968 resultados para Vírus da AIDS
The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) in HIV-positive Brazilian patients with (HIV+/KS+) and without Kaposi's sarcoma (HIV+/KS-) using PCR and immunofluorescence assays, to assess its association with KS disease, to evaluate the performance of these tests in detecting HHV-8 infection, and to investigate the association between anti-HHV-8 antibody titers, CD4 counts and staging of KS disease. Blood samples from 66 patients, 39 HIV+/KS+ and 27 HIV+/KS-, were analyzed for HHV-8 viremia in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by PCR and HHV-8 antigenemia for latent and lytic infection by immunofluorescence assay. Positive samples for latent nuclear HHV-8 antigen (LNA) antibodies were titrated out from 1/100 to 1/409,600 dilution. Clinical information was collected from medical records and risk behavior was assessed through an interview. HHV-8 DNA sequences were detected by PCR in 74.3% of KS+ patients and in 3.7% of KS- patients. Serological assays were similar in detecting anti-LNA antibodies and anti-lytic antigens in sera from KS+ patients (79.5%) and KS- patients (18.5%). HHV-8 was associated with KS whatever the method used, i.e., PCR (odds ratio (OR) = 7.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.16-25.61) or anti-LNA and anti-lytic antibodies (OR = 17.0, 95%CI = 4.91-59.14). Among KS+ patients, HHV-8 titration levels correlated positively with CD4 counts (rho 0.48, P = 0.02), but not with KS staging. HHV-8 is involved in the development of KS in different geographic areas worldwide, as it is in Brazil, where HHV-8 is more frequent among HIV+ patients. KS severity was associated with immunodeficiency, but no correlation was found between HHV-8 antibody titers and KS staging.
IFN-gamma mRNA expression was evaluated in nonstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of HIV-infected and seronegative individuals using quantitative competitive and semiquantitative RT-PCR and the sensitivity of these methods was compared. A significant correlation was found between quantitative competitive and semiquantitative RT-PCR in samples of both HIV-seronegative (P = 0.004) and HIV-infected individuals (P = 0.0004). PBMC from HIV-infected individuals presented a remarkable increase of IFN-gamma mRNA expression, as determined by both types of RT-PCR methods. Semiquantitative RT-PCR even without an internal standard is also acceptable for measuring cytokine mRNA expression, but less reliable if small amounts are quantified. Moreover, we found that increased IFN-gammamRNA expression is independent of CD4+ cell count in AIDS-free HIV-infected patients.
A cross-sectional study was conducted on HIV-infected adults being treated with antiretroviral drugs at a reference service in Southern Brazil. Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and were tested by scales assessing sociocognitive variables. Adherence to treatment was assessed by a self-report inventory developed for the study. Clinical information was obtained from the patients' records. Significance tests were conducted using univariate logistic regressions followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis. A total of 195 patients participated in the study and 56.9% of them reported > or = 95% adherence on the previous two days. In univariate analysis, the odds of adherence increased with self-efficacy (a person's conviction that he/she can successfully execute the behavior required to produce a certain desired outcome) in taking medications as prescribed (OR = 3.50, 95% CI 1.90-6.55), and decreased with perception of negative affect and physical concerns (OR = 0.71, 95% CI 0.53-0.95). The odds were lower for taking antiretroviral medications >4 times a day (OR = 0.44, 95% CI 0.20-0.94) and higher for patients with 8 years of schooling (OR = 2.28, 95% CI 1.12-4.66). In the multivariate analysis, self-efficacy (OR = 3.33, 95% CI 1.69-6.56) and taking medication >4 times a day (OR = 0.34, 95% CI 0.14-0.80) were independently associated with adherence. Self-efficacy was the most important predictor of adherence, followed by number of times antiretroviral medication was taken per day. Among sociodemographic and clinical variables, only the number of years of schooling was associated with adherence. Motivational interventions based on self-efficacy may be useful for increasing treatment adherence.
The availability of HIV-1 genotype resistance testing (GRT) to clinicians has been insufficiently studied outside randomized clinical trials. The present study evaluated the outcome of salvage antiretroviral therapy (ART) recommended by an expert physician based on GRT in a non-clinical trial setting in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. A prospective, open, nonrandomized study evaluating easy access to GRT at six Brazilian AIDS Clinics was carried out. This cooperative study analyzed the efficacy of treatment recommended to patients whose salvage ART was guided by GRT with that of treatment with ART based only on previous ART history. A total of 112 patients with ART failure were included in the study, and 77 of them were submitted to GRT. The median CD4 cell count and viral load for these 77 patients at baseline were (mean ± SD) 252.1 ± 157.4 cells/µL and 4.60 ± 0.5 log10 HIV RNA copies/mL, respectively. The access time, i.e., the time elapsed between ordering the GRT and receiving the result was, on average, 71.9 ± 37.3 days. The study results demonstrated that access to GRT followed by expert recommendations did not improve the time to persistent treatment failure when compared to conventional salvage ART. Access to GRT in this Brazilian community health care setting did not improve the long-term virologic outcomes of HIV-infected patients experiencing treatment failure. This result is probably related to the long time required to implement ART guided by GRT.
The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of electrolyte disturbances in AIDS patients developing acute kidney injury in the hospital setting, as well as to determine whether such disturbances constitute a risk factor for nephrotoxic and ischemic injury. A prospective, observational cohort study was carried out. Hospitalized AIDS patients were evaluated for age; gender; coinfection with hepatitis; diabetes mellitus; hypertension; time since HIV seroconversion; CD4 count; HIV viral load; proteinuria; serum levels of creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium and magnesium; antiretroviral use; nephrotoxic drug use; sepsis; intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and the need for dialysis. Each of these characteristics was correlated with the development of acute kidney injury, with recovery of renal function and with survival. Fifty-four patients developed acute kidney injury: 72% were males, 59% had been HIV-infected for >5 years, 72% had CD4 counts <200 cells/mm³, 87% developed electrolyte disturbances, 33% recovered renal function, and 56% survived. ICU admission, dialysis, sepsis and hypomagnesemia were all significantly associated with nonrecovery of renal function and with mortality. Nonrecovery of renal function was significantly associated with hypomagnesemia, as was mortality in the multivariate analysis. The risks for nonrecovery of renal function and for death were 6.94 and 6.92 times greater, respectively, for patients with hypomagnesemia. In hospitalized AIDS patients, hypomagnesemia is a risk factor for nonrecovery of renal function and for in-hospital mortality. To determine whether hypomagnesemia is a determinant or simply a marker of critical illness, further studies involving magnesium supplementation in AIDS patients are warranted.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics of acute kidney injury (AKI) in AIDS patients and the value of RIFLE classification for predicting outcome. The study was conducted on AIDS patients admitted to an infectious diseases hospital inBrazil. The patients with AKI were classified according to the RIFLE classification: R (risk), I (injury), F (failure), L (loss), and E (end-stage renal disease). Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to evaluate the factors associated with AKI. A total of 532 patients with a mean age of 35 ± 8.5 years were included in this study. AKI was observed in 37% of the cases. Patients were classified as "R" (18%), "I" (7.7%) and "F" (11%). Independent risk factors for AKI were thrombocytopenia (OR = 2.9, 95%CI = 1.5-5.6, P < 0.001) and elevation of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (OR = 3.5, 95%CI = 1.8-6.6, P < 0.001). General mortality was 25.7% and was higher among patients with AKI (40.2 vs17%, P < 0.001). AKI was associated with death and mortality increased according to RIFLE classification - "R" (OR 2.4), "I" (OR 3.0) and "F" (OR 5.1), P < 0.001. AKI is a frequent complication in AIDS patients, which is associated with increased mortality. RIFLE classification is an important indicator of poor outcome for AIDS patients.
INTRODUÇÃO: A emergência do surto pandêmico de influenza A, subtipo H1N1, em abril de 2009, representou um grande desafio para a logística de saúde pública. Embora a maioria dos pacientes infectados apresente manifestações clínicas e evolutivas muito semelhantes às observadas na influenza sazonal, um número significativo de indivíduos evolui com pneumonia e insuficiência respiratória aguda severa. O impacto da infecção pelo vírus influenza A, subtipo H1N1, em pacientes imunossuprimidos não é determinado. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo, foram analisadas a apresentação clínica e a evolução da influenza A, subtipo H1N1, em 19 receptores de transplante renal. Os pacientes receberam confirmação diagnóstica pela técnica de RT-PCR. O manejo clínico incluiu terapêutica antiviral com fosfato de oseltamivir e antibióticos. RESULTADOS: A população estudada foi predominantemente de indivíduos do sexo masculino (79%), brancos (63%), com idade média de 38,6 ± 17 anos e portadores de pelo menos uma comorbidade (53%). A infecção por influenza A, subtipo H1N1, foi diagnosticada em média 41,6 ± 49,6 meses após o transplante. Os sintomas mais comuns foram: tosse (100%), febre (84%), dispneia (79%) e mialgia (42%). Disfunção aguda do enxerto foi observada em 42% dos pacientes. Cinco pacientes (26%) foram admitidos em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, dois (10%) necessitaram de suporte com ventilação invasiva e dois (10%) receberam drogas vasoativas. A mortalidade foi de 10%. CONCLUSÕES: A disfunção aguda do enxerto renal foi um achado frequente, e as características clínicas, laboratoriais e evolutivas foram comparáveis às da população geral.
The assumption that 'There Is No Alternative' (TINA) to capitalism as practiced in the United States of America and Western Europe has been the bane of aids effectiveness in assisting to solve the underdevelopment problem in Africa. This paper attempts to show that except there is a fundamental reorientation in the conceptualization of capitalism-free market and democracy-the underdevelopment problem would only be further complicated with aids.
In this thesis, I critically examine the discourses that inform how we conceptualise HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa as they are produced in a sample of Canadian news articles, two nonfiction texts - Stephanie Nolen's 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa and Jonathan Morgan and the Bambanani Women's Group's Long Life ... Positive HIV Stories - as well as two literary texts - John Le Carre's popular fiction novel The Constant Gardener and an anthology of stories and poems from Southern Africa titled Nobody Ever Said AIDS, compiled and edited by Nobantu Rasebotsa, Meg Samuelson and Kylie Thomas. Paying particular attention to the role of metaphor in discursive formation, I have found that military metaphors, usually used in conjunction with biomedical discourses, continue to dominate what is said about HIV/AIDS. However, the use of military metaphors to conceptualise HIV/AIDS contributes to stigma and limits the effectiveness of responses to the pandemic. I argue that accessing alternative metaphors and discourses, such as biopsychosocial discourse, can lead to a more layered - and more beneficial - conceptualisation of HIV/AIDS, encouraging a more active response to the pandemic.
New pandemics are a serious threat to the health of the entire world. They are essentially of viral origin and spread at large speed. A meeting on this topic was held in Lyon, France, within the XIXth Jacques Cartier Symposia, a series of France-Québec meetings held every year. New findings on HIV and AIDS, on HCV and chronic hepatitis, and an update on influenza virus and flu were covered during this meeting on December 4 and 5, 2006. Aspects of viral structure, virus-host interactions, antiviral defenses, drugs and vaccinations, and epidemiological aspects were discussed for HIV and HCV. Old and recent data on the flu epidemics ended this meeting.
Les gouvernements mondiaux et les organismes internationaux ont placé une haute priorité dans la prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH. Cependant, bien qu'il y ait eu des progrès énormes rapportés dans des nations industrialisées, la situation dans les pays en voie de développement est encore déplorable; on y constate un grand écart entre l’engagement international pour réduire cette voie de transmission et l'accès aux interventions. Ceci peut être attribué à la situation économique déplorable dans plusieurs pays en voie de développement. Des interventions prioritaires en santé doivent donc être soigneusement sélectionnées afin de maximiser l'utilisation efficace des ressources limitées. L’évaluation économique est un outil efficace qui peut aider des décideurs à identifier quelles stratégies choisir. L'objectif de cette revue systématique est de recenser toutes les études d'évaluation économique existantes qui ont été effectuées dans les pays en voie de développement sur la prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH. Notre revue a retenu 16 articles qui ont répondu aux critères d'inclusion. Nous avons conçu un formulaire pour l’extraction de données, puis nous avons soumis les articles à un contrôle rigoureux de qualité. Nos résultats ont exposé un certain nombre de défauts dans la qualité des études choisies. Nous avons également noté une forte hétérogénéité dans les estimations des paramètres de coût et d'efficacité de base, dans la méthodologie appliquée, ainsi que dans les écarts utilisés dans les analyses de sensibilité. Quelques interventions comportant la thérapie à la zidovudine ou à la nevirapine à court terme se sont avérées rentables, et ont enregistré des valeurs acceptables de coût-utilité. Les résultats des évaluations économiques analysées dans cette revue ont varié sur la base des facteurs suivants : la prévalence du VIH, la classification du pays selon le revenu, les infrastructures disponible, les coûts du personnel, et finalement les coûts des interventions, particulièrement les prix des médicaments.
Introduction: Les efforts globaux pour contrôler la tuberculose sont présentement restreints par la prévalence croissante du VIH/SIDA. Quoique les éclosions de la tuberculose multi résistante (TB-MDR) soient fréquemment rapportées parmi les populations atteintes du SIDA, le lien entre VIH/SIDA et le développement de résistance n’est pas clair. Objectifs: Cette recherche visait à : (1) développer une base de connaissances concernant les facteurs associés à des éclosions de la TB-MDR parmi les patients atteints du VIH/SIDA; (2) utiliser ce cadre de connaissances pour accroître des mesures préliminaires pour mieux contrôler la tuberculose pulmonaire chez les patients atteints du VIH/SIDA; et (3) afin d’améliorer l’application des ces mesures, affiner les techniques bactériologiques existantes pour Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Méthodologie: Quatre études ont été réalisées : (1) Une étude longitudinale pour identifier les facteurs associés avec une éclosion de la TB-MDR parmi les patients atteints du SIDA qui ont reçu le traitement directement supervisé de courte durée (DOTS) pour la tuberculose pulmonaire au Lima et au Pérou entre 1999 et 2005; (2) Une étude transversale pour décrire différentes étapes de l’histoire naturelle de la tuberculose, la prévalence et les facteurs associés avec la mycobactérie qu’on retrouve dans les selles des patients atteints du SIDA; (3) Un projet pilote pour développer des stratégies de dépistage pour la tuberculose pulmonaire parmi les patients hospitalisés atteints du SIDA, en utilisant l’essaie Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility (MODS); et (4) Une étude laboratoire pour identifier les meilleures concentrations critiques pour détecter les souches MDR de M. tuberculosis en utilisant l’essaie MODS. Résultats : Étude 1 démontre qu’une épidémie de TB-MDR parmi les patients atteints du SIDA qui ont reçu DOTS pour la tuberculose pulmonaire ait été causée par la superinfection du clone de M. tuberculosis plutôt que le développement de la résistance secondaire. Bien que ce clone ait été plus commun parmi la cohorte de patients atteints du SIDA, il n’avait aucune différence de risque pour superinfection entre les patients avec ou sans SIDA. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’un autre facteur, possiblement associé à la diarrhée, peu contribuer à la prévalence élevée de ce clone chez les patients atteints du SIDA. Étude 2 suggère que chez la plupart des patients atteints du SIDA il a été retrouvé une mycobactérie dans leurs selles alors qu’ils étaient en phase terminale au niveau de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Or, les patients atteints du SIDA ayant été hospitalisés pendant les deux dernières années pour une autre condition médicale sont moins à risque de se retrouver avec une mycobactérie dans leurs selles. Étude 3 confirme que la tuberculose pulmonaire a été commune à tous les patients hospitalisés atteints du SIDA, mais diagnostiquée incorrectement en utilisant les critères cliniques présentement recommandés pour la tuberculose. Or, l’essaie MODS a détecté pour la plupart de ces cas. De plus, MODS a été également efficace quand la méthode a été dirigée aux patients soupçonnés d’avoir la tuberculose, à cause de leurs symptômes. Étude 4 démontre les difficultés de détecter les souches de M. tuberculosis avec une faible résistance contre ethambutol et streptomycine en utilisant l’essai MODS avec les concentrations de drogue présentement recommandées pour un milieu de culture. Cependant, l’utilité diagnostique de MODS peut être améliorée ; modifier les concentrations critiques et utiliser deux plaques et non une, pour des tests réguliers. Conclusion: Nos études soulèvent la nécessité d’améliorer le diagnostic et le traitement de la tuberculose parmi les patients atteints du SIDA, en particulier ceux qui vivent dans des régions avec moins de ressources. Par ailleurs, nos résultats font ressortir les effets indirects que les soins de santé ont sur les patients infectés par le VIH et qu’ils peuvent avoir sur le développement de la tuberculose.