958 resultados para Training status
The freshwater river systems and floodplains of Bangladesh are the breeding grounds for 13 endemic species of carps and barbs and a large number of other fish species, including a number of exotic carps and other species that have been introduced for aquaculture. Since 1967, breeding of endemic and exotic aquaculture species for seed producton through hypophysation techniques has become a common practice. The paper describes the present status of broodstock management, identifies problems, and suggests some guidelines to control negative selection and inbreeding in hatchery stocks in Bangladesh.
A summary is provided of a course introduced in 1987 at the Chaminuka Training Centre in Zimbabwe for training in rural aquaculture. The recruitment of trainees, aquaculture and rural development, the curriculum and practical training are outlined.
O uso das informações e indicadores provenientes do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS (SIH/SUS), tanto para análise de situação de saúde da população como para análise do desse, SUS, é cada vez mais frequente. Tal sistema é, desde sua concepção, fortemente influenciado pelas políticas públicas na área de atenção à saúde, como as definidas pelas Normas Operacionais e os incentivos e restrições a determinadas práticas. Alterações na operação do sistema introduzem descontinuidades e vieses nas informações, provocando eventuais imprecisões ou mesmo distorções nos resultados da extração de dados do sistema. Para que se possa avaliar o resultados de políticas, a situação da assistência à saúde ou as condições de saúde de uma população, é necessário, portanto, que se tenha uma visão clara e objetiva de quais informações são disponíveis, a sua evolução e como utiliza-las, considerando devidamente as influências exógenas e endógenas do sistema. O presente estudo está estruturado de acordo com o contexto do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares. Como componente da Previdência Social, é estudada a criação do Sistema de Assistência médico-Hospitalar da Previdência Social (SAMHPS), as suas origens e seus eixos estruturantes, assim como a sua expansão para a rede filantrópica e de ensino, com a ampliação de sua cobertura. Já no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), é estudada a incorporação do SAMHPS ao SUS, levando à criação do SIH/SUS, com a expansão para a rede pública e a sua universalização. A influência das políticas de saúde é analisada a partir da implantação de incentivos e restrições que afetam a assistência hospitalar e seu reflexo nas informações do SIH/SUS. A forma de categorização e a identificação dos prestadores são também examinadas, tendo em vista a sua importância na análise e determinação de políticas de saúde. Outro aspecto que é analisado é a forma de apropriação das informações do diagnóstico que levou à internação: a adoção da 10 Revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças, o caso específico das causas externas e a implantação da Tabela de Compatibilidade entre Procedimentos e Diagnósticos. Para identificar as mudanças políticas e operacionais do SUS, da regulamentação da assistência hospitalar e do SIH/SUS, foi pesquisada sua legislação Leis, Decretos, Normas Operacionais, Portarias, Instruções e Manuais. O relacionamento entre as informações e as políticas é analisado identificando a implantação destas políticas e verificando o efeito sobre os indicadores da assistência hospitalar obtidos do SIH/SUS. Como conclusão, foi visto que análises que utilizem as séries históricas devem, obrigatoriamente, levar em consideração as modificações, tanto do SUS como do SIH/SUS, para que possam chegar a conclusões mais precisas. Descontinuidades nas séries históricas efetivamente mostram modificações das políticas e da operação do sistema. A facilidade de acesso, a disponibilidade, a oportunidade e rapidez de atualização das informações do SIH/SUS são fatores positivos do sistema; é possível analisar o efeito de determinada ação pouco após a sua implantação. A análise das informações do diagnóstico denota a necessidade de treinamento dos codificadores no uso da CID-10 em morbidade e de uma ampla revisão da Tabela de Compatibilidade entre Diagnóstico Principal e o Procedimento Realizado.
This paper presents an evaluation of the 15-week course on Training in Fisheries Planning and Management being offered at the University of Namibia since 1991. This course includes instruction in fisheries technology, fisheries biology, fisheries law and law of the sea, fisheries economics, fisheries sociology, environment impact assessment, planning and management, the logical framework approach to planning and computer literacy. The participats in the course have rated the various elements in a range of 2.9 to 4.7 out of a maximum of 5 points.
The status of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) culture in China and suggestions on how this may become an important sector in the place are presented.
An endangered fish species in China, Reeves shad (Tenualosa reversii), is finding hope of restoration and conservation in aquaculture and induced breeding efforts spearheaded by the Yangtze River Fisheries Management Commission. The history and sensitive traits of the Reeves shad are described featuring the species' life history, population dynamics and management of the Reeves shad resources.
Zostera marina is a member of a widely distributed genus of seagrasses, all commonly called eelgrass. The reported distribution of eelgrass along the east coast of the United States is from Maine to North Carolina. Eelgrass inhabits a variety of coastal habitats, due in part to its ability to tolerate a wide range of environmental parameters. Eelgrass meadows provide habitat, nurseries, and feeding grounds for a number of commercially and ecologically important species, including the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. In the early 1930’s, a marine event, termed the “wasting disease,” was responsible for catastrophic declines in eelgrass beds of the coastal waters of North America and Europe, with the virtual elimination of Z. marina meadows in the Atlantic basin. Following eelgrass declines, disastrous losses were documented for bay scallop populations, evidence of the importance of eelgrass in supporting healthy scallop stocks. Today, increased turbidity arising from point and non-point source nutrient loading and sediment runoff are the primary threats to eelgrass along the Atlantic coast and, along with recruitment limitation, are likely reasons for the lack of recovery by eelgrass to pre-1930’s levels. Eelgrass is at a historical low for most of the western Atlantic with uncertain prospects for systematic improvement. However, of all the North American seagrasses, eelgrass has a growth rate and strategy that makes it especially conducive to restoration and several states maintain ongoing mapping, monitoring, and restoration programs to enhance and improve this critical resource. The lack of eelgrass recovery in some areas, coupled with increasing anthropogenic impacts to seagrasses over the last century and heavy fishing pressure on scallops which naturally have erratic annual quantities, all point to a fishery with profound challenges for survival.
Night sharks, Carcharhinus signatus, are an oceanic species generally occurring in outer continental shelf waters in the western North Atlantic Ocean including the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Although not targeted, night sharks make up a segment of the shark bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery. Historically, night sharks comprised a significant proportion of the artisanal Cuban shark fishery but today they are rarely caught. Although information from some fisheries has shown a decline in catches of night sharks, it is unclear whether this decline is due to changes in fishing tactics, market, or species identification. Despite the uncertainty in the decline, the night shark is currently listed as a species of concern due to alleged declines in abundance resulting from fishing effort, i.e. overutilization. To assess their relevance to the species of concern list, we collated available information on the night shark to provide an analysis of its status. Night shark landings were likely both over- and under-reported and thus probably did not reflect all commercial and recreational catches, and overall they have limited relevance to the current status of the species. Average size information has not changed considerably since the 1980’s based on information from the pelagic longline fishery when corrected for gear bias. Analysis of biological information indicates night sharks have intrinsic rates of increase (r) about 10% yr–1 and have moderate rebound potential and an intermediate generation time compared to other sharks. An analysis of trends in relative abundance from four data sources gave conflicting results, with one series in decline, two series increasing, and one series relatively flat. Based on the analysis of all currently available information, we believe the night shark does not qualify as a species of concern but should be retained on the prohibited species list as a precautionary approach to management until a more comprehensive stock assessment can be conducted.
Of the five populations of beluga, Delphinapterus leucas, in Alaska, the most isolated is the one in Cook Inlet (Hazard, 1988; Hill and DeMaster, 1998) (Fig. 1). The geographic and genetic segregation of this stock (O’Corry-Crowe et al., 1997), combined with the beluga’s tendency toward site fidelity in summer, makes this population especially vulnerable to impacts from large or persistent harvests.
In the history of whaling from prehistoric to modern times, the large whales, sometimes called the “great whales,” were hunted most heavily owing in part to their corresponding value in oil, meat, and baleen. Regional populations of North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis glacialis, were already decimated by 1700, and the North Atlantic gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, was hunted to extinction by the early 1700’s (Mitchell and Mead1).