900 resultados para Variação lexical


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A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo Mycobacteruim leprae, um bacilo intracelular obrigatório, que prolifera principalmente na pele e nos nervos periféricos no interior de células como macrófagos e células de Schwann. A transmissão ocorre por meio das mucosas das vias respiratórias, provavelmente por aerossóis expelidos por indivíduos infectados. O homem é o seu hospedeiro natural sendo a multiplicação do bacilo muito lenta, com um período de geração estimado de 14 dias. Apesar da mínima variação no genoma do M. leprae, a doença é caracterizada por um espectro de formas clínicas bem definido, decorrente da capacidade de resposta imune do hospedeiro. Em pacientes classificados como multibacilares (MB) a doença é disseminada, com inúmeras lesões de pele e proliferação bacilar considerável. Nesses indivíduos ocorre hiporresponsividade celular ao M. leprae. Nas formas paucibacilares (PB), os pacientes apresentam uma ou poucas lesões, a carga bacilar é pequena e, às vezes não observada por meio da baciloscopia tradicional e ocorre resposta imune patógeno-específica. As incapacidades físicas nos pacientes decorrem da neuropatia e osteopatia e podem ser irreversíveis. Essas deformidades podem avançar mesmo após a diminuição da carga bacilar com o final do tratamento poliquimioterápico. A presente tese teve por objetivo estudar as implicações da proteína PHEX nas alterações fisiopatológicas da hanseníase, em especial as alterações ósseas. A proteína PHEX (Phosphate-regulating gene with Homologies to Endopeptidase on the X chromosome) é expressa em várias células humanas e, no primeiro artigo que compõe essa tese, demonstramos que o M.leprae leva à diminuição da expressão de PHEX em linhagens de células de Schwann e osteoblastos humanos. Este efeito foi igualmente causado por outras espécies de micobactérias. No segundo manuscrito ora submetido, observamos que em leucócitos sanguíneos de pacientes hansenianos também ocorreu modulação negativa de PHEX. Este efeito não se relacionou com a capacidade de produção de citocinas inflamatórias frente ao M. leprae in vitro ou com alterações bioquímicas. O efeito inibidor da mineralização ocasionado pela modulação negativa de PHEX talvez contribua para a doença óssea da hanseníase, auxiliando a explicar a capacidade do M. leprae de penetrar e sobreviver no osso.


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Estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) sobre áreas corticais pré-selecionadas, tem aumentado o desempenho físico de diferentes populações. Porém, lacunas persistem no tocante aos mecanismos subjacentes à estes efeitos. Assim, a presente tese objetivou: a) investigar os efeitos da ETCC anódica (aETCC) e placebo (Sham) no córtex motor (CM) de indivíduos saudáveis sobre o desempenho de força máxima; b) comparar os efeitos da ETCC sobre a produção de força máxima e estabilidadade da força durante exercícios máximo e submáximo em sujeitos hemiparéticos e saudáveis; c) investigar o efeito da ETCC sobre a conectividade funcional inter-hemisférica (coerência eletroencefalográfica cEEG) do córtex pré-frontal (CPF), desempenho aeróbio e dispêndio energético (EE) durante e após exercício máximo e submáximo. No 1 estudo, 14 adultos saudáveis executaram 2 sessões de exercício máximo de força (EMF) dos músculos flexores e extensores do joelho dominante (3 séries de 10 rep máximas), precedidos por aETCC ou Sham (2mA; 20 mim). aETCC não foi capaz de aumentar o trabalho total e pico de torque (PT), resistência à fadiga ou atividade eletromiográfica durante o EMF. No 2 estudo, 10 hemiparéticos e 9 sujeitos saudáveis receberam aETCC e Sham no CM. O PT e a estabilidade da força (coeficiente de variação - CV) foram avaliados durante protocolo máximo e submáximo de extensão e flexão unilateral do joelho (1 série de 3 reps a 100% do PT e 2 séries de 10 reps a 50% do PT). Nenhuma diferença no PT foi observada nos dois grupos. Diminuições no CV foram obervadas durante a extensão (~25-35%, P<0.001) e flexão de joelho (~22-33%, P<0.001) após a aETCC comparada com Sham nos hemiparéticos, entretanto, somente o CV na extensão de joelhos diminuiu (~13-27%, P<0.001) nos saudáveis, o que sugere que aETCC pode melhorar o CV, mas não o PT em sujeitos hemiparéticos. No 3 estudo, 9 adultos saudáveis realizaram 2 testes incrementais máximos precedidos por aETCC ou Sham sobre o CPF com as respostas cardiorrespiratórias, percepção de esforço (PSE) e cEEG do CPF sendo monitoradas. O VO2 de pico (42.64.2 vs. 38.23.3 mL.kg.min-1; P=0,02), potência total (252.776.5 vs. 23773.3 W; P=0,05) e tempo de exaustão (531.1140 vs. 486.7115.3 seg; P=0,04) foram maiores após aETCC do que a Sham. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada para FC e PSE em função da carga de trabalho (P>0,05). A cEEG do CPF aumentou após aETCC vs. repouso (0.700.40 vs. 0.380.05; P=0,001), mas não após Sham vs. repouso (0.360.49 vs. 0.330.50; P=0,06), sugerindo que a aETCC pode retardar a fadiga aumentando a conectividade funcional entre os hemisférios do CPF e desempenho aeróbio durante exercício exaustivo. No 4 estudo, o VO2 e EE foram avaliados em 11 adultos saudáveis antes, durante a aETCC ou Sham no CPF e 30 min após exercício aeróbio submáximo isocalórico (~200kcal). Diferenças não foram observadas no VO2 vs. repouso durante aETCC e Sham (P=0.95 e P=0.85). Porém, a associação entre exercício e aETCC aumentou em ~19% o EE após ao menos, 30 min de recuperação após exercício quando comparada a Sham (P<0,05).


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植物志是植物分类学研究中最重要的成果之一,它包含了大量的信息,如形态描述、命名及考证、地理分布等,其中形态学信息最为丰富,而且在分类学研究中始终占据着重要地位。植物分类学数据量的庞大和繁琐显然不适合手工处理,因此有必要利用计算机收集整理批量化数据的优势,以实现植物形态数据的自动处理。 本项研究结合作者的计算机实践和对分类学的认识,首次采用转换生成语法技术对植物志文本进行词法分析、语法分析以提炼植物志所包含的形态学信息,初步实现了植物志自然文本的中英文转换、中文检索表到数据库的自动转换、普通植物志描述文本到数据库的自动转换。 1.本系统处理过程对植物志文本不加任何限制,即无须前编辑处理,于是就增加了植物形态术语的切分难度,但由此提出了结合植物形态信息处理特点的词语切分方法。数值信息在植物志中占据着重要的地位,本系统则采用正规文法处理整数和无符号小数。 2.本系统将植物志文本的句式分为基本句和复合句,以基本句为基础总结归纳了一套适用于植物志文本的上下文无关文法,系统扩充了DELTA系统的描述结构,允许无性状主体句式的存在。而在语法制导翻译阶段利用继承属性补足无主句的性状主体。 3.本系统虽以绞股蓝属为基础来开展研究工作的,总结出文法并进行植物志文本的中英文转换,但经扩大术语库的词汇量后,也能适用于其他的科属。本系统附带有术语库的修订功能,可以自行编辑、修改和添加术语库中的词汇。 4.本系统设计了从检索表到数据库的自动转换程序,利用数据库的特点方便检索的查询。 5.系统实现了从一般植物志描述文本到数据库的自动生成,以利于对植物志住处的收集整理和查询。


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Interactive intention understanding is important for Pen-based User Interface (PUI). Many works on this topic are reported, and focus on handwriting or sketching recognition algorithms at the lexical layer. But these algorithms cannot totally solve the problem of intention understanding and can not provide the pen-based software with high usability. Hence, a scenario-based interactive intention understanding framework is presented in this paper, and is used to simulate human cognitive mechanisms and cognitive habits. By providing the understanding environment supporting the framework, we can apply the framework to the practical PUI system. The evaluation of the Scientific Training Management System for the Chinese National Diving Team shows that the framework is effective in improving the usability and enhancing the intention understanding capacity of this system.


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本文简要介绍了一个数控自动编程专家系统的自然语言接口的实现.该自然语言接口是以我们研制的数控自动编程专家系统为背景,运行在 SUN3/4 工作站的 UNIX 下和 IBM/AT 机的 DOS 下,用 C语言编程.该自然语言接口由词法分析、句法分析、语义语用分析、目标生成和图形仿真五个模块及相应的知识库构成.该接口能够接受数控编程系统所需的对工件的英语自然语言描述并处理一些比较简单的英语语言现象.


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According to the influential dual-route model of reading (Coltheart, Rastle et al. 2001), there are two routes to access the meaning of visual words: one directly by orthography (orthography-semantic) and the other indirectly via the phonology (phonology-semantic). Because of the dramatic difference between written Chinese and alphabetical languages, it is still on debate whether Chinese readers have the same semantic activation processes as readers of alphabetical languages. In this study, the semantic activation processes in alphabetical German and logographic Chinese were compared. Since the N450 for incongruent color words in the Stroop tasks was induced by the semantic conflict between the meaning of the incongruent color words and color naming, this component could be taken as an index for semantic activation of incongruent color words in Stroop tasks. Two cross-script Stroop experiments were adopted to investigate the semantic activation processes in Chinese and German. The first experiment focused on the the role of phonology, while the second one focused on the realative importance of orthography. Cultural differences in cognitive processing between individuals in western and eastern countries have been found (Nisbett & Miyamoto, 2005). In order to exclude potential differences in basic cognitive processes like visual discrimination capabilities during reading, a visual Oddball experiment with non-lexical materials was conducted with all participants. However, as indicated by the P300 elicited by deviant stimuli in both groups, no group difference was observed. In the first Stroop experiments, color words (e.g., “green”), color-word associates (e.g., “grass”), and homophones of color words were used. These words were embedded into color patches with either congruent color (e.g. word “green” in green color patch) or incongruent colors (e.g. word “green” in either red or yellow or blue color patch). The key point is to observe whether homophones in both languages could induce similar behavioral and ERP Stroop effects to that induced by color words. It was also interesting to observe to which extent the N450 was related to the semantic conflicts. Nineteen Chinese adult readers and twenty German adult readers were asked to respond to the back color of these words in the Stroop experiment in their native languages by pressing the corresponding keys. In the behavioral data, incongruent conditions (incongruent color words, incongruent color-word associates, incongruent homophones) had significantly longer reaction times as compared to corresponding congruent conditions. All incongruent conditions in the Geman group elicited an N450 in the 400 to 500 ms time window. In the Chinese group, the N450 in the same time window was also observed for the incongruent color words and incongruent color-word associates. These results indicated that the N450 was very sensitive to semantic conflict-even words with semantic association to colors (e.g. “grass”) could elicite similar N450. However, the N450 was absent for incongruent homophones of color words in the Chinese group. Instead, in a later time window (600-800 ms), incongruent homophones elicited a positivity over left posterior regions as compared to congruent homophones. Similar positivity was also observed for color words in the 700 to 1000 ms time window in the Chinese group and 600 to 1000 ms time window for incongruent color words and homophones in the Geman group. These results indicate that phonology plays an important role in Geman semantic activation processes, but not in Chinese. In the second Stroop experiment, color words and pseudowords which had similiar visual shape to color words in both languages were used as materials. Another group of eighteen Chinese and twenty Germans were involved in the Stroop experiment in their native languages.The ERPs were recorded during their performance. In the behavioral data, strong and comparable Stroop effects (as counted by substract the reaction times in the congruent conditions from reaction times in the incongruent conditions) were observed. In the ERP data, both incongruent color words and incongruent pseudowords elicited an N450 over the whole brain scalp in both groups. These results indicated that orthography played an equally important role in semantic activation processes in both languages. The results of the two Stroop experiments support the view that the semantic activation process in Chiense readers differs significantly from that in German readers. The former rely mainly on the direct route (orthography-semantic), while the latter use both direct route and incirect route (phonology-semantic). These findings also indicate that the characteritics of different languages shape the semantic activation processes.


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As Levelt and Meyer (2000) noted, because studies of lexical access during multiword utterances production such as phrases and sentences, they raise two novel questions which studies of single word production do not. Firstly, does the access of different words in a sentence occur in a parallel or a serial fashion? Secondly, does the access of the different words in a sentence occur in an interactive or a discrete fashion? The latter question concerns the horizontal information flow (Smith & Wheeldon, 2004), which is a very important aspect of continuous speech production. A variant of the picture–word interference paradigm combining with eye-tracking technique and a dual task paradigm was used in 7 experiments to investigate the horizontal information flow of semantic and phonological information between nouns in spoken Mandarin Chinese sentences. The results suggested that: 1. Before speech onset, semantic information of different words accross the whole sentence has been activated, while phonological activation has been limited within the first phrase of the sentence. 2. Before speech onset, speaker will look ahead and check the semantic information of latter words as the first noun is beening processed, such looking ahead for phonological information can just occur within the first phrase of the sentence. 3. After speech onset, speaker will concentrate on the content words beyond the first one and will check the semantic information of other words with the same sentence. 4. The result suggested that the lexical accesses of multiple words during spoken sentence production are processed in a partly serial and partly parallel manner and stands for the Unit-by-Unit and Incremental view proposed by Levelt (2000). 5. The horizontal information flow during spoken sentence production is not an automatic process and is constrained by cognitive resource.


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Chinese deep dyslexia is an important type of reading disorder that attracted many research interests. In the current thesis, three studies concerning Chinese deep dyslexia were performed: (1) clinical dominating and incidental symptoms were collected and their relationships were analyzed, and error scores of different character and word types compared; to verify typical reading model of alphabetic readers, and to develope a novel model for reading Chinese scripts; (2) based on these results, further neuropsychological analysis on the basic rules of lexical-semantic system and semantic distance were employed; (3) rehabilitation scheme were shaped to verify our research results. With cognitive neuropsychological methods, this study was mainly focused on deep dyslexic patients with brain impairment. The results were compared with those of normal people on rapid reading. Computer emulation was also used to describe reading process of patients. Both group analysis and case study were carried out. This study for the first time systematically investigated the clinical symptoms of Chinese deep dyslexia. A novel model was developed with a hypothesis that the sublexical pathway is composed of two parallel pathways: the phonetic sublexical pathway and the semantic sublexical pathway. Two characteristics of Chinese deep dyslexia were found compared with alphabetic deep dyslexia: (1) having no distinct word class effect and imagination effect; (2) the organization of Chinese lexical-semantic system has correlation with construct regulation, imagination and splitability of characters. Evoking of semantic correlation is stronger than phonetic correlation.


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A number of functional neuroimaging studies with skilled readers consistently showed activation to visual words in the left mid-fusiform cortex in occipitotemporal sulcus (LMFC-OTS). Neuropsychological studies also showed that lesions at left ventral occipitotemporal areas result in impairment in visual word processing. Based on these empirical observations and some theoretical speculations, a few researchers postulated that the LMFC-OTS is responsible for instant parallel and holistic extraction of the abstract representation of letter strings, and labeled this piece of cortex as “visual word form area” (VWFA). Nonetheless, functional neuroimaging studies alone is basically a correlative rather than causal approach, and lesions in the previous studies were typically not constrained within LMFC-OTS but also involving other brain regions beyond this area. Given these limitations, it remains unanswered for three fundamental questions: is LMFC-OTS necessary for visual word processing? is this functionally selective for visual word processing while unnecessary for processing of non-visual word stimuli? what are its function properties in visual word processing? This thesis aimed to address these questions through a series of neuropsychological, anatomical and functional MRI experiments in four patients with different degrees of impairments in the left fusiform gyrus. Necessity: Detailed analysis of anatomical brain images revealed that the four patients had differential foci of brain infarction. Specifically, the LMFC-OTS was damaged in one patient, while it remained intact in the other three. Neuropsychological experiments showed that the patient with lesions in the LMFC-OTS had severe impairments in reading aloud and recognizing Chinese characters, i.e., pure alexia. The patient with intact LMFC-OTS but information from the left visual field (LVF) was blocked due to lesions in the splenium of corpus callosum, showed impairment in Chinese characters recognition when the stimuli were presented in the LVF but not in the RVF, i.e. left hemialexia. In contrast, the other two patients with intact LMFC-OTS had normal function in processing Chinese characters. The fMRI experiments demonstrated that there was no significant activation to Chinese characters in the LMFC-OTS of the pure alexic patient and of the patient with left hemialexia when the stimuli were presented in the LVF. On the other hand, this patient, when Chinese characters were presented in right visual field, and the other two with intact LMFC-OTS had activation in the LMFC-OTS. These results together point to the necessity of the LMFC-OTS for Chinese character processing. Selectivity: We tested selectivity of the LMFC-OTS for visual word processing through systematically examining the patients’ ability for processing visual vs. auditory words, and word vs. non-word visual stimuli, such as faces, objects and colors. Results showed that the pure alexic patients could normally process auditory words (expression, understanding and repetition of orally presented words) and non-word visual stimuli (faces, objects, colors and numbers). Although the patient showed some impairments in naming faces, objects and colors, his performance scores were only slightly lower or not significantly different relative to those of the patients with intact LMFC-OTS. These data provide compelling evidence that the LMFC-OTS is not requisite for processing non-visual word stimuli, thus has selectivity for visual word processing. Functional properties: With tasks involving multiple levels and aspects of word processing, including Chinese character reading, phonological judgment, semantic judgment, identity judgment of abstract visual word representation, lexical decision, perceptual judgment of visual word appearance, and dictation, copying, voluntary writing, etc., we attempted to reveal the most critical dysfunction caused by damage in the LMFC-OTS, thus to clarify the most essential function of this region. Results showed that in addition to dysfunctions in Chinese character reading, phonological and semantic judgment, the patient with lesions at LMFC-OTS failed to judge correctly whether two characters (including compound and simple characters) with different surface features (e.g., different fonts, printed vs. handwritten vs. calligraphy styles, simplified characters vs. traditional characters, different orientations of strokes or whole characters) had the same abstract representation. The patient initially showed severe impairments in processing both simple characters and compound characters. He could only copy a compound character in a stroke-by-stroke manner, but not by character-by-character or even by radical-by-radical manners. During the recovery process, namely five months later, the patient could complete the abstract representation tasks of simple characters, but showed no improvement for compound characters. However, he then could copy compound characters in a radical-by-radical manner. Furthermore, it seems that the recovery of copying paralleled to that of judgment of abstract representation. These observations indicate that lesions of the LMFC-OTS in the pure alexic patients caused several damage in the ability of extracting the abstract representation from lower level units to higher level units, and the patient had especial difficulty to extract the abstract representation of whole character from its secondary units (e.g., radicals or single characters) and this ability was resistant to recover from impairment. Therefore, the LMFC-OTS appears to be responsible for the multilevel (particularly higher levels) abstract representations of visual word form. Successful extraction seems independent on access to phonological and semantic information, given the alexic patient showed severe impairments in reading aloud and semantic processing on simple characters while maintenance of intact judgment on their abstract representation. However, it is also possible that the interaction between the abstract representation and its related information e.g. phonological and semantic information was damaged as well in this patient. Taken together, we conclude that: 1) the LMFC-OTS is necessary for Chinese character processing, 2) it is selective for Chinese character processing, and 3) its critical function is to extract multiple levels of abstract representation of visual word and possibly to transmit it to phonological and semantic systems.


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In current days, many companies have carried out their branding strategies, because strong brand usually provides confidence and reduce risks to its consumers. No matter what a brand is based on tangible products or services, it will possess the common attributes of this category, and it also has its unique attributes. Brand attribute is defined as descriptive features, which are intrinsic characteristics, values or benefits endowed by users of the product or service (Keller, 1993; Romaniuk, 2003). The researches on models of brand multi-attributes are one of the most studied areas of consumer psychology (Werbel, 1978), and attribute weight is one of its key pursuits. Marketing practitioners also paid much attention to evaluations of attributes. Because those evaluations are relevant to the competitiveness and the strategies of promotion and new product development of the company (Green & Krieger, 1995). Then, how brand attributes correlate with weight judgments? And what features the attribute judgment reaction? Especially, what will feature the attribute weight judgment process of consumer who is facing the homogeneity of brands? Enlightened by the lexical hypothesis of researches on personality traits of psychology, this study choose search engine brands as the subject and adopt reaction time, which has been introduced into multi-attributes decision making by many researchers. Researches on independence of affect and cognition and on primacy of affect have cued us that we can categorize brand attributes into informative and affective ones. Meanwhile, Park has gone further to differentiate representative and experiential with functional attributes. This classification reflects the trend of emotion-branding and brand-consumer relationship. Three parts compose the research: the survey to collect attribute words, experiment one on affective primacy and experiment two on correlation between weight judgment and reaction. The results are as follow: In experiment one, we found: (1) affect words are not rated significantly from cognitive attributes, but affect words are responded faster than cognitive ones; (2) subjects comprehend and respond in different ways to functional attribute words and to representative and experiential words. In experiment two, we fund: (1) a significant negative correlation between attributes weight judgment and reaction time; (2) affective attributes will cause faster reaction than cognitive ones; (3) the reaction time difference between functional and representative or experiential attribute is significant, but there is no different between representative and experiential. In sum, we conclude that: (1): In word comprehension and weight judgment, we observed the affective primacy, even when the affect stimulus is presented as meaningful words. (2): The negative correlation between weight judgment and reaction time suggest us that the more important of attribute, the quicker of the reaction. (3): The difference on reaction time of functional, representative and experiential reflects the trend of emotional branding.


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The researches of the CC's form processing mainly involved the effects of all kinds of form properties. In most of the cases, the researches were conducted after the lexical process completed. A few which was about early phases of visual perception focused on the process of feature extraction in character recognition. Up till now, nobody put forward a propose that we should study the form processing in the early phases of visual perception of CC. We hold that because the form processing occurs in the early phases of visual perception, we should study the processing prelexically. Moreover, visual perception of CC is a course during which the CC becomes clear gradually, so that the effects of all kinds of form properties should not be a absolute phenomena of an all-or-none. In this study we adopted 4 methods to research the form processing in the early phases simulatedly and systematically, including the tachistoscopic repetition, increasing time to present gradually, enlarging the visual angle gradually and non- tachistoscopic searching and naming. Under all kinds of bad or degraded visual conditions, the instantaneous course of early-phases processing was slowed down and postponed, and then the growth course was open to before our eyes. We can captured the characteristics of the form processing in the early phases by analyzing the reaction speed and recognition accuracy. Accompanying the visual angle and time increasing, the clarity improved and we can find out the relation between the effects of form properties and visual clarity improving. The results were as follows: ①in the early phases of visual perception of CC, there were the effects of all kinds of form properties. ②the quantity of the effects would cut down when the visual conditions were being changed better and better. We raised the concept of character's space transparency and it's algorithm to explain these effects of form properties. Furthermore, a model was discussed to help understand the phenomenon that the quantity of the effects changed as the visual conditions were improved. ③The early phases of visual perception of CC isn't the loci of the frequency effect.


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A manutenção da competitividade da bovinocultura de corte nacional nos mercados interno e externo implica a produção de carne com máxima eficiência e com um padrão de qualidade que atenda aos mercados mais exigentes. Dentre os fatores que determinam a qualidade da carne estão os atributos organolépticos e, dentre esses, a maciez é o principal quesito de avaliação ou apreciação por parte do consumidor. Sabe-se que há inúmeros fatores que afetam a maciez da carne bovina, como a raça do animal e os manejos pré e pós-abate. No entanto, mesmo existindo diferentes padrões de maciez entre as raças, a variação mais importante é aquela que ocorre em uma mesma raça. Por isso, a identificação precoce de animais que apresentam potencial para produção de carne mais macia, por meio da utilização de testes de DNA, constitui uma ferramenta importante para viabilizar a seleção dos reprodutores que possuam essas características, aumentando, assim, a qualidade da carne do rebanho comercial. Os ganhos genéticos poderão ser acelerados com a integração das descobertas sobre as bases genéticas e moleculares que regulam tais características aos programas de melhoramento clássico, permitindo a formação de rebanhos mais uniformes quanto às características dos produtos derivados. Para que o Brasil não só mantenha, mas também aumente sua competitividade no mercado mundial da carne, é extremamente importante que essas novas tecnologias sejam incorporadas aos programas de melhoramento genético animal, a fim de gerar informações e conhecimentos que irão garantir novos avanços qualitativos e quantitativos em médio e longo prazos nos rebanhos zebuínos e cruzados. Um dos esforços da Embrapa Gado de Corte na busca da produção de conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos necessários para a difusão e adoção desta nova tecnologia se concretizou com a criação, em 2007, da área de Biologia Molecular aplicada ao Melhoramento Animal, visando ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos e/ou processos que sejam capazes de agregar qualidade e valor econômico ao produto final.


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Touros jovens da raça Nelore (n=6) foram mantidos em pasto formado de Brachiaria brizantha desde a desmama em dietas com diferentes níveis de zinco. Foram formados aleatoriamente dois grupos que receberam diariamente, durante dois anos, diferentes concentrações de zinco no sal mineral: T1 (n=4), os animais não receberam suplemento com zinco e T2 (n=2), 60 mg/kg/dia de Zn inorgânico suplementar. A concentração de Zn na pastagem variou de 17,8 (águas) a 12,8 mg/kg (seca), respectivamente. A partir dos 14 meses de idade, os animais foram submetidos quinzenalmente a exame de sêmen e colheita de sangue. A morfologia espermática foi estimada, incluindo a mensuração da cabeça espermática a partir de esfregaços coradas pelo método de Fuelgen, em imagens captadas digitalmente e processadas pelo software Kontron Eletronik Imaging System, KS 400-2.0. A concentração de zinco no plasma foi dosada por spectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os resultados mostraram que os touros do T1 tiveram qualidade seminal inferior (P<0,05) em relação ao T2. Observou-se variação das características seminais em função da data da colheita, evidenciando efeito estacional sobre a qualidade do sêmen. Os defeitos mais encontrados foram de peça intermediária e cauda. A concentração de Zinco (Zn) na circulação sangüínea foi maior (P<0,01) no T1 em comparação ao T2 (0,72 ±0,01 x 0,66 ±0,01, respectivamente). A área da cabeça espermática de espermatozóides morfologicamente normais e com defeitos de cabeça, peça intermediária e cauda foi maior (P<0,01) para os touros do T1 em relação aos do T2. Ademais, espermatozóides com fragmentação nuclear apresentaram forma mais alongada quando comparados àqueles sem alterações morfológicas. As correlações encontradas sugerem a importância do Zn na qualidade seminal, especialmente pelos efeitos deletérios que sua deficiência (subclínica) causa na morfologia espermática.


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Atualmente, no Brasil, a embalagem mais usada para tomate continua sendo a caixa de madeira que era usada para transportar querosene na Segunda Guerra Mundial, há meio século, conhecida por caixa ´K´. Os aspectos desejáveis da caixa 'K' incluem o fato de ser retornável e resistente. Os aspectos indesejáveis incluem o fato de possuir superfície áspera; alojar patógenos, funcionando como fonte de inóculo; aberturas laterais cortantes; profundidade excessiva, que comporta grande número de camadas de produtos; ser tampada. Essas características favorecem às injúrias mecânicas e comprometem a durabilidade e qualidade das hortaliças. Sabendo-se que as necessidades de proteção dos produtos vegetais são diferentes, torna-se necessário que as embalagens para protegê-los sejam específicas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma embalagem apropriada para tomate. O protótipo foi testado em relação à caixa 'K' e caixa de plástico já existente no mercado. Logo após a colheita os mesmos tratamentos foram deixados no sol ou na sombra, durante duas horas, para observar se influenciariam os frutos. As características avaliadas foram: variação de matéria fresca, aferida através de balança; vida útil, pelo período em que o vegetal esteve em perfeitas condições de ser comercializado; cor, pela escala com quatro classes para pimentão; variação da firmeza, medida por "push-pull"; teor relativo de água; deterioração, pelo número e peso de frutos deteriorados. Devido à grande influência dos danos mecânicos sobre as perdas pós-colheita, provavelmente este seja o fator mais importante na avaliação do protótipo. Houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos, sendo que o protótipo apresentou as menores porcentagens de danos mecânicos, o que é desejável. Também houve diferença estatística para deterioração. Nas demais características, o protótipo não diferiu estatisticamente dos outros tratamentos.