958 resultados para Vascular smooth muscle cells


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Le souffle chez les chevaux et l’asthme chez l’humain sont des maladies respiratoires qui partagent plusieurs caractéristiques, notamment des épisodes de bronchospasme et de détresse respiratoire dus à une inflammation pulmonaire inappropriée en réponse à une inhalation de substances antigéniques. Les manifestations cliniques incluent des efforts respiratoires augmentés, des sifflements et de la toux. Au niveau des voies respiratoires, on observe une augmentation du muscle lisse péribronchique, une fibrose sous épithéliale, une métaplasie/hyperplasie épithéliale et du mucus en quantité augmentée. L’augmentation du muscle lisse est particulièrement importante car elle n’affecte pas seulement le calibre basal des voies respiratoires, mais elle accentue l’obstruction respiratoire lors de bronchoconstriction. Ces changements sont regroupés sous le terme de « remodelage » et sont associés à un déclin accéléré de la fonction respiratoire chez les patients asthmatiques. Alors que les traitements actuels contrôlent efficacement le bronchospasme et relativement bien l’inflammation, leurs effets sur le remodelage sont mal connus. Dans le cadre de thèse, la réversibilité du remodelage musculaire péribronchique a été investiguée chez des chevaux atteints du souffle dans deux études longitudinales. Ces études, faites principalement sur du tissu pulmonaire prélevé par thoracoscopie, sont difficilement réalisables chez l’humain pour des raisons éthiques, ou chez d’autres animaux, car ceux-ci présentent rarement une inflammation de type asthmatique de façon spontanée. Les résultats démontrent que les chevaux atteints du souffle ont approximativement deux fois plus de muscle péribronchique que les chevaux sains d’âge similaire gardés dans les mêmes conditions, et que la prolifération des myocytes contribue à cette augmentation. Ils démontrent aussi qu’une stimulation antigénique relativement brève chez des chevaux atteints du souffle depuis plusieurs années n’accentue pas le remodelage, ce qui suggère que l’augmentation du muscle lisse atteint un plateau. Nous avons également montré que le remodelage du muscle lisse chez des chevaux adultes est partiellement réversible et que cette réversibilité peut être accélérée par l’administration de corticostéroïdes par inhalation. Il semble toutefois qu’une portion du remodelage chronique est irréversible puisque les corticostéroïdes ont accéléré la diminution du muscle mais sans toutefois mener à une amélioration plus marquée au terme de l’étude qu’avec une modification environnementale stricte. La diminution de trente pourcent observée sur un an paraît modeste mais elle démontre clairement, et pour une première fois, que le remodelage du muscle lisse présent chez des chevaux adultes malades depuis plusieurs années est au moins partiellement réversible.


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Introduction: L’activation des cellules stellaires hépatiques (CSHs) est un point clé du processus de fibrose hépatique. Les lymphocytes T CD4+ intra-hépatiques sont une source majeure de cytokines anti-inflammatoires comme l’IL-10 et pro-inflammatoire (IL-17A), hépatoprotectrice (IL-22) produites par les Th17. Les Th17 sont impliqués dans de nombreuses pathologies inflammatoires mais l’effet de ces cellules sur les CSHs n’est pas encore élucidé. Objectif: Comprendre le rôle des cytokines de type Th17 dans le processus d’activation des CSHs. Méthodes: La lignée de CSHs humaine LX2 a été stimulée par l’IL-17A ou l’IL-22 puis comparée à des cellules traitées par le TGF-b et le tampon phosphate salin (PBS). L’activation des CSHs a été évaluée en examinant les molécules profibrotique alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA), collagène de type I (COL1A1) et inhibiteur produits par les tissus des métalloprotéases matricielles I (TIMP-I) par q-PCR. L’expression protéique a été validée par immunobuvardage ou coloration au rouge de picro Sirius. L’expression membranaire de l’IL-10Rb, du TGF-b-RII et de l’IL-17RA a été mesurée par cytométrie en flux. Résultats: L’IL-17A et l’IL-22 n’activent pas les cellules LX2, car aucune induction d’a-SMA, de COL1A1 et de TIMP-I n’a été observée. Cependant, l’IL-17A et l’IL-22 sensibilisent les CSHs à l’action du TGF-b, tel que démontré par une forte expression et production d’a-SMA, collagène type I et TIMP-I. L’IL-17A, mais pas l’IL-22, induit la surexpression à la surface cellulaire du TGF-b-RII et inhibe partiellement la baisse d’expression du TGF--RII après stimulation au TGF-b. Conclusion: Nos résultats démontrent une fonction pro-fibrotique de l’IL-17A et de l’IL-22, car les deux cytokines sensibilisent les CSHs à l’action du TGF-b. L’IL-17A agit via la surexpression et la stabilisation du TGF-b-RII tandis que l’IL-22 agit probablement par des mécanismes intracellulaires.


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Il a été démontré que les chevaux atteints du souffle présentent une augmentation de la masse de muscle lisse entourant les voies respiratoires comparativement à des chevaux sains (Herszberg, Ramos-Barbon et al. 2006, Leclere, Lavoie-Lamoureux et al. 2011). L’augmentation de la masse de muscle lisse ainsi observée résulte d’une hyperplasie, et possiblement, d’une hypertrophie des myocytes. Les traitements usuels du souffle ne sont que partiellement efficaces à diminuer cette augmentation. L’objectif de cette étude était d’explorer les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans ces changements affectant la cellule musculaire lisse dans la pathologie du souffle chez le cheval. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné les effets d’une exposition antigénique sur l’expression du «Serum Response Factor» (SRF) dans le muscle lisse bronchique. Le SRF est un facteur de transcription localisé dans le noyau de la cellule musculaire lisse et régulant l’expression génique de celle-ci en favorisant un phénotype prolifératif ou contractile. Les résultats démontrent qu’avant exposition antigénique, les pourcentages de cellules exprimant le SRF sont faibles. Une augmentation significative du pourcentage de myocytes exprimant le SRF survient suite à une stimulation antigénique chez les chevaux atteints de souffle alors qu’aucune augmentation n’est observée chez les chevaux contrôles. Ces résultats suggèrent que le SRF pourrait contribuer au remodelage du muscle lisse péribronchique dans la pathologie du souffle.


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Le muscle lisse endobronchique est l’un des acteurs principaux de l’asthme. La description de ces caractéristiques phénotypiques reste cependant très elliptique, notamment à cause de la difficulté inhérente à l’échantillonnage. Le cheval offre un large champ d’investigation en raison de sa taille et un modèle d’asthme pertinent en regard de la similitude entre asthme et souffle. La technique de culture et de caractérisation du muscle lisse a été mise au point à partir de muscle lisse trachéal. Ce modèle a ensuite été transposé et réalisé à partir de biopsies endobronchiques chez le cheval. Les cellules du muscle lisse ont été isolées, mises en culture puis caractérisées par immunofluorescence, cytométrie de flux et immunobuvardage. Le maintien du phénotype contractile en culture restant un défi dans l’établissement d’un modèle d’asthme réaliste. Suite à l’isolement des cellules musculaires lisses à partir de muscle lisse trachéal équin et leur mise en culture en présence de 10% de FBS pendant 7 passages, 96.4% des cellules expriment l’α-smooth muscle-actine (α-sm-actine), tandis que 83.8% et 77% expriment la desmine et la myosine respectivement. Les cellules musculaires lisses issues de biopsies endobronchiques expriment après 7 passages à 84% l’α-sm-actine, à 57% la desmine et 69% la myosine. Ces résultats ont été obtenus par immunofluorescence et immunobuvardage. Le pourcentage de cellules exprimant les protéines d’intérêt, tout comme l’intensité moyenne de fluorescence ne présentent pas de variation significative ni entre le 4ième et le 7ième passage, ni avec la caractérisation initiale, lors du premier passage. Cette étude suggère qu’il est possible de maintenir le phénotype contractile en culture sur plastique en présence de 10% de FBS, et que les biopsies endobronchiques sont un support d’étude valable pour de futures investigations concernant le rôle du muscle lisse et ses caractéristiques.


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Existen varias causas de la insuficiencia venosa profunda, la insuficiencia venosa superficial es una de ellas; por tal motivo, una intervención activa de la insuficiencia superficial ya sea cirugía convencional, esclerosis o radiofrecuencia mejora el reflujo del sistema venoso profundo. En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. Se pretende documentar los cambios clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta según tipo de manejo, médico vs quirúrgico


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Background/Aims: In cerebral arteries, nitric oxide (NO) release plays a key role in suppressing vasomotion. Our aim was to establish the pathways affected by NO in rat middle cerebral arteries. Methods: In isolated segments of artery, isometric tension and simultaneous measurements of either smooth muscle membrane potential or intracellular [Ca 2+ ] ([Ca 2+ ] SMC ) changes were recorded. Results: In the absence of L -NAME, asynchronous propagating Ca 2+ waves were recorded that were sensitive to block with ryanodine, but not nifedipine. L -NAME stimulated pronounced vasomotion and synchronous Ca 2+ oscillations with close temporal coupling between membrane potential, tone and [Ca 2+ ] SMC . If nifedipine was applied together with L -NAME, [Ca 2+ ] SMC decreased and synchronous Ca 2+ oscillations were lost, but asynchronous propagating Ca 2+ waves persisted. Vasomotion was similarly evoked by either iberiotoxin, or by ryanodine, and to a lesser extent by ODQ. Exogenous application of NONOate stimulated endothelium-independent hyperpolarization and relaxation of either L -NAME-induced or spontaneous arterial tone. NO-evoked hyperpolarization involved activation of BK Ca channels via ryanodine receptors (RYRs), with little involvement of sGC. Further, in whole cell mode, NO inhibited current through L-type voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels (VGCC), which was independent of both voltage and sGC. Conclusion: NO exerts sGC-independent actions at RYRs and at VGCC, both of which normally suppress cerebral artery myogenic tone.


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We recently found block of NO synthase in rat middle cerebral artery caused spasm, associated with depolarizing oscillations in membrane potential (Em) similar in form but faster in frequency (circa 1 Hz) to vasomotion. T-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels contribute to cerebral myogenic tone and vasomotion, so we investigated the significance of T-type and other ion channels for membrane potential oscillations underlying arterial spasm. Smooth muscle cell membrane potential (Em) and tension were measured simultaneously in rat middle cerebral artery. NO synthase blockade caused temporally coupled depolarizing oscillations in cerebrovascular Em with associated vasoconstriction. Both events were accentuated by block of smooth muscle BKCa. Block of T-type channels or inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase abolished the oscillations in Em and reduced vasoconstriction. Oscillations in Em were either attenuated or accentuated by reducing [Ca2+]o or block of KV, respectively. TRAM-34 attenuated oscillations in both Em and tone, apparently independent of effects against KCa3.1. Thus, rapid depolarizing oscillations in Em and tone observed after endothelial function has been disrupted reflect input from T-type calcium channels in addition to L-type channels, while other depolarizing currents appear to be unimportant. These data suggest that combined block of T and L-type channels may represent an effective approach to reverse cerebral vasospasm.


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Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor responses in the rat middle cerebral artery are blocked by inhibiting IKCa channels alone, contrasting with peripheral vessels where block of both IKCa and SKCa is required. As the contribution of IKCa and SKCa to endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization differs in peripheral arteries, depending on the level of arterial constriction, we investigated the possibility that SKCa might contribute to equivalent hyperpolarization in cerebral arteries under certain conditions. METHODS: Rat middle cerebral arteries (approximately 175 microm) were mounted in a wire myograph. The effect of KCa channel blockers on endothelium-dependent responses to the protease-activated receptor 2 agonist, SLIGRL (20 micromol/L), were then assessed as simultaneous changes in tension and membrane potential. These data were correlated with the distribution of arterial KCa channels revealed with immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: SLIGRL hyperpolarized and relaxed cerebral arteries undergoing variable levels of stretch-induced tone. The relaxation was unaffected by specific inhibitors of IKCa (TRAM-34, 1 micromol/L) or SKCa (apamin, 50 nmol/L) alone or in combination. In contrast, the associated smooth-muscle hyperpolarization was inhibited, but only with these blockers in combination. Blocking nitric oxide synthase (NOS) or guanylyl cyclase evoked smooth-muscle depolarization and constriction, with both hyperpolarization and relaxation to SLIGRL being abolished by TRAM-34 alone, whereas apamin had no effect. Immunolabeling showed SKCa and IKCa within the endothelium. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of NO, IKCa underpins endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization and relaxation in cerebral arteries. However, when NOS is active SKCa contributes to hyperpolarization, whatever the extent of background contraction. These changes may have relevance in vascular disease states where NO release is compromised and when the levels of SKCa expression may be altered.


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Calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and receptor activity modifying protein 1 (RAMP1) comprise a receptor for calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) and intermedin. Although CGRP is widely expressed in the nervous system, less is known about the localization of CLR and RAMP1. To localize these proteins, we raised antibodies to CLR and RAMP1. Antibodies specifically interacted with CLR and RAMP1 in HEK cells coexpressing rat CLR and RAMP1, determined by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Fluorescent CGRP specifically bound to the surface of these cells and CGRP, CLR, and RAMP1 internalized into the same endosomes. CLR was prominently localized in nerve fibers of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses, muscularis externa and lamina propria of the gastrointestinal tract, and in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord of rats. CLR was detected at low levels in the soma of enteric, dorsal root ganglia (DRG), and spinal neurons. RAMP1 was also localized to enteric and DRG neurons and the dorsal horn. CLR and RAMP1 were detected in perivascular nerves and arterial smooth muscle. Nerve fibers containing CGRP and intermedin were closely associated with CLR fibers in the gastrointestinal tract and dorsal horn, and CGRP and CLR colocalized in DRG neurons. Thus, CLR and RAMP1 may mediate the effects of CGRP and intermedin in the nervous system. However, mRNA encoding RAMP2 and RAMP3 was also detected in the gastrointestinal tract, DRG, and dorsal horn, suggesting that CLR may associate with other RAMPs in these tissues to form a receptor for additional peptides such as adrenomedullin.


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In this report, we describe Henneguya arapaima n. sp., a parasite of the gill arch and gall bladder of Arapaima gigas (pirarucu) collected in the Araguaia River, in the municipality of Nova Crixas, Goias State, central Brazil. The plasmodia were white, round or ellipsoidal and measured 200-600 mu m. Parasite development was asynchronous and the mature spores were fusifonn and had smooth wall. The spores measurements were (range, with means +/- S.D. in parentheses): total length-48.4-53.1 mu m (51.6 +/- 3.4 mu m), body length-13.5-15.2 mu m (14.2 +/- 0.8 mu m), body width-5.1-6.1 mu m (5.7 +/- 0.5 mu m), body thickness-4.7-5.3 mu m (4.9 +/- 0.2 mu m) and caudal process length-38.0-41.2 mu m (38.3 +/- 2.9 mu m). The polar capsules were elongated and of unequal size, with lengths of 6.3-6.8 mu m (6.5 +/- 0.2) and 6.2-6.6 mu m (6.3 +/- 0.1) for the longest and shortest axes, respectively. Capsule width was 1.4-1.6 mu m (1.5 +/- 0.1). Histological analysis showed that the plasmodia occurred in the tunica adventitia of the gall bladder and were delimited by a thin capsule of connective tissue. In the gill arch, the plasmodia were also surrounded by connective tissue similar to the endomesium, of striated skeletal muscle cells. Sixty-five juvenile specimens of A. gigas weighing 1.0-25.0 kg were examined, 17 (26.1%) of which were infected. Of these, 14 (82.3%) had cysts in the gall bladder, two (11.7%) had cysts in the gill arch and only one (5.9%) had cysts in both organs. When the fish were grouped by weight, the prevalence of infection in fish weighing up to 10.0 kg (20.7%) was significantly lower than in fish weighing 10.1-25.0 kg (50%) (G = 3.93; d.f. = 1; p < 0.05). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of cyclooxygenase (COX) in venous vascular reactivity changes after an oral lipid overload (OLO). Venous endothelial function (dorsal hand vein technique) was evaluated in fasting, 30 minutes after COX inhibition (aspirin-fasting), 2 to 4 hours after an OLO (1000 kcal, 58% fat), and again after COX inhibition (aspirin-OLO, 600 mg/200 mL water) in 10 healthy adults (age, 28.1 +/- 1.3 years; body mass index, 22.3 +/- 0.6 kg/m(2)). Fasting, 2- to 4-hour post-OLO, and 60-minute postaspirin plasma glucose, insulin, and lipids were also evaluated. The OLO increased triglycerides and insulin, reduced low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein, but glycemia and total cholesterol remained unchanged. There were no metabolic differences between OLO and aspirin-OLO. In fasting, aspirin reduced acetylcholine-induced venodilation (107.0% +/- 14% versus 57.3% +/- 11%; P < 0.001). Vascular reactivity was blunted after the OLO (phenylephrine dose: 0.3 +/- 0.2 fasting versus 1.9 +/- 0.8 nmol/min after OLO; P < 0.001) and was partially corrected by aspirin (0.4 +/- 0.2; P < 0.001). Similar changes were observed in maximum venodilation after acetylcholine (107.0% +/- 14% fasting versus 60.4% +/- 9% after OLO, P < 0.001; aspirin-OLO: 95.9% +/- 6%; P < 0.001). The responses to sodium nitroprusside remained unchanged during the study. We conclude that the OLO reduction in the endothelium-dependent venoconstruction and venodilation is partially the result of the action of COX.


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Adipose tissue may represent a potential source of adult stem cells for tissue engineering applications in veterinary medicine. It can be obtained in large quantities, under local anesthesia, and with minimal discomfort. In this study, canine adipose tissue was obtained by biopsy from subcutaneous adipose tissue or by suction-assisted lipectomy (i.e., liposuction). Adipose tissue was processed to obtain a fibroblast-like population of cells similar to human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs). These canine adipose-derived stem cells (cASCs) can be maintained in vitro for extended periods with stable population doubling and low levels of senescence. Immunofluorescence and flow cytometry show that the majority of cASCs are of mesodermal or mesenchymal origin. cASCs are able to differentiate in vitro into adipogenic, chondrogenic, myogenic, and osteogenic cells in the presence of lineage-specific induction factors. In conclusion, like human lipoaspirate, canine adipose tissue may also contain multipotent cells and represent an important stem cell source both for veterinary cell therapy as well as preclinical studies.


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Although angiotensin II-induced venoconstriction has been demonstrated in the rat vena cava and femoral vein, the angiotensin II receptor subtypes (AT(1) or AT(2)) that mediate this phenomenon have not been precisely characterized. Therefore, the present study aimed to characterize the pharmacological receptors involved in the angiotensin II-induced constriction of rat venae cavae and femoral veins, as well as the opposing effects exerted by locally produced prostanoids and NO upon induction of these vasomotor responses. The obtained results suggest that both AT(1) and AT(2) angiotensin II receptors are expressed in both veins. Angiotensin II concentration-response curves were shifted toward the right by losartan but not by PD 123319 in both the vena cava and femoral vein. Moreover, it was observed that both 10(-5) M indomethacin and 10(-4) M L-NAME improve the angiotensin II responses in the vena cava and femoral vein. In conclusion, in the rat vena cava and femoral vein, angiotensin II stimulates AT(1) but not AT(2) to induce venoconstriction, which is blunted by vasodilator prostanoids and NO. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effect of ANG II on intracellular pH (pH(i)) recovery rate and AT(1) receptor translocation was investigated in transfected MDCK cells. The pHi recovery rate was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescent probe BCECF-AM. The human angiotensin II receptor isoform 1 (hAT(1)) translocation was analyzed by immunofluorescence and confocal microscope. Our data show that transfected cells in control situation have a pHi recovery rate of 0.219 +/- 0.017 pH U/min (n = 11). This value was similar to nontransfected cells [0.211 +/- 0.009 pH U/min (n = 12)]. Both values were significantly increased with ANG II (10(-9) M) but not with ANG II (10(-6) M). Losartan (10(-7) M) and dimethyl-BAPTA-AM (10(-7) M) decreased significantly the stimulatory effect of ANG II (10(-9) M) and induced an increase in Na+/H+ exchanger 1 (NHE-1) activity with ANG II (10(-6) M). Immunofluorescence studies indicated that in control situation, the hAT(1) receptor was predominantly expressed in cytosol. However, it was translocated to plasma membrane with ANG II (10(-9) M) and internalized with ANG II (10(-6) M). Losartan (10(-7) M) induced hAT(1) translocation to plasma membrane in all studied groups. Dimethyl-BAPTA-AM (10(-7) M) did not change the effect of ANG II (10(-9) M) on the hAT(1) receptor distribution but induced its accumulation at plasma membrane in cells treated with ANG II (10(-6) M). With ionomycin (10(-6) M), the receptor was accumulated in cytosol. The results indicate that, in MDCK cells, the effect of ANG II on NHE-1 activity is associated with ligand binding to AT(1) receptor and intracellular signaling events related to AT(1) translocation.


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Maternal pancreatic islets undergo a robust increase of mass and proliferation during pregnancy, which allows a compensation of gestational insulin resistance. Studies have described that this adaptation switches to a low proliferative status after the delivery. The mechanisms underlying this reversal are unknown, but the action of glucocorticoids (GCs) is believed to play an important role because GCs counteract the pregnancy-like effects of PRL on isolated pancreatic islets maintained in cell culture. Here, we demonstrate that ERK1/2 phosphorylation (phospho-ERK1/2) is increased in maternal rat islets isolated on the 19th day of pregnancy. Phospho-ERK1/2 status on the 3rd day after delivery (L3) rapidly turns to values lower than that found in virgin control rats (CTL). MKP-1, a protein phosphatase able to dephosphorylate ERK1/2, is increased in islets from L3 rats. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that binding of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) to MKP-1 promoter is also increased in islets from L3 rats. In addition, dexamethasone (DEX) reduced phospho-ERK1/2 and increased MKP-1 expression in RINm5F and MIN-6 cells. Inhibition of transduction with cycloheximide and inhibition of phosphatases with orthovanadate efficiently blocked DEX-induced downregulation of phospho-ERK1/2. In addition, specific knockdown of MKP-1 with siRNA suppressed the downregulation of phosphoERK1/2 and the reduction of proliferation induced by DEX. Altogether, our results indicate that downregulation of phospho-ERK1/2 is associated with reduction in proliferation found in islets of early lactating mothers. This mechanism is probably mediated by GC-induced MKP-1 expression.