957 resultados para Value Chains


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The use of interlaminar fracture tests to measure the delamination resistance of unidirectional composite laminates is now widespread. However, because of the frequent occurrence of fiber bridging and multiple cracking during the tests, it leads to artificially high values of delamination resistance, which will not represent the behavior of the laminates. Initiation fracture from the crack starter, on the other hand, does not involve bridging, and should be more representative of the delamination resistance of the composite laminates. Since there is some uncertainty involved in determining the initiation value of delamination resistance in mode I tests in the literature, a power law of the form G(IC) = A.DELTA alpha(b) (where G(IC) is mode I interlaminar fracture toughness and DELTA alpha is delamination growth) is presented in this paper to determine initiation value of mode I interlaminar fracture toughness. It is found that initiation values of the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness, G(IC)(ini), can be defined as the G(IC) value at which 1 mm of delamination from the crack starter has occurred. Examples of initiation values determined by this method are given for both carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.


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A number of synthetic and natural source porphyrins without long alkyl chains have been examined in the form of monolayers and multilayers on solid substrates. These compounds formed stable solid condensed films with measured molecular areas compatible with a vertical or tilted orientation of these molecules on the substrate. Spectral study and fluorescence lifetime measurement, in particular, revealed the formation of aggregates as the main species in these films.


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趋磁细菌(Magnetotactic bacteria)的研究是国际微生物学研究热点之一。趋磁细菌体内含有纳米单磁畴的氧化铁/硫化铁(Fe3O4或Fe3S4)晶体,称为磁小体。由于趋磁细菌营养条件要求苛刻,在环境中需要微好氧条件,且营养类型属于化能自养,使得培养趋磁细菌时常遇到问题。 本研究首先通过正交试验优化趋磁细菌AMB-1菌株培养条件,在培养条件铁源为奎尼酸铁0.02 mmol/L,装瓶量75% ,pH值6.7,温度25 ℃时,AMB-1 OD600达到0.440(1.166×109 cells/ml)。同时运用磁收集传代法,使带有磁小体的AMB-1细胞比例占95%以上(Cmag值稳定在1.9-2.0)。 在AMB-1具有较好的生物量,同时又具有较好的含磁小体细胞比例后,研究磁小体的变化过程。通过透射电镜观察磁小体变化过程,发现培养24 h细菌体内已有较小晶体形成(平均27 nm,n=188)且沿长轴分布;48 h晶体长大(平均43 nm,n=203)且形成分段链沿长轴排列;72 h晶体进一步成熟(平均50 nm,n=191)仍以分段链沿长轴排列;随后细菌逐渐衰亡磁小体变小,168 h可见部分自溶细菌中仍有磁小体链(平均37 nm,n=186);192 h细菌自溶磁小体链(平均33 nm,n=184)分散到环境中。 通过透射电镜在细胞水平上研究趋磁细菌细胞分裂时发现,磁小体在细菌分裂时采用两种分离方式:一种为磁小体分配到两个子细胞;另一种为磁小体只分配到一个子细胞。无磁小体的子细胞,在随后的生长过程又分为两种情况:一种为细胞逐渐产生磁小体,另一种为不再产生磁小体。这种现象的发现,解释了随着传代次数的增多,细菌磁性有所下降的原因(Cmag值降低)。 在对趋磁细菌磁小体合成机制的研究中,常使用基因敲除的办法获得缺陷型,并与野生型对比进行研究。但是,利用基因敲除获得缺陷型不仅操作繁琐并且所得缺陷型不稳定。本研究利用特殊的磁富集传代法,先将带有磁小体的菌体收集并连续传代,筛选获得了高磁菌株;利用这种方法,收集不含磁小体的菌体并连续传代,筛选获得了无磁菌株。 趋磁细菌磁小体在医疗、环保等领域具有广阔应用价值,但是目前由于趋磁细菌难以大规模培养,并且磁小体纯化存在成本高等原因,将磁小体真正实际应用尚有一段距离。通过研究磁小体在趋磁细菌中的变化过程发现,AMB-1菌株在培养192 h后自溶,并且磁小体随着细胞的破碎释放到环境中去。


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Objective To study the transfer of paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) using four simulated marine food chains: dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense -> Arterriia Artemia salina -> Mysid shrimp Neomysis awatschensis; A. tamarense-N. awatschensis: A. taniarense A. salina -> Perch Lateolabrax japonicus; and A. tamarense -> L. japonicus. Methods The ingestion of A. tamarense, a producer of PST, by L. japonicus, N. awatschensis, and A. salina was first confirmed by microscopic observation of A. tamarense cells in the intestine samples of the three different organisms, and by the analysis of Chl.a levels iii the samples. Toxin accumulation in L. japonicus and N. awatschensis directly from the feeding on A. tamarense or indirectly ibrough the vector of A. salina was then studied. The toxicity of samples was measured using the AOAC mouse bioassay method, and the toxin content and profile of A. tamarense were analyzed by the HPLC method. Results Both A. salina and N. awatschensis could ingest A. tamarense cells. However, the ingestion capability of A. salina exceeded that of N. awatschensis. After the exposure to the culture of A. tamarense (2 000 cells(.)mL(-1)) for 70 minutes, the content of ChLa in A. salina and N. awatschensis reached 0.87 and 0.024 mu g-mg(-1), respectively. Besides, A. tamarense cells existed in the intestines of L. japonicus, N. awatschensis and A. salina by microscopic observation. Therefore, the three organisms could ingest A. tamarense cells directly. A. salina could accumulate high content of PST, and the toxicity of A. salina in samples collected on days 1, 4, and 5 of the experiment was 2.18, 2.6, and 2.1 MU(.)g(-1), respectively. All extracts from the samples could lead to death of tested mice within 7 minutes, and the toxin content in arternia sample collected on the 1st day was estimated to be 1.65x10(-5) pg STX equa Vindividual. Toxin accumulation in L. japonicus and N. awatschensis directly from the feeding on A. tamarense or indirectly froin the vector of A. salina was also studied. The mice injected with extracts from L. japonicus and N. awatschensis samples that accumulated PST either directly or indirectly showed PST intoxication symptoms, indicating that low levels of PST existed in these samples. Conclusion Paralytic shellfish toxins can be transferred to L. japonicus, N. awatschensis, and A. salina from A. taniarense directly or indirectly via the food chains.


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This paper reports the mega-, micro-sporogenesis and female-, male-gametogenesis of Swertia cincta for the first time, with the aim of discussing the systematic position of section Platynema and section Ophelia of Swertia. Anthers are tetrasporangiate. The development of anther walls conforms to the dicotyledonous type. The tapetum cells have dual origin and are similar to the glandular type. There are two middle layers. The endothecium and epidermis persist. Cytokinesis in the microsporrocyte meiosis is simultaneous type and the microscpore teads are tetrahedral. Pollen grains are 3-celled. The ovary is bicarpellum and unilocular. The placentation is of suparietal placentation with 12 series of ovules. The ovules. The ovule is unitegmic, tenuinucellar and ana-campylotropous, The embryo sac orignates from the single-archesporial cell. The one chalazal megaspore in lienar tetrad become the functional megasore. The development of embryo sac is of the polygonum type. Before fertilization, two polar nuclei fuse into one secondary nucleus. Three antipodal cells persisted and divided into 5-8 cells. A comparison between two sections indicates that section Plathnema is better treated as distinct section and is more advanced than section Ophelia according to the evolutionary trends of embryological characters.


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The embryological characters of Crawfurdia delavayi Frabnch. are described and the systematic relationships of Crawfurdia discussed. Anthers are tetrasporangiate. The development of anther walls conforms to the Dicotyledonous type. The tapetum is of single origin. The development of the tapetum with uninucleate cells is of the glandular type. The tapetal cells on the connective side show radial elongation or periclinal division and intrude into the anther locule. The epidermis of anther walls persists and its cells become pillar and fibrous, and the endothecium degenerates. The ovary is bicarpellary and unilocular. The placentation is typically parietal with 8 rows of anatropous ovules. The development of embryo sac is of the polygonum type. Before fertilization, two polar nuclei fuse into a secondary nucleus. Three antipodal cells persist. Flowers are protandrous. Fertilization is porogamous. The development of the endosperm is of the nuclear type. The embryogeny corresponds to the solanad type physalis II variation. The embryological data indicate that it is better to separate Crawfurdia from Gentiana as an independent genus.


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Objective: Thirteen urinary nucleosides, primarily degradation products of tRNA, were evaluated as potential tumor markers for breast cancer patients.


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Traditionally, language speakers are categorised as mono-lingual, bilingual, or multilingual. It is traditionally assumed in English language education that the ‘lingual’ is something that can be ‘fixed’ in form, written down to be learnt, and taught. Accordingly, the ‘mono’-lingual will have a ‘fixed’ linguistic form. Such a ‘form’ differs according to a number of criteria or influences including region or ‘type’ of English (for example, World Englishes) but is nevertheless assumed to be a ‘form’. ‘Mono-lingualism’ is defined and believed, traditionally, to be ‘speaking one language’; wherever that language is; or whatever that language may be. In this chapter, grounded in an individual subjective philosophy of language, we question this traditional definition. Viewing language from the philosophical perspectives such as those of Bakhtin and Voloshinov, we argue that the prominence of ‘context’ and ‘consciousness’ in language means that to ‘fix’ the form of a language goes against the very spirit of how it is formed and used. We thus challenge the categorisation of ‘mono’-lingualism; proposing that such a categorisation is actually a category error, or a case ‘in which a property is ascribed to a thing that could not possibly have that property’ (Restivo, 2013, p. 175), in this case the property of ‘mono’. Using this proposition as a starting point, we suggest that more time be devoted to language in its context and as per its genuine use as a vehicle for consciousness. We theorise this can be done through a ‘literacy’ based approach which fronts the context of language use rather than the language itself. We outline how we envision this working for teachers, students and materials developers of English Language Education materials in a global setting. To do this we consider Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as an exemplar to promote conscious language use in context.


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Many multinational companies are supposedly viewing Europe as one region and re-shaping their approach to the supply of products to customers. Several factors are thought to be driving this trend, notably the degree of merger and acquisitions activity; the need for improved financial performance; the pressure to reduce inventories and costs, facilitated by improvements in communication and information technology systems. All of this is in the context of European market and monetary harmonisation. This paper investigates the extent and effect of the amanegement of supply chains on a pan-European baisis by multinational business. A survey was used to examine changes, both made and anticipated. to operational strategies, processes, organisational structures and physical infrastructure across a range of businesses and industry sectors. Cost reducation, driven by the need for profit and shreholder return, was found to be the priority for developments in supply chains.Many businesses reported consolidation of manufacturing and distribution activities whilst retaining discrete country-by-country organisational structures for managing customers and markets.Logistics Service Providers were seen in a traditional role as suppliers of commodity warehousing and transport services and lacked true pan-European capability. Despite the often-vaunted concept of a pan-European business model, individual businesses wwere seen to be negotiating their own path to balancing economies of scale with customers' service needs and expectations.


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Traditional methods for phenotyping skeletal muscle (e.g., immunohistochemistry) are labor-intensive and ill-suited to multixplex analysis, i.e., assays must be performed in a series. Addressing these concerns represents a largely unmet research need but more comprehensive parallel analysis of myofibrillar proteins could advance knowledge regarding age- and activity-dependent changes in human muscle. We report a label-free, semi-automated and time efficient LC-MS proteomic workflow for phenotyping the myofibrillar proteome. Application of this workflow in old and young as well as trained and untrained human skeletal muscle yielded several novel observations that were subsequently verified by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM).We report novel data demonstrating that human ageing is associated with lesser myosin light chain 1 content and greater myosin light chain 3 content, consistent with an age-related reduction in type II muscle fibers. We also disambiguate conflicting data regarding myosin regulatory light chain, revealing that age-related changes in this protein more closely reflect physical activity status than ageing per se. This finding reinforces the need to control for physical activity levels when investigating the natural process of ageing. Taken together, our data confirm and extend knowledge regarding age- and activity-related phenotypes. In addition, the MRM transitions described here provide a methodological platform that can be fine-tuned to suite multiple research needs and thus advance myofibrillar phenotyping.


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This is a draft 2 of a discussion paper written for Boston University Libraries


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A problem with Speculative Concurrency Control algorithms and other common concurrency control schemes using forward validation is that committing a transaction as soon as it finishes validating, may result in a value loss to the system. Haritsa showed that by making a lower priority transaction wait after it is validated, the number of transactions meeting their deadlines is increased, which may result in a higher value-added to the system. SCC-based protocols can benefit from the introduction of such delays by giving optimistic shadows with high value-added to the system more time to execute and commit instead of being aborted in favor of other validating transactions, whose value-added to the system is lower. In this paper we present and evaluate an extension to SCC algorithms that allows for commit deferments.


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Attributing a dollar value to a keyword is an essential part of running any profitable search engine advertising campaign. When an advertiser has complete control over the interaction with and monetization of each user arriving on a given keyword, the value of that term can be accurately tracked. However, in many instances, the advertiser may monetize arrivals indirectly through one or more third parties. In such cases, it is typical for the third party to provide only coarse-grained reporting: rather than report each monetization event, users are aggregated into larger channels and the third party reports aggregate information such as total daily revenue for each channel. Examples of third parties that use channels include Amazon and Google AdSense. In such scenarios, the number of channels is generally much smaller than the number of keywords whose value per click (VPC) we wish to learn. However, the advertiser has flexibility as to how to assign keywords to channels over time. We introduce the channelization problem: how do we adaptively assign keywords to channels over the course of multiple days to quickly obtain accurate VPC estimates of all keywords? We relate this problem to classical results in weighing design, devise new adaptive algorithms for this problem, and quantify the performance of these algorithms experimentally. Our results demonstrate that adaptive weighing designs that exploit statistics of term frequency, variability in VPCs across keywords, and flexible channel assignments over time provide the best estimators of keyword VPCs.