981 resultados para Virginia infantry. 21st regt., 1861-1865 Co. F.


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The chemical-shift of the X-ray K-absorption edge of Co was studied in a large number of compounds, complexes (spinels) and minerals of Co in its different oxidation states having widely different crystal structures and containing different types of bonding and various types of ligands, and were reported collectively, for the first time, in a single paper. A quadratic relationship was established on the basis of least-squares regression analysis to hold between the chemical-shift and the effective charge on the absorbing atom, but the dominance of the linear term was shown. This relation was utilized in evaluating the charge on the Co-ion in a number of minerals. The effect on chemical-shift of oxidation states of the absorbing atom, of the bond length, crystal structure and higher shell atoms of the molecule, and of electronegativity, atomic number and ionic radius of the ligand was discussed.


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The discussion of a service-dominant logic has made the findings of decades of service marketing research a topic of interest for marketing at large. Some fundamental aspects of the logic such as value creation and its marketing implications are more complex than they have been treated as so far and need to be further developed to serve marketing theory and practice well. Following the analysis in the present article it is argued that although customers are co-producers in service processes, according to the value-in-use notion adopted in the contemporary marketing and management literature they are fundamentally the creators of value for themselves. Furthermore, it is concluded that although by providing goods and services as input resources into customers’ consumption and value-generating processes firms are fundamentally value facilitators, interactions with customers that exist or can be created enable firms to engage themselves with their customers’ processes and thereby they become co-creators of value with their customers. As marketing implications it is observed that 1) the goal of marketing is to support customers’ value creation, 2) following a service logic and due to the existence of interactions where the firm’s and the customer’s processes merge into an integrated joint value creation process, the firm is not restricted to making value propositions only, but can directly and actively influence the customer’s value fulfilment as well and extend its marketing process to include activities during customer-firm interactions, and 3) although all goods and services are consumed as service, customers’ purchasing decisions can be expected to be dependant of whether they have the skills and interest to use a resource, such as a good, as service or want to buy extended market offerings including process-related elements. Finally, the analysis concludes with five service logic theses.


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The crystal structures and magnetic properties of five new transition metal-azido complexes with two anionic [pyrazine-2-carboxylate (pyzc) and p-aminobenzoate (paba)] and two neutral [pyrazine (pyz) and pyridine (py)] coligands are reported All five complexes were synthesized bysolvothermal methods The complex [Co-2(pyzc)(2)(N-3)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) (1) is 1D and exhibit canted antiferromagnetism, while the 3D complex [MnNa(pyzc)(N-3)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) (2) has a complicated structure and is weakly ferromagnetic in nature [Mn-2(paba)(2)(N-3)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) (3). is a 2D sheet and the Mn-II ions are found to be antiferromagnetically coupled The isostructural 2D complexes [Cu-3(pyz)(2)(N-3)(6)](n) (4) and [Cu-3(py)(2)(N-3)(6)](n) (5) resemble remarkably in their magnetic properties exhibiting moderately strong ferromagnetism. Density functional theory calculations (B3LYP functional) have been performed to provide a qualitative theoretical interpietation of the overall magnetic behavior shown by these complexes.


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The underpinning logic of value co-creation in service logic is analysed. It is observed that three of the ten foundational premises of the so-called service-dominant logic are problematic and do not support an understanding of value-co-creation and creation that is meaningful for theoretical development and decision making in business and marketing practice. Without a thorough understanding of the interaction concept, the locus and nature of value co-creation cannot be identified. Based on the analysis in the present article it is observed that a unique contribution of a service perspective on business (service logic) is not that customers always are co-creators of value, but that under certain circumstances the service provider gets opportunities to co-create value together with its customers. Finally, the three problematic premises are reformulated accordingly.


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The combustion technique produces ionically dispersed Ag on a nano-crystalline CeO2 surface. The catalysts thus produced were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Catalytic properties towards NO reduction, CO and hydrocarbon oxidation have been investigated using the temperature programmed reaction technique in a packed bed tubular reactor. These results are compared with alpha-Al2O3 supported finely divided Ag metal particles synthesized by the same method. Both oxidation and reduction reactions over Ag/CeO2 have been observed to occur at lower temperatures compared to Ag/Al2O3. The rate and turnover frequency of the NO+CO reaction over 1% Ag/CeO2 are 56.3 mu mol g(-1) s(-1) and 0.97 s(-1) at 225 degrees C respectively. Activation energy (E-a) values are 71 and 67 kJ mol(-1) for CO+O-2 and NO+CO reactions, respectively, over 1% Ag/CeO2 catalyst.


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The reaction of pyrimidine-2-carbonitrile, NaN3 in the presence of Co(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O or MnCl2 center dot 4H(2)O leads to the formation of complexes Co(pmtz)(mu(1,3)-N-3)(H2O)](n) (1) and Mn(pmtz)(mu(1,3)-N-3)(H2O)](n) (2) respectively, under hydrothermal condition pmtz =5-(pyrimidyl)tetrazolate]. These two complexes have been fully characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Complex 1 crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric space group Aba2 in the orthorhombic system and is found to exhibit ferroelectric behavior, whereas complex 2 crystallizes in the P2(1)/c space group in the monoclinic system. Variable temperature magnetic characterizations in the temperature range of 2-300 K indicate that complex 1 is a canted antiferromagnet (weak ferromagnet) with T-c = 15.9 K. Complex 1 represents a unique example of a multiferroic coordination polymer containing tetrazole as a co-ligand. Complex 2 is a one-dimensional chain of Mn(II) bridged by a well-known antiferromagnetic coupler end-to-end azido ligand. In contrast to the role played by the end-to-end azido pathway in most of the transition metal complexes, complex 2 showed unusual ferromagnetic behavior below 40 K because of spin canting.


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The microstructural evolution on aging a Co-3 wt pct Ti-2 wt pct Nb alloy has been followed by transmission electron microscopy and diffraction to show that the solid solution decomposed by the spinodal mode. The strengthening observed has been correlated with the differences in lattice parameters of the coexisting phases. The several stages of coarsening have been documented to yield information about their kinetics and morphological changes.Formerly Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1206 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, is with .


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In 1-cyclo-hexyl-6,6,8a-trimethyl-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro2, 3-b]pyrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C19H27NO3, (I), and the isomorphous compounds 6,6,8a-trimethyl-1-phenyl-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro2,3-b]p yrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C19H21NO3, (II), and 6,6,8a-trimethyl-1-(3-pyridyl)-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro2, 3-b]pyrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C18H20N2O3, (III), the tetra-hydro-benzo-dihydro-furo-pyrrolidine ring systems are folded at the cis junction of the five-membered rings, giving rise to a non-planar shape of the tricyclic cores. The dihydro-furan and pyrrolidine rings in (I) are puckered and adopt an envelope conformation. The cyclo-hexene rings adopt a half-chair conformation in all the mol-ecules, while the substituent N-cyclo-hexyl ring in (I) assumes a chair form. Short intra-molecular C-HcO contacts form S(5) and S(6) motifs. The isomorphous compounds (II) and (III) are effectively isostructural, and aggregate into chains via inter-molecular C-HcO hydrogen bonds.


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Tutkielma käsittelee kuvataideyleisön muotoutumista Suomen Taideyhdistyksen piirissä 1800-luvun puolivälissä sosiaalihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta. Tärkein lähdemateriaali on Suomen Taideyhdistyksen arkisto, jonka avulla tarkastellaan laajemmin yhdistyksen ideaa, sen jäsenyyttä, maanlaajuista jäsenkartuntaa ja johtokunnan taiteen kannattajiin suuntaamaa missiota toiminnan alkuvuosikymmeninä. Yhdistyksen helsinkiläinen jäsenistö vuosina 1846−1865 on luokiteltu kymmeneen luokkaan jäsenluettelossa annettujen nimikkeiden perusteella. Lähdeaineiston ja sen pohjalta tehdyn luokittelun avulla analysoidaan pääkaupungin jäsenkuntaa ja sen suhdetta koko maan jäsenistöön. Jäsenkunnasta nostetaan esille myös joitakin kiinnostavia yksilöitä. Tutkielman pääasiallinen teoreettinen viitekehys on Sosiologi Everett Rogersin malli innovaatioiden diffuusiosta. Taiteen kannattaminen uutena ideana vertautuu tutkielmassa uuteen keksintöön ja sen leviämiseen. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan, että kuvataiteen saadessa 1800-luvun kuluessa uudenlaisia merkityksiä myös taiteen yleisö määrittyi uudelleen. Vuonna 1846 perustetulla Suomen Taideyhdistyksellä oli tässä ratkaiseva ja aktiivinen rooli. Taiteen kannattajakunnan ydin oli Helsingissä, jossa vaikutti yhdistyksen lähinnä korkeista virkamiehistä ja professoreista koostunut johtokunta. Taideyhdistyksen toiminnan vakiintuessa taiteen kannattamisen idea levisi ja sitä levitettiin yhä useammille paikkakunnille sekä laajempiin kansankerroksiin. Yhdistyksen jäsenkuntaan liittyi lähinnä säätyläistöä, mutta taidenäyttelytoiminta tavoitti myös alempia yhteiskuntaluokkia. Taideyhdistyksen helsinkiläisessä jäsenkunnassa virkamiehistön rooli oli suuri. Alkuvaiheessa liittyneet yhteiskunnalliselta statukseltaan korkeat henkilöt saivat hallitsijan vakuuttumaan toiminnan luotettavuudesta. Taiteen kannattajakunta muodostui kuitenkin kasvavassa määrin alemmasta virkamiehistöstä ja elinkeinojen harjoittajista. Merkittävä osuus oli myös Keisarillisen Aleksanterinyliopiston opettajilla ja siellä tutkinnon suorittaneilla. Tärkein taiteen pääkaupunkilaista kannattajakuntaa yhdistänyt sosiaalinen viitekehys olikin yliopisto. Sen antama koulutus, sivistys ja henkinen pääoma olivat taustalla suurimmalla osalla yhdistykseen Helsingissä liittyneistä. He kuuluivat pääsääntöisesti aktivoituvaan sivistyneistöön, joka syntyi sääty-yhteiskunnan vanhojen rakenteiden hämärtyessä ja yliopistotutkintojen saadessa yhä suurempaa yhteiskunnallista merkitystä.


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Nanocrystalline Ce1-xFexO2-delta (0 <= x <= 0.45) and Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O2-delta of similar to 4 nm sizes were synthesized by a sonochemical method using diethyletriamine (DETA) as a complexing agent. Compounds were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Ce1-xFexO2-delta (0 <= x <= 0.45) and Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O2-delta crystallize in fluorite structure where Fe is in +3, Ce is in +4 and Pd is in +2 oxidation state. Due to substitution of smaller Fe3+ ion in CeO2, lattice oxygen is activated and 33% Fe substituted CeO2 i.e. Ce0.67Fe0.33O1.835 reversibly releases 0.31O] up to 600 degrees C which is higher or comparable to the oxygen storage capacity of CeO2-ZrO2 based solid solutions (Catal. Today 2002, 74, 225-234). Due to interaction of redox potentials of Pd2+/0(0.89 V) and Fe3+/2+ (0.77 V) with Ce4+/3+ (1.61 V), Pd ion accelerates the electron transfer from Fe2+ to Ce4+ in Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815, making it a high oxygen storage material as well as a highly active catalyst for CO oxidation and water gas shift reaction. The activation energy for CO oxidation with Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815 is found to be as low as 38 kJ mol(-1). Ce0.67Fe0.33O1.835 and Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815 have also shown high activity for the water gas shift reaction. CO conversion to CO2 is 100% H-2 specific with these catalysts and conversion rate was found to be as high 27.2 mu moles g(-1) s(-1) and the activation energy was found to be 46.4 kJ mol(-1) for Ce0.65Fe0.33Pd0.02O1.815.


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Reactions of group 6 metal carbonyls with bis(pyrazolyl) phosphazenes yield metal tricarbonyl complexes, [M(CO)3.L] [L = N3P3Ph4 (3, 5-Me2C3HN2)2 (1) or N3P3(MeNCH2CH2O)2 (3,5-Me2C3HN2)2(4)]. The structure of the complex [Mo(CO)3.1], determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis, shows that the (pyrazolyl) phosphazene acts as a tridentate ligand; the two pyridinic pyrazolyl nitrogen atoms and a phosphazene ring nitrogen atom are coordinated to the metal. A similar structure is proposed for the complexes [M(CO)3.4] (M = Mo or W] on the basis of their spectroscopic data.