960 resultados para Vein Extension


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Extension of the vertebrate body results from the concerted activity of many signals in the posterior embryonic end. Among them, Wnt3a has been shown to play relevant roles in the regulation of axial progenitor activity, mesoderm formation and somitogenesis. However, its impact on axial growth remains to be fully understood. Using a transgenic approach in the mouse, we found that the effect of Wnt3a signaling varies depending on the target tissue. High levels of Wnt3a in the epiblast prevented formation of neural tissues, but did not impair axial progenitors from producing different mesodermal lineages. These mesodermal tissues maintained a remarkable degree of organization, even within a severely malformed embryo. However, from the cells that failed to take a neural fate, only those that left the epithelial layer of the epiblast activated a mesodermal program. The remaining tissue accumulated as a folded epithelium that kept some epiblast-like characteristics. Together with previously published observations, our results suggest a dose-dependent role for Wnt3a in regulating the balance between renewal and selection of differentiation fates of axial progenitors in the epiblast. In the paraxial mesoderm, appropriate regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling was required not only for somitogenesis, but also for providing proper anterior-posterior polarity to the somites. Both processes seem to rely on mechanisms with different requirements for feedback modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, once segmentation occurred in the presence of high levels of Wnt3a in the presomitic mesoderm, but not after permanent expression of a constitutively active form of β-catenin. Together, our findings suggest that Wnt3a/β-catenin signaling plays sequential roles during posterior extension, which are strongly dependent on the target tissue. This provides an additional example of how much the functional output of signaling systems depends on the competence of the responding cells.


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Numerous structural features occur in the Leg 128 cores from the Japan Sea. They include (1) gravity-induced structures such as slump folds, (2) dewatering structures comprising several sets of veins, and (3) larger faults and veins developed in the volcanic basement of the Yamato Basin as well as in the sedimentary rocks of the Oki Ridge and Kita-Yamato Trough. Gravity-induced structures, mainly slumps and associated faults, suggest the existence of paleoslopes and the dominance of gravitational tectonics during the early and middle Miocene, at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, and during the Quaternary. Several types of mud-filled veins having various shapes were observed. These are especially abundant in the middle Miocene siliceous claystones and porcellanites from the Kita-Yamato Trough. They have been interpreted as dewatering conduits that formed preferentially in highly porous, water-saturated diatomaceous muds on a slope, because of episodic loss of sediment strength, collapse of the sediment framework, and consequent fluid migration. The central part of the vein serves once as a fluid conduit, whereas the transition between conduit-controlled and intergranular flow occurs at the branching extremities, with concentration of fines. The likely trigger responsible for the strength loss is seismic activity. Development of these veins, spatially and chronologically linked to small normal microfaults, implies an extensional regime having layer-parallel extension and a local bedding-parallel shear couple, probably the result of gravitational gliding. The brittle fractures found in Yamato Basin basement Hole 794D cores comprise joints, faults, and veins filled with chlorite-saponite, saponite, and calcite. They suggest a likely transpressive to transtensional regime around the early Miocene/ middle Miocene boundary, with a north-northeast-south-southwest compression alternating with a west-northwest-eastsoutheast extension. The faults from Site 799 cores on the Yamato Rise exhibit a prominent early Miocene-middle Miocene extensional environment, a late Miocene-early Pliocene phase of normal and strike-slip faulting, and a final phase that began during the latest Pliocene. Site 798, on the Oki Ridge, reveals faults that recorded a consistent extensional tectonic regime from Pliocene to the Holocene. These data support the pull-apart kinematic model for early Miocene-middle Miocene time, as regarding the stress regime deduced from the Yamato Basin basement fractures. The recent compression known in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea was not documented by compressive structures at any site. The late Miocene-early Pliocene faulting phase corresponds to a major and general reorganization of the stress distribution in the arc area. Evidence for rapid and main subsidence and synsedimentary extension of the Yamato Basin and Yamato Rise areas between 20 and 15 Ma, and the concomitant rotation of southwest Japan, raise the question of links between this opening and the Shimanto Belt collision in southwest Japan, between the arc and the Philippine Sea Plate.