982 resultados para Victorian and Edwardian-era houses


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The study investigated the self-concepts and possible selves of pathological gamblers. Six female egm users were recruited from a Victorian problem gambling counselling service. Three participants were currently gambling and three were not gambling. They were interviewed in-depth and using thematic analysis four dominant themes were identified. (1) Self-concepts tended to be consistent across all participants, (2) having a past self as being the dominant characteristics of possible selves coincided with greater possible selves clarity, (3) non-gambler’s had more elaborate and specific plans for how to create change than did gambler’s, and (4) non-gambler’s had more plans to become possible selves which address goals of intrinsic meaning, rather then having a general goal to ‘not gamble’. The findings are discussed in terms of implications for the cognitive theory of possible selves and suggestions for further research to investigate the utility of the constructs as a basis for a treatment modality.


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Sustainability has rapidly become one of the most important issues in wider society, where recent attention has been focused on sustainable practices in the built environment such as the design, construction and operation of new buildings. Although detached houses are one of the largest land uses in the built environment, it is surprising that relatively little research has been conducted into the implementation and demand for sustainability. Even though the technology exists for increasing sustainability in housing, it appears that little attention has been given to the added value that sustainability can give to a property.

This paper discusses recent developments in sustainability with regards to housing. It identifies and groups the various options available to a housing owner, although the focus is placed on how much the sustainable features add (or detract) from the value of the home. Consideration is given to the existing valuation methods that are used to assess the value of a residential property and also the ease of implementation.


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Many single parent families in Australia are on low-incomes and many depend on Centrelink Parenting Payments as their main source of income which is comparatively low to meet their basic living costs. The impact of low income on child health and social inclusion is discussed.


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Zavoj is a mountain village in the Republic of Macedonia. While the village has become a site of emigration due to the mass exodus of its inhabitants, new house constructions have appeared. Scattered through deteriorating vernacular dwellings are new houses, and new fragments of houses attached to old houses. These new houses and house-fragments are introduced by emigrants returning to the village temporarily, and not by the remaining local village inhabitants. In the new millennium their number has dramatically increased. Migration has produced an incongruous mixture of architectures giving rise to questions about sustainable development in relation to new constructions in traditional environments? New buildings in the village are symptomatic of a much more universal phenomenon that is transforming vast rural landscapes into loosely urbanized regions. In contrast to this existing reality, a program in the Faculty of Architecture, Ss. Kiril & Metodij University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, is exploring alternative visions for the revitalization of the village. Can these offer more sustainable design approaches to the village? This paper examines sustainability in the dialectic between new constructions in existing villages and hypothetical visions for the new village.


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Drawing on interviews about the drinking trajectories of sixty young Victorian drinkers (aged 20-24), this paper outlines patterns of change over time and explores two drinking biographies in depth. For most research participants, drinking alcohol was an enjoyable and integral part of their social lives, but its role changed as they made other transitions in their lives. Most participants considered their early twenties to be a time for heavy alcohol consumption, and most imagined that they would drink less when they were middle-aged.


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This paper explores the consequences of these discourses for the ways that international students are identified and positioned within school communities. My argument is developed in four sections. The first describes my ongoing exploration into the impact of international student programmes in Australia. The second exemplifies my argument: exploring the day-to-day experiences of vice principals in two Victorian government state secondary schools as they market their schools, and examining the systemic and ontological discourses played out within those conversations. The third interrogates discourses of identity and difference, neo-liberalism and nave cosmopolitanism which I find shape teacher conversations about international student programmes. In the final section, I argue that the impact of the discourse formations implicit in teacher talk about international student programmes has been the objectification of international students and their ambivalent inclusion within the school community.


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The attainment of high grades on the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is critical to the future study and employment prospects of many Australian adolescents. Thus it is important to understand the factors that contribute to performance in the VCE. The aims of this study were twofold: the main aim was to test competing models of academic performance, subsuming a range of situational and dispositional variables based on a) self-efficacy theory, b) target and purpose goals, c) cognitive skills and self-regulatory strategies, and d) positive psychology. These models were each tested in terms of English performance and mathematics performance as these units contribute proportionally the most to overall VCE scores. In order to study whether pressures peculiar to the VCE impact on performance, the competing models were tested in a sample of Victorian students prior to the VCE (year 10) and then during the VCE (year 11). A preliminary study was conducted in order to develop and test four scales required for use in the major study, using an independent sample of 302 year nine students. The results indicated that these new scales were psychometrically reliable and valid. Three-hundred and seven Australian students participated in the year 10 and 11 study. These students were successively asked to provide their final years 9, 10 and 11 English and mathematics grades at times one, three and five and to complete a series of questionnaires at times two and four. Results of the year 10 study indicated that models based on self-efficacy theory were the best predictors of both English and mathematics performance, with high past grades, high self-efficacy and low anxiety contributing most to performance. While the year 10 self-efficacy models, target goal models, positive psychology models, self-regulatory models and cognitive skill based models were each robust in the sample in year 11, a substantial increase in explained variance was observed from year 10 to year 11 in the purpose goal models. Results indicated that students’ mastery goals and their performance-approach goals became substantially more predictive in the VCE than they were prior to the VCE. This result can be taken to suggest that these students responded in very instrumental ways to the pressures, and importance, of their VCE. An integrated model based on a combination of the variables from the competing models was also tested in the VCE. Results showed that these models were comparable, both in English and mathematics, to the self-efficacy models, but explained less variance than the purpose goal models. Thus in terms of parsimony the integrated models were not preferred. The implications of these results in terms of teaching practices and school counseling practices are discussed. It is recommended that students be encouraged to maintain a positive outlook in relation to their schoolwork and that they be encouraged to set their VCE goals in terms of a combination of self-referenced (mastery) and other-referenced (performance-approach) goals.


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Oral diseases including dental caries and periodontal disease are among the most prevalent and costly diseases in Australia today. Around 5.4% of Australia’s health dollar is spent on dental services totalling around $2.6 billion, 84% of which are delivered through the private sector (AIHW 2001). The other 16% is spent providing public sector services in varied and inadequate ways. While disease rates among school children have declined significantly in the past 20 years the gains made among children are not flowing on to adult dentitions and our aging population will place increasing demands on an inadequate system into the future (AHMAC 2001). Around 50% of adults do not received regular care and this has implications for widening health inequalities as the greatest burden falls on lower income groups (AIHW DSRU 2001). The National Competition Policy agenda has initiated, Australia-wide, reviews of dental legislation applying to delivery of services by dentists, dental specialists, dental therapists and hygienists and dental technicians and prosthetists. The review of the Victorian Dentists Act 1972, was completed first in 1999, followed by the other Australian states with Queensland, the ACT and the Northern Territory still developing legislation. One of the objectives of the new Victorian Act is to ‘…promote access to dental care’. This study has grown out of the need to know more about how dental therapists and hygienists might be utilised to achieve this and the legislative frameworks that could enable such roles. This study used qualitative methods to explore dental health policy making associated with strategies that may increase access to dental care using dental therapists and hygienists. The study used a multiple case study design to critically examine the dental policy development process around the Review of the Dentists Act 1972 in Victoria; to assess legislative and regulatory dental policy reforms in other states in Australia and to conduct a comparative analysis of dental health policy as it relates to dental auxiliary practice internationally. Data collection has involved (I) semi-structured interviews with key participants and stakeholders in the policy development processes in Victoria, interstate and overseas, and (ii) analysis of documentary data sources. The study has taken a grounded theory approach whereby theoretical issues that emerged from the Victorian case study were further developed and challenged in the subsequent interstate and international case studies. A component of this study has required the development of indicators in regulatory models for dental hygienists and therapists that will increase access to dental care for the community. These indicators have been used to analyse regulation reform and the likely impacts in each setting. Despite evidence of need, evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of dental therapists and hygienists, and the National Competition Policy agenda of increasing efficiency, the legislation reviews have mostly produces only minor changes. Results show that almost all Australian states have regulated dental therapists and hygienists in more prescriptive ways than they do dentists. The study has found that dental policy making is still dominated by the views of private practice dentists under elitist models that largely protect dentist authority, autonomy and sovereignty. The influence of dentist professional dominance has meant that governments have been reluctant to make sweeping changes. The study has demonstrated alternative models of regulation for dental therapists and hygienists, which would allow wider utilisation of their skills, more effective use of public sector funding, increased access to services and a grater focus on preventive care. In the light of theses outcomes, there is a need to continue to advocate for changes that will increase the public health focus of oral health care.


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The substantive field of the thesis is the sociology of distance education. The issues investigated centre on the relationship between off-campus students and the institutions of higher education with which they enrol, in which the first year experience is construed as an encounter between the students’ personal contexts and institutional cultures. A theoretical framework is constructed which synthcsises elements of phenomenology, hermeneutics and feminist theory. The author reports research into the way a small sample of people experienced off-campus study. The students selected resided in Victoria, Australia, and were enrolled with one of two Victorian tertiary institutions: the (then) Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education and Deakin University. Using a case study approach, the subjective experiences of the students were studied by means of a series of interviews which took place at their homes or places of employment in the period January 1988 to November 1989. Methodological issues relating to the application of hermeneutic principles to the use of interviews in educational research are explored. The results of the interpretation of the interview material are presented in terms of an integrationist model of socialisation. The thesis argued is that certain theoretical and practical issues in distance education are best understood as social and cultural phenomena rather than as technical problems. The implications of the findings about the effects of gender and culture on student experience are discussed in relation to the issues of access and equity, student support, and models of teaching and learning.


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The selection of an inappropriate regime by policy makers can thwart the effective implementation of public policy and lead to implementation failure. Competing values in the implementation process have a significant impact on the results of implementation, and the regime selected for implementation implies the choice of one value over another. Stoker has argued that on the one hand central leadership is valued for consistency, benefits of scale, co-ordination and cost sharing (instrumental model); and on the other, diffuse authority is valued as knowledge is particular and situational, and the task of analysis is to understand the problems, perspectives and interactions of implementation participants at the contact point between public programs and their clients (accommodation model). This study examines the implementation regime chosen by the Victorian Government for the introduction of a modern internal auditing function into the Victorian Public Service, using the Bureau of Internal Audit within its Department of Management and Budget. The selection of the Department of Management and Budget for the introduction of Internal Audit as a managerial accountability mechanism indicates that the instrumental model was held by the Victorian Government to be the most important in implementation. It is argued that use of a top-down central agency leadership approach resulted in implementation failure. Three propositions suggesting the mechanisms by which this result is brought about are examined: that lack of co-ordinated planning at the outset will result in inadequate definition of client needs as part of policy formulation; that intraorganisational conflict during the implementation success, as individual participants are likely to exercise their veto; and the increasing the number of participants contributes to complexity, so that they should only be involved in implementation when their presence is absolutely required. It is argued that the essential task of implementation is to create an environment where participants are likely to co-operate to achieve predetermined public policy goals; and that the introduction of a modern internal auditing approach into the Victorian Public Service required a more participatory implementation regime in order to facilitate policy outcomes and prevent implementation failure. It is also argued that the dominance of economic reform over accountability in Victoria restricted the ability of the Bureau of Internal Audit to implement change to internal audit practices within Victorian Government departments. The selection of an instrumental model of implementation by the Department of Management and Budget is examined in the context of the environment that existed in Victoria between 1982-1987; and while some of the values which Stoker associates with the top-down approach to policy making were observed, an alternative view to the development of internal auditing in the Victorian Public Service can be sustained.


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Fifty years ago there were no stored-program electronic computers in the world. Even thirty years ago a computer was something that few organisations could afford, and few people could use. Suddenly, in the 1960s and 70s, everything changed and computers began to become accessible. Today* the need for education in Business Computing is generally acknowledged, with each of Victoria's seven universities offering courses of this type. What happened to promote the extremely rapid adoption of such courses is the subject of this thesis. I will argue that although Computer Science began in Australia's universities of the 1950s, courses in Business Computing commenced in the 1960s due to the requirement of the Commonwealth Government for computing professionals to fulfil its growing administrative needs. The Commonwealth developed Programmer-in-Training courses were later devolved to the new Colleges of Advanced Education. The movement of several key figures from the Commonwealth Public Service to take up positions in Victorian CAEs was significant, and the courses they subsequently developed became the model for many future courses in Business Computing. The reluctance of the universities to become involved in what they saw as little more than vocational training, opened the way for the CAEs to develop this curriculum area.


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Phytophthora cinnamomi (Cinnamon fungus) is a pathogenic soil fungus which infects plant communities along the south-eastern coast of Australia, and the south-western corner of Western Australia. The symptoms of this disease include chlorosis, death of branches (ie. ‘dieback’), retarded growth and the eventual death of infected plants. This leads to devastating effects upon plant communities by altering both the structural and floristic characteristics of these communities. Small mammal species are dependent on specific features of their habitat such as vegetation structure and floristics. This thesis investigated alterations to the habitat of the insectivorous marsupial mouse, Antechinus stuartii, due to the presence of P. cinnamomi. The study was undertaken in an area of an open forest in the Brisbane Ranges, Victoria. Significant changes were found in both the floristic composition and structure of the vegetation at study sites infected with P, cinnamomi, compared to uninfected sites. The habitat utilization by A. stuartii of uninfected and infected vegetation was investigated using live trapping and radio-telemetric techniques. Capture rates were higher at sites uninfected by P. cinnamomi, and both male and females selected areas free from infection. Home range areas of males were significantly larger than those of females as assessed by telemetry. Both sexes spent a high proportion of time in areas dominated by Xanthorrhoea australis (Austral grass tree). There were significant relationships between the abundance of A. stuartii and the denseness of vegetation above 1 metre in height, and in particular, the proportion of cover afforded by X. australis. There were no significant differences in the cover of Eucalyptus spp. between uninfected and infected sites, but there were significantly more nest hollows in infected areas. The abundance of invertebrates was examined using pitfall traps. There were no significant differences in the abundance of the larger invertebrate taxa at infected and uninfected sites, but higher abundances of some micro-invertebrate groups in infected areas were recorded. The most likely factors considered to be influential in the habitat selection of A. stuartii were vegetation structure, and the presence of X. australis. To assess whether these factors were important the leaves of X. australis were removed with a brushcutter, to mimic the early effects of infection with P. cinnamomi. Animals did not respond to the alteration of vegetation structure in the short term (3-4 days). Longer-term experiments are required to assess the habitat utilization of A. stuartii at different periods following habitat manipulation. The implications of the presence of P. cinnamomi on the conservation of fauna are discussed. The destructive nature of the pathogen, and the slow rate of recovery from the disease, means that P. cinnamomi can be considered a threatening process to plant communities and the fauna that reside within that habitat. Future management of this disease within natural areas must therefore be cognisant of the potential of P. cinnamomi to significantly affect faunal as well as vegetative communities.


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This study examines whether recent changes to the mathematics courses offered in the final year of secondary school (Year 12) in the state of Victoria, Australia have affected the learning outcomes of students in terms of then: skill levels in algebra, calculus and problem solving; and in terms of their preparation for a tertiary mathematics unit. The impact of these changes on the transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics is also considered. A comparison is made between students who attempted a first year mathematics unit at the University of Melbourne (U. of M.) having completed the new V.C.E. (Victorian Certificate of Education) mathematics courses and mathematics courses from the previous H.S.C. (Higher School Certificate) system. The comparison involves the use of tests administered upon entrance to a tertiary mathematics unit at the U. of M., and questionnaires. In 1991, V.C.E, students and H.S.C. students attempted the same mathematics test at the U. of M. and their results were compared. In 1992, the tests were attempted by V.C.E. students only. To compare new V.C.E. students and H.S.C. students, questions on the 1991 test were matched with similar questions on the 1992 tests and a panel of experts determined what the H.S.C. students who attempted the 1991 test would have been expected to average on these matched questions on the 1992 tests had they attempted them. These expected average scores were then compared with the actual scores of the new V.C.E. students. The scores of the groups were scaled when necessary. Questionnaires were administered to 1991 U. of M, mathematics students who were part of the V.C.E. pilot group in 1990, secondary mathematics educators, tertiary mathematics educators, and 1991 V.C.E. (1992 U. of M.) students. The mathematical misconceptions exhibited by new V.C.E. students are discussed and their frequencies stated. The research indicates that the new V.C.E. mathematics courses have provided the V.C.E. mathematics students in this study with significantly lower skill levels and a significantly poorer preparation for a tertiary mathematics unit than those which were previously provided by the H.S.C. mathematics courses.


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My dissertation asserts that the discourses which at the present time construct the world of work for teachers in adult TESOL, are no longer adequate to represent the field in these new and rapidly changing times. For the last forty years the discourses that have constructed the field present a totalising, gender free, liberal humanist view of TESOL, rendering women's experience invisible, no longer speaking to or for women teachers who make up more than ninety percent of the teachers in Victorian adult TESOL programs (Cope & Kalantzis 1993, Brodkey 1991, Fine 1992, Peirce 1995). I begin by exploring the work of women teachers in adult TESOL, focusing on women teaching in the fast growing de-institutionalised settings of adult TESOL programs, which remain marginalised from the central programs in terms of administrative policy and practice. I report the findings of a series of projects undertaken by the teachers and the researcher by which new insights and understandings of teachers beliefs about their work and the changes which are currently reconstructing the field of adult language and literacy education in Australia, have been gained. I questions the discourses of applied linguistics which have for the past forty years constructed the field of adult TESOL in Australia and suggests that these lack a social theory (Candlin 1989). From the research findings I questions the possibility of continuing to work in the ways of the past, in the current climate of reconstruction of the field, rapid policy change and continued erosion of resources. I suggest that the previously loose system which held this field of work together, the ways of working, the understandings of practice, have in the light of these new times, been stretched to the limit and are in real danger of collapse. For the women working in TESOL this continued incursion of the systems into their work and the changes that have taken place, the denial of their ways of working, their local knowledge and gendered experiences, can be read against Habermas' concept of the colonisation of the lifeworld of language teaching (Habermas 1987).


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The plant pathogen, Phytophthora dnnamomi, is a cause of dieback disease observed in sclerophyll vegetation in Australia, The effects of P. dnnamomi on flora and fauna were studied at two locations in heathland vegetation near the coastal town of Anglesea, Victoria. The pathogen was isolated from soils beneath diseased heathland plants. The extent of diseased vegetation was assessed by the presence and absence of highly sensitive indicator species, Xanthorrhoea australis and hopogon ceratophyllus. The characteristics of heathland vegetation exhibiting dieback disease associated with the presence of P. dnnamomi were investigated. Plant species richness was similar between diseased and non-diseased areas however diseased areas were characterised by significant declines in the cover and frequency of susceptible species, increases in resistant species and increases in percent cover of open ground. Compared to non-diseased areas, diseased areas exhibited fewer shrub species and decreased shrub cover. The percentage cover and number of species of sedges, lilies and grasses were higher in diseased areas. Structural differences were significant between 0-0.6 m with decreased cover of vegetation in diseased areas. Differences in structure between diseased and non-diseased areas were not as great as expected due to increases in the cover of resistant species. A number of regenerating X australis were observed in post-disease areas. Cluster analysis of floristic data could clearly separate diseased and non-diseased trap stations. The population dynamics and habitat use of eight small mammal species present were compared in diseased and non-diseased areas using trapping and radio-tracking techniques. The number of small mammal species captured in post-disease areas was significantly lower than non-diseased areas. Mean captures of Antechinus stuartii and Rattus fiisdpes were significantly lower in diseased areas on Grid B. Mean captures of Rattus lutreolus were significantly lower in diseased areas on both study grids. Significant differences were not observed in every season over the two year study period. Radio tracking revealed more observations of Sminthopsis leucopus in non-diseased vegetation than in diseased. Cercartetus nanus was frequently observed to utilise the disease susceptible X. australis for nesting. At one location, the recovery of vegetation and small mammal communities in non-diseased and diseased vegetation after fuel reduction burning was monitored for three years post-fire. Return of plant species after fire in both disease classes were similar, reaching 75% of pre-fire richness after three years. Vegetation cover was slower to return after fire in diseased areas. Of the seven small mammal species captured pre-fire, five were regularly captured in the three years after fire. General linear model analysis revealed a significant influence of disease on capture rates for total small mammals before fire and a significant influence of fire on capture rates for total small mammals after fire. After three years, the influence of fire on capture rates was reduced no significant difference was detected between disease classes. Measurements of microclimate indicate that diseased, burnt heathland was likely to experience greater extremes of temperature and wind speed. Seeding of diseased heathland with X. australis resulted in the establishment of seedlings of this sensitive species. The reported distributions of the mamma] species in Victoria were analysed to determine which species were associated with the reported distribution of dieback disease. Twenty-two species have more than 20% of their known distribution in diseased areas. Five of these species, Pseudomys novaehollandiae, Pseudomys fumeust Pseudomys shortridgei, Potorous longipes and Petrogale pencillata are rare or endangered in Victoria. Four of the twenty-two species, Sminthopsis leucopus, Isoodon obesulus, Cercartetus nanus and Rottus lutreolus am observed in Victorian heathlands. Phytophthora cinnamomi changes both the structure and floristics of heathland vegetation in the eastern Qtway Ranges. Small mammals respond to these changes through decreased utilisation of diseased heathland. The pathogen threatens the diversity of species present and future research efforts should be directed towards limiting its spread and rehabilitating diseased areas.