917 resultados para Trustees system service corporation.
Collaborative sharing of information is becoming much more needed technique to achieve complex goals in today's fast-paced tech-dominant world. Personal Health Record (PHR) system has become a popular research area for sharing patients informa- tion very quickly among health professionals. PHR systems store and process sensitive information, which should have proper security mechanisms to protect patients' private data. Thus, access control mechanisms of the PHR should be well-defined. Secondly, PHRs should be stored in encrypted form. Cryptographic schemes offering a more suitable solution for enforcing access policies based on user attributes are needed for this purpose. Attribute-based encryption can resolve these problems, we propose a patient-centric framework that protects PHRs against untrusted service providers and malicious users. In this framework, we have used Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption scheme as an efficient cryptographic technique, enhancing security and privacy of the system, as well as enabling access revocation. Patients can encrypt their PHRs and store them on untrusted storage servers. They also maintain full control over access to their PHR data by assigning attribute-based access control to selected data users, and revoking unauthorized users instantly. In order to evaluate our system, we implemented CP-ABE library and web services as part of our framework. We also developed an android application based on the framework that allows users to register into the system, encrypt their PHR data and upload to the server, and at the same time authorized users can download PHR data and decrypt it. Finally, we present experimental results and performance analysis. It shows that the deployment of the proposed system would be practical and can be applied into practice.
Service supply chain (SSC) has attracted more and more attention from academia and industry. Although there exists extensive product-based supply chain management models and methods, they are not applicable to the SSC as the differences between service and product. Besides, the existing supply chain management models and methods possess some common deficiencies. Because of the above reasons, this paper develops a novel value-oriented model for the management of SSC using the modeling methods of E3-value and Use Case Maps (UCMs). This model can not only resolve the problems of applicability and effectiveness of the existing supply chain management models and methods, but also answer the questions of ‘why the management model is this?’ and ‘how to quantify the potential profitability of the supply chains?’. Meanwhile, the service business processes of SSC system can be established using its logic procedure. In addition, the model can also determine the value and benefits distribution of the entire service value chain and optimize the operations management performance of the service supply.
Secure Access For Everyone (SAFE), is an integrated system for managing trust
using a logic-based declarative language. Logical trust systems authorize each
request by constructing a proof from a context---a set of authenticated logic
statements representing credentials and policies issued by various principals
in a networked system. A key barrier to practical use of logical trust systems
is the problem of managing proof contexts: identifying, validating, and
assembling the credentials and policies that are relevant to each trust
SAFE addresses this challenge by (i) proposing a distributed authenticated data
repository for storing the credentials and policies; (ii) introducing a
programmable credential discovery and assembly layer that generates the
appropriate tailored context for a given request. The authenticated data
repository is built upon a scalable key-value store with its contents named by
secure identifiers and certified by the issuing principal. The SAFE language
provides scripting primitives to generate and organize logic sets representing
credentials and policies, materialize the logic sets as certificates, and link
them to reflect delegation patterns in the application. The authorizer fetches
the logic sets on demand, then validates and caches them locally for further
use. Upon each request, the authorizer constructs the tailored proof context
and provides it to the SAFE inference for certified validation.
Delegation-driven credential linking with certified data distribution provides
flexible and dynamic policy control enabling security and trust infrastructure
to be agile, while addressing the perennial problems related to today's
certificate infrastructure: automated credential discovery, scalable
revocation, and issuing credentials without relying on centralized authority.
We envision SAFE as a new foundation for building secure network systems. We
used SAFE to build secure services based on case studies drawn from practice:
(i) a secure name service resolver similar to DNS that resolves a name across
multi-domain federated systems; (ii) a secure proxy shim to delegate access
control decisions in a key-value store; (iii) an authorization module for a
networked infrastructure-as-a-service system with a federated trust structure
(NSF GENI initiative); and (iv) a secure cooperative data analytics service
that adheres to individual secrecy constraints while disclosing the data. We
present empirical evaluation based on these case studies and demonstrate that
SAFE supports a wide range of applications with low overhead.
The observation chart is for many health professionals (HPs) the primary source of objective information relating to the health of a patient. Information Systems (IS) research has demonstrated the positive impact of good interface design on decision making and it is logical that good observation chart design can positively impact healthcare decision making. Despite the potential for good observation chart design, there is a paucity of observation chart design literature, with the primary source of literature leveraging Human Computer Interaction (HCI) literature to design better charts. While this approach has been successful, this design approach introduces a gap between understanding of the tasks performed by HPs when using charts and the design features implemented in the chart. Good IS allow for the collection and manipulation of data so that it can be presented in a timely manner that support specific tasks. Good interface design should therefore consider the specific tasks being performed prior to designing the interface. This research adopts a Design Science Research (DSR) approach to formalise a framework of design principles that incorporates knowledge of the tasks performed by HPs when using observation charts and knowledge pertaining to visual representations of data and semiology of graphics. This research is presented in three phases, the initial two phases seek to discover and formalise design knowledge embedded in two situated observation charts: the paper-based NEWS chart developed by the Health Service Executive in Ireland and the electronically generated eNEWS chart developed by the Health Information Systems Research Centre in University College Cork. A comparative evaluation of each chart is also presented in the respective phases. Throughout each of these phases, tentative versions of a design framework for electronic vital sign observation charts are presented, with each subsequent iteration of the framework (versions Alpha, Beta, V0.1 and V1.0) representing a refinement of the design knowledge. The design framework will be named the framework for the Retrospective Evaluation of Vital Sign Information from Early Warning Systems (REVIEWS). Phase 3 of the research presents the deductive process for designing and implementing V0.1 of the framework, with evaluation of the instantiation allowing for the final iteration V1.0 of the framework. This study makes a number of contributions to academic research. First the research demonstrates that the cognitive tasks performed by nurses during clinical reasoning can be supported through good observation chart design. Secondly the research establishes the utility of electronic vital sign observation charts in terms of supporting the cognitive tasks performed by nurses during clinical reasoning. Third the framework for REVIEWS represents a comprehensive set of design principles which if applied to chart design will improve the usefulness of the chart in terms of supporting clinical reasoning. Fourth the electronic observation chart that emerges from this research is demonstrated to be significantly more useful than previously designed charts and represents a significant contribution to practice. Finally the research presents a research design that employs a combination of inductive and deductive design activities to iterate on the design of situated artefacts.
There has been a debate for years about what the role of the ombudsman is. This article examines a key component of the role, to promote trust in public services and government. To be able to do this, however, an ombudsman needs to be perceived as legitimate and be trusted by a range of stakeholders, including the user. This article argues that three key relationships in a person’s complaint journey can build trust in an institution, and must therefore be understood as a system. The restorative justice framework is adapted to conceptualize this trust model as a novel approach to understanding the institution from the perspective of its users. Taking two public sector ombudsmen as examples, the article finds that voice and trust need to be reinforced through the relationships in a consumer journey to manage individual expectations, prevent disengagement, and thereby promote trust in the institution, in public service providers, and in government.
Recent debate on the quality of arts events has concentrated on the requirement to deliver against a complex range of political, social, and cultural criteria with an emphasis on the external partnerships that are forged. Yet those aspects of quality over which event organizers have more direct control have been accorded minor examination. The authors believe that operational effectiveness is key to service quality in the cultural context, and seek to demonstrate that a balanced consideration of both process and product is vital to fully deliver quality arts events. This article identifies areas of emergent research and practice and focuses on issues in the front-of-house environment where the breakdown of service quality is a real concern, using the experience of one UK not-for-profit arts organization as a case study to illustrate potential management responses.
The article examines developments in the marketisation and privatisation of the English National Health Service, primarily since 1997. It explores the use of competition and contracting out in ancillary services and the levering into public services of private finance for capital developments through the Private Finance Initiative. A substantial part of the article examines the repeated restructuring of the health service as a market in clinical services, initially as an internal market but subsequently as a market increasing opened up to private sector involvement. Some of the implications of market processes for NHS staff and for increased privatisation are discussed. The article examines one episode of popular resistance to these developments, namely the movement of opposition to the 2011 health and social care legislative proposals. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of these system reforms for the founding principles of the NHS and the sustainability of the service.
The text analyzes the impact of the economic crisis in some critical aspects of the National Health System: outcomes, health expenditure, remuneration policy and privatization through Private Public Partnership models. Some health outcomes related to social inequalities are worrying. Reducing public health spending has increased the fragility of the health system, reduced wage income of workers in the sector and increased heterogeneity between regions. Finally, the evidence indicates that privatization does not mean more efficiency and better governance. Deep reforms are needed to strengthen the National Health System.
Using the NEODAAS-Dundee AVHRR receiving station (Scotland), NEODAAS-Plymouth can provide calibrated brightness temperature data to end users or interim users in near-real time. Between 2000 and 2009 these data were used to undertake volcano hot spot detection, reporting and time-average discharge rate dissemination during effusive crises at Mount Etna and Stromboli (Italy). Data were passed via FTP, within an hour of image generation, to the hot spot detection system maintained at Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA). Final product generation and quality control were completed manually at HIGP once a day, so as to provide information to onsite monitoring agencies for their incorporation into daily reporting duties to Italian Civil Protection. We here describe the processing and dissemination chain, which was designed so as to provide timely, useable, quality-controlled and relevant information for ‘one voice’ reporting by the responsible monitoring agencies.
Using the NEODAAS-Dundee AVHRR receiving station (Scotland), NEODAAS-Plymouth can provide calibrated brightness temperature data to end users or interim users in near-real time. Between 2000 and 2009 these data were used to undertake volcano hot spot detection, reporting and time-average discharge rate dissemination during effusive crises at Mount Etna and Stromboli (Italy). Data were passed via FTP, within an hour of image generation, to the hot spot detection system maintained at Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA). Final product generation and quality control were completed manually at HIGP once a day, so as to provide information to onsite monitoring agencies for their incorporation into daily reporting duties to Italian Civil Protection. We here describe the processing and dissemination chain, which was designed so as to provide timely, useable, quality-controlled and relevant information for ‘one voice’ reporting by the responsible monitoring agencies.
Utilization of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems is increasing with fostering new policies on energy industries. However, the increase of distributed generation hinders the reliability of power systems. In order to stabilize them, a virtual power plant emerges as a novel power grid management system. The VPP has a role to make a participation of different distributed energy resources and energy storage systems. This paper defines core technology of the VPP which are demand response and ancillary service concerning about Korea, America and Europe cases. It also suggests application solutions of the VPP to V2G market for restructuring national power industries in Korea.
With the main focus on safety, design of structures for vibration serviceability is often overlooked or mismanaged, resulting in some high profile structures failing publicly to perform adequately under human dynamic loading due to walking, running or jumping. A standard tool to inform better design, prove fitness for purpose before entering service and design retrofits is modal testing, a procedure that typically involves acceleration measurements using an array of wired sensors and force generation using a mechanical shaker. A critical but often overlooked aspect is using input (force) to output (response) relationships to enable estimation of modal mass, which is a key parameter directly controlling vibration levels in service.
This paper describes the use of wireless inertial measurement units (IMUs), designed for biomechanics motion capture applications, for the modal testing of a 109 m footbridge. IMUs were first used for an output-only vibration survey to identify mode frequencies, shapes and damping ratios, then for simultaneous measurement of body accelerations of a human subject jumping to excite specific vibrations modes and build up bridge deck accelerations at the jumping location. Using the mode shapes and the vertical acceleration data from a suitable body landmark scaled by body mass, thus providing jumping force data, it was possible to create frequency response functions and estimate modal masses.
The modal mass estimates for this bridge were checked against estimates obtained using an instrumented hammer and known mass distributions, showing consistency among the experimental estimates. Finally, the method was used in an applied research application on a short span footbridge where the benefits of logistical and operational simplicity afforded by the highly portable and easy to use IMUs proved extremely useful for an efficient evaluation of vibration serviceability, including estimation of modal masses.
This case study research reports on a small and medium-sized (SME) business-to-business (B2B) services firm implementing a novel new service development (NSD) process. It provides accounts of what occurred in practice in terms of the challenges to NSD process implementation and how the firm overcame these challenges. It also considers the implications for NSD in this and other firms’ innovation practices. This longitudinal case study (18 months) was conducted “inside” the case organization. It covered the entire innovation process from the initiation to the launch of a new service. The primary method may be viewed as participant observation. The research involved all those participating in the innovation system in the firm, including decision-makers, middle managers and employees at lower hierarchical levels and the firm’s external networks. Implications for researchers and managers focusing on structured innovation models for the services sector are also presented.
Intresset för hur HR och ledning kan påverka medarbetarnas beteendemönster och den sociala strukturen inom organisationer har gett upphov till denna undersökning. Med utgångspunkt i teorier om komplexa adaptiva system som perspektiv har jag försökt fånga medarbetarnas förutsättningar att nå organisationers vision och därmed förverkliga medarbetarpolicyn i praktiken. Tillsammans med kontaktpersoner från den undersökta kommunen har jag gjort en djupdykning i en offentlig organisation i syfte att förklara byråkratins inverkan på beteendemönstret hos medarbetarna och hur de tillsammans skapar en social struktur vilken speglar organisationens vision. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur det adaptiva systemet fungerar i en byråkratisk organisation och vad det betyder för medarbetarnas möjligheter att förverkliga organisationens vision och medarbetarpolicy. Undersökningen har genomförts på en socialförvaltning i en kommun i mellan Sverige och med en kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer har sex respondenter deltagit i undersökningen. Samtliga respondenter har olika befattningar inom organisationen och bidrar därmed med olika perspektiv på samma fenomen. Undersökningens resultat visar att den offentliga verksamhetens byråkratiska organisationsstruktur bidrar till att det bildas olika adaptiva system inom organisationen, där medarbetarnas beteendemönster bildar en social struktur som leder till att visionen och medarbetarpolicyn inte förverkligas. Undersökningen visar även att de adaptiva systemen inom organisationen inte påverkar varandra, då de inte interagerar med varandra inom organisationen. Det som ligger till grund för hur medarbetarnas beteendemönster etableras inom organisationen är kraven från omvärlden, hög arbetsbelastning och avsaknaden av stabilitet i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön och inte vad tidigare forskning visat; att det skulle vara hög regelstyrning som ligger till grund för beteendemönstret inom den offentliga sektorn. Slutsatsen är att för att medarbetarna ska kunna förverkliga organisationens vision och medarbetarpolicy kräver det att HR, ledning och medarbetare alla ingår i samma adaptiva system. För att det ska vara möjligt behöver HR upprätta strategier för hur samtliga inom organisationen ska interagera med varandra i det dagliga arbetet. Ledningen och medarbetarna behöver även ha goda möjligheter att kommunicera med varandra regelbundet i en större omfattning än vad de gör idag. Konkreta åtgärder för hur det lämpligen bör genomföras presenteras under diskussionen.