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Gas-solids two phase systems are widely employed within process plant in the form of pneumatic conveyors, dust extraction systems and solid fuel injection systems. The measurement of solids phase velocity therefore has wide potential application in flow monitoring and, in conjunction with density measurement instrumentation, solids mass flow rate measurement. Historically, a number of authors have detailed possible measurement techniques, and some have published limited test results. It is, however, apparent that none of these technologies have found wide application in industry. Solids phase velocity measurements were undertaken using real time cross correlation of signals from two electrostatic sensors spaced axially along a pipeline conveying pulverised coal (PF). Details of the measurement equipment, the pilot scale test rig and the test results are presented.


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A collection of marine bacteria isolated from a temperate coastal zone has been screened in a programme of biodiscovery. A total of 34 enzymes with biotechnological potential were screened in 374 isolates of marine bacteria. Only two enzymes were found in all isolates while the majority of enzyme activities were present in a smaller proportion of the isolates. A cluster analysis demonstrated no significant correlation between taxonomy and enzyme function. However, there was evidence of co-occurrence of some enzyme activity in the same isolate. In this study marine Proteobacteria had a higher complement of enzymes with biodiscovery potential than Actinobacteria; this contrasts with the terrestrial environment where the Actinobacteria phylum is a proven source of enzymes with important industrial applications. In addition, a number of novel enzyme functions were more abundant in this marine culture collection than would be expected on the basis of knowledge from terrestrial bacteria. There is a strong case for future investigation of marine bacteria as a source for biodiscovery.


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Interannual and seasonal trends of zooplankton abundance and species composition were compared between the Bongo net and Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) time series in the Gulf of Maine. Data from 5799 Bongo and 3118 CPR samples were compared from the years 1978–2006. The two programs use different sampling methods, with the Bongo time series composed of bimonthly vertically integrated samples from locations throughout the region, while the CPR was towed monthly at 10 m depth on a transect that bisects the region. It was found that there was a significant correlation between the interannual (r = 0.67, P < 0.01) and seasonal (r = 0.95, P < 0.01) variability of total zooplankton counts. Abundance rankings of individual taxa were highly correlated and temporal trends of dominant copepods were similar between samplers. Multivariate analysis also showed that both time series equally detected major shifts in community structure through time. However, absolute abundance levels were higher in the Bongo and temporal patterns for many of the less abundant taxa groups were not similar between the two devices. The different mesh sizes of the samplers probably caused some of the discrepancies; but diel migration patterns, damage to soft bodied animals and avoidance of the small CPR aperture by some taxa likely contributed to the catch differences between the two devices. Nonetheless, Bongo data presented here confirm the previously published patterns found in the CPR data set, and both show that the abundance increase of the 1990s has been followed by average to below average levels from 2002 to 06.


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The beam attenuation serves as a proxy for particulate matter and is a key parameter in visibility algorithms for the aquatic environment. It is well known, however, that the beam attenuation is a function of the acceptance angle of the transmissometer used to measure it. Here we compare eight different transmissometers with four different acceptance angles using four different deployment strategies and sites, and find that their mean attenuation values differ markedly and in a consistent way with instrument acceptance angle: smaller acceptance angles provide higher beam attenuation values. This difference is due to variations in scattered light collected with different acceptance angles and is neither constant nor easy to parameterize. Variability (in space or time) in the ratios of beam attenuations measured by two different instruments correlates, in most cases, with the particle size parameter (as expected from Mie theory), but this correlation is often weak and can be the opposite of expectations based on particle size changes. We recommended careful consideration of acceptance angle in applications of beam transmission data especially when comparing data from different instruments. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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There is ongoing debate as to whether the oligotrophic ocean is predominantly net autotrophic and acts as a CO2 sink, or net heterotrophic and therefore acts as a CO2 source to the atmosphere. This quantification is challenging, both spatially and temporally, due to the sparseness of measurements. There has been a concerted effort to derive accurate estimates of phytoplankton photosynthesis and primary production from satellite data to fill these gaps; however there have been few satellite estimates of net community production (NCP). In this paper, we compare a number of empirical approaches to estimate NCP from satellite data with in vitro measurements of changes in dissolved O2 concentration at 295 stations in the N and S Atlantic Ocean (including the Antarctic), Greenland and Mediterranean Seas. Algorithms based on power laws between NCP and particulate organic carbon production (POC) derived from 14C uptake tend to overestimate NCP at negative values and underestimate at positive values. An algorithm that includes sea surface temperature (SST) in the power function of NCP and 14C POC has the lowest bias and root-mean square error compared with in vitro measured NCP and is the most accurate algorithm for the Atlantic Ocean. Nearly a 13 year time series of NCP was generated using this algorithm with SeaWiFS data to assess changes over time in different regions and in relation to climate variability. The North Atlantic subtropical and tropical Gyres (NATL) were predominantly net autotrophic from 1998 to 2010 except for boreal autumn/winter, suggesting that the northern hemisphere has remained a net sink for CO2 during this period. The South Atlantic subtropical Gyre (SATL) fluctuated from being net autotrophic in austral spring-summer, to net heterotrophic in austral autumn–winter. Recent decadal trends suggest that the SATL is becoming more of a CO2 source. Over the Atlantic basin, the percentage of satellite pixels with negative NCP was 27%, with the largest contributions from the NATL and SATL during boreal and austral autumn–winter, respectively. Variations in NCP in the northern and southern hemispheres were correlated with climate indices. Negative correlations between NCP and the multivariate ENSO index (MEI) occurred in the SATL, which explained up to 60% of the variability in NCP. Similarly there was a negative correlation between NCP and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the Southern Sub-Tropical Convergence Zone (SSTC),which explained 90% of the variability. There were also positive correlations with NAO in the Canary Current Coastal Upwelling (CNRY) and Western Tropical Atlantic (WTRA)which explained 80% and 60% of the variability in each province, respectively. MEI and NAO seem to play a role in modifying phases of net autotrophy and heterotrophy in the Atlantic Ocean.


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Ecosystem models are often assessed using quantitative metrics of absolute ecosystem state, but these model-data comparisons are disproportionately vulnerable to discrepancies in the location of important circulation features. An alternative method is to demonstrate the models capacity to represent ecosystem function; the emergence of a coherent natural relationship in a simulation indicates that the model may have an appropriate representation of the ecosystem functions that lead to the emergent relationship. Furthermore, as emergent properties are large-scale properties of the system, model validation with emergent properties is possible even when there is very little or no appropriate data for the region under study, or when the hydrodynamic component of the model differs significantly from that observed in nature at the same location and time. A selection of published meta-analyses are used to establish the validity of a complex marine ecosystem model and to demonstrate the power of validation with emergent properties. These relationships include the phytoplankton community structure, the ratio of carbon to chlorophyll in phytoplankton and particulate organic matter, the ratio of particulate organic carbon to particulate organic nitrogen and the stoichiometric balance of the ecosystem. These metrics can also inform aspects of the marine ecosystem model not available from traditional quantitative and qualitative methods. For instance, these emergent properties can be used to validate the design decisions of the model, such as the range of phytoplankton functional types and their behaviour, the stoichiometric flexibility with regards to each nutrient, and the choice of fixed or variable carbon to nitrogen ratios.


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Microscopic plastic debris, termed “microplastics”, are of increasing environmental concern. Recent studies have demonstrated that a range of zooplankton, including copepods, can ingest microplastics. Copepods are a globally abundant class of zooplankton that form a key trophic link between primary producers and higher trophic marine organisms. Here we demonstrate that ingestion of microplastics can significantly alter the feeding capacity of the pelagic copepod Calanus helgolandicus. Exposed to 20 μm polystyrene beads (75 microplastics mL–1) and cultured algae ([250 μg C L–1) for 24 h, C. helgolandicus ingested 11% fewer algal cells (P = 0.33) and 40% less carbon biomass (P < 0.01). There was a net downward shift in the mean size of algal prey consumed (P < 0.001), with a 3.6 fold increase in ingestion rate for the smallest size class of algal prey (11.6–12.6 μm), suggestive of postcapture or postingestion rejection. Prolonged exposure to polystyrene microplastics significantly decreased reproductive output, but there were no significant differences in egg production rates, respiration or survival. We constructed a conceptual energetic (carbon) budget showing that microplastic-exposed copepods suffer energetic depletion over time. We conclude that microplastics impede feeding in copepods, which over time could lead to sustained reductions in ingested carbon biomass.


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The t(4;14)(p16;q32) translocation seen in c. 18% of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) cases, results in FGFR3 activation and creation of an IGH/MMSET fusion transcript. We have recently shown that FGFR3 is activated in only 75% of t(4;14)(+) cases, suggesting that alternative genes near the breakpoint may be involved in the transforming event. The gene, TACC3, located just 50 kb telomeric of FGFR3, with transforming capacity, therefore represented a candidate gene. Using a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction-based approach on a cohort of 54 patients, we found a statistically significant, twofold increase in TACC3 expression in t(4;14)(+) cases. TACC3, MMSET and p21 values were positively correlated in all cases and, of particular interest, six patient samples [three t(4;14)(-), three t(4;14)(+)] samples showed a joint up-regulation of TACC3, MMSET and p21. Although a poor prognosis is linked with elevated MMSET expression, an extended follow-up period will be required to evaluate the significance of elevated TACC3 and p21 expression in this subgroup of MM.


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A joint theoretical-experimental study of the transfer ionization process p + He -> H-0 + He2+ + e(-) is presented. For the first time all particles in the final state have been detected in triple coincidence. This fully differential measurement is in good agreement with a theoretical model where the target is described by a wavefunction containing both radial and angular correlation terms.


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In a model commonly used in dynamic traffic assignment the link travel time for a vehicle entering a link at time t is taken as a function of the number of vehicles on the link at time t. In an alternative recently introduced model, the travel time for a vehicle entering a link at time t is taken as a function of an estimate of the flow in the immediate neighbourhood of the vehicle, averaged over the time the vehicle is traversing the link. Here we compare the solutions obtained from these two models when applied to various inflow profiles. We also divide the link into segments, apply each model sequentially to the segments and again compare the results. As the number of segments is increased, the discretisation refined to the continuous limit, the solutions from the two models converge to the same solution, which is the solution of the Lighthill, Whitham, Richards (LWR) model for traffic flow. We illustrate the results for different travel time functions and patterns of inflows to the link. In the numerical examples the solutions from the second of the two models are closer to the limit solutions. We also show that the models converge even when the link segments are not homogeneous, and introduce a correction scheme in the second model to compensate for an approximation error, hence improving the approximation to the LWR model.


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Brown's model for the relaxation of the magnetization of a single domain ferromagnetic particle is considered. This model results in the Fokker-Planck equation of the process. The solution of this equation in the cases of most interest is non- trivial. The probability density of orientations of the magnetization in the Fokker-Planck equation can be expanded in terms of an infinite set of eigenfunctions and their corresponding eigenvalues where these obey a Sturm-Liouville type equation. A variational principle is applied to the solution of this equation in the case of an axially symmetric potential. The first (non-zero) eigenvalue, corresponding to the largest time constant, is considered. From this we obtain two new results. Firstly, an approximate minimising trial function is obtained which allows calculation of a rigorous upper bound. Secondly, a new upper bound formula is derived based on the Euler-Lagrange condition. This leads to very accurate calculation of the eigenvalue but also, interestingly, from this, use of the simplest trial function yields an equivalent result to the correlation time of Coffey et at. and the integral relaxation time of Garanin. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level was reported by three independent assessors in a population of children with cerebral palsy (CP) aged between 4 and 18 years (n=184; 112 males, 72 females; mean age 10y 10mo [SD 3y 7mo]). A software algorithm also provided a computed GMFCS level from a regional CP registry. Participants had clinical diagnoses of unilateral (n=94) and bilateral (n=84) spastic CP, ataxia (n=4), dyskinesia (n=1), and hypotonia (n=1), and could walk independently with or without the use of an aid (GMFCS Levels I-IV). Research physiotherapist (n=184) and parent/guardian data (n=178) were collected in a research environment. Data from the child's community physiotherapist (n=143) were obtained by postal questionnaire. Results, using the kappa statistic with linear weighting (?1w), showed good agreement between the parent/guardian and research physiotherapist (?1w=0.75) with more moderate levels of agreement between the clinical physiotherapist and researcher (?1w=0.64) and the clinical physiotherapist and parent/guardian (?1w=0.57). Agreement was consistently better for older children (>2y). This study has shown that agreement with parent report increases with therapists'experience of the GMFCS and knowledge of the child at the time of grading. Substantial agreement between a computed GMFCS and an experienced therapist (?1w=0.74) also demonstrates the potential for extrapolation of GMFCS rating from an existing CP registry, providing the latter has sufficient data on locomotor ability.


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Background. Post-renal transplant anaemia is a potentially reversible cardiovascular risk factor. Graft function, immunosuppressive agents and inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system have been implicated in its aetiology. The evaluation of erythropoietin (EPO) levels may contribute to understanding the relative contributions of these factors. Methods. Two-hundred and seven renal transplant recipients attending the Belfast City Hospital were studied. Clinical and laboratory data were extracted from the medical records and laboratory systems. Results. Of the 207 patients (126 male), 47 (22.7%) were found to be anaemic (males, haemoglobin (Hb) <12 g/dl, females Hb <11g/dl). The anaemic group had a significantly higher mean serum creatinine level (162.8 µmol/l vs 131.0 µmol/l, P <0.001) and lower mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (41.5 ml/min vs 54.9 ml/min, P <0.001) than the non-anaemic group. Individual immunosuppressive regimens were comparable between those with and those without anaemia. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) administration was not more prevalent in those with anaemia compared with those without (36.2 vs 38.8, P = 0.88). There was a significant inverse correlation between Hb levels and serum EPO levels (R = -0.29, P <0.001), but not between EPO levels and eGFR (R = 0.02, P = 0.74). Higher EPO levels were predictive of anaemia, independent of eGFR in multivariate analysis. Conclusion. Anaemia is common in post-renal transplant patients. The levels of renal function and serum EPO and not immunosuppressive regimens or ACE-I/ARB use, are strong and independent predictors of anaemia. © The Author [2007]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.


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An artificial neural network (ANN) model is developed for the analysis and simulation of the correlation between the properties of maraging steels and composition, processing and working conditions. The input parameters of the model consist of alloy composition, processing parameters (including cold deformation degree, ageing temperature, and ageing time), and working temperature. The outputs of the ANN model include property parameters namely: ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, reduction in area, hardness, notched tensile strength, Charpy impact energy, fracture toughness, and martensitic transformation start temperature. Good performance of the ANN model is achieved. The model can be used to calculate properties of maraging steels as functions of alloy composition, processing parameters, and working condition. The combined influence of Co and Mo on the properties of maraging steels is simulated using the model. The results are in agreement with experimental data. Explanation of the calculated results from the metallurgical point of view is attempted. The model can be used as a guide for further alloy development.


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Objectives: The main objective of this pilot study was to investigate which standardized functional and physiological test best predicted perceived disability in a single group of 21 individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the hip. Design: Men and women between 60 and 70 years old with osteoarthritis of the hip were selected. If participants passed study criteria, the Western Ontario McMaster University questionnaire (WOMAC), 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT) and Timed up and Go (TUG), strength testing and aerobic testing were obtained in one single assessment. Results: Regression analysis revealed that wait time, hip abduction strength of the affected side, Aerobic Capacity (VO2 Peak), hip Extension Peak Torque, hip Flexion Peak Torque, TUG and 6MWT were significantly correlated with the WOMAC. Yet, the 6MWT had the highest significant correlation (r = -0.86, p ≤ 0.0001); R2 = 0.75 or 75% with the WOMAC total scores, (r = -0.82, p ≤ 0.0001); R2 = 0.67 or 67% with the WOMAC function and (r = -0.60, p = .002); R2 = 0.36 or 36% with the WOMAC stiffness. While the VO2 Peak revealed the highest significant correlation (r = 0.76, p ≤ .0001); R2 = 0.57 or 57% with the WOMAC pain. Conclusions: The 6MWT and the VO2 Peak seem to be essential functional and physiological assessment tools to determine perceived disability in individuals with hip OA. The perceived disability may provide new or comprehensive knowledge of the disability problems experienced by individuals with osteoarthritis of the hip, and the association of patient perception with objective measures of functional and physiological capacity might strengthen the clinical value of this knowledge.