968 resultados para Valve


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The exchange interaction of Gd adjacent to Fe has been characterized by transport measurements on a double spin valve with a Fe/Gd/Fe trilayer as the middle layer. Our measurements show that the ferromagnetism of the Gd is enhanced by the presence of the Fe, and it remains ferromagnetic over its Curie temperature up to a thickness no smaller than 1 nm adjacent to the Fe. This thickness is more than double what has been reported before. Additionally, the saturation magnetization of the thin Gd layer sandwiched in Fe was found to be half of its bulk value. This reduced magnetization does not seem to be related to the proximity of Fe but rather to the incomplete saturation of Gd even for very high fields


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The mechanical properties of aortic wall, both healthy and pathological, are needed in order to develop and improve diagnostic and interventional criteria, and for the development of mechanical models to assess arterial integrity. This study focuses on the mechanical behaviour and rupture conditions of the human ascending aorta and its relationship with age and pathologies. Fresh ascending aortic specimens harvested from 23 healthy donors, 12 patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and 14 with aneurysm were tensile-tested in vitro under physiological conditions. Tensile strength, stretch at failure and elbow stress were measured. The obtained results showed that age causes a major reduction in the mechanical parameters of healthy ascending aortic tissue, and that no significant differences are found between the mechanical strength of aneurysmal or BAV aortic specimens and the corresponding age-matched control group. The physiological level of the stress in the circumferential direction was also computed to assess the physiological operation range of healthy and diseased ascending aortas. The mean physiological wall stress acting on pathologic aortas was found to be far from rupture, with factors of safety (defined as the ratio of tensile strength to the mean wall stress) larger than six. In contrast, the physiological operation of pathologic vessels lays in the stiff part of the response curve, losing part of its function of damping the pressure waves from the heart.


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Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de automatizar el estudio de sistemas hidráulicos y de control de roturas en presas. Para realizar el estudio de sistemas hidráulicos se usarán un número indeterminado de sensores de nivel, presión y caudal. El número de sensores que se pueden utilizar viene determinado por el material disponible. Estos sensores se conectarán a unas tarjetas de National Instruments modelo NI 9208 y éstas a su vez a un chasis modelo CompactDAQ NI-9174 con cuatro ranuras. Conectando este chasis al ordenador podremos obtener los datos provenientes de los sensores. También se podrá controlar una válvula para determinar la cantidad de agua que fluye en nuestro experimento. Está válvula está conectada a una tarjeta NI-9264 que se conectará al chasis en su última posición Para detectar y estudiar posibles roturas en presas se dispone de un motor y un láser con los cuales se puede barrer la superficie de una presa y obtener una imagen en tres dimensiones de la misma procesando los datos provenientes del laser. Para recoger los datos de los sensores y controlar una válvula se ha desarrollado una aplicación utilizando LabVIEW, un programa creado por National Instruments. Para poder controlar el motor y el láser se parte de una aplicación que ya estaba realizada en LabVIEW. El objetivo ha sido detectar y corregir una serie de errores en la misma. Dentro del proyecto, además de la explicación detallada de la aplicación para los sensores y la válvula, y las pruebas realizadas para detectar y corregir los errores de la aplicación del láser y el motor, existe: una breve introducción a la programación en LabVIEW, la descripción de los pasos realizados para el conexionado de los sensores con las tarjetas, los manuales de usuario de las aplicaciones y la descripción de los equipos utilizados. This project stars from the need to automate the study of hydraulic systems and control dam breaks. For the study of hydraulic systems it will be used an unspecified number of level, pressure and flow sensors. The number of sensors that can be used is determined by the available material. These sensors are connected to a NI 9208 National Instruments target and these cards to a NI-9174 CompactDAQ chassis with four slots. Connecting the chassis to a computer we will obtain data from the sensors. We also can control a valve to determine the amount of water flowing in our experiment. This valve is connected to a NI-9264 card and this card to the last position of the chassis. To detect and study dams breakage it used a motor and a laser. With these two devices we can scan the surface of a dam and obtain a three-dimensional image processing data from the laser. To collect data from the sensors and control the valve it has developed an application using LabVIEW, a program created by National Instruments. To control the motor and the laser it is used an application that was already created using LabVIEW. The aim of this part has been detect and correct a number of errors in this application. Within the project, in addition to the detailed explanation of the application for sensors and valve, and tests to detect and correct errors in the application of lasers and the motor, there is: a brief introduction to programming in LabVIEW, the description of the steps taken for connecting the sensors with cards, user manuals and application description of the equipment used.


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The simultaneous determination of magnetoresistance and vectorial-resolved magnetization hysteresis curves in a spin valve structure reveals distinct magnetoresistive features for different magnetic field orientations, which are directly related to the magnetization reversal processes. Measurements performed in the whole angular range demonstrate that the magnetoresistive response originates from the intrinsic anisotropic angular dependence of the magnetization orientation between the two ferromagnetic layers. This also provides direct proof that the spin-dependent scattering in the bulk of the magnetic layers is at the origin of the magnetoresistive signal.


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Background: [NiFe] hydrogenases are enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of hydrogen into protons and electrons, to use H2 as energy source, or the production of hydrogen through proton reduction, as an escape valve for the excess of reduction equivalents in anaerobic metabolism. Biosynthesis of [NiFe] hydrogenases is a complex process that occurs in the cytoplasm, where a number of auxiliary proteins are required to synthesize and insert the metal cofactors into the enzyme structural units. The endosymbiotic bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum requires the products of eighteen genes (hupSLCDEFGHIJKhypABFCDEX) to synthesize an active hydrogenase. hupF and hupK genes are found only in hydrogenase clusters from bacteria expressing hydrogenase in the presence of oxygen. Results: HupF is a HypC paralogue with a similar predicted structure, except for the C-terminal domain present only in HupF. Deletion of hupF results in the inability to process the hydrogenase large subunit HupL, and also in reduced stability of this subunit when cells are exposed to high oxygen tensions. A ?hupF mutant was fully complemented for hydrogenase activity by a C-terminal deletion derivative under symbiotic, ultra low-oxygen tensions, but only partial complementation was observed in free living cells under higher oxygen tensions (1% or 3%). Co-purification experiments using StrepTag-labelled HupF derivatives and mass spectrometry analysis indicate the existence of a major complex involving HupL and HupF, and a less abundant HupF-HupK complex. Conclusions: The results indicate that HupF has a dual role during hydrogenase biosynthesis: it is required for hydrogenase large subunit processing and it also acts as a chaperone to stabilize HupL when hydrogenase is synthesized in the presence of oxygen.


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In pressure irrigation-water distribution networks, pressure regulating devices for controlling the discharged flow rate by irrigation units are needed due to the variability of flow rate. In addition, applied water volume is used controlled operating the valve during a calculated time interval, and assuming constant flow rate. In general, a pressure regulating valve PRV is the commonly used pressure regulating device in a hydrant, which, also, executes the open and close function. A hydrant feeds several irrigation units, requiring a wide range in flow rate. In addition, some flow meters are also available, one as a component of the hydrant and the rest are placed downstream. Every land owner has one flow meter for each group of field plots downstream the hydrant. Its lecture could be used for refining the water balance but its accuracy must be taken into account. Ideal PRV performance would maintain a constant downstream pressure. However, the true performance depends on both upstream pressure and the discharged flow rate. The objective of this work is to asses the influence of the performance on the applied volume during the whole irrigation events in a year. The results of the study have been obtained introducing the flow rate into a PRV model. Variations on flow rate are simulated by taking into account the consequences of variations on climate conditions and also decisions in irrigation operation, such us duration and frequency application. The model comprises continuity, dynamic and energy equations of the components of the PRV.


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We develop a simplified model of choked flow in pipes for CO2-water solutions as an important step in the modelling of a whole hydraulic system with the intention of eliminating the carbon dioxide generated in air-independent submarine propulsion. The model is based on an approximate fitting of the homogeneous isentropic solution upstream of a valve (or any other area restriction), for given fluid conditions at the entrance. The relative maximum choking back-pressure is computed as a function of area restriction ratio. Although the procedure is generic for gas solutions, numeric values for the non-dimensional parameters in the analysis are developed only for choking in the case of carbon dioxide solutions up to the pure-water limit.


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Soil erosion is a serious environmental threat in the Mediterranean region due to torrential rainfalls, and it contributes to the degradation of agricultural land. Techniques such as rainwater harvesting may improve soil water storage and increase agricultural productivity, which could result in more effective land usage. Reservoir tillage is an effective system of harvesting rainwater, but it has not been scientifically evaluated like other tillage systems. Its suitability for the conditions in Spain has not been determined. To investigate and quantify water storage from reservoir tillage and how it could be adapted to improve infiltration of harvested rainwater, a laboratory-scale rainfall simulator was developed. Rainfall characteristics, including rainfall intensity, spatial uniformity and raindrop size, confirm that natural rainfall conditions are simulated with sufficient accuracy. The simulator was auto-controlled by a solenoid valve and three pressure nozzles were used to spray water corresponding to five rainfall intensities ranging from 36 to 112 mm h-1 for 3 to 101-year return period with uniformity coefficients between 83 and 94%. In order to assess the reservoir tillage method under surface slopes of 0, 5, and 10%, three soil scooping devices with identical volume were used to make depressions in the following forms: a) truncated square pyramid, b) triangular prism, and c) truncated cone. These depressions were compared to a control soil surface with no depression. For the loam soil used in this study, results show that reservoir tillage was able to reduce soil erosion and surface runoff and significantly increase infiltration. There was significant difference between the depressions and the control. Compared to the control, depression (a) reduced surface runoff by about 61% and the sediment yield concentration by about 79%.