, where accuracy and efficiency of documentation is critical. Traditionally this process is either paper-based (involving large volumes of supporting tender documentation), or via a number of stand-alone, non-compatible computer systems, usually costly to both the client and contractor. As such, having a standard electronic exchange format that allows all parties involved in an electronic tender process to access one system only via the Internet, saves both time and money, eliminates transcription errors and increases speed of bid analysis (The Construction Confederation 2001). Supporting this research project’s aims and objectives, researchers set to determine today’s construction industry ‘current state-of-play’ in relation to e-Tendering opportunities. The report also provides brief introductions to several Australian and International e-Tender systems identified during this investigation. e-Tendering, in its simplest form, is described as the electronic publishing, communicating, accessing, receiving and submitting of all tender related information and documentation via the internet, thereby replacing the traditional paper-based tender processes, and achieving a more efficient and effective business process for all parties involved (NT Governement 2000; NT Government 2000; NSW Department of Commerce 2003; NSW Government 2003). Although most of the e-Tender websites investigated at the time, maintain their tendering processes and capabilities are ‘electronic’, research shows these ‘eTendering’ systems vary from being reasonably advanced to more ‘basic’ electronic tender notification and archiving services for various industry sectors. Research also indicates an e-Tender system should have a number of basic features and capabilities, including: • All tender documentation to be distributed via a secure web-based tender system – thereby avoiding the need for collating paperwork and couriers. • The client/purchaser should be able to upload a notice and/or invitation to tender onto the system. • Notification is sent out electronically (usually via email) for suppliers to download the information and return their responses electronically (online). • During the tender period, updates and queries are exchanged through the same e-Tender system. • The client/purchaser should only be able to access the tenders after the deadline has passed. • All tender related information is held in a central database, which should be easily searchable and fully audited, with all activities recorded. • It is essential that tender documents are not read or submitted by unauthorised parties. • Users of the e-Tender system are to be properly identified and registered via controlled access. In simple terms, security has to be as good as if not better than a manual tender process. Data is to be encrypted and users authenticated by means such as digital signatures, electronic certificates or smartcards. • All parties must be assured that no 'undetected' alterations can be made to any tender. • The tenderer should be able to amend the bid right up to the deadline – whilst the client/purchaser cannot obtain access until the submission deadline has passed. • The e-Tender system may also include features such as a database of service providers with spreadsheet-based pricing schedules, which can make it easier for a potential tenderer to electronically prepare and analyse a tender. Research indicates the efficiency of an e-Tender process is well supported internationally, with a significant number, yet similar, e-Tender benefits identified during this investigation. Both construction industry and Government participants generally agree that the implementation of an automated e-Tendering process or system enhances the overall quality, timeliness and cost-effectiveness of a tender process, and provides a more streamlined method of receiving, managing, and submitting tender documents than the traditional paper-based process. On the other hand, whilst there are undoubtedly many more barriers challenging the successful implementation and adoption of an e-Tendering system or process, researchers have also identified a range of challenges and perceptions that seem to hinder the uptake of this innovative approach to tendering electronically. A central concern seems to be that of security - when industry organisations have to use the Internet for electronic information transfer. As a result, when it comes to e-Tendering, industry participants insist these innovative tendering systems are developed to ensure the utmost security and integrity. Finally, if Australian organisations continue to explore the competitive ‘dynamics’ of the construction industry, without realising the current and future, trends and benefits of adopting innovative processes, such as e-Tendering, it will limit their globalising opportunities to expand into overseas markets and allow the continuation of international firms successfully entering local markets. As such, researchers believe increased knowledge, awareness and successful implementation of innovative systems and processes raises great expectations regarding their contribution towards ‘stimulating’ the globalisation of electronic procurement activities, and improving overall business and project performances throughout the construction industry sectors and overall marketplace (NSW Government 2002; Harty C. 2003; Murray M. 2003; Pietroforte R. 2003). Achieving the successful integration of an innovative e-Tender solution with an existing / traditional process can be a complex, and if not done correctly, could lead to failure (Bourn J. 2002).


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This issue of the Griffith Law Review focuses on consumer law, and the pervasive nature of this area of law. We are all consumers, but do not necessarily identify as such, nor are we a homogeneous group. The boundaries of


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The requirement to monitor the rapid pace of environmental change due to global warming and to human development is producing large volumes of data but placing much stress on the capacity of ecologists to store, analyse and visualise that data. To date, much of the data has been provided by low level sensors monitoring soil moisture, dissolved nutrients, light intensity, gas composition and the like. However, a significant part of an ecologist’s work is to obtain information about species diversity, distributions and relationships. This task typically requires the physical presence of an ecologist in the field, listening and watching for species of interest. It is an extremely difficult task to automate because of the higher order difficulties in bandwidth, data management and intelligent analysis if one wishes to emulate the highly trained eyes and ears of an ecologist. This paper is concerned with just one part of the bigger challenge of environmental monitoring – the acquisition and analysis of acoustic recordings of the environment. Our intention is to provide helpful tools to ecologists – tools that apply information technologies and computational technologies to all aspects of the acoustic environment. The on-line system which we are building in conjunction with ecologists offers an integrated approach to recording, data management and analysis. The ecologists we work with have different requirements and therefore we have adopted the toolbox approach, that is, we offer a number of different web services that can be concatenated according to need. In particular, one group of ecologists is concerned with identifying the presence or absence of species and their distributions in time and space. Another group, motivated by legislative requirements for measuring habitat condition, are interested in summary indices of environmental health. In both case, the key issues are scalability and automation.