951 resultados para Unpublished
In this article I review some aspects of flavour phenomenology in the MSSM. After an overview of various flavour observables I discuss the constraints on the off-diagonal elements of the squark mass matrices. In this context I present the Fortran code SUSY_FLAVOR which calculates these processes in the generic MSSM including the complete resummation of all chirally enhanced effects as a new feature of version 2. Than I discuss where large new physics effects in the MSSM are still possible. As an example of a model which can give large effects in flavour physics I review a model with "radiative flavour violation" (RFV) and update the results in the light of the recent LHCb measurement of Bs -> \mu \mu. Finally, I recall that the MSSM can generate a sizable right-handed W-coupling which affects B -> \tau\nu and can solve the Vub problem.
The Importation of Herbert Simon and of the Case Method at the Dawn of French Administrative Science