996 resultados para Unstable hemoglobins


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Heilkräuter sind während des Trocknungsprozesses zahlreichen Einflüssen ausgesetzt, welche die Qualität des Endproduktes entscheidend beeinflussen. Diese Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Trocknung von Zitronenmelisse (Melissa officinalis .L) zu einem qualitativ hochwertigen Endprodukt. Es werden Strategien zur Trocknung vorgeschlagen, die experimentelle und mathematische Aspekte mit einbeziehen, um bei einer adäquaten Produktivität die erforderlichen Qualitätsmerkmale im Hinblick auf Farbeänderung und Gehalt an ätherischen Ölen zu erzielen. Getrocknete Zitronenmelisse kann zurzeit, auf Grund verschiedener Probleme beim Trocknungsvorgang, den hohen Qualitätsanforderungen des Marktes nicht immer genügen. Es gibt keine standardisierten Informationen zu den einzelnen und komplexen Trocknungsparametern. In der Praxis beruht die Trocknung auf Erfahrungswerten, bzw. werden Vorgehensweisen bei der Trocknung anderer Pflanzen kopiert, und oftmals ist die Trocknung nicht reproduzierbar, oder beruht auf subjektiven Annäherungen. Als Folge dieser nicht angepassten Wahl der Trocknungsparameter entstehen oftmals Probleme wie eine Übertrocknung, was zu erhöhten Bruchverlusten der Blattmasse führt, oder eine zu geringe Trocknung, was wiederum einen zu hohen Endfeuchtegehalt im Produkt zur Folge hat. Dies wiederum mündet zwangsläufig in einer nicht vertretbaren Farbänderung und einen übermäßigen Verlust an ätherischen Ölen. Auf Grund der unterschiedlichen thermischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften von Blättern und Stängel, ist eine ungleichmäßige Trocknung die Regel. Es wird außerdem eine unnötig lange Trocknungsdauer beobachtet, die zu einem erhöhten Energieverbrauch führt. Das Trocknen in solaren Tunneln Trocknern bringt folgendes Problem mit sich: wegen des ungeregelten Strahlungseinfalles ist es schwierig die Trocknungstemperatur zu regulieren. Ebenso beeinflusst die Strahlung die Farbe des Produktes auf Grund von photochemischen Reaktionen. Zusätzlich erzeugen die hohen Schwankungen der Strahlung, der Temperatur und der Luftfeuchtigkeit instabile Bedingungen für eine gleichmäßige und kontrollierbare Trocknung. In Anbetracht der erwähnten Probleme werden folgende Forschungsschwerpunkte in dieser Arbeit gesetzt: neue Strategien zur Verbesserung der Qualität werden entwickelt, mit dem Ziel die Trocknungszeit und den Energieverbrauch zu verringern. Um eine Methodik vorzuschlagen, die auf optimalen Trocknungsparameter beruht, wurden Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit als Variable in Abhängigkeit der Trocknungszeit, des ätherischer Ölgehaltes, der Farbänderung und der erforderliche Energie betrachtet. Außerdem wurden die genannten Parametern und deren Auswirkungen auf die Qualitätsmerkmale in solaren Tunnel Trocknern analysiert. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, wurden unterschiedliche Ansätze verfolgt. Die Sorption-Isothermen und die Trocknungskinetik von Zitronenmelisse und deren entsprechende Anpassung an verschiedene mathematische Modelle wurden erarbeitet. Ebenso wurde eine alternative gestaffelte Trocknung in gestufte Schritte vorgenommen, um die Qualität des Endproduktes zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig den Gesamtenergieverbrauch zu senken. Zusätzlich wurde ein statistischer Versuchsplan nach der CCD-Methode (Central Composite Design) und der RSM-Methode (Response Surface Methodology) vorgeschlagen, um die gewünschten Qualitätsmerkmalen und den notwendigen Energieeinsatz in Abhängigkeit von Lufttemperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit zu erzielen. Anhand der gewonnenen Daten wurden Regressionsmodelle erzeugt, und das Verhalten des Trocknungsverfahrens wurde beschrieben. Schließlich wurde eine statistische DOE-Versuchsplanung (design of experiments) angewandt, um den Einfluss der Parameter auf die zu erzielende Produktqualität in einem solaren Tunnel Trockner zu bewerten. Die Wirkungen der Beschattung, der Lage im Tunnel, des Befüllungsgrades und der Luftgeschwindigkeit auf Trocknungszeit, Farbänderung und dem Gehalt an ätherischem Öl, wurde analysiert. Ebenso wurden entsprechende Regressionsmodelle bei der Anwendung in solaren Tunneltrocknern erarbeitet. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse werden in Bezug auf optimale Trocknungsparameter in Bezug auf Qualität und Energieverbrauch analysiert.


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The main objective of this PhD research study is to provide a perspective on the urban growth management and sustainable development in Palestine, and more specifically in Hebron district as a case study. Hebron is located 36 km south of Jerusalem, with an overall population size of around 600,000 people living in a total area around1246km2. Hebron is the biggest Palestinian district that has 16 municipalities and 154 localities. The research discusses and analyzes the urban planning system, economical and environmental policies and the solution required to manage and integrate the development elements to develop a sustainable development plan for Hebron. The research provides answers for fundamental questions such as what kind and definition of sustainable development are applicable to the Palestinian case?. What are the sustainability problems there and how the Israeli occupation and unstable political condition affect the sustainable development in Palestine? What are the urban growth management and sustainability policies and actions required from government, public and privets sector in Palestine? The fast urban growth in Palestine is facing many problems and challenges due to the increase in the population size and the resulting impact of this increase including, but not limited to, the demand of new houses, need for more infrastructure services, demands on new industrial, commercial, educational and health projects, which in turn reduces the area of agricultural lands and threatens the natural resources and environment. There are also other associated sustainability problems like the absence of effective plans or regulations that control urban expansion, the absence of sufficient sustainable development plans at the national levels for the district, new job requirements, Israeli restrictions and occupation for more than 60 years, existence of construction factories near residential areas, poor public awareness and poor governmental funds for service projects and development plans. The study consists of nine chapters. Chapter One includes an introduction, study objectives, problems and justifications, while Chapter Two has a theoretical background on sustainability topic and definitions of sustainability. The Palestinian urban planning laws and local government systems are discussed in Chapter Three and the methodology of research is detailed in Chapter Four. As for Chapter Five, it provides a general background on Hebron District including demographical and economical profiles, along with recommendations related to sustainable development for each profile Chapter Six addresses the urban environment, sustainability priorities and policies required. Chapter Seven discusses and analyzes infrastructure services including transportation, water and wastewater. As for Chapter Eight, it addresses the land use, housing and urban expansion beside the cultural heritage, natural heritage with relevant sustainable development polices and recommendations. Finally, Chapter Nine includes a conclusion and comprehensive recommendations integrating all of urban and sustainability event in one map. Hebron has a deep history including a rich cultural heritage aged by thousands of years, with 47% of Hebron district population under 14 years old. Being the biggest Palestinian district, Hebron has thousands of industrial and economical organizations beside a large agricultural sector at Palestine level. This gives Hebron a potential to play major roles in developing a national sustainability plan, as the current urban planning system in Palestine needs urgent reform and development to fulfill the sustainability requirement. The municipalities and ministers should find permanent financial aid for urban planning and development studies so as to face future challenges. The Palestinian government can benefit from available local human resources in development projects; hence Palestinian people have sufficient qualifications in most sectors. The Palestinian people also can invest in the privet sector in Palestine in case businessmen have been encouraged and clear investment laws and plans have been developed. The study provides recommendations associated to the sustainable development in Palestine in general and Hebron, as a case study, in specific. Recommendations include increasing the privet sector as well as the public involvement in urban growth management, and stopping unplanned urban expansion, subjecting granting building permits of new projects to the no-harm environmental impact assessment, increasing the coordination and cooperation between localities and central bodies, protection and renovation of old cites and green areas, increasing the quality and quantity of infrastructure services, establishing district urban planning department to coordinate and organize urban planning and sustainable development activities. Also, among recommendations come dividing Hebron into three planning and administrative areas (north, central and south), and dividing the sustainable development and implementation period (2010 to 2025) into three main phases. Finally, the study strongly recommends benefiting from the same urban development plans in similar districts at national and international levels, also to use new technologies and information systems in urban planning process.


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The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of one-dimensional 3d transition-metal (TM) monoatomic chains having linear, zigzag and ladder geometries are investigated in the frame-work of first-principles density-functional theory. The stability of long-range magnetic order along the nanowires is determined by computing the corresponding frozen-magnon dispersion relations as a function of the 'spin-wave' vector q. First, we show that the ground-state magnetic orders of V, Mn and Fe linear chains at the equilibrium interatomic distances are non-collinear (NC) spin-density waves (SDWs) with characteristic equilibrium wave vectors q that depend on the composition and interatomic distance. The electronic and magnetic properties of these novel spin-spiral structures are discussed from a local perspective by analyzing the spin-polarized electronic densities of states, the local magnetic moments and the spin-density distributions for representative values q. Second, we investigate the stability of NC spin arrangements in Fe zigzag chains and ladders. We find that the non-collinear SDWs are remarkably stable in the biatomic chains (square ladder), whereas ferromagnetic order (q =0) dominates in zigzag chains (triangular ladders). The different magnetic structures are interpreted in terms of the corresponding effective exchange interactions J(ij) between the local magnetic moments μ(i) and μ(j) at atoms i and j. The effective couplings are derived by fitting a classical Heisenberg model to the ab initio magnon dispersion relations. In addition they are analyzed in the framework of general magnetic phase diagrams having arbitrary first, second, and third nearest-neighbor (NN) interactions J(ij). The effect of external electric fields (EFs) on the stability of NC magnetic order has been quantified for representative monoatomic free-standing and deposited chains. We find that an external EF, which is applied perpendicular to the chains, favors non-collinear order in V chains, whereas it stabilizes the ferromagnetic (FM) order in Fe chains. Moreover, our calculations reveal a change in the magnetic order of V chains deposited on the Cu(110) surface in the presence of external EFs. In this case the NC spiral order, which was unstable in the absence of EF, becomes the most favorable one when perpendicular fields of the order of 0.1 V/Å are applied. As a final application of the theory we study the magnetic interactions within monoatomic TM chains deposited on graphene sheets. One observes that even weak chain substrate hybridizations can modify the magnetic order. Mn and Fe chains show incommensurable NC spin configurations. Remarkably, V chains show a transition from a spiral magnetic order in the freestanding geometry to FM order when they are deposited on a graphene sheet. Some TM-terminated zigzag graphene-nanoribbons, for example V and Fe terminated nanoribbons, also show NC spin configurations. Finally, the magnetic anisotropy energies (MAEs) of TM chains on graphene are investigated. It is shown that Co and Fe chains exhibit significant MAEs and orbital magnetic moments with in-plane easy magnetization axis. The remarkable changes in the magnetic properties of chains on graphene are correlated to charge transfers from the TMs to NN carbon atoms. Goals and limitations of this study and the resulting perspectives of future investigations are discussed.


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The rapid increase of rice imports in sub-Saharan Africa under the unstable situation in the world rice market during the 2000s has made it an important policy target for the countries in the region to increase self-sufficiency in rice in order to enhance food security. Whether domestic rice production can be competitive with imported rice is a serious question in East African countries that lie close, just across the Arabian Sea, to major rice exporting countries in South Asia. This study investigates the international competitiveness of domestic rice production in Uganda in terms of the domestic resource cost ratio. The results show that rainfed rice cultivation, which accounts for 95% of domestic rice production, does not have a comparative advantage with respect to rice imported from Pakistan, the largest supplier of imported rice to Uganda. However, the degree of non-competitiveness is not serious, and a high possibility exists for Uganda’s rainfed rice cultivation to become internationally competitive by improving yield levels by applying more modern inputs and enhancing labour productivity. Irrigated rice cultivation, though very limited in area, is competitive even under the present input-output structure when the cost of irrigation infrastructure is treated as a sunk cost. If the cost of installing irrigation infrastructure and its operation and maintenance is taken into account, the types of irrigation development that are economically feasible are not large-scale irrigation projects, but are small- and microscale projects for lowland rice cultivation and rain-water harvesting for upland rice cultivation.


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The control of aerial gymnastic maneuvers is challenging because these maneuvers frequently involve complex rotational motion and because the performer has limited control of the maneuver during flight. A performer can influence a maneuver using a sequence of limb movements during flight. However, the same sequence may not produce reliable performances in the presence of off-nominal conditions. How do people compensate for variations in performance to reliably produce aerial maneuvers? In this report I explore the role that passive dynamic stability may play in making the performance of aerial maneuvers simple and reliable. I present a control strategy comprised of active and passive components for performing robot front somersaults in the laboratory. I show that passive dynamics can neutrally stabilize the layout somersault which involves an "inherently unstable" rotation about the intermediate principal axis. And I show that a strategy that uses open loop joint torques plus passive dynamics leads to more reliable 1 1/2 twisting front somersaults in simulation than a strategy that uses prescribed limb motion. Results are presented from laboratory experiments on gymnastic robots, from dynamic simulation of humans and robots, and from linear stability analyses of these systems.


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This thesis presents a perceptual system for a humanoid robot that integrates abilities such as object localization and recognition with the deeper developmental machinery required to forge those competences out of raw physical experiences. It shows that a robotic platform can build up and maintain a system for object localization, segmentation, and recognition, starting from very little. What the robot starts with is a direct solution to achieving figure/ground separation: it simply 'pokes around' in a region of visual ambiguity and watches what happens. If the arm passes through an area, that area is recognized as free space. If the arm collides with an object, causing it to move, the robot can use that motion to segment the object from the background. Once the robot can acquire reliable segmented views of objects, it learns from them, and from then on recognizes and segments those objects without further contact. Both low-level and high-level visual features can also be learned in this way, and examples are presented for both: orientation detection and affordance recognition, respectively. The motivation for this work is simple. Training on large corpora of annotated real-world data has proven crucial for creating robust solutions to perceptual problems such as speech recognition and face detection. But the powerful tools used during training of such systems are typically stripped away at deployment. Ideally they should remain, particularly for unstable tasks such as object detection, where the set of objects needed in a task tomorrow might be different from the set of objects needed today. The key limiting factor is access to training data, but as this thesis shows, that need not be a problem on a robotic platform that can actively probe its environment, and carry out experiments to resolve ambiguity. This work is an instance of a general approach to learning a new perceptual judgment: find special situations in which the perceptual judgment is easy and study these situations to find correlated features that can be observed more generally.


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We describe the key role played by partial evaluation in the Supercomputing Toolkit, a parallel computing system for scientific applications that effectively exploits the vast amount of parallelism exposed by partial evaluation. The Supercomputing Toolkit parallel processor and its associated partial evaluation-based compiler have been used extensively by scientists at MIT, and have made possible recent results in astrophysics showing that the motion of the planets in our solar system is chaotically unstable.


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We describe the key role played by partial evaluation in the Supercomputing Toolkit, a parallel computing system for scientific applications that effectively exploits the vast amount of parallelism exposed by partial evaluation. The Supercomputing Toolkit parallel processor and its associated partial evaluation-based compiler have been used extensively by scientists at MIT, and have made possible recent results in astrophysics showing that the motion of the planets in our solar system is chaotically unstable.


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The non-Newtonian flow of dilute aqueous polyethylene oxide (PEO) solutions through microfabricated planar abrupt contraction-expansions is investigated. The contraction geometries are fabricated from a high-resolution chrome mask and cross-linked PDMS gels using the tools of soft-lithography. The small length scales and high deformation rates in the contraction throat lead to significant extensional flow effects even with dilute polymer solutions having time constants on the order of milliseconds. The dimensionless extra pressure drop across the contraction increases by more than 200% and is accompanied by significant upstream vortex growth. Streak photography and videomicroscopy using epifluorescent particles shows that the flow ultimately becomes unstable and three-dimensional. The moderate Reynolds numbers (0.03 ≤ Re ≤ 44) associated with these high Deborah number (0 ≤ De ≤ 600) microfluidic flows results in the exploration of new regions of the Re-De parameter space in which the effects of both elasticity and inertia can be observed. Understanding such interactions will be increasingly important in microfluidic applications involving complex fluids and can best be interpreted in terms of the elasticity number, El = De/Re, which is independent of the flow kinematics and depends only on the fluid rheology and the characteristic size of the device.


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Investigaciones recientes sugieren que en la adolescencia tienen lugar importantes cambios en la estructura, bioquímica y fisiología del cerebro que podrían explicar la dificultad que experimentan los adolescentes en el control de sus emociones así como también otros rasgos de su comportamiento inestable. En este artículo presentamos algunas investigaciones que establecen, asimismo, una correlación entre las reorganizaciones cerebrales que tienen lugar en el primer año de vida con signos de irritabilidad y desazón emocional que muestra el bebé durante este periodo. En ambos casos la dificultad de controlar los impulsos emocionales es susceptible de afectar la relación de los padres con el niño o joven. Discutimos la posible relevancia de esta coincidencia dentro de una perspectiva evolucionista así como la posible vulnerabilidad de estos períodos. Finalmente, apuntamos la necesidad de una teoría integradora del desarrollo humano y ofrecemos algunos puntos de debate


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La disfunción tiroidea tiene un impacto ya demostrado en el sistema cardiovascular. No se ha establecido si existe alguna asociación entre el hipotiroidismo y la presencia de complicaciones cardiovasculares como falla cardiaca, angina postinfarto, arritmias y muerte, en el contexto de un síndrome coronario agudo. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la disfunción tiroidea (hipotiroidismo clínico y subclínico) y la presencia de complicaciones cardiovasculares (falla cardiaca, arritmias, angina postinfarto y muerte) en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo que ingresaron a la Unidad de Cuidado Coronario de la Fundación Cardioinfantil (UCC – FCI). Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico de cohorte, donde se evaluó la cohorte expuesta (129 pacientes) y no expuesta (258 pacientes) que ingresaron a la UCC de la FCI, con diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo (Angina inestable, IAM SEST o IAM CEST) entre el periodo de enero de 2009 y marzo de 2010. Se evaluaron las asociaciones mediante el riesgo relativo e intervalo de confianza y la prueba de chi cuadrado. En el análisis multivariado se utilizó el modelo de regresión logística incondicional. Resultados: Se estudiaron en total 387 pacientes, 258 eutiroideos y 129 pacientes con disfunción tiroidea (hipotiroismo clínico e hipotiroidismo subclínico). La distribución según el sexo en la cohorte de expuestos y no expuestos fue de 67% vs 66.3% y de mujeres 31% vs 33.7%. El desenlace más frecuente en el grupo de pacientes expuestos fue falla cardiaca (13%). Se evidenció que los pacientes con hipotiroidismo clínico o subclínico tienen el doble de riesgo de presentar falla cardiaca (RR=2.2 IC 95%:1.1-4.3) y 3 veces más riesgo de presentar fibrilación auricular (RR=4 IC 95%:1.22–13.0). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los demás desenlaces. El análisis multivariado mostró que el hipotiroidismo es un factor de riesgo suficiente para producir falla cardiaca y fibrilación auricular. Conclusiones: El hipotiroidismo clínico y subclínico aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar falla cardiaca y fibrilación auricular en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo.


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Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre la disfunción tiroidea (hipotiroidismo clínico y subclínico) y la presencia de complicaciones cardiovasculares (falla cardiaca, arritmias, angina postinfarto y muerte) en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo que ingresaron a la Unidad de Cuidado Coronario de un hospital de cuarto nivel en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: estudio analítico de cohorte prospectiva, donde se evaluó la cohorte expuesta (129 pacientes) y no expuesta (258 pacientes) que ingresaron a la UCC del hospital de cuarto nivel, con diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo: Angina inestable, IAM SEST (Infarto agudo del miocardio sin elevación del ST) o IAM CEST (Infarto agudo del miocardio con elevación del ST) entre el periodo de enero de 2009 y marzo de 2010. Se evaluaron las asociaciones mediante el riesgo relativo e intervalo de confianza y la prueba de chi cuadrado. En el análisis multivariado se utilizó el modelo de regresión logística incondicional. Resultados: Se estudiaron en total 387 pacientes, 258 eutiroideos y 129 pacientes con disfunción tiroidea (hipotiroidismo clínico e hipotiroidismo subclínico). La distribución según el sexo en la cohorte de expuestos y no expuestos fue de 67% vs 66.3% y de mujeres 31% vs 33.7%. El desenlace más frecuente en el grupo de pacientes expuestos fue falla cardiaca (13%). Se evidenció que los pacientes con hipotiroidismo clínico o subclínico tienen el doble de riesgo de presentar falla cardiaca (RR=2.2 IC 95%:1.1-4.3) y 3 veces más riesgo de presentar fibrilación auricular (RR=4 IC 95%:1.22–13.0). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los demás desenlaces. El análisis multivariado mostró que el hipotiroidismo es un factor de riesgo suficiente para producir falla cardiaca y fibrilación auricular. Conclusiones: El hipotiroidismo clínico y subclínico aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar falla cardiaca y fibrilación auricular en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo.


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Objetivo: Establecer si existe asociación independiente entre los valores de grasa epicárdica con la extensión y la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria. Materiales y métodos: Se analizaron 69 pacientes con enfermedad coronaria estudiada con angiografía, a quienes se realizó medición de grasa epicárdica con ecocardiograma transtorácico en modo 2D. Los resultados se correlacionaron con dos Score de severidad para enfermedad coronaria (Gensini – Syntax) y con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular tradicionales. Se realizó un análisis estadístico bivariado y análisis de regresión logística para establecer su asociación. Resultados: No existió correlación entre los valores de grasa epicárdica y la severidad de la enfermedad. Se documentó una leve correlación con los valores de perímetro abdominal. En los pacientes con angina inestable los valores de grasa epicárdica fueron mayores en comparación con los pacientes que se presentaron con infarto agudo de miocardio. Conclusiones: La grasa epicárdica no tiene asociación independiente con la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria ni con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Indicando que en la práctica clínica no debe utilizarse como marcador de riesgo cardiometabólico. Palabras Clave: Ecocardiografía, Grasa Epicárdica, Enfermedad Coronaria, Factores de Riesgo Cardiovascular


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El entorno económico actual se caracteriza por su dinamismo. Las diferentes tendencias hacen del entorno un medio altamente competitivo, inestable y cambiante lo que fomenta mayor liderazgo en las empresas que deseen perdurar y alcanzar el éxito. Solo aquellas empresas que logran adaptarse a los diferentes cambios podrán sobrevivir a la incertidumbre y la complejidad. Es innegable que en un momento dado se haga presente una crisis que pueda alterar el funcionamiento normal de las empresas y en algunos casos sentirse al borde de la muerte; sin embargo cuando las crisis son superadas, se ve reflejado la perseverancia y el esfuerzo estratégico realizado por el director y su equipo de trabajo. Es el caso de Productos 3A, empresa Colombiana dedicada a la industria de alimentos, importando, comercializando y distribuyendo principalmente frutos deshidratados; que sobrellevó una crisis iniciada en 1999 debido principalmente a la situación financiera que esta tuvo que enfrentar por su alto nivel de endeudamiento. A través del tiempo logro implementar diferentes estrategias que fueron fundamentales para su supervivencia, entre las cuales se encontraban acogerse a la ley 550, además de trabajar y mejorar en aspectos de dirección y gerencia; logrando así posicionarse en el mercado Colombiano, convirtiéndose en uno de los primeros importadores a nivel nacional de frutos deshidratados. Finalmente, la facultad de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario, en cooperación con la Superintendencia de Sociedades, otorga cada año el Premio Ave Fénix, en reconocimiento a las empresas que habiendo iniciado un proceso de liquidación, resurgen y generan resultados favorables, sostenibles y perdurables en el tiempo. La empresa Productos 3A obtiene este reconocimiento producto de su esfuerzo, resiliencia y perseverancia, convirtiéndose en un gran ejemplo en el campo empresarial de que es posible saltar de la morbilidad a la perdurabilidad.


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En una región cuyo Balance de Seguridad y Equilibrio han estado garantizados por los Estados Unidos, el creciente militarismo chino pone grandes desafíos e impacto a las políticas y reacciones de sus vecinos, afectando relaciones marcadas por el peso de la historia, y que parece llevar a una carrera armamentista regional.