898 resultados para Venezuela - Comercio exterior


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This paper considers the influence of business cycles and economic crises on Spain's tourism competitiveness. This competitiveness is measured by its share in world tourism. Analysing the presence of unit roots in the market share series from 1958 to 2010, the permanent effects of economic crises on competitiveness are evaluated. The evidence from standard linear unit root tests indicates that crises on Spanish market shares are highly persistent. When we account for endogenously determined structural breaks, we obtain greater support for stationarity, but breakpoints are identified with major economic crises. Therefore the main conclusion obtained is that the effects of the economic shocks are not neutral on competitiveness, with the negative effects being more persistent in highly intensive crises. These crises reinforce a natural downward trend of the Spanish world tourism market share caused by the natural emergence of new competing destinations and by the maturity of the Spain's principal tourism product.


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This paper analyses the application of the cluster concept to tourist destinations using Benidorm as a case study. A questionnaire was administered to tourism firms based in Benidorm in order to determine whether this destination currently constitutes a tourism cluster or whether it possesses the ideal characteristics to become a cluster with the private agents' collaboration, that is, whether it is a potential cluster. The results obtained from this research indicate that Benidorm's success is not derived from the presence of a cluster due to a series of elements that prevent its existence. In this destination there is a need to strengthen cooperation between public and private agents (especially in those areas that determine the competitive advantage of the destination) and to design a strategy based on shared goals. Both of these elements are fundamental for the characterisation of a cluster.


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This study has a double objective: to provide foreign colleagues with an insight into the controversy surrounding the international competitiveness of pig iron produced in Bilbao and also to present previously unpublished documentation regarding the European iron industry, which I have retrieved from the historical archive of Credit Lyonnais of Paris. This information includes the costs of Biscayan, French, British, German and Belgium pig iron broken down into five components (iron ore, coke, flux, labour and other costs), which is useful in determining the reasons why the pig iron from Bilbao became less competitive. The article is made up of three parts. Firstly, I will synthesise the controversy surrounding the competitiveness of the Basque iron and steel industry. Then I will present the itemised costs which provide information to illustrate how Biscayan pig iron was not competitive because it was produced with English coal which was more expensive than that consumed by the European factories located "on top of" or near coal seams. The article will finish with a section that, by way of conclusion, explains the comparative advantage and disadvantage of Bilbao, applying the first model of Alfred Weber's Theory of Industrial Location to three technological advances, occurring between the 1860s and 1913 (malleable iron, Bessemer steel and Thomas steel).


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This study seeks to analyse the price determination of low cost airlines in Europe and the effect that Internet has on this strategy. The outcomes obtained reveal that both users and companies benefit from the use of ICTs in the purchase and sale of airline tickets: the Internet allows consumers to increase their bargaining power comparing different airlines and choosing the most competitive flight, while companies can easily check the behaviour of users to adapt their pricing strategies using internal information. More than 2500 flights of the largest European low cost airlines have been used to carry out the study. The study revealed that the most significant variables for understanding pricing strategies were the number of rivals, the behaviour of the demand and the associated costs. The results indicated that consumers should buy their tickets before 25 days prior to departure.


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Authors discuss the effects that economic crises generate on the global market shares of tourism destinations, through a series of potential transmission mechanisms based on the main economic competitiveness determinants identified in the previous literature using a non-linear approach. Specifically a Markov Switching Regression approach is used to estimate the effect of two basic transmission mechanisms: reductions of internal and external tourism demands and falling investment.


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Basado en una documentación inédita de archivos de París, Roubaix y Antequera, este artículo estudia un tema prácticamente virgen: la historia de la antigua fábrica de Heredia entre 1899, año en el que fue vendida a Hauts Fourneaux, Forges et Aciéries de Málaga, y 1924, fecha en la que cerró Altos Hornos de Andalucía, su sucesora. Tras sintetizar la historia de ambas empresas, el trabajo analiza las causas que explican el fracaso del intento de resucitar la siderurgia malagueña.


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El término urban penalty fue en principio utilizado para definir la sobremortalidad urbana durante la revolución industrial. Los antropómetras lo emplearon más tarde para definir un hecho simultáneo: el descenso de la estatura urbana con respecto a la rural. En la primera parte del trabajo proponemos tres nuevas hipótesis sobre ese castigo urbano: a) incorporar las aportaciones de la Teoría Económica sobre fallos de mercado al análisis de la sobremortalidad urbana; b) explicar la urban penalty mediante el modelo que Floud, Fogel, Harris y Chul Hong han elaborado recientemente para Gran Bretaña y c) sugerir respuestas a una pregunta que debe ser avalada o desmentida por investigaciones de ámbito municipal: ¿por qué los políticos españoles de la restauración tardaron décadas en acometer la reforma sanitaria de las ciudades? En la segunda parte del trabajo ofrecemos información que demuestra que España padeció sobremortalidad urbana derivada de fallos de mercado. Los datos de estatura rural y urbana evidencian por el contrario que, salvo excepciones, el país no experimentó urban penalty. El trabajo termina tratando de explicar esta particularidad y sosteniendo que el modelo de Floud, Fogel, Harris y Chul Hong puede aplicarse a esas excepciones.


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El objetivo de la red “Metodologías docentes en asignaturas de Economía” es investigar sobre metodologías docentes que impliquen una participación activa del estudiante, con el fin de mejorar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este trabajo se exponen las metodologías docentes que los profesores integrantes de la red han aplicado en sus respectivas asignaturas durante el curso académico 2013-2014. Estas metodologías son el resultado de la experiencia adquirida en los años precedentes en los que han estado investigando e innovando con criterios de calidad sobre metodologías docentes en el seno de la red. Asimismo, en el trabajo se exponen los principales resultados obtenidos en las diferentes asignaturas, entre los que cabe señalar la elevada asistencia de los alumnos a las clases y el alto porcentaje de estudiantes que se presentan al examen final, resultados que contrastan con lo que ocurría en las antiguas licenciaturas. Asimismo, también se pone de manifiesto el efecto positivo que los cambios introducidos por el Plan Bolonia han tenido sobre la calificación final de los alumnos, que ha aumentado de manera significativa.


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This study evaluates the technical efficiency of the learning-teaching process in higher education using a three-stage procedure that offers advances in comparison to previous studies and improves the quality of the results. First, it utilizes a multiple stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with contextual variables. Second, the levels of super efficiency are calculated in order to prioritize the efficiency units. And finally, through sensitivity analysis, the contribution of each key performance indicator (KPI) is established with respect to the efficiency levels without omission of variables. The analytical data was collected from a survey completed by 633 tourism students during the 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 academic course years. The results suggest that level of satisfaction with the course, diversity of materials and satisfaction with the teacher were the most important factors affecting teaching performance. Furthermore, the effect of the contextual variables was found to be significant.


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This paper analyses the consequences of urban environmental degradation on the well-being of Spanish miners. It is based on analyses of differences in mortality and height. The first part of the paper examines new hypotheses regarding the urban penalty. We take into consideration existing works in economic theory that address market failures when analysing the higher urban death rate. We explain the reduction in height using the model recently created by Floud, Fogel, Harris and Hong for British cities. The second part of the paper presents information demonstrating that the urban areas in the two largest mining areas in Spain (Bilbao and the Cartagena-La Unión mountain range) experienced a higher death rate relative to rural areas as a consequence of market failures derived from what we term an ‘anarchic urbanisation’.


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Para la realización de este trabajo, Antonio Escudero y Salvador Salort se han beneficiado del proyecto de investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR 2010-21941-C03-01.


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En este trabajo se analiza la relación entre la evolución de la demanda del conjunto de la economía española frente a la de los principales componentes de gasto turístico, así como el grado de dependencia respecto al comportamiento económico de los principales países emisores de turistas hacia España. Para investigar la existencia de una relación entre estas variables se explican las principales técnicas de cointegración, que en caso de detectar dicha vinculación permiten estimar modelos de corrección del error. En concreto, en el trabajo se evalúa el comportamiento de estas variables a través de test de raíces unitarias para poder desarrollar modelos que permitan detectar con mayor precisión estas relaciones.


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This paper provides a theoretical model of the influence of economic crises on tourism destination performance. It discusses the temporary and permanent effects of economic crises on the global market shares of tourism destinations through a series of potential transmission mechanisms based on the main economic competitiveness determinants identified in the literature. The proposed model explains the non-neutrality of economic shocks in tourism competitiveness. The model is tested on Spain's tourism industry, which is among the leaders of the global tourism sector, for the period 1970–2013 using non-linear econometric techniques. The empirical analysis confirms that the proposed model is appropriate for explaining the changes in the market positions caused by the economic crises.


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Description based on: 1895, t. 1.


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