959 resultados para Theoretical perspectives-methodological


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This article analyzes the construction of the African perspective in the General History of Africa project (GHA), focusing on the period between 1965 and 1979. With the participation of over two hundred international experts under the auspices of Unesco, this was one of the greatest intellectual projects of the twentieth century. Based on primary sources, this analysis emphasizes the internal conflicts involved in the construction of the African perspective as a hegemonic line of thought in the GHA. Two critical moments of the project were found in the investigation: the controversial years (1972-78), and the pragmatic years (1978-82). As a result of these disputes, theoretical and methodological parameters were constructed, in addition to eight volumes of material published in the 1980s, and recently republished in Brazil.


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Objective: To understand how nurses see care delivery to elderly women. Methods: In this phenomenological study, ten nurses working at Primary Health Care Units were interviewed between September 2010 and January 2011. Results: In care delivery, nurses consider the elderly women's knowledge background and biographical situation, and also value the family's participation as a care mediator. These professionals have the acuity to capture these women's specific demands, but face difficulties to deliver care to these clients. Nurses expect to deliver qualified care to these women. Conclusion: The theoretical and methodological approach of social phenomenology permitted revealing that the nurse designs qualified care to elderly women, considering the possibilities in the context. This includes the participation of different social actors and health sectors, assuming collective efforts in action strategies and professional training, in line with the particularities and care needs of elderly women nurses identify.


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The Brazilian banking sector has undergone an intense restructuring process and taken a leading position in the incorporation of new technologies and organizational innovations. Computerization in the industry, in association with forms of work organization, has resulted in changes that reflect on the workers' health. Based on the theoretical and methodological frameworks of historical and dialectical materialism, this qualitative study investigates the work conditions of bank employees in order to identify the extent to which changes in work organization interfere with these workers' health. Data were collected through interviews held with 11 bank employees. In addition to physical sickening due to occupational diseases directly related to work intensification, the results also show an increased incidence of mental suffering and a feeling of loss of professional identity. Work-related frustration, instability and concerns related to psychological pressure resulting from the need to achieve goals predominated in the reports.


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Abstract Background Autism is a disorder characterized by pervasive social and communicative impairments, repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and restricted interests. Its causes and effects have been researched from various neurocognitive theoretical perspectives and with the aid of neuroimaging technology. We aimed to describe biopsychosocial processes characteristic of the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Method Literature review using Medline and Scopus databases published between 2001 and 2011, with the keywords "autism", "theory of mind", "executive functions", "central coherence" and “fMRI”. Results The studies found were plotted and organized into tables and an explanatory diagram of the main findings was produced. Conclusions The most popular neurocognitive theories are still unable to fully explain the characteristics of the complications that autistic spectrum disorder causes to the quality of life of individuals living with autism. The association of clinical research and neuroimaging may contribute to a better understanding of the functioning of the brain affected by the disorder.


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Age-grade gap from different theoretical perspectives. The purpose of this article is to analyze the determinants of the age-grade gap based on the human capital theory and some education sociology approaches. The article also shows the range and limitations of the Family Scholarship Transfer Programme (programa Bolsa Familia) in this age-grade gap reduction process. From the investigated theoretical aspects it can be concluded that this Programme would only show long-term effectiveness in the poverty reduction process if supported by at least a combination of programs and actions aimed at improving this educational indicator.


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OBJECTIVE: To portray the family experience when the discovery of hearing impairment in their child. METHODS: Qualitative research with Symbolic Interactionism and Grounded Theory as theoretical and methodological frameworks. Data collection instrument: semi-structured interview. The study included nine families (32 participants). RESULTS: The theme, "Seeing an idealized future collapse", shows that for the family, discovered the possibility of having a child with hearing loss is a moment that involves many negative feelings. CONCLUSION: Discover the hearing loss has a meaning of the expected loss of the perfect child, frustrated expectations and uncertain future. The family has been inadequately approached and the diagnosis has been made late, which requires immediate changes to the practices of professionals.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand how nurses see care delivery to elderly women. METHODS: In this phenomenological study, ten nurses working at Primary Health Care Units were interviewed between September 2010 and January 2011. RESULTS: In care delivery, nurses consider the elderly women's knowledge background and biographical situation, and also value the family's participation as a care mediator. These professionals have the acuity to capture these women's specific demands, but face difficulties to deliver care to these clients. Nurses expect to deliver qualified care to these women. CONCLUSION: The theoretical and methodological approach of social phenomenology permitted revealing that the nurse designs qualified care to elderly women, considering the possibilities in the context. This includes the participation of different social actors and health sectors, assuming collective efforts in action strategies and professional training, in line with the particularities and care needs of elderly women nurses identify.


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O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar algumas reflexões acerca das possibilidades investigativas do cotidiano através da análise dos modos de vida, que ampliem perspectivas ao campo de pesquisa em saúde pública, considerando que o estudo dos modos de vida no cotidiano envolve a análise das trajetórias que contextualizam rotinas, interações e significados de vida. Isso possibilita ao pesquisador social do campo da saúde, a partir de um enquadre teórico, uma flexibilização metodológica que oferece mobilidade na escolha da técnica que melhor favoreça o entendimento da questão a ser investigada. Tem-se aqui, como referência conceitual, a ideia de um cotidiano investigado a partir de processos e contextos interativos, em oposição a uma objetivação categorial entre sujeito e objeto. Nesse contexto, partindo da reflexão teórica, toma-se como referencial empírico da pesquisa, a sala de espera do ambulatório do Serviço de Metabolismo Osteoarticular de um Posto de Saúde na cidade de Fortaleza/CE, no intuito de tornar possível uma compreensão interpretativa do cotidiano que envolve as situações de vida e de saúde de mulheres com osteoporose.


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A função do professor de educação física escolar pode ser definida pela elaboração, implantação e avaliação de programas que tematizam, do ponto de vista didático-pedagógico, jogos, esportes, lutas, ginásticas, danças, exercícios físicos, entre outros; com a intenção de influenciar a formação dos alunos para a participação democrática na vida em sociedade. Todavia, este consenso se dilui quando aplicado ao campo do currículo e da formação docente. No campo do currículo, apesar do reconhecimento de que a tematização didático-pedagógica se faz a partir de sentidos culturais e das potencialidades de estimulação do organismo humano que se apresentam nas manifestações da cultura de movimento; a intencionalidade, a organização curricular e a sistematização do conhecimento podem divergir consideravelmente modificando o papel do componente curricular na educação básica. Sendo assim, este texto analisa aspectos do desenvolvimento das teorias curriculares, relacionando-as às perspectivas teóricas em Educação Física. Em seguida, implicações deste debate são relacionadas à formação docente.


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This research aimed for an extended knowledge and understanding of young people in stigmatized areas and their construction of group identity. With a focus on Roma youths in Konik, Montenegro, and their involvement in hip-hop we wanted to explore what this culture meant to them in relation to their context. An ethnographic approach was used in collecting the empirical data through observations, interpreting music lyrics and conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews. Five young Roma boys from Konik, all involved in hip-hop, were interviewed. Theoretical perspectives on identity, youth culture and stigmatization were central. In addition, Bourdieu’s theory regarding cultural capital was emphasized and connected to youths and hip-hop. The empirical material showed that involvement in hip-hop provided the Roma youths with a group identity that they referred to in positive terms. Contextual factors of stigmatization excluded the Roma group from the majority population and the engagement in hip-hop created a possibility for the youths to be someone. The cultural capital gained through hip-hop was not used to verify and legitimate an authentic Roma identity. It was rather a way for them to create boundaries towards the negative elements in their community.


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Between April 1997 and November 1999, I followed eight socially excluded female drug users in an attempt to describe their lives and living conditions. The study employs an ethnographic approach with the focus being directed at the specific woman and her life in relation to the social context where this life is lived. The study’s objective has been to describe the lives and living conditions of the eight drug-using women, as well as the extent of the opportunities available to them, as being determined by mechanisms of social exclusion. Their lives are understood on the basis of a feminist and social constructionist perspective where perceptions of ‘the drug-abusing woman’ are regarded as the result of constructions of gender and deviance. The theoretical perspectives proceeds from the idea that one is not born a woman but rather becomes one. The fundamental idea is that women become women by means of processes of femininisation, in the context of which certain ways of interpreting and presenting oneself as a woman are regarded as good and others as bad. Our images of ‘the female drug addict’ are based on how we define and interpret deviance and on the cultural and social thought and behaviour patterns we ascribe to people on the basis of bodily differences. It is images of ‘the good woman’ that defines what we regard as characteristic of ‘the bad woman’ and vice versa. The findings are organised into three main topics: femininity, living conditions and social control. The main findings are: The women described themselves as women by relating to normative messages about how women “are and should be”, and their drug use constituted a means of coping with life from their social position. Their life revolved to a large extent around money via a constant struggle to find enough to cover the rent, food and other basic necessities. And finally, how the women’s relations to societal institutions were formed by their social position as ‘female drug addicts’ and how the asymmetry of these relations produced certain fixed patterns of action for the parties involved.


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The thesis deals with the heterogenous category of the “unaccompanied minors”, concentrating the scientific work on those who migrate from Romania to the Italian city of Bologna. Between different migratory routes that include Romanian minors, I chose to explore the ones linked with the underground and illegal contexts. In order to analyse the reasons and the morphology of their migratory career, I used the multisituated field research which allowed me to consider the social policies in both the Romanian and the Italian environment. The main debate on the situation of the “unaccompanied children” refers to the extent to which these minors leave their country of origin “accompanied” by different adult figures and it also involves the role played by these adults. The first chapter is dedicated to a brief theoretical and methodological introduction to the main arguments of the thesis such as Romanian migration to Italy, trafficking in human beings, transnationality of migrant’s migration and decentered cooperation as a means of contrasting illegal migration and trafficking. Each field of research is characterized by a specific methodological approach, but they are all linked by the anthropological perspective I adopted throughout the entire work. The Romanian context, analized from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective represents the object of the second chapter. Some aspects of the Regime policies and other characteristics of the Romanian poscomunist period of “transition” are useful frameworks that become a background of the migration flows outside the country. The third chapter focuses on the Romanian patterns of migration. The reconstruction of some past attitudes that Romanians adopted towards migration are relevant in order to reveal the continuity with the present migratory practices. A consistent part is dedicated to a concrete example based on a field research in Bologna on a group of Romanian roma migrating from the south of Romania. The contact with these persons opened a debate on the limits between legal and illegal migration practices among the Romanians. The conclusion is that minors’ migration to Italy follows the adult patterns and flows. The nucleus of the field researches is included in the fourth and the fifth chapter. Before presenting the settings and the itineraries of the field researches, some deconstructive reflections are made on the representations that common sense and social sciences create on concepts as “child”, “minor” and “childhood”. A first perspective on the Romanian migrant minors emerges from a research concentrated on a group of roma teenagers engaged in Bologna in activities like windscreen washing, pocket-picking, begging and street prostitution. The aim of the research was to gain access to their daily life, to observe their relationship with the adults who “accompany” them and the strategies they activate in order to take some material profit out of their migratory experience. A parallel field research focuses on the Romanian minors who are part of the roma group coming from the south of Romania. Most of them are reunited with their family in Bologna, but according to the Italian law, they are all living as illegal migrants. Others are only temporary sheltered by these families and they meanwhile dedicate to illegal survviving practices. An interesting point of my participant observation was to reveal the motivations that these minors give when asked about the refusal to start a legal career inside the local Centres dedicated to the “non accompanied minors”. Their autoreflexivity brings some light on the controversy regarding the adequacy of the local and national care system and the migratory projects the minors have. In this respect, a small part of the research is dedicated to the phenomena of minors’ street prostitution in Bologna, as a useful contribution to the fragmented vision researchers have on the “unaccompanied” or “separated” children. The last chapter focuses on a decentered cooperation project that emerged as an alternative response the local administration from Bologna had chosen for facing the presence of numerous migrants coming from the south of Romania. The group of Romanian roma who was also the object of my field research became the starting point for the cooperation proposals between the city of Bologna and the city of Craiova. Although there are three projects involving the two administrations, throughout a period of stage in the Romanian city of Craiova I chose to analyse, only the one dedicated to the “urgent measures” requested in order to contrast the illegal migration and the trafficking in minors. This final part of the thesis highlightens the possible contribution that such a project might bring to the study of a complex and in some parts contradictory phenomena as that of the “unaccompanied” migrant minors.


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«Fiction of frontier». Phenomenology of an open form/voice. Francesco Giustini’s PhD dissertation fits into a genre of research usually neglected by the literary criticism which nevertheless is arousing much interest in recent years: the relationship between Literature and Space. In this context, the specific issue of his work consists in the category of the Frontier including its several implications for the XX century fiction. The preliminary step, at the beginning of the first section of the dissertation, is a semantic analysis: with precision, Giustini describes the meaning of the word “frontier” here declined in a multiplicity of cultural, political and geographical contexts, starting from the American frontier of the pioneers who headed for the West, to the exotic frontiers of the world, with whose the imperialistic colonization has come into contact; from the semi-uninhabited areas like deserts, highlands and virgin forests, to the ethnic frontiers between Indian and white people in South America, since the internal frontiers of the Countries like those ones between the District and the Capital City, the Centre and the Outskirts. In the next step, Giustini wants to focus on a real “ myth of the frontier”, able to nourish cultural and literary imagination. Indeed, the literature has told and chosen the frontier as the scenery for many stories; especially in the 20th Century it made the frontier a problematic space in the light of events and changes that have transformed the perception of space and our relationship with it. Therefore, the dissertation proposes a critical category, it traces the hallmarks of a specific literary phenomenon defined “ Fiction of the frontier” ,present in many literary traditions during the 20th Century. The term “Fiction” (not “Literature” or “Poetics”) does not define a genre but rather a “procedure”, focusing on a constant issue pointed out from the texts examined in this work : the strong call to the act of narration and to its oral traditions. The “Fiction of the Frontier” is perceived as an approach to the world, a way of watching and feeling the objects, an emotion that is lived and told through the story- a story where the narrator ,through his body and his voice, takes the rule of the witness. The following parts, that have an analytic style, are constructed on the basis of this theoretical and methodological reflection. The second section gives a wide range of examples into we can find the figure and the myth of the frontier through the textual analysis which range over several literary traditions. Starting from monographic chapters (Garcia Marquez, Callado, McCarthy), to the comparative reading of couples of texts (Calvino and Verga Llosa, Buzzati and Coetzee, Arguedas and Rulfo). The selection of texts is introduced so as to underline a particular aspect or a form of the frontier at every reading. This section is articulated into thematic voices which recall some actions that can be taken into the ambiguous and liminal space of the frontier (to communicate, to wait, to “trans-culturate”, to imagine, to live in, to not-live in). In this phenomenology, the frontier comes to the light as a physical and concrete element or as a cultural, imaginary, linguistic, ethnic and existential category. In the end, the third section is centered on a more defined and elaborated analysis of two authors, considered as fundamental for the comprehension of the “Fiction of the frontier”: Joseph Conrad and João Guimarães Rosa. Even if they are very different, being part of unlike literary traditions, these two authors show many connections which are pointed by the comparative analysis. Maybe Conrad is the first author that understand the feeling of the frontier , freeing himself from the adventure romance and from the exotic nineteenthcentury tradition. João Guimarães Rosa, in his turn, is the great narrator of Brazilian and South American frontier, he is the man of sertão and of endless spaces of the Centre of Brazil. His production is strongly linked to that one belonged to the author of Heart of Darkness.


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Why some powers manage to coordinate their security efforts while others confront each other as rivals is still one of the most relevant and debated questions in the field of IR theory. The dissertation wants to give a contribution to this important debate. In particular, the main goal of the research is to analyse the dynamics of great power interactions after the end of hegemonic conflicts, that is to understand why, following the defeat of the common enemies, some of the winning allies continue to cooperate, while others begin to engage in political and military competition. In order to understand this difference, the study compares the explanatory value of two rival theoretical perspectives: neorealism, in its main version of the balance of power framework, and a liberal approach focused on domestic politics. The thesis is divided in two sections. In the first, I do summarize the main assumptions and predictions of the theories, from which I derive two different sets of hypotheses on the evolution of post-war great power relations. In the second part, I test the hypotheses by focusing on two cases of post-war alignment dynamics: 1) the relations among Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain and France after the Napoleonic wars; 2) the relations among the US, the UK, France and Italy after the end of WWI. The historical cases disconfirm the logic of the balance of power and confirm the liberal hypotheses, seeing that the results of the analysis show changes in the domestic structures of the great powers had a much larger impact on the emergence of new alliances and rivalries than did the international distribution of power. In the conclusion of the dissertation, I provide the reader with a discussion of the main theoretical implications of the empirical findings.


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In ogni capitolo, l’atto del ricordare viene indagato nelle diverse valenze che lo mettono in rapporto diretto con la nostalgia e l’oblio. L’analisi dei testi letterari copre un arco di tempo di quasi un secolo, partendo dalle innovazioni tecnico-stilistiche realizzate da Katherine Mansfield fino all’eccezionale ricchezza e al meritato successo di pubblico e critica della scrittrice canadese Alice Munro. La bibliografia dei testi primari e secondari è strutturata con criteri tematici e cronologici.