979 resultados para Viral Envelope Proteins


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This study determined whether cutaneous antibodies were present in excised skin explants of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, immune to Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV). Culture fluid from immune skin explants were assayed by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA), Western blot, indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA) and flow cytometry (FCM). iELISA showed that cutaneous antibody titres were much lower (1:12) than antiserum titres (1:1458) from intraperitoneally immunized grass carp. The phosphoprotein and matrix protein antigens of purified SMRV proteins were recognized by cutaneous antibodies from skin culture fluid using Western blot. The skin culture fluid produced staining signals in viral assembly sites and cytoplasm of SMRV-infected epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cells by IFA. FCM showed that 4.39% SMRV-infected EPC cells were detected, while non-specific reaction was seen in 2% of control cells. This is the first description of cutaneous antibodies against SMRV in grass carp.


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Five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against spring viraemia of carp (SVCV0504, isolated from common carp in China) were produced from mice immunized with purified virus preparations. The virion of SVCV contains five structural proteins, representing the nucleoprotein (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix protein (M), glycoprotein (G) and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (Q. Western blotting analysis revealed that three mAbs (1145, IE10, and 11-17) recognized specifically to a single protein of 47 kDa (N), the mAb 3G4 reacted with, two SVCV0504 proteins of 69 kDa (G) and 47 kDa (N), while the mAb 1A9 reacted with three SVCV0504 proteins of 69 kDa (G), 50 kDa (P), and 47 kDa (N). By indirect ELISA, two mAbs (1H5 and 11-17) showed cross-reactivity with pike fry rhabdovirus (PFRV), but no cross-reactions with the Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus (SCRV), Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV), Paralichthys olivaceus rhabdovirus (PoRV) were demonstrated with the five mAbs. Indirect immunofluorescence showed intense fluorescence in the cytoplasm of the SVCV0504-infected epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cells in areas corresponding to the location of granular structures. The sucrose gradient-purified SVCV0504 particles could be detected successfully by these mAbs using immunodot blotting. mAb 1A9 could completely neutralize 100 TCID50 (50% tissue culture infective dose) of SVCV0504 at a dilution of 1:8. This is the first report of development of the neutralizing mAbs against SVCV. The mAb 1A9 was analyzed further and could be used to successfully detect viral antigens in the infected-EPC cell cultures or in cryosections from experimentally infected crucian carp (Carassius auratus) by immunohistochemistry assay. Furthermore, a flow cytometry procedure for the detection and quantification of cytoplasmic SVCV0504 in cell cultures was developed with mAb 1A9. At 28 h after inoculation with the virus (0.01 PFU/cell), 10.12% of infected cells could be distinguished from the uninfected cells. These mAbs will be useful in diagnostic test development and pathogenesis studies for fish rhabdovirus. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) plays a key role in activating immune responses during viral infection. To study the genes involved in the regulatory function of TLR3 in the rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus after viral infection, a full-length cDNA of TLR3 (GrTLR3) with a splice variant (GrTLR3s) was identified by homologous cloning and RACE techniques. The antiviral effector molecule Mx gene was cloned and partially sequenced. The mRNA expression levels of GrTLR3, GrTLR3s, and Mx were studied in different tissues before and after virus infection by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. The transcripts of all three genes in liver were significantly increased following GCRV infection (P<0.05). The mRNA levels in liver were upregulated at 24 h post-injection for GrTLR3 and GrTLR3s, and at 12 h for Mx. The upregulated expression levels were several folds for GrTLR3s, tens of folds for GrTLR3, and hundreds of folds for Mx. By semi-quantitative RT-PCR, GrTLR3 and Mx expressed at all the developmental stages, whereas GrTLR3s could only be detected at later developmental stages. Using RNAi and transgenic techniques, GrTLR3 mediated Mx expression but GrTLR3s did not. The time-dependent upregulation of receptor and effector, and the Mx over-expression dependent on TLR3, indicated that GrTLR3 regulated Mx expression in viral infection through a configuration change in rare minnow, and its splice variant did not contribute to the process.


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Two MAbs (3C7 and 3C9) against flounder Paralichthys olivaceus rhabdovirus (PORV) were generated with hybridoma cell fusion technology and characterized by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, isotype test, Western blot and immunodot analysis and immunofluorescence assay. Isotyping tests demonstrated that both of the two MAbs belonged to IgM subclass. Western blot analysis showed the MAbs reacted with 42, 30, and 22 kDa viral proteins, which were localized within the cytoplasm of PORV-infected grass carp ovary (GCO) cells analyzed by indirect immunofluorescences tests. The MAb 3C7 was also selected at random for detecting virus antigens in the inoculated grass carp tissues by immunohistochemistry assay. Flow cytometry tests showed that at the 36 h postinfection (0.25 PFU/cell), the 23% PORV-infected GCO cells could be distinguished from the uninfected cells with the MAb 3C7. Such MAbs could be useful for diagnosis and potential treatment of viral infection. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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C1q is the first subcomponent of classical pathway in the complement system and a major link between innate and acquired immunities. The globular (gC1q) domain similar with C1q was also found in many non-complement C1q-domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins which have similar crystal structure to that of the multifunctional tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family, and also have diverse functions. In this study, we identified a total of 52 independent gene sequences encoding C1q-domain-containing proteins through comprehensive searches of zebrafish genome, cDNA and EST databases. In comparison to 31 orthologous genes in human and different numbers in other species, a significant selective pressure was suggested during vertebrate evolution. Domain organization of C1q-domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins mainly includes a leading signal peptide, a collagen-like region of variable length, and a C-terminal C1q domain. There are 11 highly conserved residues within the C1q domain, among which 2 are invariant within the zebrafish gene set. A more extensive database searches also revealed homologous C1qDC proteins in other vertebrates, invertebrates and even bacterium, but no homologous sequences for encoding C1qDC proteins were found in many species that have a more recent evolutionary history with zebrafish. Therefore, further studies on C1q-domain-containing genes among different species will help us understand evolutionary mechanism of innate and acquired immunities.


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Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC, also known as mitochondrial porin) is acknowledged to play an important role in stress-induced mammalian apoptosis. In this study, Paralichthys olivaceus VDAC (PoVDAC) gene was identified as a virally induced gene from Scophthalmus Maximus Rhabdovirus (SMRV)-infected flounder embryonic cells (FEC). The full length of PoVDAC cDNA is 1380 bp with an open reading frame of 852 bp encoding a 283 amino acid protein. The deduced PoVDAC contains one alpha-helix, 13 transmembrane beta-strands and one eukaryotic mitochondrial porin signature motif. Constitutive expression of PoVDAC was confirmed in all tested tissues by real-time PCR. Further expression analysis revealed PoVDAC mRNA was upregulated by viral infection. We prepared fish antiserum against recombinant VDAC proteins and detected the PoVDAC in heart lysates from flounder as a 32 kDa band on western blot. Overexpression of PoVDAC in fish cells induced apoptosis. Immunofluoresence localization indicated that the significant distribution changes of PoVDAC have occurred in virus-induced apoptotic cells. This is the first report on the inductive expression of VDAC by viral infection, suggesting that PoVDAC might be mediated flounder antiviral immune response through induction of apoptosis. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complete genome of spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV) strain A-1 isolated from cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in China was sequenced and characterized. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) derived clones were constructed and the DNA was sequenced. It showed that the entire genome of SVCV A-1 consists of 11,100 nucleotide base pairs, the predicted size of the viral RNA of rhabdoviruses. However, the additional insertions in bp 4633-4676 and bp 4684-4724 of SVCV A-1 were different from the other two published SVCV complete genomes. Five open reading frames (ORFs) of SVCV A-1 were identified and further confirmed by RT-PCR and DNA sequencing of their respective RT-PCR products. The 5 structural proteins encoded by the viral RNA were ordered 3'-N-P-M-G-L-5'. This is the first report of a complete genome sequence of SVCV isolated from cultured carp in China. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that SVCV A-1 is closely related to the members of the genus Vesiculovirus, family Rhabdoviridae.


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During maturation, heterocysts form an envelope layer of polysaccharide, called heterocyst envelope polysaccharide (HEP), whose synthesis depends on a cluster of genes, the HEP island, and on an additional, distant gene, hepB, or a gene immediately downstream from hepB. We show that HEP formation depends upon the predicted glycosyl transferase genes all4160 at a third locus and alr3699, which is adjacent to hepB and is cotranscribed with it. Mutations in the histidine kinase genes hepN and hepK appear to silence the promoter of hepB and incompletely down-regulate all4160.


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ISG15 is one of the most strongly induced genes upon viral infection, interferon (IFN) stimulation, and lipopolysaccharide, (LPS) stimulation, and only one copy has been found in mammals so far. Here two fish ISG15 genes, termed CaISG15-1 and CaISG15-2, have been cloned and sequenced from UV-inactivated GCHV (grass carp haemorrhagic virus)-infected and IFN-produced CAB cells (crucian carp Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic cells) by suppression subtractive hybridization. The full-length cDNA sequences of two crucian carp ISG15 encode a 155-amino-acid protein and a 161-amino-acid protein, both of which show 78.9% identity overall and possess the characteristic structures of mammalian ISG15 proteins including two tandem ubiquitin-like domains and the C-terminal canonical LRLRGG motif. In CAB cells treated with different stimuli including active virus, UV-inactivated GCHV and IFN containing supernatant (ICS), the expression of both CaISG15-1 and CaISG15-2 was up-regulated but displayed different kinetics. Poly I:C and LPS were also able to induce an increase in mRNA for both genes. In CAB cells responsive to active GCHV, UV-inactivated GCHV, CAB ICS, Poly 1:12 and LPS, CaISG15-1 was upregulated more significantly than CaISG15-2. These results suggest that there are two ISG15 homologues in crucian carp, both of which might play distinct roles in innate immunity against viral and bacterial infection. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) specifically binds to peptidoglycan and is considered to be one of the pattern recognition proteins in the innate immunity of insect and mammals. Using a database mining approach and RT-PCR, multiple peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) like genes have been discovered in fish including zebrafish Danio rerio, Japanese pufferfish TakiFugu rubripes and spotted green pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis. They share the common features of those PGRPs in arthropod and mammals, by containing a conserved PGRP domain. Based on the predicted structures, the identified zebrafish PGRP homologs resemble short and long PGRP members in arthropod and mammals. The identified PGRP genes in T. nigroviridis and TakiFugu rubripes resemble the long PGRPs, and the short PGRP genes have not been found in T. nigroviridis and TakiFugu rubripes databases. Computer modelling of these molecules revealed the presence of three alpha-helices and five or six beta-strands in all fish PGRPs reported in the present study. The long PGRP in teleost fish have multiple alternatively spliced forms, and some of the identified spliced variants, e.g., tnPGRP-L3 and tnPGRP-L4 (in: Tetraodon nigroviridis), exhibited no characters present in the PGRP homologs domain. The coding regions of zfPGRP6 (zf: zebrafish), zfPGRP2-A, zfPGRP2-B and zfPGRP-L contain five exons and four introns; however, the other PGRP-like genes including zfPGRPSC1a, zfPGRPSC2, tnPGRP-L1-, tnPGRP-L2 and frPGRP-L (fr: Takifugu rubripes) contain four exons and three introns. In zebrafish, long and short PGRP genes identified are located in different chromosomes, and an unknown locus containing another long PGRP-like gene has also been found in zebrafish, demonstrating that multiple PGRP loci may be present in fish. In zebrafish, the constitutive expressions of zfPGRP-L, zfPGRP-6 and zfPGRP-SC during ontogeny from unfertilized eggs to larvae, in different organs of adult, and the inductive expression following stimulation by Flavobacterium columnare, were detected by real-time PCR, but the levels and patterns varied for different PGRP genes, implying that different short and long PGRPs may play different roles in innate immune response. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A rhabdovirus associated with a lethal hemorrhagic disease in cultured turbot Scophthalm us maximus Linnaeus was isolated. The virus induced typical cytopathogenic effects (CPE) in 9 of 15 fish cell lines examined and was then propagated and isolated from infected carp leucocyte cells (CLC). Electron microscopy observations revealed that the negatively stained virions had a typical bullet-shaped morphology with one rounded end and one flat base end. The bullet-shaped morphology was more obvious and clear in ultrathin sections of infected cells. Experimental infections also indicated that the S. maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV) was not only a viral pathogen for cultured turbot, but also had the ability to infect other fish species, such as freshwater grass carp. A partial nucleotide sequence of the SMRV polymerase gene was determined by RT-PCR using 2 pairs of degenerate primers designed according to the conserved sequences of rhabdovirus polymerase genes. Homology analysis, amino acid sequence alignment, and phylogenetic relationship analysis of the partial SMRV polymerase sequence indicated that SMRV was genetically distinct from other rhabdoviruses. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of the purified SMRV revealed 5 major structural proteins, and their molecular masses were estimated to be about 250, 58, 47, 42, and 28 kDa. Significant serological reactivity differences were also observed between SMRV and its nearest neighbor, spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV). The data suggest that SMRV is likely a novel fish rhabdovirus, although it is closely related to rhabdoviruses in the genus Vesiculovirus.


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Five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), 1G8, 1H9, 2D2, 2D3, and 2F5, against Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV) were prepared. Characterization of the mAbs included indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, isotyping, viral inhibition assay, immunofluorescence staining of virus-infected cell cultures, and Western blot analysis. Isotyping revealed that 1G8 and 1H9 were of the IgG2b subclass and that the other three were IgM. 2D2, 2D3, and 2F5 partially inhibited SMRV infection in epithelioma. papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cell culture. Western blotting showed that all five mAbs could react with two SMRV proteins with molecular masses of approximately 30 kDa (P) and 26 kDa (M). These two proteins were localized within the cytoplasm of SMRV-infected EPC cells by immunofluorescence assay. Also, progressive foci of viral replication in cell cultures were monitored from 6 to 24 h, using mAb 2D3 as the primary antibody. A flow cytometry procedure was used to detect and quantify SMRV-infected (0.01 PFU/cell) EPC cells with mAb 2D3, and 10.8% of cells could be distinguished as infected 36 h postinfection. Moreover, mAb 2D3 was successfully applied for the detection of viral antigen in cryosections from flounder tissues by immunohistochemistry tests.


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The cDNAs and genes of two different types of leucine- rich repeat-containing proteins from grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idellus) were cloned. Homology search revealed that the two genes, designated as GC-GARP and GC-LRG, have 37% and 32% deduced aminoacid sequence similarities with human glycoprotein A repetitions predominant precursor ( GARP) and leucine-rich alpha2-glycoprotein (LRG), respectively. The cDNAs of GC-GARP and GC-LRG encoded 664 and 339 amino acid residues, respectively. GC-GARP and GC-LRG contain many distinct structural and/or functional motifs of the leucine- rich repeat (LRR) subfamily, such as multiple conserved 11-residue segments with the consensus sequence LxxLxLxxN/CxL ( x can be any amino acid). The genes GC-GARP and GC-LRG consist of two exons, with 4,782 bp and 2,119 bp in total length, respectively. The first exon of each gene contains a small 5'-untranslated region and partial open reading frame. The putative promoter region of GC-GARP was found to contain transcription factor binding sites for GATA-1, IRF4, Oct-1, IRF-7, IRF-1, AP1, GATA-box and NFAT, and the promoter region of GC-LRG for MYC-MAX, MEIS1, ISRE, IK3, HOXA9 and C/EBP alpha. Phylogenetic analysis showed that GC-GARP and mammalian GARPs were clustered into one branch, while GC-LRG and mammalian LRGs were in another branch. The GC-GARP gene was only detected in head kidney, and GC-LRG in the liver, spleen and heart in the copepod ( Sinergasilus major)- infected grass carp, indicating the induction of gene expression by the parasite infection. The results obtained in the present study provide insight into the structure of fish LRR genes, and further study should be carried out to understand the importance of LRR proteins in host - pathogen interactions.


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Potential roles of Clq/tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily proteins have been observed in vertebrate oogenesis and oocyte maturation, but no ovary-specific member has been identified so far. In this study, we have cloned and identified a novel member of Clq family with a Clq domain in the C-terminal from fully grown oocyte cDNA library of color crucian carp and demonstrated that the gene might be specifically expressed in ovary and therefore designated as Carassius auratus ovary-specific Clq-like factor, CaOClq-like factor. It encodes a 213 amino acid protein with a 17 amino acid signal peptide. There is only one protein band of about 24.5 kDa in the extracts from phase I to phase IV oocytes, but two positive protein bands are detected in the extracts of mature eggs and fertilized eggs. Furthermore, the mobility shift of the smaller target protein band cannot be eliminated by phosphatase treatment, but the larger protein band increases its mobility on the gel after phosphatase treatment, suggesting that the larger protein might be a phosphorylated form. Immunofluorescence localization indicates that the CaOClq-like proteins localize in cytoplasm, cytoplasm membrane and egg envelope of the oocytes at cortical granule stage and vitellogenesis stage, whereas they were compressed to cytoplasm margin in ovulated mature eggs and discharged into perivitelline space between cytoplasm membrane and egg envelope after egg fertilization. Further studies on distribution and translocation mechanism of the CaOClq-like factor will be benefit to elucidate the unique function in oogenesis, oocyte maturation and egg fertilization. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Lymphocystis diseases in fish throughout the world have been extensively described. Here we report the complete genome sequence of lymphocystis disease virus isolated in China (LCDV-C), an LCDV isolated from cultured flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) with lymphocystis disease in China. The LCDV-C genome is 186,250 bp, with a base composition of 27.25% G+C. Computer-assisted analysis revealed 240 potential open reading frames (ORFs) and 176 nonoverlapping putative viral genes, which encode polypeptides ranging from 40 to 1,193 amino acids. The percent coding density is 67%, and the average length of each ORF is 702 bp. A search of the GenBank database using the 176 individual putative genes revealed 103 homologues to the corresponding ORFs of LCDV-1 and 73 potential genes that were not found in LCDV-1 and other iridoviruses. Among the 73 genes, there are 8 genes that contain conserved domains of cellular genes and 65 novel genes that do not show any significant homology with the sequences in public databases. Although a certain extent of similarity between putative gene products of LCDV-C and corresponding proteins of LCDV-1 was revealed, no colinearity was detected when their ORF arrangements and coding strategies were compared to each other, suggesting that a high degree of genetic rearrangements between them has occurred. And a large number of tandem and overlapping repeated sequences were observed in the LCDV-C genome. The deduced amino acid sequence of the major capsid protein (MCP) presents the highest identity to those of LCDV-1 and other iridoviruses among the LCDV-C gene products. Furthermore, a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the multiple alignments of nine MCP amino acid sequences. Interestingly, LCDV-C and LCDV-1 were clustered together, but their amino acid identity is much less than that in other clusters. The unexpected levels of divergence between their genomes in size, gene organization, and gene product identity suggest that LCDV-C and LCDV-1 shouldn't belong to a same species and that LCDV-C should be considered a species different from LCDV-1.