983 resultados para Tissue Concentrations


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Despite advances in understanding basic organizational principles of the human basal ganglia, accurate in vivo assessment of their anatomical properties is essential to improve early diagnosis in disorders with corticosubcortical pathology and optimize target planning in deep brain stimulation. Main goal of this study was the detailed topological characterization of limbic, associative, and motor subdivisions of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in relation to corresponding corticosubcortical circuits. To this aim, we used magnetic resonance imaging and investigated independently anatomical connectivity via white matter tracts next to brain tissue properties. On the basis of probabilistic diffusion tractography we identified STN subregions with predominantly motor, associative, and limbic connectivity. We then computed for each of the nonoverlapping STN subregions the covariance between local brain tissue properties and the rest of the brain using high-resolution maps of magnetization transfer (MT) saturation and longitudinal (R1) and transverse relaxation rate (R2*). The demonstrated spatial distribution pattern of covariance between brain tissue properties linked to myelin (R1 and MT) and iron (R2*) content clearly segregates between motor and limbic basal ganglia circuits. We interpret the demonstrated covariance pattern as evidence for shared tissue properties within a functional circuit, which is closely linked to its function. Our findings open new possibilities for investigation of changes in the established covariance pattern aiming at accurate diagnosis of basal ganglia disorders and prediction of treatment outcome.


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Abacavir and amprenavir, a nucleoside reverse transcription inhibitor and a protease inhibitor, respectively, are new drugs used for the treatment of HIV. Methadone blood concentrations were measured in five addict patients receiving methadone maintenance therapy before and after introduction of abacavir plus amprenavir. The administration of these two drugs for a median period of 14 days resulted in a significant reduction (P = 0.043) of methadone concentration, with a median decrease to 35% of the original concentration (range 28-87%). Two patients reported on several occasions nausea in the morning before the intake of the daily methadone dose, which is compatible with withdrawal reaction to opioids. Because amprenavir is a cytochrome P4503A4 substrate and is involved in the metabolism of methadone, reduction of methadone concentrations could be explained by an induction of cytochrome P4503A4.


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Because of the various matrices available for forensic investigations, the development of versatile analytical approaches allowing the simultaneous determination of drugs is challenging. The aim of this work was to assess a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) platform allowing the rapid quantification of colchicine in body fluids and tissues collected in the context of a fatal overdose. For this purpose, filter paper was used as a sampling support and was associated with an automated 96-well plate extraction performed by the LC autosampler itself. The developed method features a 7-min total run time including automated filter paper extraction (2 min) and chromatographic separation (5 min). The sample preparation was reduced to a minimum regardless of the matrix analyzed. This platform was fully validated for dried blood spots (DBS) in the toxic concentration range of colchicine. The DBS calibration curve was applied successfully to quantification in all other matrices (body fluids and tissues) except for bile, where an excessive matrix effect was found. The distribution of colchicine for a fatal overdose case was reported as follows: peripheral blood, 29 ng/ml; urine, 94 ng/ml; vitreous humour and cerebrospinal fluid, < 5 ng/ml; pericardial fluid, 14 ng/ml; brain, < 5 pg/mg; heart, 121 pg/mg; kidney, 245 pg/mg; and liver, 143 pg/mg. Although filter paper is usually employed for DBS, we report here the extension of this alternative sampling support to the analysis of other body fluids and tissues. The developed platform represents a rapid and versatile approach for drug determination in multiple forensic media.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is an essential regulator of adipocyte differentiation, maintenance, and survival. Deregulations of its functions are associated with metabolic diseases. We show here that deletion of one PPARgamma allele not only affected lipid storage but, more surprisingly, also the expression of genes involved in glucose uptake and utilization, the pentose phosphate pathway, fatty acid synthesis, lipolysis, and glycerol export as well as in IR/IGF-1 signaling. These deregulations led to reduced circulating adiponectin levels and an energy crisis in the WAT, reflected in a decrease to nearly half of its intracellular ATP content. In addition, there was a decrease in the metabolic rate and physical activity of the PPARgamma(+/-) mice, which was abolished by thiazolidinedione treatment, thereby linking regulation of the metabolic rate and physical activity to PPARgamma. It is likely that the PPARgamma(+/-) phenotype was due to the observed WAT dysfunction, since the gene expression profiles associated with metabolic pathways were not affected either in the liver or the skeletal muscle. These findings highlight novel roles of PPARgamma in the adipose tissue and underscore the multifaceted action of this receptor in the functional fine tuning of a tissue that is crucial for maintaining the organism in good health.


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PURPOSE: We evaluated the feasibility of biomarker development in the context of multicenter clinical trials. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples were collected from a prospective adjuvant colon cancer trial (PETACC3). DNA was isolated from tumor as well as normal tissue and used for analysis of microsatellite instability, KRAS and BRAF genotyping, UGT1A1 genotyping, and loss of heterozygosity of 18 q loci. Immunohistochemistry was used to test expression of TERT, SMAD4, p53, and TYMS. Messenger RNA was retrieved and tested for use in expression profiling experiments. RESULTS: Of the 3,278 patients entered in the study, FFPE blocks were obtained from 1,564 patients coming from 368 different centers in 31 countries. In over 95% of the samples, genomic DNA tests yielded a reliable result. Of the immmunohistochemical tests, p53 and SMAD4 staining did best with reliable results in over 85% of the cases. TERT was the most problematic test with 46% of failures, mostly due to insufficient tissue processing quality. Good quality mRNA was obtained, usable in expression profiling experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Prospective clinical trials can be used as framework for biomarker development using routinely processed FFPE tissues. Our results support the notion that as a rule, translational studies based on FFPE should be included in prospective clinical trials.


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During pregnancy the plasma concentration of two different inhibitors of plasminogen activators (PAIs) increases. The only one found in the plasma of nonpregnant women (PAI1) is immunologically related to a PAI of endothelial cells; its plasma activity, as deduced from the inhibition of single-chain tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), increased from 3.4 +/- 2.3 U/mL (mean +/- 95% confidence limits) in the plasma of nonpregnant women to 29 +/- 7 U/mL at term, and its antigen level, measured by a radioimmunoassay, increased from 54 +/- 17 ng/mL to 144 +/- 25 ng/mL. In pregnancy plasma a second PAI (PAI 2) related to a PAI found in placenta extracts was observed. Its level, quantified with a radioimmunoassay, increased from below the detection limit (approximately 10 ng/mL) in normal plasma to 260 ng/mL at term. One hour after delivery, PAI 1 activities and antigen decreased sharply, but the PAI 2 antigen levels remained constant. Three days later, the PAI 1 antigen levels had fallen to normal levels, but the PAI 2 antigen levels were still at least eightfold above the nonpregnant values. During pregnancy, the t-PA and prourokinase (u-PA) antigen concentrations increased 50% and 200%, respectively, whereas the plasminogen and alpha 2-antiplasmin levels remained constant. Despite the large variations in the levels of PAs and PAIs, the overall fibrinolytic activity as measured in diluted plasma by a radioiodinated fibrin plate assay did not change significantly. Just after delivery, a great increase in the t-PA antigen levels was observed. Three to five days after delivery most parameters of the fibrinolytic system were normal again. Our results demonstrate that during pregnancy and in the puerperium profound alterations of the fibrinolytic system occur that are characterized by increases in PAs and their inhibitors, but these alterations do not affect the overall fibrinolytic activity.


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BACKGROUND: A rapid decrease of serum potassium concentrations during haemodialysis produces a significant increase in blood pressure parameters at the end of the session, even if effects on intra-dialysis pressure are not seen. Paradoxically, in animal models potassium is a vasodilator and decreases myocardial contractility. The purpose of this trial is to study the precise haemodynamic consequences induced by acute changes in potassium concentration during haemodialysis. METHODS: In 24 patients, 288 dialysis sessions, using a randomised single blind crossover design, we compared six dialysate sequences with different potassium profiles. The dialysis sessions were divided into 3 tertiles, casually modulating potassium concentration in the dialysate between the value normally used K and the two cut-off points K+1 and K-1 mmol/l. Haemodynamics were evaluated in a non-invasive manner using a finger beat-to-beat monitor. RESULTS: Comparing K-1 and K+1, differences were found within the tertiles regarding systolic (+5.3, +6.6, +2.3 mmHg, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns) and mean blood pressure (+4.3, +6.4, -0.5 mmHg, p < 0.01, < 0.01, ns), as well as peripheral resistance (+212, +253, -4 dyne.sec.cm-5, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns). The stroke volume showed a non-statistically-significant inverse trend (-3.1, -5.2, -0.2 ml). 18 hypotension episodes were recorded during the course of the study. 72% with K-1, 11% with K and 17% with K+1 (p < 0.01 for comparison K-1 vs. K and K-1 vs. K+1). CONCLUSIONS: A rapid decrease in the concentration of serum potassium during the initial stage of the dialysis-obtained by reducing the concentration of potassium in the dialysate-translated into a decrease of systolic and mean blood pressure mediated by a decrease in peripheral resistance. The risk of intra-dialysis hypotension inversely correlates to the potassium concentration in the dialysate. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01224314.


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The fatty acids of olive oils of distinct quality grade from the most important European Union (EU) producer countries were chemically and isotopically characterized. The analytical approach utilized combined capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and the novel technique of compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) through gas chromatography coupled to a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) via a combustion (C) interface (GC/C/IRMS). This approach provides further insights into the control of the purity and geographical origin of oils sold as cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with certified origin appellation. The results indicate that substantial enrichment in heavy carbon isotope (C-13) of the bulk oil and of individual fatty acids are related to (1) a thermally induced degradation due to deodorization or steam washing of the olive oils and (2) the potential blend with refined olive oil or other vegetable oils. The interpretation of the data is based on principal component analysis of the fatty acids concentrations and isotopic data (delta(13)C(oil), delta(13)C(16:0), delta(13)C(18:1)) and on the delta(13)C(16:0) vs delta(13)C(18:1) covariations. The differences in the delta(13)C values of palmitic and oleic acids are discussed in terms of biosynthesis of these acids in the plant tissue and admixture of distinct oils.


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AIM: The antihypertensive effect of renal denervation in hypertensive patients is partially explained by increased tubular natriuresis. To study the possible contribution of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) to this natriuretic effect in rats, we measured kallikrein activity (KA) and bradykinin concentrations (BK) in plasma and tissues. METHODS: To measure KA, we adapted and validated an enzymatic assay that cleaves para-nitroaniline (pNA) from the tripeptide H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA. The coefficients of variation (CV) within- and between-assays were less than 8% for plasma and tissue KA (plasma n=6 and 13; tissue n=4). Linear results for serially diluted samples confirmed the assay specificity. Tissue BK determinations were based on an established assay for plasma BK: tissue was homogenized and kinins extracted in ethanol, and BK was isolated by high-performance (HPLC) liquid chromatography and quantitated by radioimmunassay. Within- and between-assay CV for plasma BK were 18% (n=8 and n=35, respectively) and for BK in various tissues less than 16% (n=5-8). RESULTS: In male Wistar rats (n=3), plasma BK was 8.2±6.6 fmol/mL (mean±SD), and tissue BK (fmol/g) in 14 tested organs varied between brain (14±3) and submaxillary gland (521±315). Six days after left-sided unilateral renal denervation, left renal tissue BK (89±9) was not different from right renal BK (75±23). Similarly, KA was comparable in the two kidneys (left 18.0±1.5, right 15.8±1.4μkat/g). CONCLUSION: Any possible effect of unilateral renal denervation on the kidney's KKS would have to be bilateral.


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The intravenous, short-acting general anesthetic propofol was applied to three-dimensional (aggregating) cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon. Both the clinically used formulation (Disoprivan, ICI Pharmaceuticals, Cheshire, England) and the pure form (2,6-diisopropylphenol) were tested at two different periods of brain development: immature brain cell cultures prior to synaptogenesis and at the time of intense synapses and myelin formation. At both time periods and for clinically relevant concentrations and time of exposure (i.e., concentrations > or = 2.0 micrograms/ml for 8 hr), propofol caused a significant decrease of glutamic acid decarboxylase activity. This effect persisted after removal of the drug, suggesting irreversible structural changes in GABAergic neurons. The gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) blocking agents bicuculline and picrotoxin partially attenuated the neurotoxic effect of propofol in cultures treated at the more mature phase of development. This protective effect was not observed in the immature brain cells. The present data suggest that propofol may cause irreversible lesions to GABAergic neurons when given at a critical phase of brain development. In contrast, glial cells and myelin appeared resistant even to high doses of propofol.


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It is well known that visceral adipose tissue (VAT) is associated with insulin resistance (IR). Considerable debate remains concerning the potential positive effect of thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue (TSAT). Our objective was to observe whether VAT and TSAT are opposite, synergistic or additive for both peripheral and hepatic IR. Fifty-two volunteers (21 male/31 female) between 30 and 75 years old were recruited from the general population. All subjects were sedentary overweight or obese (mean BMI 33.0 ± 3.4 kg/m(2)). Insulin sensitivity was determined by a 4-h hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp with stable isotope tracer dilution. Total body fat and lean body mass were determined by dual X-ray absorptiometry. Abdominal and mid-thigh adiposity was determined by computed tomography. VAT was negatively associated with peripheral insulin sensitivity, while TSAT, in contrast, was positively associated with peripheral insulin sensitivity. Subjects with a combination of low VAT and high TSAT had the highest insulin sensitivity, subjects with a combination of high VAT and low TSAT were the most insulin resistant. These associations remained significant after adjusting for age and gender. These data confirm that visceral excess abdominal adiposity is associated with IR across a range of middle-age to older men and women, and further suggest that higher thigh subcutaneous fat is favorably associated with better insulin sensitivity. This strongly suggests that these two distinct fat distribution phenotypes should both be considered in IR as important determinants of cardiometabolic risk.


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Background: Imatinib has revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). Considering the large inter-individual differences in the function of the systems involved in its disposition, exposure to imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients. This observational study aimed at describing imatinib pharmacokinetic variability and its relationship with various biological covariates, especially plasma alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), and at exploring the concentration-response relationship in patients. Methods: A population pharmacokinetic model (NONMEM) including 321 plasma samples from 59 patients was built up and used to derive individual post-hoc Bayesian estimates of drug exposure (AUC; area under curve). Associations between AUC and therapeutic response or tolerability were explored by ordered logistic regression. Influence of the target genotype (i.e. KIT mutation profile) on response was also assessed in GIST patients. Results: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption appropriately described the data, with an average oral clearance of 14.3 L/h (CL) and volume of distribution of 347 L (Vd). A large inter-individual variability remained unexplained, both on CL (36%) and Vd (63%), but AGP levels proved to have a marked impact on total imatinib disposition. Moreover, both total and free AUC correlated with the occurrence and number of side effects (e.g. OR 2.9±0.6 for a 2-fold free AUC increase; p<0.001). Furthermore, in GIST patients, higher free AUC predicted a higher probability of therapeutic response (OR 1.9±0.5; p<0.05), notably in patients with tumor harboring an exon 9 mutation or wild-type KIT, known to decrease tumor sensitivity towards imatinib. Conclusion: The large pharmacokinetic variability, associated to the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship uncovered are arguments to further investigate the usefulness of individualizing imatinib prescription based on TDM. For this type of drug, it should ideally take into consideration either circulating AGP concentrations or free drug levels, as well as KIT genotype for GIST.


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INTRODUCTION: Tissue factor (TF) activation of the coagulation proteases enhances inflammation in animal models of arthritis and endotoxemia, but the mechanism of this effect is not yet fully understood - in particular, whether this is primarily due to fibrin formation or through activation of protease activated receptors (PARs). METHODS: We induced extravascular inflammation by injection of recombinant soluble murine TF (sTF1-219) in the hind paw. The effects of thrombin inhibition, fibrinogen and platelet depletion were evaluated, as well as the effects of PAR deficiency using knockout mice deficient for each of the PARs. RESULTS: Injection of soluble TF provoked a rapid onset of paw swelling. Inflammation was confirmed histologically and by increased serum IL-6 levels. Inflammation was significantly reduced by depletion of fibrinogen (P < 0.05) or platelets (P = 0.015), and by treatment with hirudin (P = 0.04) or an inhibitor of activated factor VII (P < 0.001) compared with controls. PAR-4-deficient mice exhibited significantly reduced paw swelling (P = 0.003). In contrast, a deficiency in either PAR-1, PAR-2 or PAR-3 did not affect the inflammatory response to soluble TF injection. CONCLUSION: Our results show that soluble TF induces acute inflammation through a thrombin-dependent pathway and both fibrin deposition and platelet activation are essential steps in this process. The activation of PAR-4 on platelets is crucial and the other PARs do not play a major role in soluble TF-induced inflammation.