1000 resultados para Truner, Rene


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This paper presents an experimental characterization of the behavior of an analogous version of the Chua`s circuit. The electronic circuit signals are captured using a data acquisition board (DAQ) and processed using LabVIEW environment. The following aspects of the time series analysis are analyzed: time waveforms, phase portraits, frequency spectra, Poincar, sections, and bifurcation diagram. The circuit behavior is experimentally mapped with the parameter variations, where are identified equilibrium points, periodic and chaotic attractors, and bifurcations. These analysis techniques are performed in real-time and can be applied to characterize, with precision, several nonlinear systems.


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Although literature presents several alternatives, an approach based on the electronic analogy was still not considered for the implementation of an inductor-free realization of the double scroll Chua`s circuit. This paper presents a new inductor-free configuration of the Chua`s circuit based on the electronic analogy. This proposal results in a versatile and functional inductorless implementation of the Chua`s circuit that offers new and interesting features for several applications. The analogous circuit is implemented and used to perform an experimental mapping of a large variety of attractors.


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The performance of modular home made capillary electrophoresis equipment with spectrophotometric detection, at a visible region by means of a miniaturized linear charge coupled device, was evaluated for the determination of four food dyes. This system presents a simple but efficient home made cell detection scheme. A computer program that converts the spectral data after each run into the electropherograms was developed to evaluate the analytical parameters. The dyes selected for analytical evaluation of the system were Brilliant Blue FCF, Fast Green FCF, Sunset Yellow FCF, and Amaranth. Separation was carried out in a 29cm length and 75 mu m I.D fused silica capillary, using 10mmolL-1 borate buffer at pH 9, with separation voltage of 7.5kV. The detection limits for the dyes were between 0.3 and 1.5mgL-1 and the method presented adequate linearity over the ranges studied, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.99. The method was applied for determination and quantification of these dyes in fruit juices and candies.


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Many pedagogues believe science centres to be a good complement to the more formal school teaching. For a visit to a science centre to be as educational as possible, there is a need for pre-visit information of some sort, a guided visit, and post-visit work. Many science centres offer loan services of different kinds. At Navet, a science centre in Bors, teachers can borrow boxes with experiments connected to the different themes they provide. The experiments are supposed to be a continuation of the visit and help settle the knowledge gained during the visit. This thesis is an evaluation of how the boxes function in the schools, and what the teachers think of them. The study was conducted through questionnaires and interviews with both teachers and the staff at Navet. The results of the study are very positive. Many teachers have been involved with Navet from the very beginning and they see a visit to Navet as an integrated part of their teaching. Some boxes work better than others and some might need clearer information, but overall the teachers see the boxes as timesavers, as a way to vary their teaching more easily, and as a help for teachers not specialized in mathematics and science.


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Background: Although breast milk has numerous benefits for infants' development, with greater effects in those born preterm (at < 37 gestational weeks), mothers of preterm infants have shorter breastfeeding duration than mothers of term infants. One of the explanations proposed is the difficulties in the transition from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to the home environment. A person-centred proactive telephone support intervention after discharge from NICU is expected to promote mothers' sense of trust in their own capacity and thereby facilitate breastfeeding. Methods/design: A multicentre randomized controlled trial has been designed to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of person-centred proactive telephone support on breastfeeding outcomes for mothers of preterm infants. Participating mothers will be randomized to either an intervention group or control group. In the intervention group person-centred proactive telephone support will be provided, in which the support team phones the mother daily for up to 14 days after hospital discharge. In the control group, mothers are offered a person-centred reactive support where mothers can phone the breastfeeding support team up to day 14 after hospital discharge. The intervention group will also be offered the same reactive telephone support as the control group. A stratified block randomization will be used; group allocation will be by high or low socioeconomic status and by NICU. Recruitment will be performed continuously until 1116 mothers (I: 558 C: 558) have been included. Primary outcome: proportion of mothers exclusively breastfeeding at eight weeks after discharge. Secondary outcomes: proportion of breastfeeding (exclusive, partial, none and method of feeding), mothers satisfaction with breastfeeding, attachment, stress and quality of life in mothers/partners at eight weeks after hospital discharge and at six months postnatal age. Data will be collected by researchers blind to group allocation for the primary outcome. A qualitative evaluation of experiences of receiving/providing the intervention will also be undertaken with mothers and staff. Discussion: This paper presents the rationale, study design and protocol for a RCT providing person-centred proactive telephone support to mothers of preterm infants. Furthermore, with a health economic evaluation, the cost-effectiveness of the intervention will be assessed. Trial registration: NCT01806480


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Background: Becoming a parent of a preterm baby requiring neonatal care constitutes an extraordinary life situation in which parenting begins and evolves in a medical and unfamiliar setting. Although there is increasing emphasis within maternity and neonatal care on the influence of place and space upon the experiences of staff and service users, there is a lack of research on how space and place influence relationships and care in the neonatal environment. The aim of this study was to explore, in-depth, the impact of place and space on parents experiences and practices related to feeding their preterm babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) in Sweden and England. Methods: An ethnographic approach was utilised in two NICUs in Sweden and two comparable units in England, UK. Over an eleven month period, a total of 52 mothers, 19 fathers and 102 staff were observed and interviewed. A grounded theory approach was utilised throughout data collection and analysis. Results: The core category of the room as a conveyance for an attuned feeding was underpinned by four categories: the level of ownership of space and place; the feeling of at-homeness; the experience of the door or a shield against people entering, for privacy, for enabling a focus within, and for regulating socialising and the; window of opportunity. Findings showed that the construction and design of space and place was strongly influential on the developing parent-infant relationship and for experiencing a sense of connectedness and a shared awareness with the baby during feeding, an attuned feeding. Conclusions: If our proposed model is valid, it is vital that these findings are considered when developing or reconfiguring NICUs so that account is taken of the influences of spatiality upon parents experiences. Even without redesign there are measures that may be taken to make a positive difference for parents and their preterm babies.


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Folkhlsomyndigheten har finansierat ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Borlnge kommun och Hgskolan Dalarna fr att anpassa och implementera ett frldrastdsprogram till somaliska frldrar, samt att mta effekten av denna intervention avseende frldrars och barns psykiska hlsa. Studien brjade med en explorativ delstudie med syfte att samla kunskap om vad somaliska frldrar upplever som utmanande i sitt frldraskap i Sverige, vilket behov av frldrastd de behver samt hur ett sdant std ska vara utformat. Studien genomfrdes med hjlp av fokusgruppsintervjuer med 23 frldrar (15 mammor och 8 pappor) boende i Borlnge. Resultatet visade att frldrarna upplevde en rad utmaningar i sin nya livssituation och i sitt frldraskap i nya landet. De beskrev skillnader i synstt p barnuppfostran och frldraskap mellan hemlandet och Sverige och efterstrvade drfr att kulturanpassa sitt frldraskap. Resultaten frn denna studie samt en genomgng av forskning kring frldrastd lg till grund fr valet av frldrastdsprogram samt ett samhllsorienterande tillgg till programmet. Mlgrupp fr studien var frldrar med barn i ldrarna 11-16 r och som upplevde stress i sitt frldraskap. Frldrarna erbjds sammanlagt 16 timmars utbildning frdelat p 12 trffar (10 timmar Connect frldrastd + 6 timmar samhllsorienterande tillgg). Effekten av frldrastdet undersktes genom en randomiserad kontrollerad studie dr totalt 120 frldrar ingick. De preliminra resultaten visar att deltagande frldrars barn har frbttrats signifikant i subskalorna socialt och skola. Dessutom minskade barnens oro, somatiska problem, sociala problem och brytande av regler. Frldrarna var njda med interventionen. De upplevde att de ftt en kad kunskap om hur socialtjnstens arbete fungerar och ftt frtroende fr deras arbete kring barn och unga. ver hlften av frldrarna upplevde sig mer skra i sin frldraroll och att deras relation med barnen hade frbttrats. Genom en processutvrdering av implementeringen av frldrastdet har framgngsfaktorer fr genomfrandet avfrldrastdsprogrammet studerats. Resultatet visade att de olika strategier som vidtagits vid rekrytering av frldrar och implementering av interventionen har varit lyckade. Exempel p sdana strategier har varit att projektmedarbetarna som rekryterat till frldrastdet har varit av Somaliskt ursprung, kursen har getts p somaliska men framfrallt att frldrastdet utgick ifrn frldrarnas upplevda behov.


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BACKGROUND: Despite extensive use of self-rated health questions in youth studies, little is known about what such questions capture among adolescents. Hence, the aim of this study was to explore how adolescents interpret and reason when answering a question about self-rated health. METHODS: A qualitative study using think-aloud interviews explored the question, "How do you feel most of the time?", using five response options ("Very good", "Rather good", "Neither good, nor bad", "Rather bad", and "Very bad"). The study involved 58 adolescents (29 boys and 29 girls) in lower secondary school (7th grade) and upper secondary school (12th grade) in Sweden. RESULTS: Respondents' interpretations of the question about how they felt included social, mental, and physical aspects. Gender differences were found primarily in that girls emphasized stressors, while age differences were reflected mainly in the older respondents' inclusion of a wider variety of influences on their assessments. The five response options all demonstrated differences in self-rated health, and the respondents' understanding of the middle option, "Neither good, nor bad", varied widely. In the answering of potential sensitive survey questions, rationales for providing honest or biased answers were described. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a self-rated health question including the word 'feel' captured a holistic view of health among adolescents. Differences amongst response options should be acknowledged when analyzing self-rated health questions. If anonymity is not feasible when answering questions on self-rated health, a high level of privacy is recommended to increase the likelihood of reliability.


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Background: Family centred care (FCC) is currently a valued philosophy within neonatal care; an approach that places the parents at the heart of all decision-making and engagement in the care of their infant. However, to date, there is a lack of clarity regarding the definition of FCC and limited evidence of FCCs effectiveness in relation to parental, infant or staff outcomes. Discussion: In this paper we present a new perspective to neonatal care based on Aaron Antonovksy's Sense of Coherence (SOC) theory of well-being and positive health. Whilst the SOC was originally conceptualised as a psychological-based construct, the SOCs three underpinning concepts of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness provide a theoretical lens through which to consider and reflect upon meaningful care provision in this particular care environment. By drawing on available FCC research, we consider how the SOC concepts considered from both a parental and professional perspective need to be addressed. The debate offered in this paper is not presented to reduce the importance or significance of FCC within neonatal care, but, rather, how consideration of the SOC offers the basis through which meaningful and effective FCC may be delivered. Practice based implications contextualised within the SOC constructs are also detailed. Summary: Consideration of the SOC constructs from both a parental and professional perspective need to be addressed in FCC provision. Service delivery and care practices need to be comprehensible, meaningful and manageable in order to achieve and promote positive well-being and health for all concerned.


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BACKGROUND: Pre- and post-migration trauma due to forced migration may impact negatively on parents' ability to care for their children. Little qualitative work has examined Somali-born refugees' experiences. The aim of this study is to explore Somali-born refugees' experiences and challenges of being parents in Sweden, and the support they need in their parenting. METHODS: A qualitative descriptive study was undertaken. Data were collected from four focus group discussions (FGDs) among 23 Somali-born mothers and fathers living in a county in central Sweden. Qualitative content analysis has been applied. RESULTS: A main category, Parenthood in Transition, emerged as a description of a process of parenthood in transition. Two generic categories were identified: Challenges, and Improved parenting. Challenges emerged from leaving the home country and being new and feeling alienated in the new country. In Improved parenting, an awareness of opportunities in the new country and ways to improve their parenting was described, which includes how to improve their communication and relationship with their children. The parents described a need for information on how to culturally adapt their parenting and obtain support from the authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Parents experienced a process of parenthood in transition. They were looking to the future and for ways to improve their parenting. Schools and social services can overcome barriers that prevent lack of knowledge about the new country's systems related to parenthood. Leaving the home country often means separation from the family and losing the social network. We suggest that staff in schools and social services offer parent training classes for these parents throughout their children's childhood, with benefits for the child and family.


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This study aimed to explore adolescent boys views of masculinity and emotion management and their potential effects on well-being. Interviews with 33 adolescent boys aged 1617years in Sweden were analysed using grounded theory. We found two main categories of masculine conceptions in adolescent boys: gender-normative masculinity with emphasis on group-based values, and non-gender-normative masculinity based on personal values. Gender-normative masculinity comprised two seemingly opposite emotional masculinity orientations, one towards toughness and the other towards sensitivity, both of which were highly influenced by contextual and situational group norms and demands, despite their expressions contrasting each other. Non-gender-normative masculinity included an orientation towards sincerity emphasising the personal values of the boys; emotions were expressed more independently of peer group norms. Our findings suggest that different masculinities and the expression of emotions are strongly intertwined and that managing emotions is vital for well-being.


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To investigate the in vivo effects of resistance exercise on translational control in human skeletal muscle, we determined the phosphorylation of AMP-activated kinase (AMPK), eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein (4E-BP1), p70/p85-S6 protein kinase (S6K1), and ribosomal S6 protein (S6). Furthermore, we investigated whether changes in the phosphorylation of S6K1 are muscle fiber type specific. Eight male subjects performed a single high-intensity resistance exercise session. Muscle biopsies were collected before and immediately after exercise and after 30 and 120 min of postexercise recovery. The phosphorylation statuses of AMPK, 4E-BP1, S6K1, and S6 were determined by Western blotting with phospho-specific and pan antibodies. To determine fiber type-specific changes in the phosphorylation status of S6K1, immunofluorescence microscopy was applied. AMPK phosphorylation was increased approximately threefold immediately after resistance exercise, whereas 4E-BP1 phosphorylation was reduced to 27 &plusmn; 6% of preexercise values. Phosphorylation of S6K1 at Thr421/Ser424 was increased 2- to 2.5-fold during recovery but did not induce a significant change in S6 phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of S6K1 was more pronounced in the type II vs. type I muscle fibers. Before exercise, phosphorylated S6K1 was predominantly located in the nuclei. After 2 h of postexercise recovery, phospho-S6K1 was primarily located in the cytosol of type II muscle fibers. We conclude that resistance exercise effectively increases the phosphorylation of S6K1 on Thr421/Ser424, which is not associated with a substantial increase in S6 phosphorylation in a fasted state.<br />


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By the 17th century Catholic orthodoxy had defined a range of propositions concerning the human soul as revealed by God and verifiable by natural reason. The writings of Rene Descartes display a consistent adherence to these orthodox propositions. The conclusion presents him as ultimately unsuccesful in convincing his contemporaries that his philosophy provided the rational demonstration of the key soul doctrines and that he was worthy of the title &quot;Christian philosopher&quot;


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This thesis research examined the relationship between SWB and depression in the context of homeostasis theory. Results provide support for homeostasis as the SWB maintenance mechanism and strong support for conceptualising depression as a loss of SWB. Remarkable, results also indicate that some SWB measures outperform depression inventories in detecting depression. The portfolio uses attachment theory as a conceptual framework for understanding the contribution of attachment relationships to the development of borderline and antisocial personality pathology in children and adolescents. Four case studies are presented in illustration.